Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Pretty funny - someone suggesting that another poster is drinking the coolaid (sic) and sprints back to biggest outlier on the topic.
Thanks for these reminders to check Real Clear every so often. Rasmussen still the lowest polling numbers but overall, he's moved up a point since yesterday.

Voters are likely getting tired of hearing you Repubs beating up on Obama. This is going to backfire in 2010.. :lol:

Keep drinking that coolaid and dream on, the majority of people now support the tea party movement more than they do the democrats or republicans.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Tea Party popularity should lead to dominance of the Republican Party - UPDATED
By: J.P. Freire
Associate Commentary Editor
12/17/09 12:47 PM EST

Is Michael Steele making headway taking over the party? (AP)
For the first time, the Democratic Party now trails behind the Tea Party movement -- 45 percent view the Democrats unfavorably while only 35 percent view it favorably according to an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll. And fans of the Tea Party movement far outnumber those who support the Republican Party -- 28 percent view the Republican Party positively, and 43 percent see it in a negative light. Meanwhile, the Tea Party movement is earning a 41-23 percent score


Quite correct - and there is not a growing cohesiveness between the Republican Party and the Tea Party movement that will result in big gains in 2010. The state-to-state grass roots organization of this has been very impressive.

Hang on for the upcoming election cycle - it's gonna be fun.

Michael Steele is asking the tea party's to get back in line with the Republicans, I say the Republicans need to get in line with the tea party movement or be prepared to lose again in 2010. :clap2::clap2: They deserted their conservative base, we did not desert them.

Tea Party popularity should lead to dominance of the Republican Party - UPDATED | Washington Examiner

Tea Party popularity should lead to dominance of the Republican Party - UPDATED
By: J.P. Freire
Associate Commentary Editor
12/17/09 12:47 PM EST

Is Michael Steele making headway taking over the party? (AP)
For the first time, the Democratic Party now trails behind the Tea Party movement -- 45 percent view the Democrats unfavorably while only 35 percent view it favorably according to an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll. And fans of the Tea Party movement far outnumber those who support the Republican Party -- 28 percent view the Republican Party positively, and 43 percent see it in a negative light. Meanwhile, the Tea Party movement is earning a 41-23 percent score
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Hmmmm so you are suggesting that the GOP has suffered their recent loses because they "lost" the radical right? So the radical right voted for Democrats and THAT's why the GOP lost.


The radical right voted Republican. Some may have held their noses as they did it - but they certainly NEVER switched to the Democrats. The Republicans lost because by pandering to the radical right, they lost the moderates. The MODERATES are the ones who switched to the Democrats.

Pandering to the far right was the losing strategy - doing it harder won't turn it into a winning strategy. Any suggestion to the contrary is pure delusion.
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Hmmmm so you are suggesting that the GOP has suffered their recent loses because they "lost" the radical right? So the radical right voted for Democrats and THAT's why the GOP lost.


The radical right voted Republican. Some may have held their noses as they did it - but they certainly NEVER switched to the Democrats. The Republicans lost because by pandering to the radical right, they lost the moderates. The MODERATES are the ones who switched to the Democrats.

Pandering to the far right was the losing strategy - doing it harder won't turn it into a winning strategy. Any suggestion to the contrary is pure delusion.

Fact is that some of them simply stayed home and didn't vote at all. I almost did that in 2004.
Thanks for these reminders to check Real Clear every so often. Rasmussen still the lowest polling numbers but overall, he's moved up a point since yesterday.

Voters are likely getting tired of hearing you Repubs beating up on Obama. This is going to backfire in 2010.. :lol:

Keep drinking that coolaid and dream on, the majority of people now support the tea party movement more than they do the democrats or republicans.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

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The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 28% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -14 (see trends).

The number who Strongly Disapprove of Obama’s performance has now topped 40% for seven straight days and his overall Approval Index rating has been in negative double digits every day for over a month.

The President this morning at a United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen at a time when a record number of Americans believe that global warming is caused by long-term planetary trends rather than human activity. Fifty-one percent (51%) of voters believe President Obama holds the opposite view and sees human activity as the primary cause of global warming.

You are astonishingly stupid. Much of what you report could be debated if not prefaced with your ignorant opinion.
Thanks for these reminders to check Real Clear every so often. Rasmussen still the lowest polling numbers but overall, he's moved up a point since yesterday.

Voters are likely getting tired of hearing you Repubs beating up on Obama. This is going to backfire in 2010.. :lol:

Keep drinking that coolaid and dream on, the majority of people now support the tea party movement more than they do the democrats or republicans.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Email to a Friend ShareThisAdvertisement
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 28% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -14 (see trends).

The number who Strongly Disapprove of Obama’s performance has now topped 40% for seven straight days and his overall Approval Index rating has been in negative double digits every day for over a month.

The President this morning at a United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen at a time when a record number of Americans believe that global warming is caused by long-term planetary trends rather than human activity. Fifty-one percent (51%) of voters believe President Obama holds the opposite view and sees human activity as the primary cause of global warming.

You are astonishingly stupid. Much of what you report could be debated if not prefaced with your ignorant opinion.

Huggy has problems with actual fact.
How come the cons only look at Rasmussen reports? There are hundreds here:

Obama Administation
because its the most reliable
of course, you dont like how its going so your going to Ad Hom Rasmussen

:lol: I remember that the Republicans were not too happy with Rasmussen when Bush was prez.

President Bush Job Approval - Rasmussen Reports™

and who really gives a fuck what you think you remember anyway
because its the most reliable
of course, you dont like how its going so your going to Ad Hom Rasmussen

:lol: I remember that the Republicans were not too happy with Rasmussen when Bush was prez.

President Bush Job Approval - Rasmussen Reports™

and who really gives a fuck what you think you remember anyway

Oh, gee. Excuse me!!! I lost my head. I forgot that you love to dish it out, but you sure can't take it, can you? :eusa_boohoo:

Rinata, remember that divebingo is a concrete learner. There is only the one way for him to learn. And, yes, he certainly cannot take what he dishes out.

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