Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

divebingo always gets his butt kicked, but I will give him credit for keep getting up. What a dummy.

I wish he would just stay down. He says the same thing in every post. And never uses caps or periods. Kind of sad.

His numbers will drop even more as people find out more about this Senate Health scare Bill.

I certainly hope so though who the heck knows what is in the Senate Health care bill? It seems the Senators don't know. Evenso, some think it is better than the House bill that is an even worse abomination.

And how low can public opinion go of a President and Congress who sees nothing wrong with using the people's treasury to buy a critical vote as they have done with Vermont, Nebraska, and Louisiana? And eventually what happens when other states begin to resent the windfall promised those states and begin demanding similar compensation for themselves?

I hope enough of the American people are outraged at this illegal and immoral use of government power so that we will see minus numbers rather than just low and lower approval ratings and that will translate to discipline at the ballot box.

His numbers will drop even more as people find out more about this Senate Health scare Bill.

I certainly hope so though who the heck knows what is in the Senate Health care bill? It seems the Senators don't know. Evenso, some think it is better than the House bill that is an even worse abomination.

And how low can public opinion go of a President and Congress who sees nothing wrong with using the people's treasury to buy a critical vote as they have done with Vermont, Nebraska, and Louisiana? And eventually what happens when other states begin to resent the windfall promised those states and begin demanding similar compensation for themselves?

I hope enough of the American people are outraged at this illegal and immoral use of government power so that we will see minus numbers rather than just low and lower approval ratings and that will translate to discipline at the ballot box.

That is a good point, illegal, I wonder if it is illegal and how to get the Supreme court to even look at it. Maybe a citizens coalition or something.........
How come the cons only look at Rasmussen reports? There are hundreds here:

Obama Administation
because its the most reliable
of course, you dont like how its going so your going to Ad Hom Rasmussen

I would not say "most reliable" yet it does indicate a trend among voters in general.

The trend is that the public is beginning to sour on the current administration, and considering the few things Obama has accomplished(did I say 'few'--more like NONE!!) the public has good reason to.

Add in the fact that lefty's has been silenced on the radio and Right wing Talk is the major source of information by posters comments on this board, no wonder that the current Administration is in a tailspin. Randi Rhodes once said "you will need to protect this president in the coming days because the Republicans are going to try everything to tear this administration down" and so far, it seems that she is right. Then let me not talk about how the Dems dropped the ball by focusing on that red herring Sarah Palin!! By putting so much energy on tearing her down whenever she holds a speech is taking away energy and time from defending Obama's policies and given him the courage to push forward.

Man, the Republicans have made comeback. Maybe they should look at winning the presidentcy in 2012 since the Dems are running around like headless chickens. Just maybe they should.......:doubt:
The reason the hyper-partisan zealots only look at Rassmussen is because it is the only outlier that they WANT to believe.
The market is going up, unemployment is coming down, America's presitige around the world is returning, it makes those who have invested their political future in failure pretty nervous. So they try to invent the illusion of failure and dissatisfaction - hoping they can get folks to buy into it.

Pretty stock stuff - been going on for centuries. Sometimes it even works. We'll see I guess.
ah yes, simply ASSUME an affinity for polls not defended .... it's the dreaded, "I know you are but what am I" defense.

Please give some evidence that your intellectual well is a bit deeper than that.
His numbers will drop even more as people find out more about this Senate Health scare Bill.

I certainly hope so though who the heck knows what is in the Senate Health care bill? It seems the Senators don't know. Evenso, some think it is better than the House bill that is an even worse abomination.

And how low can public opinion go of a President and Congress who sees nothing wrong with using the people's treasury to buy a critical vote as they have done with Vermont, Nebraska, and Louisiana? And eventually what happens when other states begin to resent the windfall promised those states and begin demanding similar compensation for themselves?

I hope enough of the American people are outraged at this illegal and immoral use of government power so that we will see minus numbers rather than just low and lower approval ratings and that will translate to discipline at the ballot box.

That is a good point, illegal, I wonder if it is illegal and how to get the Supreme court to even look at it. Maybe a citizens coalition or something.........

I think the process would be too long, though it would be worth pursuing if we can get a lower court to agree that citizens have standing in a filed suit. Then it would work its way through the court system until SCOTUS could decide. Delicate balance there, however, with still some flaming leftists on the Court instead of constitutional scholars, so even SCOTUS isn't a sure thing.

I want the Tea Partiers, tax protesters, or other freedom loving Americans to start a movement toward a Constitutional amendment making it ILLEGAL for the government to target any individuals or group for special favors or benefit or benevolence at the expense of the U.S. taxpayer. Then there will be no question in anybody's mind as to what is and is not legal. And I think 90% or more of corruption in government would be eliminated immediately.

I wonder how a poll would look addressing that?
want the Tea Partiers, tax protesters, or other freedom loving Americans to start a movement toward a Constitutional amendment making it ILLEGAL for the government to target any individuals or group for special favors or benefit or benevolence at the expense of the U.S. taxpayer.

so unemployment benefits - because it is a benefit that targets the unemployed - would be unconstitutional?
Veterans benefits - don't they target veterans?
Homeowners' tax credit?
You know what? I'm not even going to argue my point about Real Clear Politics, and how Rasmussen is almost always an outlier, including this time.

Instead, I'm just going to post this poll:

Associated Press/GfK (12/10-12/14) : Approve: 56 / Dissapprove: 42 / Spread: +14

Looks like Obama's doing GREAT!
While you flaming leftists believe "outliers" like CBSNews/NYT, AP/GfK, and Bloomberg are chapters in the bible of polling...

Give me a fucking break...:eusa_hand:

And you put up a rightist outlier like Rasmussen.

Seems about right.

But let me ask you this: You really think that the Associated Press, which is pretty much made up of all the media, and used continuously as a source for FoxNews, the Wall Street Journal, etc, etc, is somehow an extremely left-wing biased outlier?

What proof would you have of this?

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