David Hogg to Laura Ingraham.....How you like them apples?

His Daddy was both a Harvard Gradulate and Speaker of the House at the time.

Dragonlady please learn to spell Graduate and brush up on you American political history...
Former POTUS George H. W. Bush graduated from Yale and never attended Harvard at all... Along with a plethora of achievements '41' was never Speaker of the House... :lame2:

"David Hogg Plans to Major in Political Science At Harvard; Harvard Doesn’t Offer Political Science Major"
"David Hogg Plans to Major in Political Science At Harvard; Harvard Doesn’t Offer Political Science Major"
You’re really too dumb to research this yourself, aren’t you?


Professor Cheryl Welch, Director of Undergraduate Studies

The concentration in Government introduces students to the discipline of political science: the study of power in all of its many forms and consequences. Aiming both to prepare students to lead engaged civic lives and to introduce them to the ways in which political scientists explain and analyze the social and political world around us, the concentration has four curricular goals:

After Ingraham giddily mocked him for college rejections, Hogg has finally picked a school

Parkland survivor David Hogg, who was mocked by Fox host over college rejections, finds Ivy League comeback

This thread illustrates well the narrow-mined pettiness, stupidity, and intellectual laziness common to most conservatives.

David Hogg should be commended and supported in his efforts – particularly given the criticism we often hear directed at young people in general for being selfish, self-centered, and uninvolved.

David is involved, engaged, and passionate about an issue important to him – more young people need to do the same.

Although David is wrong with regard to his advocacy for more firearm regulatory measures – I for one will aggressively oppose him in any effort to enact a new AWB either at the state or Federal level, for example – it doesn’t mean he should be attacked and ridiculed for that position, where it’s perfectly appropriate to acknowledge David’s intelligence, dedication, and courage as he pursues his goals.

And although David is on the wrong side of the gun control debate, in the coming years he’ll be on the right side of most other issues – and that’s what frightens conservatives the most.
Right wingers, so many are such nasty people.

Look at Laura, talking about "holy week" when she says such terrible and satanic things. Her heart is demonic.

You topped your stupidest post ever with this one. Great job dishonest dean.
when you open your eyes but the nightmare never goes away, you've got no choice but to do something. our first job is to remember. our second is to act.

remember, act, repeat. we will remember and act for the rest of our lives!
"am i going to be another background character who dies? if was gonna die, i would do it by telling the story that people needed to hear...that's why i hit record...i really thought it was just a drill...my 14 year old sister was crying so hysterically that i couldnt be around her" - High IQ Hogg
when you open your eyes but the nightmare never goes away, you've got no choice but to do something. our first job is to remember. our second is to act.

remember, act, repeat. we will remember and act for the rest of our lives!

What sort of “act”?
After Ingraham giddily mocked him for college rejections, Hogg has finally picked a school

Parkland survivor David Hogg, who was mocked by Fox host over college rejections, finds Ivy League comeback

This thread illustrates well the narrow-mined pettiness, stupidity, and intellectual laziness common to most conservatives.

David Hogg should be commended and supported in his efforts – particularly given the criticism we often hear directed at young people in general for being selfish, self-centered, and uninvolved.

David is involved, engaged, and passionate about an issue important to him – more young people need to do the same.

Although David is wrong with regard to his advocacy for more firearm regulatory measures – I for one will aggressively oppose him in any effort to enact a new AWB either at the state or Federal level, for example – it doesn’t mean he should be attacked and ridiculed for that position, where it’s perfectly appropriate to acknowledge David’s intelligence, dedication, and courage as he pursues his goals.

And although David is on the wrong side of the gun control debate, in the coming years he’ll be on the right side of most other issues – and that’s what frightens conservatives the most.
Hogg faced the wrath of the entire right wing hate machine
when you open your eyes but the nightmare never goes away, you've got no choice but to do something. our first job is to remember. our second is to act.

remember, act, repeat. we will remember and act for the rest of our lives!

What sort of “act”?
abolish guns and all weapons of war from the earth, brother! not a single human would ever die carelessly ever again!
After Ingraham giddily mocked him for college rejections, Hogg has finally picked a school

Parkland survivor David Hogg, who was mocked by Fox host over college rejections, finds Ivy League comeback


Jezzuf'gchrist! PEOPLE, how many GROWNUPS are going to pile on an 18 year old kid? This is disgusting. This is a particular vicious form of 'child abuse'! How old is that vile hypocritical bitch? Ingrahm has adopted 3 children as a single woman, how about if we go after her 3 kids? How would she like it? The WINGSET would be apoplectic!

I'll reiterate. 2 hours into the Parkland massacre after the above named 'kid' stood in front of that camera, I typed on this or ANOTHER political board, "I think the RIGHT and the NRA just met it's match." After they went after the kid in the first day, I typed, "I think the Right and the NRA just fucked with the wrong kid!"

Boy was I right! Beyond whatever I could had imagined.
I dont think her 3 children are out there saying bullshit stuff like "Ban Guns" and acting like a moron...


Stupid Ingraham only got into Dartmouth
With his SAT score?
I call foul!
Most of the kids I know who got accepted by Harvard got the highest possible score, not a pathetic 1280.

Bet none of them met with Congressmen on major legislation
Bet none started a national movement

They don’t have SAT questions on that
Stupid Ingraham only got into Dartmouth
With his SAT score?
I call foul!
Most of the kids I know who got accepted by Harvard got the highest possible score, not a pathetic 1280.

Bet none of them met with Congressmen on major legislation
Bet none started a national movement

They don’t have SAT questions on that
Aka, Affirmative Action.
I’m going to ask some donors in town how they would feel if someone got into Harvard with that score.

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