Dallas broadcaster cuts off jimmy fallons heartfelt monologue on Texas children getting gunned down. Cancel culture. Can't handle the truth.

red states come in LAST PLACE always in Education

And yet on average Republicans make more money than Democrats. How does that work exactly?

This is totally anecdotal, but I would be willing to bet that the best students in my red state come from Republican households. Many attend private schools as well. I know for certain that in my red state, as income rises, so does the likelihood of being a Republican. The poor, and least successful are by far and away Democrats.
An interview with Liberal Seth MacFarlane was also chopped up into small segments that aired between commercial breaks.
red states can't handle the Truth....why do you think they HATE Education so much
Blue state pussies can't handle our individual liberty.

Seriously, there is no reason to remain in this fucking piece of shit union with you motherfucking communist shit twinkle-toed cocksuckers.


So afraid to have their pepe learn of the truth I guess.
Jimmy Kimmel may believe all of his platitudes. But he is nevertheless using the airtime of the network and the affiliates for partisan political purposes. The issues have never been as clear cut and obvious and full of “common sense” as he maintains. And the liberals (like him) and the Democrat Parody and the media really do politicize such a tragedy. They do seek to demonize all their opponents. It is simply what they do.

Here’s what the Democraps don’t do: they don’t listen open-mindedly to the specific objections to their proposals. They don’t seek to find a helpful compromise. They don’t seek to achieve goals that do serve a purpose with appropriate safeguards.

There is a perfectly proper time and manner for a blowhard like Kimmel to pontificate as though he had an honest valuable thing to say. But it’s not on an entertainment show paid for by others.

There are ways for the opposing sides to seek a set of possible solutions to the serious and tragic problem. But If the liberals and Kimmel and the Democrap Party are serious about it, then they are going to have to also get serious about ditching their constant attack mode methodology.

I don’t agree very often with the USMB member with the false username of “Rightwinger.” rightwinger . He is obviously not a part of anything on the right side of the political spectrum. But yesterday even he and I started a conversation about possible proposed solutions to the problem. We swiftly confirmed that there are issues within proposed solutions that will demand more attention. If it can be worked out via political discussion by well intentioned legislators, at all, if will require / demand a serious attitude and a willingness to hammer out precise details. Such is NOT what we hear from Kimmel.
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Then I saw this:

Schumer blocks Senate GOP school safety bill, angering Republicans

Schumer blocks Senate GOP school safety bill, angering Republicans

Funny. A couple of days ago we saw an alarmist headline here about how some Republicans voted “against” a bill that sounds like it’s intended to fix a problem. But it was noted that you can’t judge a bill by it’s given title. The devil is in the details.

If I were as inclined as the liberal alarmist poster was, I’d create a thread denouncing Schumer (whom I detest anyway) for denying the bill to be passed by unanimous consent. He “must be” pro school shootings. So goes that logic. And I do think he’s wrong, but that doesn’t mean he favors school shootings.

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