Data shows the former president is disappearing from conversations

Yet... here we are and you're starting yet another thread about how washed up, broke down busted he is and how he'll be in prison before he ever gets close to the Oval Office again. Tumble, rinse, repeat. Obsession aside, some of us are beginning to wonder if you guys think you aren't obviously fearful that he'll come back. I think it's like a Nightmare on Pennsylvania issue with you.

IF lightning strikes again and he wins... how do you believe Americans should react?
trumpism Kills!
See, here's the problem.

Trump is not the guy you need to take out. WE are the people who made Trump possible. You can destroy that Orange Bastard all you want.

WE are not going anywhere because there are way too many of us.
Tell that to the insurrectionist that are and will be sitting in jail. You want to join them? There is room for lots of you nutcases...
Wait until thousands of school children die in Florida due to his incompetence and arrogance. Then I hope he is sued from each child's death.
You care so much about children ( not). That you lock them away from school,sports and friends…instill them with fear and ignore it when they cause self harm and vomit suicide.

Please stop pretending to “ care”.

You care so much about children ( not). That you lock them away from school,sports and friends…instill them with fear and ignore it when they cause self harm and vomit suicide.

Please stop pretending to “ care”.

It is called "saving a child's life." You obviously don't care....
OF COURSE the democrats want to talk about TRUMP!. They can't talk about Quid Pro Joe without inviting scorn and mockery as the guy is clearly unfit for office and they can't defend or promote him without referring to TRUMP!. It's actually kind of fun to watch.
Odd claim for someone to make who has started or tried to start at least five threads on him just in the last 24 hours! :laugh2: And is still so much in fear of him, you try to put him down calling him the "former" president! :lmao:

If he's "disappearing," JACKASS, then why is Trump all you talk about! :auiqs.jpg:
Someone seems obsessed with someone who is no longer being talked about. :auiqs.jpg:
Tell that to the insurrectionist that are and will be sitting in jail. You want to join them? There is room for lots of you nutcases...
Who has been charged with insurrection?

Give us the list.......
Wait until thousands of school children die in Florida due to his incompetence and arrogance. Then I hope he is sued from each child's death.
What's the mortality rate from Covid among young children?

The one day that he commanded on-line guessed it....January 6th, 2021.
The self-pitying Loser's lying and brooding may be interminable, but the President chosen by most of the American electorate is succeeding where the Former Guy failed:

Screen Shot 2021-08-10 at 10.11.31 AM.png

November 12, 2016

Screen Shot 2020-11-22 at 9.29.08 AM.png

August 7, 2021
The self-pitying Loser's lying and brooding may be interminable, but the President chosen by most of the American electorate is succeeding where the Former Guy failed:

November 12, 2016

View attachment 523868

August 7, 2021
Just judging from the far right posters here, it seems that the data is correct. trump is quickly going out the door and possibly being replaced with one of the three Doctors of Doom, little trump desantis in Florida...who is about to kill hundreds if not thousands of school children there.

The other two DoD.....Randy Paul and Gregg Abbott...AH

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