Damn!!! Where is that "global warming" when we need it???

Fake science bought lock, stock, and barrel by folks who've been stripped of their beliefs in everything else.....God, country, family, masculinity, femininity, the list goes on and on. And not in a haphazard manner either....this ruse has been designed and delivered by a far-leftist group of "elites" who hate everything they were raised on and have made sure their target audience does too. The public schools, MSM, and bewildered but obedient politicians all share the blame for this idiocy....classic mass-brainwashing gleaned from the masters.... Lenin and Marx. :eusa_snooty:
Lenin and Marx are long dead but talk radio and fox news are masters at brainwashing. They promote fossil fuel industry spokesman that spew lies, half-truths and intentionally misleading 'evidence' that all of the real scientists are somehow wrong. What is amazing to me is how the sheep believe every word.
Cartman -

You are so right...but at the same time, the truth is getting mighty hard to deny....

You may have heard that September 2014 was the warmest September ever recorded and that the past six months were the hottest April through September in 130 years of records. NASA Earth Observatory readers sometimes ask: How much does it matter when a monthly or yearly temperature record is broken? And where does global temperature data come from?


For instance, the map above depicts temperature anomalies, or changes from the norm, between April and September 2014; it does not show absolute temperatures. Reds and blues show how much warmer or cooler each area was during that period in 2014 compared to an averaged base period of the same months from 1951–1980.
My high today is minus twenty. I'm dying of the heat.

I think is the height of the AGW argument.

We have nearly every major scientific group in the world back up by hard evidence and tinydancer is feeling a bit cold so it isn't happening.

Actually there is a theory on these cold snap in America. There is a polar hurricane which is meant to keep this cold weather in but last year it seemed to drift down towards America. The North pole had a relative warmer spell during that time...
Fake science bought lock, stock, and barrel by folks who've been stripped of their beliefs in everything else.....God, country, family, masculinity, femininity, the list goes on and on. And not in a haphazard manner either....this ruse has been designed and delivered by a far-leftist group of "elites" who hate everything they were raised on and have made sure their target audience does too. The public schools, MSM, and bewildered but obedient politicians all share the blame for this idiocy....classic mass-brainwashing gleaned from the masters.... Lenin and Marx. :eusa_snooty:

Or maybe the right is so intertwined with believing what they want to believe, like oil, oil, oil, God, oil, oil, money, oil, that they are unwilling to see the reality.

The weather is changing. It's not so simple to suggest that it's changing in a straight line, or that it's just getting warmer or whatever. Problem here is it takes joined up thinking to get it. People who don't get it will just ridicule others.

Doesn't make them right.
Lenin and Marx are long dead but talk radio and fox news are masters at brainwashing. They promote fossil fuel industry spokesman that spew lies, half-truths and intentionally misleading 'evidence' that all of the real scientists are somehow wrong. What is amazing to me is how the sheep believe every word.

And along comes a perfect example of who and what I was talking about. :laugh:
You don't even realize how avowed Marxists posing as "progressives" have warped your mind.
Or maybe the right is so intertwined with believing what they want to believe, like oil, oil, oil, God, oil, oil, money, oil, that they are unwilling to see the reality.

The weather is changing. It's not so simple to suggest that it's changing in a straight line, or that it's just getting warmer or whatever. Problem here is it takes joined up thinking to get it. People who don't get it will just ridicule others.

Doesn't make them right.

What "reality"? The reality is we use oil oil oil oil or an oil product like plastics for everything we do....everywhere we go, everything we eat and live inside of. We have no effect on WEATHER...that's absurd. We don't know what's "changing" or compared to what because the Earth and the Sun have their own rules....everything happening here is also happening on Mars where NOBODY lives. Your side's whole agenda is about taking control of the means of production in the US.....I know your schooling probably didn't include any history or geography but that's a communist goal dressed up in words like "progressive" and "inclusive", and "fairness". Our side has given you the luxury of being an idiot but that can't last.....there will come a time when those opposed to the wealth and freedom we have will be dealt with.
So, you're looking at something in a simple way...
It's not too complicated...
... without knowing the reasons for things....,
I know the reason, the pipes froze for the first time because it got cold enough for it to happen for the first time.
...and your ignorance is somehow proof you are right? Er.....
Well, I suppose it MIGHT be getting colder because of global warming, but then I have to wonder why it's called "global warming"? Can you explain?
Global Warming can't be real! Look how cold it is today where I live!

Also, world hunger must be over, because I just ate.
Global Warming can't be real! Look how cold it is today where I live!

Also, world hunger must be over, because I just ate.

Ha, you're obviously All-In on the world's biggest Pyramid Scheme in history. Al Gore thanks you very much. Ya big ole sucka.
Global Warming can't be real! Look how cold it is today where I live!

Also, world hunger must be over, because I just ate.

Ha, you're obviously All-In on the world's biggest Pyramid Scheme in history. Al Gore thanks you very much. Ya big ole sucka.

Given your inability to understand the Keystone vote, I doubt you can navigate "pyramid schemes"... or climate.

.. just sayin', message board Peter Principle...

Ha, you keep on being Al Gore's sucka. 'Global Warming' is the biggest Pyramid Scheme in history. $Billions are at stake. Keeping dupes like you hangin on means everything. Without you dupes, the Pyramid Scheme collapses.

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