Dashcam that was withheld from Prosecutors reveals cops lied

It is a fascinating study that getting cameras almost everywhere has brought this stuff to light.

Yes and that is the real enlightening part of this. You know if we are getting all these videos now, there have been tens of thousands of scenes just like this that weren't recorded and the police got to play god with people's lives.

If you put cameras on ANY group of humans half their day you'll see some crazy sick shit. You'd be shocked at what SOME military members do and get detained for...and the military scoops them up...handles it...and no one ever hears about it. ANY group of humans will. Teachers too. Firemen. Clerks. Lawyers.

But....I know....cops are held to a higher standard and should be flawless and all that. It's a fairy tale.

You still don't understand the difference between them and doctors, lawyers etc is that they have arrest powers with an arsenal they are free to use with impunity.

They aren't free to use with impunity. SCOTUS Graham v. Connor restricts it.

Cops can use deadly force to protect themselves or others from death or great bodily injury. Just like any other citizen.

See....cops do have arrest powers. And petty offense or major one...they have the authority to detain.

But once you assault or threaten the cop....their right to self defense is no different than a doctor or lawyer: to protect oneself from death or great bodily injury.
Cops can use deadly force to protect themselves or others from death or great bodily injury. Just like any other citizen.

And all they have to do is repeat that same old script. "I believe that person was going to harm me or someone" "I was in fear of my life"

And Viola, its not necesarrily impunity all they require to let them go is to spin a nice yarn
What this one case shows is that the Police reports the Police accounts of what they did "CANNOT BE TAKEN AT FAITH VALUE" they will lie and frame a citizen sending them off to prison for NOTHING...if you are Black you might as well stay off the streets its for whites only

These cops lied. Does that mean they all do?

Wait...humans lie?
The cops lie routinely as the spate of cell phone and other films have shown and will continue to show./..you may be under the wishful thinking that Police have more integrity that others.....sadly NO
and do visualize a Black folk "Oath Keeper" force of camouflaged heavily armed Brothers showing up in Ferguson...try to imagine.......
and do visualize a Black folk "Oath Keeper" force of camouflaged heavily armed Brothers showing up in Ferguson...try to imagine.......

They were known as the black panthers....and they were greeted warmly with bullets
Open Carry is for WHITE AMERICANS

Blacks who open carry as much as a toy gun even if they are pre teens Like Tamir Rice will be gunned down mercilessly

Cops can use deadly force to protect themselves or others from death or great bodily injury. Just like any other citizen.

And all they have to do is repeat that same old script. "I believe that person was going to harm me or someone" "I was in fear of my life"

And Viola, its not necesarrily impunity all they require to let them go is to spin a nice yarn

Yes...same as any citizen practicing self defense. And a jury of peers and civilian prosecutors review all these and decide of we the people should charge them. Often...we dont. Because the cop....or citizen...was in reasonable danger.
These cops lied. Does that mean they all do?
Anyone who ever has monitored a number of post-arraignment criminal court hearings has a pretty good idea that what they are watching are lying contests. Are you willing to deny that?

Wait...humans lie?
Some humans also commit first degree murder. Some rape, rob, and they molest children. But when humans who do such things happen to be cops, the factor of being human does not mitigate the uniquely egregious nature of their offenses.

In the simplest terms, the public has a right to expect the police whom they train and support will not sink to the level of ordinary human criminals and liars.
Cops can use deadly force to protect themselves or others from death or great bodily injury. Just like any other citizen.

And all they have to do is repeat that same old script. "I believe that person was going to harm me or someone" "I was in fear of my life"

And Viola, its not necesarrily impunity all they require to let them go is to spin a nice yarn
While it's true that all cops do not routinely abuse their authority and methodically lie and manipulate the rules of procedure to facilitate what essentially is criminal behavior a significant percentage of cops do exactly that -- and they've been doing it for so long the most common methods of deception have evolved as a well-established standard. This situation is compounded by the fact that even those "good" cops, the ones who do their best to avoid breaking or bending the rules, they are burdened with a veritable obligation to defend the conduct of "bad" cops whom they know to be little more than uniformed criminals.

This obligation to either lie to defend the actions of a "bad" cop, or to remain silent if questioned about a criminal act by a cop which you've witnessed or have knowledge of, is famously known as The Blue Wall of Silence. Any cop who violates that code of silence is labeled a rat -- and the days of a cop who bears that stigma are numbered (see the book or movie, Serpico).
These cops lied. Does that mean they all do?
Anyone who ever has monitored a number of post-arraignment criminal court hearings has a pretty good idea that what they are watching are lying contests. Are you willing to deny that?

Wait...humans lie?
Some humans also commit first degree murder. Some rape, rob, and they molest children. But when humans who do such things happen to be cops, the factor of being human does not mitigate the uniquely egregious nature of their offenses.

In the simplest terms, the public has a right to expect the police whom they train and support will not sink to the level of ordinary human criminals and liars.

I agree with the second part fully. And the ones who do should be fired and or charged. My point of view having been in the profession is....the number of those types is a tiny %. The police in America however DO have a severe PR problem. That tiny % is being used to paint all of them that way. PR is the biggest problem.

As for the first part....you mean the lawyers? Yes. I agree that once in court....the lawyers are in a deception contest. It's quite disgusting.
These cops lied. Does that mean they all do?
Anyone who ever has monitored a number of post-arraignment criminal court hearings has a pretty good idea that what they are watching are lying contests. Are you willing to deny that?

Wait...humans lie?
Some humans also commit first degree murder. Some rape, rob, and they molest children. But when humans who do such things happen to be cops, the factor of being human does not mitigate the uniquely egregious nature of their offenses.

In the simplest terms, the public has a right to expect the police whom they train and support will not sink to the level of ordinary human criminals and liars.

I agree with the second part fully. And the ones who do should be fired and or charged. My point of view having been in the profession is....the number of those types is a tiny %. The police in America however DO have a severe PR problem. That tiny % is being used to paint all of them that way. PR is the biggest problem.

As for the first part....you mean the lawyers? Yes. I agree that once in court....the lawyers are in a deception contest. It's quite disgusting.
The percentage isnt tiny. I know a ex-cop that quit because his department was rife with dirty cops. My neighbor who is a sheriff says its a big problem where he is too. You are full of shit and never got caught being a dirty cop. Thats why you take up for them.
Cops can use deadly force to protect themselves or others from death or great bodily injury. Just like any other citizen.

And all they have to do is repeat that same old script. "I believe that person was going to harm me or someone" "I was in fear of my life"

And Viola, its not necesarrily impunity all they require to let them go is to spin a nice yarn
While it's true that all cops do not routinely abuse their authority and methodically lie and manipulate the rules of procedure to facilitate what essentially is criminal behavior a significant percentage of cops do exactly that -- and they've been doing it for so long the most common methods of deception have evolved as a well-established standard. This situation is compounded by the fact that even those "good" cops, the ones who do their best to avoid breaking or bending the rules, they are burdened with a veritable obligation to defend the conduct of "bad" cops whom they know to be little more than uniformed criminals.

This obligation to either lie to defend the actions of a "bad" cop, or to remain silent if questioned about a criminal act by a cop which you've witnessed or have knowledge of, is famously known as The Blue Wall of Silence. Any cop who violates that code of silence is labeled a rat -- and the days of a cop who bears that stigma are numbered (see the book or movie, Serpico).

I won't deny that's ever been the case. But it's mostly in the very large urban departments up North and out West. And often in drug or gang units. It was worse 30 or more years ago. Policing as a profession has cleaned itself up in major ways over the past 30 years. But as I said....a severe PR problem. They can't prove what crimes they've prevented. And a tiny fraction of their members are used by media to smear them all.

And then add to it....they're the authority. Nobody loves the hall monitor.

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