DAMN!!!! Video: Ted Cruz introduced at Kill the Gays Rally....OMG!

See the video above. This will certainly be in a Hildebeast attack ad if Cruz somehow becomes the nominee. He hasn't gone through 1% of the vetting Trump has with the media.

Pretty fucked up shit.

If he had been saying that in Arabic in a Mosque the left would claim he had a right to say it.....without question. Because, this is what they say in Mosques all the time.

He has the right to say 'it'

But is that the real issue here?? Same problems with the muslims, by the way.

See the video above. This will certainly be in a Hildebeast attack ad if Cruz somehow becomes the nominee. He hasn't gone through 1% of the vetting Trump has with the media.

Pretty fucked up shit.

If he had been saying that in Arabic in a Mosque the left would claim he had a right to say it.....without question. Because, this is what they say in Mosques all the time.

He has the right to say 'it'

But is that the real issue here?? Same problems with the muslims, by the way.

I don't think you should have the right to tell people to kill someone, nomatter who they are. Especially if they're just doing what they like doing and not hurting anyone.
I think it's a bit different if they're trying to stop terrible things from happening.

I really don't understand the confusion here.

See the video above. This will certainly be in a Hildebeast attack ad if Cruz somehow becomes the nominee. He hasn't gone through 1% of the vetting Trump has with the media.

Pretty fucked up shit.

If he had been saying that in Arabic in a Mosque the left would claim he had a right to say it.....without question. Because, this is what they say in Mosques all the time.

He has the right to say 'it'

But is that the real issue here?? Same problems with the muslims, by the way.

Yo, can`t argue with the Bible? If you do? You`re an Atheist!!!


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