Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Well then APPARENTLY they were doing something right then that they're not doing now.

Because all the other polls were right there with them within the margin of error.

In their latest approval polls, they are way out of the bounds of the MoE.
more likely the OTHERS are doing something wrong

When you've got ten elements in a sample, nine of them show one result and the tenth shows another, the sole occurrence is normally the wrong one. Also, comparing election polling with issues polling is pretty meaningless. Rasmussen has a very good record on election polling. Their issue polling, on the other hand, has always been weak.

Assuming that the methodology used in each of the polls is the same across time, the result today is not as important as the trend up or down. Rasmussen seems to be indicating that the strongly approves are declining while the strongly disapproves are increasing.

Do the other polls indicate that something different from this is happening?

I know that in my case individually, I have moved from approve to strongly disapprove over the last 4 months. Nobody polled me. I'm ready if they do.
haters HAVE to be pulling their hair out as even rassmussen is forced to acknowledge Obama's spike in approval.
haters HAVE to be pulling their hair out as even rassmussen is forced to acknowledge Obama's spike in approval.

The economy continues to tank. Afghanistan is turning into a blood bath. Health care is shaping up to be a 1 trillion dollar boondoggle that will further sink the future.

Obama'a popularity drops another 2 points.

What are you reading?
haters HAVE to be pulling their hair out as even rassmussen is forced to acknowledge Obama's spike in approval.

The economy continues to tank. Afghanistan is turning into a blood bath. Health care is shaping up to be a 1 trillion dollar boondoggle that will further sink the future.

Obama'a popularity drops another 2 points.

What are you reading?

What are you reading?

The economy is recovering with the majority of economic indicators improving

Iraq and Afghanistan are still republican wars

Healthcare will pass and prove to be immensely popular, just like medicare and social security
Obama was at 55% approval at the beginning of August, he was at 55% approval at the beginning of September...

...according to Gallup's daily tracking poll.
No they weren't. That is simply false. They missed the margin of victory by 1.3 points and at least 6 other polls were that good. PLUS, Rasmussen ADMITS they use a different sort of approval method that skews Obama's approval rating downward.

Please quote and link that exact admittance please - the one where Rasmussen states the method they use "skews Obama's approval rating downward".

Thank you.

I'm not sure about that statement, but Rasmussen's polling method (splitting approval and disapproval into two groups) will result in lower approval ratings for popular politicians and higher approval ratings for unpopular ones.

Yes they do. An interesting point to bring up to all those rightwingers who used to go on and on about how you could alter poll results by how you composed the questions. Rasmussen uses an alternative polling method for its approval/disapproval numbers, and therefore gets outlying results. They do this knowingly.

btw, the last time Rasmussen used an 'alternative' polling method, he had George Bush winning the 2000 election by 9 points. :razz:
haters HAVE to be pulling their hair out as even rassmussen is forced to acknowledge Obama's spike in approval.

The economy continues to tank. Afghanistan is turning into a blood bath. Health care is shaping up to be a 1 trillion dollar boondoggle that will further sink the future.

Obama'a popularity drops another 2 points.

What are you reading?

What are you reading?

The economy is recovering with the majority of economic indicators improving

Iraq and Afghanistan are still republican wars

Healthcare will pass and prove to be immensely popular, just like medicare and social security

Yet Vietnam was a Democrats war but once Nixon got into office it was forgotten that the Dems started it.
haters HAVE to be pulling their hair out as even rassmussen is forced to acknowledge Obama's spike in approval.

The economy continues to tank. Afghanistan is turning into a blood bath. Health care is shaping up to be a 1 trillion dollar boondoggle that will further sink the future.

Obama'a popularity drops another 2 points.

What are you reading?

What are you reading?

The economy is recovering with the majority of economic indicators improving

Iraq and Afghanistan are still republican wars

Healthcare will pass and prove to be immensely popular, just like medicare and social security





I think the Economy is going to be Hopey Changey's Vietnam. He is definitely sinking himself deeper & deeper into his Economic Quagmire.
haters HAVE to be pulling their hair out as even rassmussen is forced to acknowledge Obama's spike in approval.
uh, that red line is DISapproval

Dive bro.........I know this nodog meathead from another board.........he's not even a 21%er. He's amongst the fringe of the 21% club.........9/11 truther...........the dolt still talks about the "stolen election in 2000" as if anybody cares.
So, for example, if Obama goes from 53% Disapproval to a 51% disapproval rate, its a "spike in approval".:oops:
Looks like even Rasmussen thinks the President's approval rating is going up.


Rasmussen Daily Results: Approve: 50% / Dissapprove: 49% / Spread: +1

And here's the results from last week:

RCP Average: Approve: 52.8 / Dissapprove: 42.2 / Spread: +10.6

Gallup 52 / 41 / +11
Rasmussen Reports 49 / 50 / -1
Democracy Corps 51 / 42 / +9
CNN/Opinion Research 53 / 45 / +8
Ipsos-McClatchy 56 / 40 / +16
CBS News 56 / 35 / +21

Of course their results are still strangely different from all the other polling agencies, but what are you gonna do?
haters HAVE to be pulling their hair out as even rassmussen is forced to acknowledge Obama's spike in approval.

The economy continues to tank. Afghanistan is turning into a blood bath. Health care is shaping up to be a 1 trillion dollar boondoggle that will further sink the future.

Obama'a popularity drops another 2 points.

What are you reading?

Obama's popularity is on the RISE, thanks.

And the economy is doing quite well, according to every single indicator.

Afghanistan a "blood bath"? Wow, where do you even get this stuff?

You need to lay of either the "medication" or the FoxNews.

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