Dayyyyum. 517,000 jobs created in January, crushing estimates, as unemployment rate hit 53-year low

Everyone knows that Trump saved America from the knucklehead left, at least until the mysterious virus destroyed everything. Then when the leftist gained power back, it became highly suspect that they went after Trump in vengeance there of.... It basically implicated them in the mystery of the timely virus/pandemic instead of them just going forth to help America instead of them continuing to hurt America because of their hatred of Trump, and worse implementing their idiocy policies in which they wanted to use that hatred on in order to push forward their idiocy in the face of a resisting America...... Like I said "no one is fooled by you leftist anymore".

Rightard, even if you ignore ¼ of Trump's term -- his best LFPR was 63.3%.

That's still an increase of just 0.8%. Less than half of Biden's increase of 1.8%.
The number I want to see is a REAL unemployment number… aka Percentage of Non-Disabled Adult Males Unemployed in total.

Let’s say there are 150,000,000 males in the USA. Of those let’s assume 2/3 of them are over 18 years old (100,000,000). Of those let’s assum 80% are not disabled (80,000,000). What percentage of that group are unemployed. That’s a number I would find some use for, instead of the current way of computing the unemployment rate.

Why assume? Find the actual numbers on the BLS and post them...
Looks like these bull shite spending bill's could be creating bull shite job's and statistics in order to hold up a failed administration today.

Follow the money, and how about an audit on what type of job's were being created or filled under the Biden administration, otherwise before cheerleading the data in a time when corruption is so rampant in just about everything these days. Slow down there boy, and do your homework before drooling at the mouth over your giddiness when throwing out your ideas that this administration is anything but inept and hostile towards most Americans today.
Blame games are a moot point to me when 90% of America is unemployed.

Clinton and Bush both did that.



You're out of your fucking mind, Mary. :cuckoo:

3.4% is unemployed, not 90%.

Thanks for admitting you've got nothing to post then.
Oh but somehow you got facts instead of fictitious numbers born out of or arranged in ways to hide the real picture of failed Democrat policies eh ?? Do tell.
People taking 2 jobs because they can't pay their bills with one.

You are thinking of the first two Trump years.
If the inflation rate was at 2% or there about, this would be an excellent number.
That's not the case, and that's a number the feds will use to keep raising the rates.
The economy is going to have to slow down to bring inflation down, and that will mean
the job numbers aren't blazing away. It's going to have to hurt before things get back
in line with the economy.
Republicans love to say Clinton left and Bush took over just as a recession was hitting us. So? How did Bush handle that recession? Did his policies prolong it? I also was reminded yesterday that in 2005 the dollar's value was at an all time low. Do Republicans blame Clinton for that? 5 years later? And then the Great Recession of 2007/08. Was that Clinton's fault too?

Biden is doing a great job especially when we all know the Feds are going to raise interest rates and that's purposely going to slow down the economy to fix inflation. Last time this happened was Carter/Reagan era and it hurt. This one doesn't seem to be hurting so bad. Americans keep spending. That's helpful to the economy.
For what it is worth when W. entered office in speeches, he was imploring Americans to spend. The post WW2 generation was slowing down from their peak. We even had a tax cut to help us along. The foolish progs delaying a real estate correction for a few years with giving mortgages to people who were questionable screwed over tens of millions of people who played by the rules. That is what D.C. does. Like we have seen the last two years.
You’re as full of shit as A Christmas turkey.

Oh, and if you’re looking for the people responsible for those current prices. Let me help you out with that.

You're as full of shit as a sewage treatment plant....Ask all those propeller heads losing their Big Tech jobs how great everything is.

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