David Axelrod


You're not the boss of me
Mar 28, 2009
some beach
Why does he go on FOX News with Chris Wallace just to be made to look foolish when he could stick to all of the other networks who would be so much more friendly??:dunno:
Why does he go on FOX News with Chris Wallace just to be made to look foolish when he could stick to all of the other networks who would be so much more friendly??:dunno:

Why are liberals dependent on newscasters and journalist to throw them softball questions that do not get to the core problems we have?:laugh2:

I would have used the :dunno: emoticon [ :d u n n o ] {meaning I don't know} , but I DO KNOW! Liberals depend on deception and the hiding of the truth when it comes to gaining votes! Plain and simple!
Wasn't there a time though when the Obama admin attempted to marginalize FOX News by denying them access?? So when did the attitude change and why??

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