Dan Quayle: American Evangelism [Capitalism/Disease]


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a political-cartoon slander controversy parody referencing Dan Quayle and inspired by the film My Fellow Americans.



"Americans liked to make crude jokes about offbeat and somewhat awkward U.S. Vice-President Dan Quayle who served under President George Bush (Sr.). Quayle was an affable fellow, but his lack of shrewdness with the press made him an easy target for TV-jokes about the Vice-President being intellectually 'immature.' However, when casino-mogul Donald Trump was elected as President in 2016, people began making jokes about a shallow capitalism-baron becoming President, and suddenly, Dan Quayle jokes did not sound so mean!"


"Of course, none of us know for sure if Vice-President Quayle really was something of an 'immature' politician. For all we know, he may have spent hours in his bedroom playing with a toy computer and daydreaming about the future NASDAQ. Whatever is the 'reality' of Quayle's persona/intellect, thinking about President Trump's crude remarks in the media about race and gender makes us wonder if all those silly Dan Quayle jokes on Saturday Night Live were truly innocent."


"This is the age of consumerism and traffic. Everyone loves capitalism and Christmas shopping. When ISIS terrorists killed 300 Sufi Muslims on Black Friday (the annual shopping-day that comes after Thanksgiving in America), social critics wondered if terrorists were making a symbolic 'anti-commerce extension' statement on 9/11 (when the World Trade Center was destroyed!). Nevertheless, Christmas 2018 has arrived, and countless kids may be wondering if they should ignore weather-conditions with all the climate-change talk in the news and go ahead and be frivolous and ask their parents to buy them a water-gun for Christmas."


"The Devil is always is in the details. We like poking fun at politicians, regardless of how this makes the politicians feel themselves. Of course, American politicians 'expect' to be slandered in the press, since America 'celebrates' free-speech and a free-press. Does consumerism conveniences create spiritual relaxation or fleshly sloth/gluttony? Do we feel more spiritual about the consumption of meat or more ravenous about the access to quickly-cooked beef? What would Satan (the Devil) say? Would Satan wonder if man's obsession with 'consumerism' has made our species something like 'pigs'?"


"There are countless homeless children and homeless adults around the world this Christmas. What are they wishing for, since they won't be getting gifts under a tree? Everyone loves Dickens' tale of an affable orphan named Oliver Twist who must use wits to find his way through the unforgiving city-streets and hopefully find his own magical destiny. Not every orphan is as lucky as Oliver, but how do we Americans (who enjoy more 'comforts' than people of other countries) mark Dan Quayle political-cartoons/jokes (in terms of capitalism-propaganda)?"


"There were two outstanding/legendary NFL quarterbacks who appeared in multiple (at least 3!) Super Bowl games but never won a title/trophy. Fran Tarkenton of the Minnesota Vikings and Jim Kelly of the Buffalo Bills. Tarkenton and Kelly will never be regarded like the multiple trophy-winning 'powerhouse QBs' of the NFL such as Terry Bradshaw, Tom Brady, and Joe Montana. However, Vikings and Buffalo fans will always consider Tarkenton and Kelly as 'team saints' and 'American patriots.' How do we coordinate sports-fanfare then with the ruthlessness of capitalism?"


"If you're a journalist like me, Ajay Satan, you might be thrilled to discover a super-celebrity such as Leo DiCaprio eating pasta at an Italian restaurant in L.A. while you're traveling there to do some random story about ethnic minority demographics in California restaurants. I studied journalism at UCLA, and I was excited to see Leo eating pasta at an Italian-eatery in L.A. while on assignment for a completely unrelated journalism-story about immigration. I had to walk up to Leo and ask him if he was enjoying his pasta. Isn't that what consumerism is all about --- personalized gratification? Well, I think Quayle ironically 'appreciates' all the low-brow Trump jokes in the media lately (hehe)."


TRUMP: Did you read Ajay Satan's new piece?
CARTER: He's a terrific writer for the L.A. Times, Mr. President.
TRUMP: Well, he did a piece about Quayle jokes in the '90s.
CARTER: I suppose he compared such jokes to TrumpUSA-jokes.
TRUMP: Yes, he did; fortunately, Quayle's a fellow Republican.
CARTER: Yes, there won't be too much partisan chatter generated.
TRUMP: Maybe bipartisan politics is what can really fuel capitalism!
CARTER: Right now, Republicans and Democrats disagree about commerce.
TRUMP: Yes, they do; we even disagree about 'etiquette.'
CARTER: Maybe all this 'capitalism activity' will create juvenile sloth.
TRUMP: That's the worry; we need to be wary of graffiti.
CARTER: The worst thing that could happen is capitalism could become...infectious!
TRUMP: Let's at least continue to entertain these political-cartoons.




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