Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Surprisingly, Obama at this point in his presidency has the exact same approval rating as the great Ronald Reagan (54%). Both inherited a recession after following two of the worst presidents of the last fifty years. Reagans approval continued to plummet down to 35% in Jan 83 (two years into his presidency)
Obamas approval, like Reagans will be tied to how well he brings the country out of recession. It took Reagan two and a half years to reverse the economic trend. We will see how well Obama does

How dare you sully the good name of Ronaldus Magnus, you dirty commie Liberal SOB!

Obama and Reagan are very similar in the situation they inherited. Both came in under a recession. Both followed miserable presidents. Both chose deficit spending to get out of it. Both are exceptional communicators. It took a couple of years for Reagans poll numbers to rise then they fell because of Iran Contra

political IQ of a small soap dish...............as usual. Forgot one key peice s0n ( as usual ). Reagan championed pro-growth economic measures = tax cuts. Obama is slaughtering small business and literally destroying American industry. His approach has never worked in the history of the world s0n.

Im just going to need time to be proven 100% correct...........but the journey is going to be fcukking hysterical and I promise dozens of my classic gay MSPAINT Photobucket gems along the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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rightwinger for the fail....
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rightwinger for the fail....


does this guy ever turn off his computer??? I come on here for a cup of coffee once in awhile and this guy is on non-stop. WTF:eek:........havent these people ever heard of Zoloft or Effexor? How miserable must this guy be? No more Bush to bash anymore because nobody cares and the newest president hasnt had one single accomplishment in almost 10 months and is heading down the tubes in the polls...............

Gotta love Rightwinger thugh Patek..........consistently puts it on the tee for us....................


batter up.................
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The poll that will actually matter with the voter is the economy. As much as the republicans whine and point fingers, the American voter still blames this economic collapse on republican ineptitude. President Obama came in with no where to go but up. As expected, the economy is turning upward and the republicans are on the outside looking in.
With no candidates, no message and no funding the republicans have a long time before they are the Republicans again .
The realclear average has him at +10 which is where he was in the third week of August. That's 2 months ago.

The slide ended 2 months ago.

Why does your calendar only go bact to August?

You should buy a new one that incliudes all the months... There are actually 12 in each year...

Ok, so how many consecutive weeks/months must a president's approval average be level before one can fairly conclude that he is no longer in a downslide trend?

And tell me how you justify your answer.

Dr.? Dr.? Is there a Dr. House in the House?

Rasmussen is still the outlier and Fox is almost as bad. There's clearly some suspicious polling going on with these two.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

Assuming nothing about the agenda of any pollster and assuming only that the methodology of the polling remains constant, the change in the result measured poll by poll would be meaningful.

See the earlist results shown in the article and the latest results in the article.

Rasmussen ends up with a -5 from a +26 showing a drop of 31.
Gallup ends up with a +10 from a +48 showing a drop of 38.
Fox ends up with a +4 from a +49 showing a drop of 45.
CNN started late with a +53 and ends with a +12 for a drop of 41.

By this measuring, Rasmussen shows the smallest drop in popularity. Still, you have to be impressed that a 31% drop is smallest drop among any of the polls. CNN and FOX show a drop of 41 and 45%. The margin of error for both of these would put them in an overlapped tie statistcally.

Also, by this measure, Rasmussen is giving the most lenient drop number and could therefore be called the one in the tank for Obama.

Results of the election were 52.9 approve (Obama) and 45.7 disapprove (McCain). This was about a +7

From the article:

FOX News 1/27 - 1/28 900 RV 65 16 +49
Gallup 1/25 - 1/27 1500 A 64 16 +48
Rasmussen 1/25 - 1/27 1500 LV 62 36 +26
Hotline/FD 1/21 - 1/24 800 RV 63 9 +54
Gallup 1/21 - 1/23 1591 A 68 12 +56

CNN 2/7 - 2/8 806 A 76 23 +53

RCP Average 10/7 - 10/21 -- 52.0 43.7 +8.3
Gallup 10/19 - 10/21 1547 A 51 41 +10
Rasmussen Reports 10/19 - 10/21 1500 LV 47 52 -5
CNN/Opinion Research 10/16 - 10/18 1038 A 55 43 +12
ABC News/Wash Post 10/15 - 10/18 1004 A 57 40 +17
FOX News 10/13 - 10/14 900 RV 49 45 +4
Marist 10/7 - 10/12 913 RV 53 41 +12

United States presidential election, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nominee Barack Obama John McCain
Party Democratic Republican
Home state Illinois Arizona
Running mate Joe Biden Sarah Palin
Electoral vote 365 173
States carried 28 + DC + NE-02 22
Popular vote 69,456,897[1] 59,934,814[1]
Percentage 52.9%[1] 45.7%[1]
By this measuring, Rasmussen shows the smallest drop in popularity. Still, you have to be impressed that a 31% drop is smallest drop among any of the polls. CNN and FOX show a drop of 41 and 45%. The margin of error for both of these would put them in an overlapped tie statistcally.

Also, by this measure, Rasmussen is giving the most lenient drop number and could therefore be called the one in the tank for Obama.

Rasmussen explains why they get the numbers they do for Obama.

One of the points:

Rasmussen Reports uses an automated polling methodology while some firms use operator-assisted techniques. Generally, these different methodologies generate about the same level of approval for different political figures, but the automated technology generally registers a higher level of disapproval.

Comparing Approval Ratings From Different Polling Firms - Rasmussen Reports™
rightwinger for the fail....


does this guy ever turn off his computer??? I come on here for a cup of coffee once in awhile and this guy is on non-stop. WTF:eek:........havent these people ever heard of Zoloft or Effexor? How miserable must this guy be? No more Bush to bash anymore because nobody cares and the newest president hasnt had one single accomplishment in almost 10 months and is heading down the tubes in the polls...............

Gotta love Rightwinger thugh Patek..........consistently puts it on the tee for us....................


batter up.................

You might get better distance if you stop using wiffle balls and plastic bats.
The number who blame Obama’s policies for the nation’s economic woes has grown to 45%, the highest level yet. However, 49% still blame George W. Bush

Confidence in the War on Terror has fallen to the lowest level in three years. Just 34% now believe the U.S. and its allies are winning, down from 62% earlier in the year.

Overall, 46% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President's performance. Fifty-two percent (52%) disapprove.

Following release of the House health care plan by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 42% of voters now support the Congressional effort while 54% are opposed.

Fifteen percent (15%) say that Congress is doing a good or an excellent job while 53% rate Congressional performance as poor.

Everything Obama touches turns to ........well it certainly is a far cry from gold.
The number who blame Obama’s policies for the nation’s economic woes has grown to 45%, the highest level yet. However, 49% still blame George W. Bush

Confidence in the War on Terror has fallen to the lowest level in three years. Just 34% now believe the U.S. and its allies are winning, down from 62% earlier in the year.

Overall, 46% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President's performance. Fifty-two percent (52%) disapprove.

Following release of the House health care plan by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 42% of voters now support the Congressional effort while 54% are opposed.

Fifteen percent (15%) say that Congress is doing a good or an excellent job while 53% rate Congressional performance as poor.

Everything Obama touches turns to ........well it certainly is a far cry from gold.

Ah..the mighty armed forces chimes in...I wouldn't trust you to secure and hold a pencil.

Name a country that we have invaded recently that is better off for it.
The number who blame Obama’s policies for the nation’s economic woes has grown to 45%, the highest level yet. However, 49% still blame George W. Bush

Confidence in the War on Terror has fallen to the lowest level in three years. Just 34% now believe the U.S. and its allies are winning, down from 62% earlier in the year.

Overall, 46% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President's performance. Fifty-two percent (52%) disapprove.

Following release of the House health care plan by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 42% of voters now support the Congressional effort while 54% are opposed.

Fifteen percent (15%) say that Congress is doing a good or an excellent job while 53% rate Congressional performance as poor.

Everything Obama touches turns to ........well it certainly is a far cry from gold.

Ah..the mighty armed forces chimes in...I wouldn't trust you to secure and hold a pencil.

Name a country that we have invaded recently that is better off for it.

Too bad So Sad.

You would have to define recent. And the answer would be most of them. But then that has nothing to do with the topic of this thread does it?

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
The number who blame Obama’s policies for the nation’s economic woes has grown to 45%, the highest level yet. However, 49% still blame George W. Bush

Confidence in the War on Terror has fallen to the lowest level in three years. Just 34% now believe the U.S. and its allies are winning, down from 62% earlier in the year.

Overall, 46% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President's performance. Fifty-two percent (52%) disapprove.

Following release of the House health care plan by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 42% of voters now support the Congressional effort while 54% are opposed.

Fifteen percent (15%) say that Congress is doing a good or an excellent job while 53% rate Congressional performance as poor.

Everything Obama touches turns to ........well it certainly is a far cry from gold.

Ah..the mighty armed forces chimes in...I wouldn't trust you to secure and hold a pencil.

Name a country that we have invaded recently that is better off for it.

Too bad So Sad.

You would have to define recent. And the answer would be most of them. But then that has nothing to do with the topic of this thread does it?

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Sorry sport ..the bully doesn't get to define the feelings of his victims.

I'm as on topic as you killer. You use presidential polls to validate your war mongering agenda. You see some opening in superficial statistics that in your crazy mind justifies a whole plethera of bad thinking. To bad ? Keep talking stupid....Your bumpersticker mentality erodes when exposed to the light of day.
Ah..the mighty armed forces chimes in...I wouldn't trust you to secure and hold a pencil.

Name a country that we have invaded recently that is better off for it.

Too bad So Sad.

You would have to define recent. And the answer would be most of them. But then that has nothing to do with the topic of this thread does it?

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Sorry sport ..the bully doesn't get to define the feelings of his victims.

I'm as on topic as you killer. You use presidential polls to validate your war mongering agenda. You see some opening in superficial statistics that in your crazy mind justifies a whole plethera of bad thinking. To bad ? Keep talking stupid....Your bumpersticker mentality erodes when exposed to the light of day.

If you ever see a car covered with bumper stickers, chances are 99-1 its owned by a liberal. Bumper sticker mentality indeed....
Obama still at 54% approval

republicans still scratching in the 30's......

Who are they going to run in 2012 again???

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