Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Too bad So Sad.

You would have to define recent. And the answer would be most of them. But then that has nothing to do with the topic of this thread does it?

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Sorry sport ..the bully doesn't get to define the feelings of his victims.

I'm as on topic as you killer. You use presidential polls to validate your war mongering agenda. You see some opening in superficial statistics that in your crazy mind justifies a whole plethera of bad thinking. To bad ? Keep talking stupid....Your bumpersticker mentality erodes when exposed to the light of day.

If you ever see a car covered with bumper stickers, chances are 99-1 its owned by a liberal. Bumper sticker mentality indeed....

Never though about it before but That is SOOOO true!

Maybe it's because conservatives understand that bumper stickers don't help the trade in value very well....
Just thought I'd take this opportunity to update this thread with a visual which clearly illustrates epic fail..........


It would seem apparent that images like this coming from China did not really do much to help the president this week as millions of these were sold until a government crackdown stopped them ( how ironic is that??). Fcukking Obamau shirts!!!!!!!!!!!


.........in fact, the -14 index is a new all time epic fail level for Mr Obama!!! And who knew?? Even the staunchest conservative has to admit that they never thought they'd be having this much fun so soon after the historic election of Barak Obama!!! Certainly I didnt..........this has been way, way more fun than the George Bush years on the internet!!! Watching this guy fall like a stone in water makes me get a shiver up my leg:lol::lol:

Now.....of course, the k00ks on this board wil fall all over themselves now to post up the RCP #'s but lets remember...............a large percentage of the polls taken from the RCP average come from highly biased polling operations like CNN, ABC/Wash Post/Quinnipiac/AP etc............all pro-Obama polling centers!!!

So knock yourselves out s0ns....................bottom line?????? DISAPPROVE rates are soaring..................

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Yeah, should have posted this yesterday, it's not just Rasmussen:

Obama job approval rating drops under 50 percent | Reuters

Obama job approval rating drops under 50 percent
Fri Nov 20, 2009 6:31pm EST
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's job approval rating has dropped below 50 percent in a second major poll in an indication he is suffering from the long healthcare debate and weakness in the economy, Gallup said on Friday.

Gallup said 49 percent of Americans approved of Obama's job performance. A survey by Quinnipiac University on Wednesday had a similar finding, putting him at 48 percent support.

It was the first time he had fallen below majority support in those two polls. He had been polling in the low 50s for months after taking office in January with an approval rating just under 70 percent.

Gallup said Obama's drop in its daily tracking poll likely resulted from the contentious debate over healthcare as well as the poor state of the U.S. economy, with millions of Americans out of work.

Thanks for these reminders to check Real Clear every so often. Rasmussen still the lowest polling numbers but overall, he's moved up a point since yesterday.

Voters are likely getting tired of hearing you Repubs beating up on Obama. This is going to backfire in 2010.. :lol:
Thanks for these reminders to check Real Clear every so often. Rasmussen still the lowest polling numbers but overall, he's moved up a point since yesterday.

Voters are likely getting tired of hearing you Repubs beating up on Obama. This is going to backfire in 2010.. :lol:

Keep drinking that coolaid and dream on, the majority of people now support the tea party movement more than they do the democrats or republicans.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

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The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 28% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -14 (see trends).

The number who Strongly Disapprove of Obama’s performance has now topped 40% for seven straight days and his overall Approval Index rating has been in negative double digits every day for over a month.

The President this morning at a United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen at a time when a record number of Americans believe that global warming is caused by long-term planetary trends rather than human activity. Fifty-one percent (51%) of voters believe President Obama holds the opposite view and sees human activity as the primary cause of global warming.
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Thanks for these reminders to check Real Clear every so often. Rasmussen still the lowest polling numbers but overall, he's moved up a point since yesterday.

Voters are likely getting tired of hearing you Repubs beating up on Obama. This is going to backfire in 2010.. :lol:

Keep drinking that coolaid and dream on, the majority of people now support the tea party movement more than they do the democrats or republicans.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™


Quite correct - and there is not a growing cohesiveness between the Republican Party and the Tea Party movement that will result in big gains in 2010. The state-to-state grass roots organization of this has been very impressive.

Hang on for the upcoming election cycle - it's gonna be fun.

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