DAMN!! He was good

Reagan: Mr Gorbachev, TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!

Obama: Mr World Leader, I must apologize for America's badassery.
The truth is there's no truth. With a real 4.9 unemployment rate the economy should be roaring. GDP should be skyrocketing . It's not happening. All this new employment is either in some shadow sector that produces nothing or it's just a flat lie.
Well, it'd help if Obama had reduced the deficit by a trillion.

Fact is, he didn't. People mistakenly put the 2009 fiscal year on Bush, when the 2009 budget, and the stimulus act, both of which contributed massively to the federal deficit for 2009....were signed by Barrack Hussein Obama.

So you see it's easy to say you cut the deficit by a trillion....when your first year you jacked it up by a trillion, and blame someone else for doing it.
obama is no Reagan. He was the wrong man at the wrong time. Business were and will always do better when government doesn't adopt an adversarial role. Something Democrats just don't seem to get. They must think money grows on public trees.
Reagan got Americans out of Iran with just his presence.

Obama got Americans back for 150 billion dollars & then thanked Iran for humiliating us.

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