Data Shows Our Fight Against Coronavirus May Be Worse Than The Disease

Exactly what I’ve been saying.

90 people a day die in theirs cars in America. Do we close all roads? Nope, the economic impact would be catastrophic.

Anyone worrying about Tom Hanks dying after being infected? Nope. He says he’s just got aches and doing fine.

As most people who are healthy.

But there are people dying! Yep. Just like with the flu every year. Over ten thousand died from H1N1, did we shutdown America?

Prevention Expert: Data Shows Our Fight Against Coronavirus May Be Worse Than The Disease
Exactly. Staying holed up where ever a person decides to be quarantined at the end of the day will make what kind of good difference? Someone could crash into where ever you happen to reside considering how reckless behind the wheel too many people choose to be.

God bless you always!!!

Exactly what I’ve been saying.

90 people a day die in theirs cars in America. Do we close all roads? Nope, the economic impact would be catastrophic.

Anyone worrying about Tom Hanks dying after being infected? Nope. He says he’s just got aches and doing fine.

As most people who are healthy.

But there are people dying! Yep. Just like with the flu every year. Over ten thousand died from H1N1, did we shutdown America?

Prevention Expert: Data Shows Our Fight Against Coronavirus May Be Worse Than The Disease

These assholes think we were joking about MARTIAL LAW ------- and we the people being the enemy the deep state ------- blanks are setting this all up.

View attachment 313923

Oh imagine that.



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Exactly what I’ve been saying.

90 people a day die in theirs cars in America. Do we close all roads? Nope, the economic impact would be catastrophic.

Anyone worrying about Tom Hanks dying after being infected? Nope. He says he’s just got aches and doing fine.

As most people who are healthy.

But there are people dying! Yep. Just like with the flu every year. Over ten thousand died from H1N1, did we shutdown America?

Prevention Expert: Data Shows Our Fight Against Coronavirus May Be Worse Than The Disease
Lol, so says the ever- conspiratorial daily wire.
Do you ever get tired of playing the fool?

Opinion | Is Our Fight Against Coronavirus Worse Than the Disease?
It's an op/Ed behind a paywall.

I'm not sure what you think that proves.

It is, at best, an interesting perspective.

But, of course, the dicks on the left transform into a bunch of baboons....screeching and throwing shit everywhere.
Total non Sequitur.

Lots of that from the right here lately.

I can't help reality.

Deal with it.
Why were you ok with the death of thousands when Obama was president but .... it's a problem?

12,000 died due to the flu during the 2009-10 season ...
61,000 died due to the flu during the 2017-18 season ...

21,000 died this season so far ...

To be fair ... the news media really blew up the 2009-10 season and this may have had the effect of keeping people conscience of their behaviors and thus reduced the extent of that season ... we may see that this year with the Corona virus ...

While I am in agreement with you...there is this to consider.

We have a model for the flu. We know what it will do and about how many it will take.

This thing is still a wild card and could get out of hand real fast.

I don't like the overblown hysteria. Trump should have done differently and simply said....

This is a deep deep precaution. And he should offer to help small businesses that are going to suffer for that choice.
Lol, so says the ever- conspiratorial daily wire.
Do you ever get tired of playing the fool?

Opinion | Is Our Fight Against Coronavirus Worse Than the Disease?
It's an op/Ed behind a paywall.

I'm not sure what you think that proves.

It is, at best, an interesting perspective.

But, of course, the dicks on the left transform into a bunch of baboons....screeching and throwing shit everywhere.
Total non Sequitur.

Lots of that from the right here lately.

I can't help reality.

Deal with it.
Lol, you can't recognize it either.
It's an op/Ed behind a paywall.

I'm not sure what you think that proves.

It is, at best, an interesting perspective.

But, of course, the dicks on the left transform into a bunch of baboons....screeching and throwing shit everywhere.
Total non Sequitur.

Lots of that from the right here lately.

I can't help reality.

Deal with it.
Lol, you can't recognize it either.

I can recognize a pack of baboons (left wingers screeching and throwing shit) a mile away.
It's an op/Ed behind a paywall.

I'm not sure what you think that proves.

It is, at best, an interesting perspective.

But, of course, the dicks on the left transform into a bunch of baboons....screeching and throwing shit everywhere.
Total non Sequitur.

Lots of that from the right here lately.

I can't help reality.

Deal with it.
Lol, you can't recognize it either.

I can recognize a pack of baboons (left wingers screeching and throwing shit) a mile away.
Obviously not, just from your statement.
It is, at best, an interesting perspective.

But, of course, the dicks on the left transform into a bunch of baboons....screeching and throwing shit everywhere.
Total non Sequitur.

Lots of that from the right here lately.

I can't help reality.

Deal with it.
Lol, you can't recognize it either.

I can recognize a pack of baboons (left wingers screeching and throwing shit) a mile away.
Obviously not, just from your statement.

If you have a point (which would be a first), please make it.

Your drivel simply wastes bandwidth.
It's an op/Ed behind a paywall.

I'm not sure what you think that proves.

It is, at best, an interesting perspective.

But, of course, the dicks on the left transform into a bunch of baboons....screeching and throwing shit everywhere.
Total non Sequitur.

Lots of that from the right here lately.

I can't help reality.

Deal with it.
Lol, you can't recognize it either.
Are you cowering because you were ordered to cower or is it just a natural practice for you?
It's an op/Ed behind a paywall.

I'm not sure what you think that proves.

It is, at best, an interesting perspective.

But, of course, the dicks on the left transform into a bunch of baboons....screeching and throwing shit everywhere.
Total non Sequitur.

Lots of that from the right here lately.

I can't help reality.

Deal with it.
Lol, you can't recognize it either.
Are you cowering because you were ordered to cower or is it just a natural practice for you?
Oh, look kids! It's a deflection!

(That means they can't refute your post so they try to change the subject, usually with an insult. But don't worry, they aren't verry good at it)
It is, at best, an interesting perspective.

But, of course, the dicks on the left transform into a bunch of baboons....screeching and throwing shit everywhere.
Total non Sequitur.

Lots of that from the right here lately.

I can't help reality.

Deal with it.
Lol, you can't recognize it either.
Are you cowering because you were ordered to cower or is it just a natural practice for you?
Oh, look kids! It's a deflection!

(That means they can't refute your post so they try to change the subject, usually with an insult. But don't worry, they aren't verry good at it)
Yep, you just cower naturally!

awwwwwwww. for 2 weeks we told you d.a. this was your invisible 911 .
Total non Sequitur.

Lots of that from the right here lately.

I can't help reality.

Deal with it.
Lol, you can't recognize it either.
Are you cowering because you were ordered to cower or is it just a natural practice for you?
Oh, look kids! It's a deflection!

(That means they can't refute your post so they try to change the subject, usually with an insult. But don't worry, they aren't verry good at it)
Yep, you just cower naturally!
(They also aren't smart enough to know when the technique has failed.)
For all the illiterate retards on this thread. Let me know if you need a crash helmet and an adult to figure it out. :rolleyes:

How The Novel Coronavirus And The Flu Are Alike ... And Different

"Data from China shows that 20% of COVID-19 patients, though, are serious enough to get sent to the hospital. That's about ten times more often than flu. Even though a great many people are hospitalized for the flu — the preliminary data for the 2018-19 flu season is nearly half a million — the rate of hospitalization is far lower: 1-2% percent of cases, according to the CDC."

Meanwhile WHO made claims that the death rate was estimated at 3.4%. We have not seen that happening in the U.S. as of yet. This may be because our Health care structure and procedures are better equipped to handle the virus. Also, our population centers are more vulnerable and most people tend to live outside the populations centers.
Right now the death rate is 1.3% in the US, but it would be much lower with an ACCURATE estimate of those who actually have the virus.

And, ALL died with "preexisting conditions" meaning they would have died of something over the next few months. It was their time.
We don;t know because stupid ass Trump blew it off until it was ahead of our capabilities.

People live for years with bad hearts, lungs etc.
A lot of smart people agree:

Needed: the reopening plan. Fast.

“Needed fast: a plan to open up the economy again in a virus-safe way. Every business should be (and likely is) working hard to figure out how to operate in a virus-safe way. Federal state and local government need to be working 24 hours a day during the next few weeks to promulgate virus-safe practices. Not because they are particularly good at it, but because they are the ones shutting things down, and their permission is needed to reopen, fully or partly. People also will want the confidence to know that businesses they patronize are compliant. You’ve got two weeks — figure out what combination of personal distancing, self-isolation, testing, cleaning, etc. will allow each kind of business to reopen, at least partially.”
Are you going to just let them die because of underlying sickness? Don’t worry about it?
Why were you ok with the death of thousands when Obama was president but .... it's a problem?
Will you assfucks quit making up lies about Obama to try to hide Trump's failures?
What lies?

This from your CDC:

Additionally, CDC estimated that 151,700-575,400 people worldwide died from (H1N1)pdm09 virus infection during the first year the virus circulated
That's nearly 152 MILLION human beings

This was under Obama's watch. Did we shut down the nation? I barely remember it.
A lot of smart people agree:

Needed: the reopening plan. Fast.

“Needed fast: a plan to open up the economy again in a virus-safe way. Every business should be (and likely is) working hard to figure out how to operate in a virus-safe way. Federal state and local government need to be working 24 hours a day during the next few weeks to promulgate virus-safe practices. Not because they are particularly good at it, but because they are the ones shutting things down, and their permission is needed to reopen, fully or partly. People also will want the confidence to know that businesses they patronize are compliant. You’ve got two weeks — figure out what combination of personal distancing, self-isolation, testing, cleaning, etc. will allow each kind of business to reopen, at least partially.”
Until they figure it out then they will remain shutdown so they dont kill more people.
The guy that wrote the article is an idiot. So his solution is let the virus run rampant among everyone under the age of 60 and isolate everyone 60 and up? I wonder how many of those people 60 and up have relatives that are below 60?
So what if you catch it? Unless you’re sick already you’ll live. Hanks is over 60.

"So what if you catch it?"

Are you really that stupid? Or is it that you are just selfish?

If I catch it, I can spread it. If I spread it then someone may die. Maybe my mom or pops or someone elses mom or pops.
You probably already have it.
You’ve definitely got something and it’s affected your brain.
If I already had it my parents would have it.

I do have something. Its called melanin and yes it makes you smarter.
If your parents protect themselves they may not have or get it. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
The guy that wrote the article is an idiot. So his solution is let the virus run rampant among everyone under the age of 60 and isolate everyone 60 and up? I wonder how many of those people 60 and up have relatives that are below 60?
So what if you catch it? Unless you’re sick already you’ll live. Hanks is over 60.

"So what if you catch it?"

Are you really that stupid? Or is it that you are just selfish?

If I catch it, I can spread it. If I spread it then someone may die. Maybe my mom or pops or someone elses mom or pops.
You probably already have it.
You’ve definitely got something and it’s affected your brain.
If I already had it my parents would have it.

I do have something. Its called melanin and yes it makes you smarter.
If your parents protect themselves they may not have or get it. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
You must have a hard time with reading comprehension. I was talking past tense. My parents have protected themselves. We only talk via facetime but thats only because I started protecting myself back in Jan just in case.

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