DC appeals court says Trump is not immune (as a former president) from prosecution

Crime is coming down. Federal prosecutors are prosecuting many cases all around the country, but most crime is under local jurisdictions.

They aren't spying on parents and Catholics.

You need to get off the internet. It's really starting to screw with your brain. I'd hate to hear about you being the next psycho that does something crazy because you believe the crazy shit from the internet.
There is documented proof the FBI has done both. You are uninformed like usual.

Well, this was interesting, esp the part here


Steven Cheung, Trump campaign spokesperson, said in a statement that the case will have far-reaching consequences, both for Trump and all future presidents.

"If immunity is not granted to a President, every future President who leaves office will be immediately indicted by the opposing party," he said. "Without complete immunity, a President of the United States would not be able to properly function!"


I wonder if a former president can be held accountable for what he /she did when VICE president?


Only if he or she is a Republican?

If you are referring to Strozk et al, that's easy. The appearance of impropriety in their romantic relationship did not accrue to the benefit of the Special Prosecutor's efforts. They were cut due to the embarrassment. NOT because they were doing substandard work in their investigations.
You'll have to provide a credible source that this was the reason they were fired

Are you claiming that the policy of the DOJ is that everyone who has a "romantic relationship" AKA side ho, is immediately fired from the FBI, or from a special prosecutor's team? Yes, I'd have to see a credible source for that.

More credible than these:

Now good poster Chillicothe . . . I just proved you wrong several different ways. But whatever you do, never admit it. No matter how foolish you look to keep clinging to a proven wrong position, stick to it!

I think proggies take some kind of oath never to admit they are wrong about the smallest matter. I'd hate to see you drummed out of the club.

The FBI ain't hiding anything from me that I have asked for or need to know vis-a-vis the J6 violent attack on my elected Representatives.
Yes, you prefer to keep your head in the sand about FBI malfeasance on Jan 6th. I don't, so they are hiding information from me.
The charge that the J6 attack was conducted or instigated by FBI agents is ludicrous. And is just one of the laughers that puts Trumpaloons in disrepute. What's next Taylor Swift as a CIA Trojan Horse?
Then why can the FBI not simply deny it when asked under oath?
Thats fine, but that’s not something you can sue over.

Thats not how lawsuits work.
Really? If you take an action that leads to the death of another person, you can’t sue over that? What law exempts you from that?
Really? If you take an action that leads to the death of another person, you can’t sue over that? What law exempts you from that?
You can’t sue the president. I already told you, Nixon v Fitzgerald.
You'll have to provide a credible source that this was the reason they were fired

Are you claiming that the policy of the DOJ is that everyone who has a "romantic relationship" AKA side ho, is immediately fired from the FBI, or from a special prosecutor's team? Yes, I'd have to see a credible source for that.

More credible than these:

Now good poster Chillicothe . . . I just proved you wrong several different ways. But whatever you do, never admit it. No matter how foolish you look to keep clinging to a proven wrong position, stick to it!

I think proggies take some kind of oath never to admit they are wrong about the smallest matter. I'd hate to see you drummed out of the club.

Yes, you prefer to keep your head in the sand about FBI malfeasance on Jan 6th. I don't, so they are hiding information from me.

Then why can the FBI not simply deny it when asked under oath?
Those stories don't mention any malfeasance. In fact they say both of them were cleared by an independent investigation of having their work affected by their personal views and ultimately fired for improper use of their work phones (to text one another personally).
Just to name a few:
--Obama administration weaponizing the IRS against Tea Party groups to delay in perpetuity their non-profit certifications so they were unable to fund raise while not delaying certification of any left wing groups. Lois Lerner of the IRS famously took the 5th numerous times to avoid scrutinization of that and then resigned with full retirement benefits to remove herself from the line of fire of outrage over that.

Um, except the Teabaggers actually WERE breaking the law. They were claiming status as a "Social Welfare" charity instead of a political action committee. Lerner and the IRS just told them that they were filing under the wrong status and to correct their application. The problem here is Obama didn't stick to his guns. Obama's biggest problem was thinking he could reason with you people.

--Obama administration weaponizing social media--Facebook, Twitter, Instagram et al--as well as the MSM to silence or remove voices of anyone opposing him, his policies, or Biden's election.
Obama did this? Really? Most of the moderation you claim happened during Trump's reign, when the wingnuts were spreading misinformation about Covid.

--Impeachments and hearings denying due process
Trump got far more due process than a black kid who gets accused of knocking over a liquor store. NEXT.
--Raids in the middle of the night while most of America slept but with media always present to make it look like the target was a dangerous criminal
You mean like Breonna Taylor? Next.

--Assisting, aiding, abetting and most likely funding the court system to indict, try and convict people for crimes that had never been an issue before and have not been an issue since. Making sure convictions of those on the right were well publicized while convictions of any on the left were very quietly done.
That's just a few.
Uh, if you are talking about the January 6th Insurrectionists and Traitors, nothing like that was ever done before, that's why they were prosecuted.
It isn't a matter of liking or not liking Trump. There are a lot of us who are that fond of him personally, but we very much like his vision, courage, and policies that actually work for the American people.

And you don't have to like somebody to be deeply offended, alarmed, angry, bothered by a government weaponized against that person in ways that cannot be justified by any normal concept of good ethics.

TRump is in trouble because he's never thought the rules applied to him. Most presidents accept when their party loses and election, they don't organize insurrections.

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