Data Shows Our Fight Against Coronavirus May Be Worse Than The Disease

The guy that wrote the article is an idiot. So his solution is let the virus run rampant among everyone under the age of 60 and isolate everyone 60 and up? I wonder how many of those people 60 and up have relatives that are below 60?
So what if you catch it? Unless you’re sick already you’ll live. Hanks is over 60.

"So what if you catch it?"

Are you really that stupid? Or is it that you are just selfish?

If I catch it, I can spread it. If I spread it then someone may die. Maybe my mom or pops or someone elses mom or pops.
You probably already have it.
You’ve definitely got something and it’s affected your brain.
If I already had it my parents would have it.

I do have something. Its called melanin and yes it makes you smarter.

Not necessarily.
I'm skeptical about the necessity of the levels of shutdowns that we are currently having in order to "flatten the curve". That being said, I tend to support error on the side of caution. I think that we as a nation should be able to economically survive 3 weeks of social distancing. If we could know it would last only 3 weeks, It would not be such a problem economically; however, it is likely to last much longer. Three months of shutdowns could send us into a depression. Also, keep in mind that by "flattening the curve" roughly the same number of people end up getting infected (area under the curves are approximately the same). Flattening the curve simply means that the peak of the infections is lower so not to overwhelm our health care/hospital resources.

After this is all over, I hope that a honest an fair evaluation can be done to determine how necessary our reaction to the C-19 virus has been. We don't need to be going through this every couple to three years because of a newly mutated virus.
I'm skeptical about the necessity of the levels of shutdowns that we are currently having in order to "flatten the curve". That being said, I tend to support error on the side of caution. I think that we as a nation should be able to economically survive 3 weeks of social distancing. If we could know it would last only 3 weeks, It would not be such a problem economically; however, it is likely to last much longer. Three months of shutdowns could send us into a depression. Also, keep in mind that by "flattening the curve" roughly the same number of people end up getting infected (area under the curves are approximately the same). Flattening the curve simply means that the peak of the infections is lower so not to overwhelm our health care/hospital resources.

After this is all over, I hope that a honest an fair evaluation can be done to determine how necessary our reaction to the C-19 virus has been. We don't need to be going through this every couple to three years because of a newly mutated virus.

There's no way Americans are going to sit at home with just an occasional run to the store, for months or even weeks. Most all of us will comply for a while, but then order will break down eventually and people will begin to take more risks again. It's just human nature. The hope is, a few weeks of a "shelter-in-place" order will get us through the worst part. If it doesn't, then god help us, because people won't stay put for an extended period of time.
I'm skeptical about the necessity of the levels of shutdowns that we are currently having in order to "flatten the curve". That being said, I tend to support error on the side of caution.

I agree ... I think this is a bunch of mass hysteria but I'm taking all the precautions being recommended ... I'm "reserving judgement" on the whole affair ... and erring on the side of caution ...
If I spread it then someone may die. Maybe my mom or pops or someone elses mom or pops.
May or maybe isn't will or did. I might run a stop sign and no one will be killed- or I might go over the speed limit and no one will die- I might drive w/o state approval while harming no one- and I will get a revenue citation for either and NO harm was caused, but revenue was increased. I might need a cop in a few seconds but he was busy enhancing revenue and couldn't get there before I was shot- a cop might shoot somebody not guilty of harming another and all that generated revenue helps pay the insurance premiums when they have to go to court for their "I might have gotten harmed" defense-

Fucking people are pathetic- you've been brain washed into trusting thugs-
Exactly what I’ve been saying.

90 people a day die in theirs cars in America. Do we close all roads? Nope, the economic impact would be catastrophic.

Anyone worrying about Tom Hanks dying after being infected? Nope. He says he’s just got aches and doing fine.

As most people who are healthy.

But there are people dying! Yep. Just like with the flu every year. Over ten thousand died from H1N1, did we shutdown America?

Prevention Expert: Data Shows Our Fight Against Coronavirus May Be Worse Than The Disease
Lol, so says the ever- conspiratorial daily wire.
Do you ever get tired of playing the fool?

Opinion | Is Our Fight Against Coronavirus Worse Than the Disease?
It's an op/Ed behind a paywall.

I'm not sure what you think that proves.

It is, at best, an interesting perspective.

But, of course, the dicks on the left transform into a bunch of baboons....screeching and throwing shit everywhere.
May or maybe isn't will or did. I might run a stop sign and no one will be killed- or I might go over the speed limit and no one will die- I might drive w/o state approval while harming no one- and I will get a revenue citation for either and NO harm was caused, but revenue was increased. I might need a cop in a few seconds but he was busy enhancing revenue and couldn't get there before I was shot- a cop might shoot somebody not guilty of harming another and all that generated revenue helps pay the insurance premiums when they have to go to court for their "I might have gotten harmed" defense-

Fucking people are pathetic- you've been brain washed into trusting thugs-

I agree with you here ... even though it twists my guts into painful knots to say that ... but there is some common sense exceptions ... when the flu or Corvid-19 is running through your office, maybe stay away from the old folks home or any young mother with a titling ...

We should already be vigilant during the colder months ... I think some extra thought, maybe skip kissing complete strangers, until this passes over the initial sweep ... stops signs and speed limits are there as a precaution, same with California temporarily outlawing licking posts, just a common sense precaution ...
The guy that wrote the article is an idiot. So his solution is let the virus run rampant among everyone under the age of 60 and isolate everyone 60 and up? I wonder how many of those people 60 and up have relatives that are below 60?
You can still protect those most at risk without crushing the economy.
No masks, no other PPE. no vaccine, no cure. highly contagious.

I guess you didn't see the news about a very promising treatment with a well known malaria drug.

And you can still protect those at risk without all that shit
"Promising" doesnt mean its a vaccine.
I never said it was a vaccine.

A vaccine is not necessary to to treat the people who are infected now.

The drugs that have been used in small trials were very successful at reducing the viral load of those infected very rapidly thereby lessening the severity and length of the infection.
I didnt say you said it was a vaccine. That was the point that you were referring to that was made in the post you responded to.
The guy that wrote the article is an idiot. So his solution is let the virus run rampant among everyone under the age of 60 and isolate everyone 60 and up? I wonder how many of those people 60 and up have relatives that are below 60?
So what if you catch it? Unless you’re sick already you’ll live. Hanks is over 60.

Let me explain how callous and ignorant you are.

About 34+ millions of Americans are diabetics, 121+ millions with heart problems, 25+ millions have asthma, 750k on dialysis, 16+ millions with COPD, cancer patients. Etc etc etc etc. Lots at early age.

Are you going to just let them die because of underlying sickness? Don’t worry about it? Coronavirus is nothing? Because that is what you are implying.
Exactly what I’ve been saying.

90 people a day die in theirs cars in America. Do we close all roads? Nope, the economic impact would be catastrophic.

Anyone worrying about Tom Hanks dying after being infected? Nope. He says he’s just got aches and doing fine.

As most people who are healthy.

But there are people dying! Yep. Just like with the flu every year. Over ten thousand died from H1N1, did we shutdown America?

Prevention Expert: Data Shows Our Fight Against Coronavirus May Be Worse Than The Disease

they will be starting the national guard out Monday---- We will need to watch the globalist who will pull some stunts...

All to make Trump look bad they will do anything including kill their own Americans leftist are scum and the sheep who follow are just as bad if not worse.
Exactly what I’ve been saying.

90 people a day die in theirs cars in America. Do we close all roads? Nope, the economic impact would be catastrophic.

Anyone worrying about Tom Hanks dying after being infected? Nope. He says he’s just got aches and doing fine.

As most people who are healthy.

But there are people dying! Yep. Just like with the flu every year. Over ten thousand died from H1N1, did we shutdown America?

Prevention Expert: Data Shows Our Fight Against Coronavirus May Be Worse Than The Disease

These assholes think we were joking about MARTIAL LAW ------- and we the people being the enemy the deep state ------- blanks are setting this all up.


Oh imagine that.
Oh just think what else I could be telling the a holes of the world on this board. you should see the letter they sent with it awww dam I can't post it lol.
The guy that wrote the article is an idiot. So his solution is let the virus run rampant among everyone under the age of 60 and isolate everyone 60 and up? I wonder how many of those people 60 and up have relatives that are below 60?

Don't know for sure but from here it looks like you're the idiot.
From every perspective I have zero doubts you're an idiot. Of that I'm sure. :rolleyes:

Thats a very pathetic attempt at a retort but then with your tiny little IQ I suppose originality isn't one of your strong suits.
Exactly what I’ve been saying.

90 people a day die in theirs cars in America. Do we close all roads? Nope, the economic impact would be catastrophic.

Anyone worrying about Tom Hanks dying after being infected? Nope. He says he’s just got aches and doing fine.

As most people who are healthy.

But there are people dying! Yep. Just like with the flu every year. Over ten thousand died from H1N1, did we shutdown America?

Prevention Expert: Data Shows Our Fight Against Coronavirus May Be Worse Than The Disease
Lol, so says the ever- conspiratorial daily wire.
Do you ever get tired of playing the fool?

Opinion | Is Our Fight Against Coronavirus Worse Than the Disease?
It's an op/Ed behind a paywall.

I'm not sure what you think that proves.

It is, at best, an interesting perspective.

But, of course, the dicks on the left transform into a bunch of baboons....screeching and throwing shit everywhere.
Total non Sequitur.

Lots of that from the right here lately.
Why were you ok with the death of thousands when Obama was president but .... it's a problem?

12,000 died due to the flu during the 2009-10 season ...
61,000 died due to the flu during the 2017-18 season ...

21,000 died this season so far ...

To be fair ... the news media really blew up the 2009-10 season and this may have had the effect of keeping people conscience of their behaviors and thus reduced the extent of that season ... we may see that this year with the Corona virus ...

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