David Hogg to Laura Ingraham.....How you like them apples?

What they want are leaders with strong social consciousness

And what they accept are whiney, foot stomping twats.
Show another 18 year old with his credentials

I know dozens personally.
Show just one

A cover on Time magazine would help your case

You said credentials, not being whored out and used like a hollow brainless puppet by the left-wing media machine

Show me..

Harvard is not impressed with SAT/GPA numbers
They want to see public service

I think you were bluffing

You have no idea what you are talking about.

No idea.

Harvard looks long and hard and SAT scores, and GPA, and everything else. And many, many, many, many, many students far superior in every measurable way have been turned down by Harvard. This is clearly and shamelessly a political publicity stunt. Good for the boy, he will get a valuable piece of paper, but make no mistake about what this really is.
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His SAT score was 200 points BELOW the average student admitted to Harvard. SOMEONE paid to get him in..

SAT is a test

Hogg has achievements and life experiences that are hard to match
They want BOTH a high SAT/ACT and life experiences. He has neither. He has a mediocre SAT score and he has tried to have the 2nd amendment abolished course for left wing propaganda machines like Harvard I guess he is perfect material. He wasn't even AT school the day it happened! I wouldn't even want my kids to attend Harvard or Yale or Princeton if they got accepted...the schools themselves have lowered their standards so much its not worth getting a degree there...its nothing but communist propaganda school now.
Evidently not
Harvard is glad to have this superstar student

You need to bone up on your conspiracy theories.....they were called the lie of the year
Show another 18 year old with his credentials

I know dozens personally.
Show just one

A cover on Time magazine would help your case

You said credentials, not being whored out and used like a hollow brainless puppet by the left-wing media machine

Show me..

Harvard is not impressed with SAT/GPA numbers
They want to see public service

I think you were bluffing

You have no idea what you are talking about.

No idea.
His SAT score was 200 points BELOW the average student admitted to Harvard. SOMEONE paid to get him in..

SAT is a test

Hogg has achievements and life experiences that are hard to match
They want BOTH a high SAT/ACT and life experiences. He has neither. He has a mediocre SAT score and he has tried to have the 2nd amendment abolished course for left wing propaganda machines like Harvard I guess he is perfect material. He wasn't even AT school the day it happened! I wouldn't even want my kids to attend Harvard or Yale or Princeton if they got accepted...the schools themselves have lowered their standards so much its not worth getting a degree there...its nothing but communist propaganda school now.
Evidently not
Harvard is glad to have this superstar student

You need to bone up on your conspiracy theories.....they were called the lie of the year
Facts are facts cupcake. The LOWEST 25% of students allowed in Harvard score in the 1400's he didn't even reach 1300! ROFLMAO....Harvard has turned themselves into a joke. Whatever...no sweat off my back...I wouldn't go there if I had a full ride scholarship,I want an education not an indoctrination.
The butt hurt by conservatives over Hogg getting into Harvard is overwhelming this thread
At least Hogg’s good news gets to ruin Christmas for the Conservative hate squad
Some things are just too fantastical and ludicrous to believe. They make me smile every time I hear them. Werewolves. Aliens crash-landing in Roswell. Faked moon landings. David Hogg getting into Harvard on merit.
Show another 18 year old with his credentials

I know dozens personally.
Show just one

A cover on Time magazine would help your case

You said credentials, not being whored out and used like a hollow brainless puppet by the left-wing media machine

Show me..

Harvard is not impressed with SAT/GPA numbers
They want to see public service

I think you were bluffing

You have no idea what you are talking about.

No idea.

Harvard looks long and hard and SAT scores, and GPA, and everything else. And many, many, many, many, many students far superior in every measurable way have been turned down by Harvard. This is clearly and shamelessly a political publicity stunt. Good for the boy, he will get a valuable piece of paper, but make no mistake about what this really is.
I know I know. Its been posted before. But why does this whitey get a break

David Hogg To Enroll At Harvard

You know, it takes a real low life to attack a high school kid that survived a mass shooting, to score cheap political points with the lowest of low lifes in America.

You realize that I survived that same mass shooting. I was a thousand miles away but I was in just as much danger as David "Why is my head shaped like a slice of pizza?" Hogg!
If it were White Privilege then he would not have been turned down by UCLA and UCI.

Seems it is more a case of "Liberal Privilege" than white.

That's a baseless suggestion. That's like saying John and Nancy voted for Obama because they don't like his policies, therefore the third McCain voter wasn't racist.

So, you think that a white student with the same exact grades and SAT scores who held rallies for Trump instead of gun control would be accepted by Harvard?


It's a bad example. Holding rallies for Trump is an indicator of a lack of critical thinking abilities, and an inability to discern truth from lies. Not Harvard material at all.

A white student with the father who is an alumni of Harvard would be accepted too. It's called "legacy". George W. Bush went to Harvard, even though he had a C average. His Daddy was both a Harvard Gradulate and Speaker of the House at the time. That's the essence of "white privilege".

There are so many falsehoods in this post, why don't you just delete it and start over?

The Bushs went to Yale, not Harvard, and George H. W. Bush was never Speaker of the House. George W. Bush attended Harvard for his MBA.

How fucked up can you get? Apparently more than your typical room temp IQ libtard!

You are such a pitiful joke!
If it were White Privilege then he would not have been turned down by UCLA and UCI.

Seems it is more a case of "Liberal Privilege" than white.

More like LIbEral celebrity privilege”.

How many other white LIbErals ever get admitted to Harvard, or similarly-prestigious universities, with the sort of poor grades and SAT scores that Mr. Hogg has? It seems obvious that the only reason he was able to get in was because of the fame that he managed to get in the news for supporting a LIbEral cause.
Didn't he get very high grades? I thought he was an A+ student.
If it were White Privilege then he would not have been turned down by UCLA and UCI.

Seems it is more a case of "Liberal Privilege" than white.

More like LIbEral celebrity privilege”.

How many other white LIbErals ever get admitted to Harvard, or similarly-prestigious universities, with the sort of poor grades and SAT scores that Mr. Hogg has? It seems obvious that the only reason he was able to get in was because of the fame that he managed to get in the news for supporting a LIbEral cause.
Where did you learn Hogg had low grades? You should have a link to prove that piece of fake information Please provide a link to prove your garbage post.
I know I know. Its been posted before. But why does this whitey get a break

David Hogg To Enroll At Harvard
Didn’t you love it when Laura Ingraham mocked him for being rejected and had to beg for forgiveness?

Looks like David Hogg got the last laugh

He is going to a school that he does not have the ability to do well in and will either fail or be carried along by the system and learn nothing.

Does not sound like a winning situation for him either way

You mean just like the football players who get into colleges because of their ability on the field and not in the classroom?
I know I know. Its been posted before. But why does this whitey get a break

David Hogg To Enroll At Harvard
Didn’t you love it when Laura Ingraham mocked him for being rejected and had to beg for forgiveness?

Looks like David Hogg got the last laugh

He is going to a school that he does not have the ability to do well in and will either fail or be carried along by the system and learn nothing.

Does not sound like a winning situation for him either way

You mean just like the football players who get into colleges because of their ability on the field and not in the classroom?

Great example
Just shows you how FAR LEFT and Anti American Harvard, and Education in general has become.

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