DC appeals court says Trump is not immune (as a former president) from prosecution

TRump is in trouble because he's never thought the rules applied to him. Most presidents accept when their party loses and election, they don't organize insurrections.
Except there was no insurrection. Stealing slogans you hear on the Joy Reid show simply makes you an accomplice to ignorant Dem / Socialist sloganeering.
Officer Sidnick's family would disagree, which is why they are suing Trump.
They would be lying
Capitol Police announced Sicknick's death in a press release stating that "Sicknick passed away due to injuries sustained while on-duty". Months later, the medical examiner reported that Sicknick had no injuries, and died of natural causes.

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Death of Brian Sicknick - Wikipedia

You can’t sue the president. I already told you, Nixon v Fitzgerald.

AFTER office..not during. The court just ruled that presidents can be held to account for things they did while in office, after they leave office.
I just proved you wrong several different ways. But whatever you do, never admit it.
Oh, I'm quite OK with acknowledging it was his personal private skepticism of Donald Trump that led to his termination. But then, Strozak seems to think he has a 1st Amendment right to his opinion. And if his opinion cannot be shown to influence the execution of the duties of his profession, well.......
"....you prefer to keep your head in the sand about FBI malfeasance on Jan 6th."

Well, I for one, have not seen or read any of your evidence of proven "malfeasance". In fact, with no persuasive evidence this alleged malfeasance appears to be merely another QAnon'sh-grade conspiracy.

In short, if you've got positive evidence, poster Flops, now would be a great time for you to present it to the forum and offer your rationale to persuade the forum you know what you are talking about, and are NOT another run-o-the-mill QAnon nutter.
It was about this president and these specific charges. You are wrong and need to read up. His defense of immunity from these specific criminal charges was rejected.

Your ideas about civil liability and any president are just wrong.
I did read the articles about their decision. They said that “a presidents” conduct cannot be above judicial review, meaning any president, not just Trump.

However, I should have figured as much. You believe that the dc court made a ruling that can apply to Trump, and anyone else still maintains complete immunity.

AFTER office..not during. The court just ruled that presidents can be held to account for things they did while in office, after they leave office.
Nixon v Fitzgerald was decided in 1982.

I really don’t know if you understand the difference between civil and criminal law.
Nixon v Fitzgerald was decided in 1982.

I really don’t know if you understand the difference between civil and criminal law.

I don’t know how many times I can say this…if your actions lead to the death of another person, that is not a civil matter, it is a criminal matter.

Nixon v fitz.. just said a president has immunity from civil damages for any official action taken while in office.

We have immigration LAWS, if Biden fails to uphold those LAWS and refuses to secure the border, and one of those illegals ends up murdering someone, then the argument can be made that Biden, by willfully ignoring our laws, created a reckless endangerment of the citizens of the country that directly led to the murder of one of its citizens.

That can be considered negligent homicide, or even manslaughter. Those are criminal statutes.

Same thing with operation fast and furious, where the Obama administration was carrying out an illegal gun running operation, and some of those guns made it into the hands of the cartels which used one of those guns to murder a border patrol agent.

Again, that is a criminal act.

Since the court ruled that criminal actions taken while in office are not under the immunity clause, those families can sue under criminal statutes for recompense for their losses.

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