Data Shows Our Fight Against Coronavirus May Be Worse Than The Disease

For all the illiterate retards on this thread. Let me know if you need a crash helmet and an adult to figure it out. :rolleyes:

How The Novel Coronavirus And The Flu Are Alike ... And Different

"Data from China shows that 20% of COVID-19 patients, though, are serious enough to get sent to the hospital. That's about ten times more often than flu. Even though a great many people are hospitalized for the flu — the preliminary data for the 2018-19 flu season is nearly half a million — the rate of hospitalization is far lower: 1-2% percent of cases, according to the CDC."

Meanwhile WHO made claims that the death rate was estimated at 3.4%. We have not seen that happening in the U.S. as of yet. This may be because our Health care structure and procedures are better equipped to handle the virus. Also, our population centers are more vulnerable and most people tend to live outside the populations centers.
Ha ha ha ha, you're funny. Early days, see "emerging" in "emerging pandemic". Your capitalists and your healthcare system docs, nurses and admins know what's coming. So did those senators engaging in insider trading while hiding what they knew from the public. We shall see.
For all the illiterate retards on this thread. Let me know if you need a crash helmet and an adult to figure it out. :rolleyes:

How The Novel Coronavirus And The Flu Are Alike ... And Different

"Data from China shows that 20% of COVID-19 patients, though, are serious enough to get sent to the hospital. That's about ten times more often than flu. Even though a great many people are hospitalized for the flu — the preliminary data for the 2018-19 flu season is nearly half a million — the rate of hospitalization is far lower: 1-2% percent of cases, according to the CDC."

Meanwhile WHO made claims that the death rate was estimated at 3.4%. We have not seen that happening in the U.S. as of yet. This may be because our Health care structure and procedures are better equipped to handle the virus. Also, our population centers are more vulnerable and most people tend to live outside the populations centers.
Right now the death rate is 1.3% in the US, but it would be much lower with an ACCURATE estimate of those who actually have the virus.

And, ALL died with "preexisting conditions" meaning they would have died of something over the next few months. It was their time.
For all the illiterate retards on this thread. Let me know if you need a crash helmet and an adult to figure it out. :rolleyes:

How The Novel Coronavirus And The Flu Are Alike ... And Different

"Data from China shows that 20% of COVID-19 patients, though, are serious enough to get sent to the hospital. That's about ten times more often than flu. Even though a great many people are hospitalized for the flu — the preliminary data for the 2018-19 flu season is nearly half a million — the rate of hospitalization is far lower: 1-2% percent of cases, according to the CDC."

Meanwhile WHO made claims that the death rate was estimated at 3.4%. We have not seen that happening in the U.S. as of yet. This may be because our Health care structure and procedures are better equipped to handle the virus. Also, our population centers are more vulnerable and most people tend to live outside the populations centers.
Since we are seriously behind in testing I dont think they will ever get a good handle on what the real death rate is. We lost precious time while Drumpf sat around jerking off and claiming it was a hoax.
We have no reliable data due to an inability to test everyone who had contact with any/everyone tested positive; the special people like NBA teams the white house and Mike Pence's staff of course. But we the people? Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffft, not a societal priority.
No, the mortality rate is 10-15 times greater than the flu. And it is NOT a flu. Please stop lying.

Based on limited data that seems to ignore a lot of environmental factors.

I am not saying it is sure seems to be in terms of biology. 10-15 times ?

Also, that is not universal. It seems to really slam the elderly.
So you admit youre guessing without the required information that real doctors have?

You have what they have. Or are you to lazy to figure that out.

And you are going to dispute my claim it is not universal in terms of it's lethality ?

Please have it.

"And you are going to dispute my claim it is not universal in terms of it's lethality?"

Nah, who did? Also preliminarily appears to hit men harder than women.

Early days, see "emerging" in "emerging pandemic".
But I thought it was just the flu? :laugh:
Yep. It is. Do you have a point?
For all the illiterate retards on this thread. Let me know if you need a crash helmet and an adult to figure it out. :rolleyes:

How The Novel Coronavirus And The Flu Are Alike ... And Different

"Data from China shows that 20% of COVID-19 patients, though, are serious enough to get sent to the hospital. That's about ten times more often than flu. Even though a great many people are hospitalized for the flu — the preliminary data for the 2018-19 flu season is nearly half a million — the rate of hospitalization is far lower: 1-2% percent of cases, according to the CDC."

Meanwhile WHO made claims that the death rate was estimated at 3.4%. We have not seen that happening in the U.S. as of yet. This may be because our Health care structure and procedures are better equipped to handle the virus. Also, our population centers are more vulnerable and most people tend to live outside the populations centers.
Right now the death rate is 1.3% in the US, but it would be much lower with an ACCURATE estimate of those who actually have the virus.

And, ALL died with "preexisting conditions" meaning they would have died of something over the next few months. It was their time.
We have no idea since we can't test.
Based on limited data that seems to ignore a lot of environmental factors.

I am not saying it is sure seems to be in terms of biology. 10-15 times ?

Also, that is not universal. It seems to really slam the elderly.
So you admit youre guessing without the required information that real doctors have?

You have what they have. Or are you to lazy to figure that out.

And you are going to dispute my claim it is not universal in terms of it's lethality ?

Please have it.

"And you are going to dispute my claim it is not universal in terms of it's lethality?"

Nah, who did? Also preliminarily appears to hit men harder than women.

Early days, see "emerging" in "emerging pandemic".
But I thought it was just the flu? :laugh:
Yep. It is. Do you have a point?
No, it ain't and you obviously reject objective reality thus his point must be denied rabidly, frothy-mouthedly.
For all the illiterate retards on this thread. Let me know if you need a crash helmet and an adult to figure it out. :rolleyes:

How The Novel Coronavirus And The Flu Are Alike ... And Different

"Data from China shows that 20% of COVID-19 patients, though, are serious enough to get sent to the hospital. That's about ten times more often than flu. Even though a great many people are hospitalized for the flu — the preliminary data for the 2018-19 flu season is nearly half a million — the rate of hospitalization is far lower: 1-2% percent of cases, according to the CDC."

Meanwhile WHO made claims that the death rate was estimated at 3.4%. We have not seen that happening in the U.S. as of yet. This may be because our Health care structure and procedures are better equipped to handle the virus. Also, our population centers are more vulnerable and most people tend to live outside the populations centers.

Since we are seriously behind in testing I dont think they will ever get a good handle on what the real death rate is. We lost precious time while Drumpf sat around jerking off and claiming it was a hoax.

Meanwhile less than 5% of the cases here have been sent to hospitals for intensive care. The record-keeping here is more efficient than China's and than WHO. To date the death rate caused by Wuhan Covid-19 in America is 1.5% based upon population. You have better odds of being struck by lightning.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) fatality rate: WHO and media vs logic and mathematics
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) fatality rate: WHO and media vs logic and mathematics – AVatorL's Blog
Last update: 2/20/2020 (I’m updating the article just to add additional arguments and to answer reader’s comments)
On January 29th, 2020 Dr. Michael Ryan, Executive Director of World Health Organization (WHO) on a press conference said that Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) fatality rate is 2%.
During the following days many (if not all) big media corporation published articles with the following statements:
“The mortality rate for the new coronavirus is about 2.1%, currently far lower than the 9.6% of SARS.” BBC
Exactly what I’ve been saying.

90 people a day die in theirs cars in America. Do we close all roads? Nope, the economic impact would be catastrophic.

Anyone worrying about Tom Hanks dying after being infected? Nope. He says he’s just got aches and doing fine.

As most people who are healthy.

But there are people dying! Yep. Just like with the flu every year. Over ten thousand died from H1N1, did we shutdown America?

Prevention Expert: Data Shows Our Fight Against Coronavirus May Be Worse Than The Disease

But that's the whole point!

Soros and the ChiComs are working with their wholly owned subsidiary the DNC and American Media to destroy the US economy
Exactly what I’ve been saying.

90 people a day die in theirs cars in America. Do we close all roads? Nope, the economic impact would be catastrophic.

Anyone worrying about Tom Hanks dying after being infected? Nope. He says he’s just got aches and doing fine.

As most people who are healthy.

But there are people dying! Yep. Just like with the flu every year. Over ten thousand died from H1N1, did we shutdown America?

Prevention Expert: Data Shows Our Fight Against Coronavirus May Be Worse Than The Disease
Well, lets do nothing & see how that works out.
For all the illiterate retards on this thread. Let me know if you need a crash helmet and an adult to figure it out. :rolleyes:

How The Novel Coronavirus And The Flu Are Alike ... And Different

"Data from China shows that 20% of COVID-19 patients, though, are serious enough to get sent to the hospital. That's about ten times more often than flu. Even though a great many people are hospitalized for the flu — the preliminary data for the 2018-19 flu season is nearly half a million — the rate of hospitalization is far lower: 1-2% percent of cases, according to the CDC."

Meanwhile WHO made claims that the death rate was estimated at 3.4%. We have not seen that happening in the U.S. as of yet. This may be because our Health care structure and procedures are better equipped to handle the virus. Also, our population centers are more vulnerable and most people tend to live outside the populations centers.
Right now the death rate is 1.3% in the US, but it would be much lower with an ACCURATE estimate of those who actually have the virus.

And, ALL died with "preexisting conditions" meaning they would have died of something over the next few months. It was their time.

"And, ALL died with "preexisting conditions" meaning they would have died of something over the next few months. It was their time."

No dummy thats not what it means. It just means they were compromised. My mom has had cancer 3 times but still alive.
Exactly what I’ve been saying.

90 people a day die in theirs cars in America. Do we close all roads? Nope, the economic impact would be catastrophic.

Anyone worrying about Tom Hanks dying after being infected? Nope. He says he’s just got aches and doing fine.

As most people who are healthy.

But there are people dying! Yep. Just like with the flu every year. Over ten thousand died from H1N1, did we shutdown America?

Prevention Expert: Data Shows Our Fight Against Coronavirus May Be Worse Than The Disease

But that's the whole point!

Soros and the ChiComs are working with their wholly owned subsidiary the DNC and American Media to destroy the US economy
So why is Drumpf going along with them?
Exactly what I’ve been saying.

90 people a day die in theirs cars in America. Do we close all roads? Nope, the economic impact would be catastrophic.

Anyone worrying about Tom Hanks dying after being infected? Nope. He says he’s just got aches and doing fine.

As most people who are healthy.

But there are people dying! Yep. Just like with the flu every year. Over ten thousand died from H1N1, did we shutdown America?

Prevention Expert: Data Shows Our Fight Against Coronavirus May Be Worse Than The Disease

But that's the whole point!

Soros and the ChiComs are working with their wholly owned subsidiary the DNC and American Media to destroy the US economy
So why is Drumpf going along with them?
Otherwise you blame him every time a 96 year old with asthma dies.
The guy that wrote the article is an idiot. So his solution is let the virus run rampant among everyone under the age of 60 and isolate everyone 60 and up? I wonder how many of those people 60 and up have relatives that are below 60?
You can still protect those most at risk without crushing the economy.
Exactly what I’ve been saying.

90 people a day die in theirs cars in America. Do we close all roads? Nope, the economic impact would be catastrophic.

Anyone worrying about Tom Hanks dying after being infected? Nope. He says he’s just got aches and doing fine.

As most people who are healthy.

But there are people dying! Yep. Just like with the flu every year. Over ten thousand died from H1N1, did we shutdown America?

Prevention Expert: Data Shows Our Fight Against Coronavirus May Be Worse Than The Disease

But that's the whole point!

Soros and the ChiComs are working with their wholly owned subsidiary the DNC and American Media to destroy the US economy

And Trump was doping such a great job of killing the economy. Bankrupting farmers, declining manufacturing. declining GDP, skyrocketing deficits.

Now his gross mismanagement of COVID-19 could complete the job.
The guy that wrote the article is an idiot. So his solution is let the virus run rampant among everyone under the age of 60 and isolate everyone 60 and up? I wonder how many of those people 60 and up have relatives that are below 60?
So what if you catch it? Unless you’re sick already you’ll live. Hanks is over 60.

"So what if you catch it?"

Are you really that stupid? Or is it that you are just selfish?

If I catch it, I can spread it. If I spread it then someone may die. Maybe my mom or pops or someone elses mom or pops.
"So what if you catch it?"

Are you really that stupid? Or is it that you are just selfish?

If I catch it, I can spread it. If I spread it then someone may die. Maybe my mom or pops or someone elses mom or pops.

Same with a cold or the flu. Why don’t you care about it then?
The guy that wrote the article is an idiot. So his solution is let the virus run rampant among everyone under the age of 60 and isolate everyone 60 and up? I wonder how many of those people 60 and up have relatives that are below 60?
You can still protect those most at risk without crushing the economy.
Too early to really tell who is most at risk. Its not like the virus asks you how old you are before it kills you.
The guy that wrote the article is an idiot. So his solution is let the virus run rampant among everyone under the age of 60 and isolate everyone 60 and up? I wonder how many of those people 60 and up have relatives that are below 60?
So what if you catch it? Unless you’re sick already you’ll live. Hanks is over 60.

"So what if you catch it?"

Are you really that stupid? Or is it that you are just selfish?

If I catch it, I can spread it. If I spread it then someone may die. Maybe my mom or pops or someone elses mom or pops.
"So what if you catch it?"

Are you really that stupid? Or is it that you are just selfish?

If I catch it, I can spread it. If I spread it then someone may die. Maybe my mom or pops or someone elses mom or pops.

Same with a cold or the flu. Why don’t you care about it then?
Who told you I didnt care about it then?
For all the illiterate retards on this thread. Let me know if you need a crash helmet and an adult to figure it out. :rolleyes:

How The Novel Coronavirus And The Flu Are Alike ... And Different

"Data from China shows that 20% of COVID-19 patients, though, are serious enough to get sent to the hospital. That's about ten times more often than flu. Even though a great many people are hospitalized for the flu — the preliminary data for the 2018-19 flu season is nearly half a million — the rate of hospitalization is far lower: 1-2% percent of cases, according to the CDC."

Meanwhile WHO made claims that the death rate was estimated at 3.4%. We have not seen that happening in the U.S. as of yet. This may be because our Health care structure and procedures are better equipped to handle the virus. Also, our population centers are more vulnerable and most people tend to live outside the populations centers.

Since we are seriously behind in testing I dont think they will ever get a good handle on what the real death rate is. We lost precious time while Drumpf sat around jerking off and claiming it was a hoax.

Meanwhile less than 5% of the cases here have been sent to hospitals for intensive care. The record-keeping here is more efficient than China's and than WHO. To date the death rate caused by Wuhan Covid-19 in America is 1.5% based upon population. You have better odds of being struck by lightning.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) fatality rate: WHO and media vs logic and mathematics
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) fatality rate: WHO and media vs logic and mathematics – AVatorL's Blog
Last update: 2/20/2020 (I’m updating the article just to add additional arguments and to answer reader’s comments)
On January 29th, 2020 Dr. Michael Ryan, Executive Director of World Health Organization (WHO) on a press conference said that Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) fatality rate is 2%.
During the following days many (if not all) big media corporation published articles with the following statements:
“The mortality rate for the new coronavirus is about 2.1%, currently far lower than the 9.6% of SARS.” BBC
I bet it's even lower than the reported percentage of lethality because there are an unknown number of people who have had the virus and never sought medical help or were never tested
Exactly what I’ve been saying.

90 people a day die in theirs cars in America. Do we close all roads? Nope, the economic impact would be catastrophic.

Anyone worrying about Tom Hanks dying after being infected? Nope. He says he’s just got aches and doing fine.

As most people who are healthy.

But there are people dying! Yep. Just like with the flu every year. Over ten thousand died from H1N1, did we shutdown America?

Prevention Expert: Data Shows Our Fight Against Coronavirus May Be Worse Than The Disease

But that's the whole point!

Soros and the ChiComs are working with their wholly owned subsidiary the DNC and American Media to destroy the US economy
So why is Drumpf going along with them?
Otherwise you blame him every time a 96 year old with asthma dies.
Why does he care now who I blame?
The guy that wrote the article is an idiot. So his solution is let the virus run rampant among everyone under the age of 60 and isolate everyone 60 and up? I wonder how many of those people 60 and up have relatives that are below 60?
You can still protect those most at risk without crushing the economy.
No masks, no other PPE. no vaccine, no cure. highly contagious.

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