Dashcam that was withheld from Prosecutors reveals cops lied

3 cops indicted. Innocent man goes free. 3 dirt bags removed from the ranks.

YES!!! The system worked. Thanks for sharing.
No the system didn't work and you are a lying sack of shit!!!!
The "system" (police) purposely withheld exculpatory evidence from the Prosecutor and defense.
These Police Officers attempted to undermine the system, frame an innocent man, cover up their abuse of authority and assault.
The "system" allows one attacker to retire with benefits and then finds no wrong doing at the hands of the remaining officers.

In what stupid assed world is that the system working????

"The System" is 3 branches. Legislative Judicial and Executive. It includes millions of people. Lawmakers. Cops. Lawyers. Judges. Clerks.

A man was proven innocent. 3 criminals in uniform indicted.

The system worked. Sometimes it's pretty and efficient. Sometimes it's not. Same as in Darren Wilson's case. System worked.
Allow me to make an at-large apology to the board...
I retract my statement of calling a poster a lying sack of shit.

However said poster continually defends the improprieties committed by fellow Law Enforcement officers which in turn undermines the confidence we should have in said officers.
Police officers aren't perfect, they reflect human nature and as such are inherently biased to certain people, places or things.
When they allow those biases to undermine their oaths, we should not protect them.

An officer's loyalty belongs to honest officers and their oath, not criminals with Badges...

"We" didnt. "WE"....indicted them....via our court system...run partly by elected people WE voted for.

I never defended these criminals. They were indicted. An innocent man freed. The appropriate justice was served.
It is a fascinating study that getting cameras almost everywhere has brought this stuff to light.

As soon as they show every single video of the literally 100,000's of clean videos - you can say that.
It is not as if there was ever a time, or will ever be a time, when there were no bad cops. Always has been, always will be. They are afterall human beings.
However, clear thinking people know the good waaay outweigh the bad despite the media only showing bad videos.
Simpletons and closed minded people cannot realize this.

Everybody knows most cops are good, but they also know that the bad ones are usually covered for. Being a cop doesn't make it all right to break the law.

You all think corrupt cops are covered for by good ones. Criminal cops are no different than other scum....they hide their crimes. Most cops DONT SEE the criminal ones actions.

That's like me accusing you of covering for your neighbors child porn hobby....which you weren't aware of. But you still cover for him.
Bucs needs a bottle of "Explain away"

Explain what? 3 scumbags getting indicted. Thats....the purpose of law enforcement and prosecutors. Find wrong doers and charge them. That happened here.

I don't see why you are mad that 3 criminals were exposed and charged?
My apology...formally rescinded.
You are a lying sack of shit....

Just think...IMAGINE if the cops werent indicted and it was just the guys word vs the police. Bucs would've been in here going on and on about how if the guy did nothing wrong WHY was he resisting arrest, or not cooperating or didnt kneel down and kiss the cops ass.
It is a fascinating study that getting cameras almost everywhere has brought this stuff to light.

As soon as they show every single video of the literally 100,000's of clean videos - you can say that.
It is not as if there was ever a time, or will ever be a time, when there were no bad cops. Always has been, always will be. They are afterall human beings.
However, clear thinking people know the good waaay outweigh the bad despite the media only showing bad videos.
Simpletons and closed minded people cannot realize this.

Everybody knows most cops are good, but they also know that the bad ones are usually covered for. Being a cop doesn't make it all right to break the law.

You all think corrupt cops are covered for by good ones. Criminal cops are no different than other scum....they hide their crimes. Most cops DONT SEE the criminal ones actions.

That's like me accusing you of covering for your neighbors child porn hobby....which you weren't aware of. But you still cover for him.

It's internal affairs responsibility to investigate and be aware of cops bad actions. In the case of this video, they obviously had access to it, so they either didn't bother to do their jobs and look at it, or they looked at it and pretended they didn't see what really happened. Either way, when the video became public, they still said falsifying statements was not a problem. That is pure protection of bad cops.
You have to wonder how often bad cops get away with stuff like this.
That is an important question. There is no way to derive a specific answer but the general behavior of the "bad" cops who are exposed plainly suggests that the nature of their respective misconducts is not uncommon.

I have often overheard cops in conversation laughingly boasting about having done things which probably could get them indicted. Whether the things they said were true, false, or simple exaggerations, the boasters tales operate to establish a covert standard.

For example, back in the late '90s a New York City Patrolman, Justin Volpe, believed an individual named Abner Louima had assaulted him while he (Volpe) was breaking up a disorderly crowd outside a bar. So Volpe, along with his radio car partner, took Louima back to their precinct where Volpe beat the hell out of Louima in a toilet and shoved the handle of a toilet brush so far up Louima's rectum it caused massive internal injuries.
CNN - NYC officer arrested in alleged sexual attack on suspect - Aug. 14 1997

Louima went to a hospital. Internal Affairs got involved and Volpe is presently serving a thirty-year sentence.

Later it was revealed by a Daily News reporter (a personal friend of mine) that Volpe was keeping company with a beautiful Haitian girl who had told him how Haitian police detectives (the dreaded TonTon Macoutes) deal with criminals who fight with police -- which is to beat them senseless and sodomize them with a broomstick.
Maybe black men shouldn't commit a crime? Then they wouldn't run into assholes???
What crime did the Black fellow in this example commit?

I will agree that many Black males, typically the younger ones, behave belligerently toward cops which results in their being beaten -- or worse. But this fellow seemed rather passive as well as innocent of any significant offense.

These two cops are dumb, sadistic goons and there is no way to justify or excuse their behavior. I hope they end up serving time.
It's internal affairs responsibility to investigate and be aware of cops bad actions. In the case of this video, they obviously had access to it, so they either didn't bother to do their jobs and look at it, or they looked at it and pretended they didn't see what really happened. Either way, when the video became public, they still said falsifying statements was not a problem. That is pure protection of bad cops.
And, believe me, that is not uncommon.

Internal Affairs cops are passionately despised by most (all?) regular cops. Some of these AA detectives don't mind being hated and they perform their function efficiently in spite of it. Others try to foster a tolerable reputation by focusing only on the more reprehensible offenses and leaving the "regular guys" alone.

E.g., if a cop commits extortion or a sex offense they will go after him. But they ignore "ordinary" incidents like this one.
You can take solace in knowing that when a cop is found to have been tampering with evidence the system will punish him with retirement and full benefits.
It is a fascinating study that getting cameras almost everywhere has brought this stuff to light.

Yes and that is the real enlightening part of this. You know if we are getting all these videos now, there have been tens of thousands of scenes just like this that weren't recorded and the police got to play god with people's lives.
It is a fascinating study that getting cameras almost everywhere has brought this stuff to light.

Yes and that is the real enlightening part of this. You know if we are getting all these videos now, there have been tens of thousands of scenes just like this that weren't recorded and the police got to play god with people's lives.
Sometimes just having the video isnt enough. Those cops that beat the shit out of Rodney King walked.
Sometimes just having the video isnt enough. Those cops that beat the shit out of Rodney King walked.

All that punk had to do was stay down and be handcuffed....he wanted to fight and got the shit kicked outta him.....and then he got a couple million dollars from whitey for it.....fucking pathetic same as you.
It is a fascinating study that getting cameras almost everywhere has brought this stuff to light.

Yes and that is the real enlightening part of this. You know if we are getting all these videos now, there have been tens of thousands of scenes just like this that weren't recorded and the police got to play god with people's lives.

How many "regular citizens" are out playing god with peoples lives? Good people and bad people exist in all walks of life. You can't just look at the cops and say "AHA! X number of bad cops, they're all bad and covering for each other," anymore than you can say "AHA! X bad <race>, they're all bad and should be deported." Know what I'm saying?
It is a fascinating study that getting cameras almost everywhere has brought this stuff to light.

Yes and that is the real enlightening part of this. You know if we are getting all these videos now, there have been tens of thousands of scenes just like this that weren't recorded and the police got to play god with people's lives.

If you put cameras on ANY group of humans half their day you'll see some crazy sick shit. You'd be shocked at what SOME military members do and get detained for...and the military scoops them up...handles it...and no one ever hears about it. ANY group of humans will. Teachers too. Firemen. Clerks. Lawyers.

But....I know....cops are held to a higher standard and should be flawless and all that. It's a fairy tale.
It is a fascinating study that getting cameras almost everywhere has brought this stuff to light.

Yes and that is the real enlightening part of this. You know if we are getting all these videos now, there have been tens of thousands of scenes just like this that weren't recorded and the police got to play god with people's lives.

How many "regular citizens" are out playing god with peoples lives? Good people and bad people exist in all walks of life. You can't just look at the cops and say "AHA! X number of bad cops, they're all bad and covering for each other," anymore than you can say "AHA! X bad <race>, they're all bad and should be deported." Know what I'm saying?

It's obvious what you are saying. You are a racist.

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