Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

While you flaming leftists believe "outliers" like CBSNews/NYT, AP/GfK, and Bloomberg are chapters in the bible of polling...

Give me a fucking break...:eusa_hand:

And you put up a rightist outlier like Rasmussen.

Seems about right.

But let me ask you this: You really think that the Associated Press, which is pretty much made up of all the media, and used continuously as a source for FoxNews, the Wall Street Journal, etc, etc, is somehow an extremely left-wing biased outlier?

What proof would you have of this?
funny how you morons didnt think Rasmussen was an outlier when it was Bush's approval numbers
While you flaming leftists believe "outliers" like CBSNews/NYT, AP/GfK, and Bloomberg are chapters in the bible of polling...

Give me a fucking break...:eusa_hand:

And you put up a rightist outlier like Rasmussen.

Seems about right.

I put up nobody... Pointing out flaming leftist blindness is a hobby of mine... Pay attention...

But let me ask you this: You really think that the Associated Press, which is pretty much made up of all the media, and used continuously as a source for FoxNews, the Wall Street Journal, etc, etc, is somehow an extremely left-wing biased outlier?

What proof would you have of this?

When the fuck did I say that? The POLLS I cited were from RealClear, which has been the standard leftist answer to this thread... "Well, look at the the RealClear Average!", says some flaming leftist...

I pointed out "outliers" that somehow get overlooked by you flaming leftists... If Rasmussen is "out there" then how could those others (taken from RealClear) NOT be "outliers" as well?

How? Easy... Leftist hypocrisy....

It's like you all are fucking blind....
Sorry but Rasmussen has been one of the closest pollsters since the election and it was proven in another thread here. But to remind some people.

One dynamic sector of online media deserves a special call out as we evaluate the web’s overall performance in the 2008 election cycle. That is a cluster of new political pollsters — especially FiveThirtyEight, Rasmussen Reports and Pew Research — all of which called the popular vote breakdown perfectly — Obama 52% and McCain 46%.

Hats Off to Pollsters FiveThirtyEight, Rasmussen and Pew | BNET Media Blog | BNET
Yes I did.

It was always a right-wing outlier.

Ya...Sure ya did.

Go look at the MSNBC Message boards. They're closed for new entries, but I believe you can still read them. I used the same psuedonym there that I use here.

So you are saying that you have posts on that board that demonstrate that you did not trust the poll, even when it was showing good numbers toward an individual or an intiitve you supported?
Sorry but Rasmussen has been one of the closest pollsters since the election and it was proven in another thread here. But to remind some people.

One dynamic sector of online media deserves a special call out as we evaluate the web’s overall performance in the 2008 election cycle. That is a cluster of new political pollsters — especially FiveThirtyEight, Rasmussen Reports and Pew Research — all of which called the popular vote breakdown perfectly — Obama 52% and McCain 46%.

Hats Off to Pollsters FiveThirtyEight, Rasmussen and Pew | BNET Media Blog | BNET

The one that found Fox to be the most balanced in their reporting?

Me? I look at all polls and then read the fine print to see who is most likely to be accurate.

NBC and NY Times seem to have the most fine print of any poll....

WOnder what Rasmussen puts in their fine print that makes them "right wingers"...

Never saw anything from Rasmussen other than a balanced polling.
Sorry but Rasmussen has been one of the closest pollsters since the election and it was proven in another thread here. But to remind some people.

One dynamic sector of online media deserves a special call out as we evaluate the web’s overall performance in the 2008 election cycle. That is a cluster of new political pollsters — especially FiveThirtyEight, Rasmussen Reports and Pew Research — all of which called the popular vote breakdown perfectly — Obama 52% and McCain 46%.

Hats Off to Pollsters FiveThirtyEight, Rasmussen and Pew | BNET Media Blog | BNET

Except for the fact, as has been posted many, many times in this very thread, that that tally was taken the night of the election.

But the time the final tally was taken, the spread was actually 7.3%.

Which made MOST of the other major polling outlets closer than Rasmussen.

But don't take my word for it, check it out...

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In fact, the closest guesses in the 2008 elections were

CNN, FoxNews, IPSOS, with 7%...

The RealClearPolitics Average, with 7.6%

Then NBC and IBD/TIPP with 8%...

And THEN Pew and Rasmussen with 6%.
fill in the blank

Nice punt... On 2nd down, no less...

Here's one I filled in for ya:

Vast LWC is a blind leftist hack.

You keep on saying that, but provide no proof.

As if repeating something over and over again makes it true...

When you erase my entire post and just type "fill in the blank" as your reply, well...

That's punting...

You can try again if you want... My post is still there in it's entirety...
:lol: I remember that the Republicans were not too happy with Rasmussen when Bush was prez.

President Bush Job Approval - Rasmussen Reports™

No one likes to see their side losing status. That is why certain people on the left try to make Rasmussen look bad today. But no matter what Bushs numbers were back then, he is no longer the President. Obama begged for it and he's got it. With all the headaches that go along with it. And he is dropping in those same polls. Too bad so sad.
and funny how all the fucking moronic liberals keep calling Rasmussen the "outlier"

Rasmussen is an outlier. It's indisputable. Whether or not another poll might be an outlier doesn't change that.

Rasmussen doesn't even use the same method as other polls to get its approval numbers. They have no business being in the averages.
In fact, the closest guesses in the 2008 elections were

CNN, FoxNews, IPSOS, with 7%...

The RealClearPolitics Average, with 7.6%

Then NBC and IBD/TIPP with 8%...

And THEN Pew and Rasmussen with 6%.

Congratulations you are correct. That is a list of the closest. What most poll followers are interested in is accuracy. For that you have to combine the guesses with the margin for error calculated in the poll. Rasmussen was the most accurate for that election.
No one likes to see their side losing status. That is why certain people on the left try to make Rasmussen look bad today. But no matter what Bushs numbers were back then, he is no longer the President. Obama begged for it and he's got it. With all the headaches that go along with it. And he is dropping in those same polls. Too bad so sad.
and funny how all the fucking moronic liberals keep calling Rasmussen the "outlier"

Rasmussen is an outlier. It's indisputable. Whether or not another poll might be an outlier doesn't change that.

Rasmussen doesn't even use the same method as other polls to get its approval numbers. They have no business being in the averages.

You're spinning as usual...

Including ANY "outliers" in an average skews the data, especially when the majority of "outliers" favors your 0ssiah...

Try to be intellectually honest for once in your fat, useless life....
and funny how all the fucking moronic liberals keep calling Rasmussen the "outlier"

Rasmussen is an outlier. It's indisputable. Whether or not another poll might be an outlier doesn't change that.

Rasmussen doesn't even use the same method as other polls to get its approval numbers. They have no business being in the averages.

You're spinning as usual...

Including ANY "outliers" in an average skews the data, especially when the majority of "outliers" favors your 0ssiah...

Try to be intellectually honest for once in your fat, useless life....
i dont think he has the capacity for honesty
and funny how all the fucking moronic liberals keep calling Rasmussen the "outlier"

Rasmussen is an outlier. It's indisputable. Whether or not another poll might be an outlier doesn't change that.

Rasmussen doesn't even use the same method as other polls to get its approval numbers. They have no business being in the averages.

You're spinning as usual...

Including ANY "outliers" in an average skews the data, especially when the majority of "outliers" favors your 0ssiah...

Try to be intellectually honest for once in your fat, useless life....

Rasmussen doesn't ask the same questions. You can't put a completely different poll in a poll average.

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