Data shows the former president is disappearing from conversations

See, here's the problem.

Trump is not the guy you need to take out. WE are the people who made Trump possible. You can destroy that Orange Bastard all you want.

WE are not going anywhere because there are way too many of us.
I don't want to take anyone out, but I agree with you that the number of times Trump is mentioned online is not necessarily an issue. And imo its not an issue whether "pro trump" or centrists gopers win elections. The question will be in early 24 when the gop presidential primaries are held. Will he run? Will he anoint a successor? And who gets votes.
Amazing that they are tracking this stuff....

What do you do all day?

Well, I am an education bureaucrat, but I spend all day online collecting data and intel for the Democrats....
Just judging from the far right posters here, it seems that the data is correct. trump is quickly going out the door and possibly being replaced with one of the three Doctors of Doom, little trump desantis in Florida...who is about to kill hundreds if not thousands of school children there.

The other two DoD.....Randy Paul and Gregg Abbott...AH
What's the fatality rate from Covid among young children? Please do keep track and let us all know when thousands (as you apparently hope) of children start dying. Remember, we're counting on you so don't let us down.
Amazing that they are tracking this stuff....

What do you do all day?

Well, I am an education bureaucrat, but I spend all day online collecting data and intel for the Democrats....
As if it is out of the ordinary for an ex-President to not get as much coverage as when he was in office.:cuckoo:
Well he's not doing too good, and if the 20 elections happened today, the dems lose in a landslide.

But Trump's goal may just to be to con people out of money.
He is running the biggest shell game in world history. And his cult keeps choosing the wrong pea. By the time they figure it out that they have been fooled....he will be laughing and banking their money. Such Fools!
Wait until thousands of school children die in Florida due to his incompetence and arrogance. Then I hope he is sued from each child's death.
Wait until communities where Xiden is allowing infected illegals to cause sickness and death start suing Xiden for his stupidity and incompetence.
Wait until communities where Xiden is allowing infected illegals to cause sickness and death start suing Xiden for his stupidity and incompetence.

So, you believe COVID causes sickness and death in large enough quantities to be noticeable? Or wouldn't you guys just blame old people for being that way?
Yes, dipshit, we all know what a kraken is. I'm specifically referring to the one also known as the big lie.
But that’s not what you said. Obviously you didn’t know until I had to educate you. By the way: your big lie shit is falling apart more and more every day.
But that’s not what you said. Obviously you didn’t know until I had to educate you. By the way: your big lie shit is falling apart more and more every day.

Meaning Powell invented her own kraken. Jesus you people sometimes.
The water hiding under your beds? The yellow water? :heehee:

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So, you believe COVID causes sickness and death in large enough quantities to be noticeable? Or wouldn't you guys just blame old people for being that way?
Pathetic deflection attempt. I would blame assholes like you who cheer Xiden’s illegal acts left and right. The blame lies with Xiden and company.
Pathetic deflection attempt. I would blame assholes like you who cheer Xiden’s illegal acts left and right. The blame lies with Xiden and company.
I'm not deflecting. You guys claim COVID is nothing more than the flu and then next thing you know you're implying a large number of deaths are going to happen. Seems you consider the seriousness of COVID based on your political views.
I'm not deflecting. You guys claim COVID is nothing more than the flu and then next thing you know you're implying a large number of deaths are going to happen. Seems you consider the seriousness of COVID based on your political views.
Yes you’re deflecting. You cry for people to get vaxxed and wear masks yet say nothing about thousands of infected illegals being sent all over the country by Xiden and crew.
Damn you’re stupid. And triggered so easily. Here’s where’s “release the Kraken” came from.

Or do you need something more recent?

Yes, I'm fully aware of where the phrase came from that I never posted. I think by now it's obvious you didn't understand my post or my reference to Powell's kraken which turns out to be nothing more than a turd in the bathtub.
Yes you’re deflecting. You cry for people to get vaxxed and wear masks yet say nothing about thousands of infected illegals being sent all over the country by Xiden and crew.

I'd like to see anyone coming into our country legal or not get vaccinated. That being said right now it's Republican leaning areas of the country, the unvaxxed and unmasked who are getting sick. If you want to do what traditionally authoritarian regimes do and blame immigrants for disease go ahead. Can't be that big of a deal as many of you won't take the most basic of precautions to protect yourselves. So, fuck you if you're worried about somebody else who is unvaccinated.
See, here's the problem.

Trump is not the guy you need to take out. WE are the people who made Trump possible. You can destroy that Orange Bastard all you want.

WE are not going anywhere because there are way too many of us.
Yet WE are the people who who did not like the direction you-the-people were taking the country....and we voted in 2020.

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