Darkness in the Sewer: An American Tragedy


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does urbanization remind you of nightmares?

This yarn (my last one) was inspired by C.H.U.D.

Signing off,


"American evangelists worried about a strange demonic woman named the Harlot of Babylon ascending to Earth from Hell to bring omens about the reality of darkness in the modern world of capitalism and ambition. This 'evil woman' symbolized the fears of civilization soothsayers and was a manifestation of the dangerous vanities of unrequited faith. A patriotic modern-day knight named Arrow (an archer/vigilante) believed this evil woman was bringing an omen about eco-pollution and some kind of mysterious evil presence/entity dwelling in the sewers of American cities."


"Americans were still reeling from the anti-capitalism cynicism/paranoia created on 9/11, when the World Trade Center in NYC was destroyed by fundamentalist terrorists. Images of ISIS terrorists from the Middle East marching against the 'excesses of Western capitalism' and defying the UN's stance on Israel-Palestine brought Americans a feeling of 'dread' and Arrow (the good knight) wondered if these terrorists would 'echo' the omen of the evil Harlot of Babylon by introducing chemical-weapons based terrorism into the modern world."


"Arrow had reason to worry. The evil entity dwelling in the sewers of American cities was actually a mutated abomination known as Scorpion. This off-colored poison wielding monster skulked around the sewers of Seattle, Chicago, Miami, and New York (burrowing cross-country to reach each city with great speed) and brought metaphysical dangers to an otherwise happy America. Scorpion was exactly what Arrow dreaded, so Arrow decided to assemble a team of 'human diplomats' --- a group of orphans clothed in superhero costumes by Arrow himself and of course Arrow himself. Arrow wanted to inform Scorpion that humanity would endure this modern capitalism 'morality-test' and therefore Scorpion could forever depart/disappear. Would Scorpion believe such a claim?"


"Arrow clothed his 'crusader-kids' in hero-costumes and led them down to the sewers of NYC that summer. The group called themselves America's Dreamers. The 'Dreamers' explored the sewers with great caution and finally believed they heard the footsteps of Scorpion (the evil mutant omen-creature dwelling in the sewers). The Dreamers decided to start dancing and singing so Scorpion would see that humans were not simply wasteful vain creatures indulging in the vanities of capitalism. The Dreamers wanted to exorcise this modern darkness."


"Arrow showed Scorpion is magic crossbow and explained that he used the weapon to create fear in the hearts of evil criminals such as Black Mask (a vile masked crime-syndicate boss who sold narcotics to high-school students to make money) in NYC. Scorpion stared at Arrow and then grinned in what seemed to be some kind of a spiritual expression of satisfaction. Arrow realized he and the Dreamers had convinced Scorpion that humanity did not deserve to be punished/terrorized. Arrow looked down at his own crossbow and sighed in relief."


"After Arrow and the Dreamers satisfied Scorpion and quelled his rage, Scorpion reached out his hand and presented Arrow a glowing emerald crystal. Scorpion explained that the crystal held the power to dispel any kind of modern urban evil but it could only be used once. Scorpion warned Arrow and the Dreamers that if the crystal was over-used, then it would bring a curse upon NYC. Arrow thanked Scorpion for the emerald crystal gift and realized that the gift was a symbol of spirituality and a morality-test which Arrow had no intention of failing..."


"Arrow and the Dreamers said goodbye to Scorpion and the hideous eerie mutant creature waved back and began to skulk back against one of the labyrinth-tunnels of the sewer, but before he did, he peered back out across a corner one more time to stare at Arrow and his Dreamers and Arrow noticed the creature's ominous glowing eyes. Arrow and the Dreamers then fled back to the surface of NYC and promised never to tell anyone about Scorpion or the emerald crystal gift the creature gave them."


"Arrow and the Dreamers decided to use the emerald crystal to make the wish that Earth was not ever ravaged by the horrors of global nuclear war (or a nuclear apocalypse). The crystal glowed brightly when the wish was made and then dimmed...forever. Arrow concluded that the crystal had granted the Dreamers the wish they made, so Arrow remembered Scorpion's warning and threw the now-diffused emerald crystal into the Hudson River. Arrow and the Dreamers were confident that the wish they made would be granted and that humanity would not endure a nuclear warfare tribulation. However, Arrow secretly continued to worry about the nagging threat of biochemical terrorism."


GOD: I think Scorpion will not terrorize America.
SATAN: Arrow and his Dreamers have negotiated with the creature.
GOD: They wisely made their prudent spiritual wish.
SATAN: Nuclear apocalypse would devastate humanity...
GOD: Arrow continued to worry about terrorism, however.
SATAN: Yes, pockets of terrorism continue to confound globalization.
GOD: I believe 9/11 was a true 'American tragedy.'
SATAN: Perhaps Arrow will continue to lift spirits.
GOD: Darkness in the urban sewer reflects eco-pollution.
SATAN: Industrialization and capitalism bring vices.
GOD: Will the AntiChrist ascend to Earth to lure men away from virtue?
SATAN: As long as Scorpion is placated, humans are safe.
GOD: I wonder if Scorpion was conscious of the problem of terrorism.
SATAN: The Dreamers wished about nuclear apocalypse, not terrorism!
GOD: In that case, I still worry about biochemical terrorism.
SATAN: I think you're haunted by 9/11...
GOD: Who isn't?
SATAN: I think Spielberg will make a movie about Arrow.
GOD: Maybe Leo DiCaprio should portray the good knight.
SATAN: I'd like to see Tom Cruise portray the Scorpion.


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