DC appeals court says Trump is not immune (as a former president) from prosecution

There is no “first amendment right” to behave that way on the job. Particularly not a government job.
The 'behavior' was merely words. Written words. Speech. Poster Flops does not offer the forum any evidence that their speech affected their professional duty. Their actions in investigating a suspected criminal.

But by the way, I don't think it is uncommon whatsoever for law enforcement at any level to have a disrespect, even a revulsion, towards the suspected criminals they are investigating.


I guess if they had fired everyone in the FBI, who made anti-Trump remarks on FBI time and on FBI devices, they would be left with a skeleton crew.
As context, or as a comparative.....what about those FBI staffers at any level who expressed their admiration and support for Trump? Should they too, have been dismissed as inappropriate for their professional duties?
Dude, he used FBI devices to trade profanity, laced insults about Trump, a subject of investigation, with an FBI lawyer, that he was banging on the side. Meanwhile, that same lawyer was telling him “don’t go loaded for bear“ when investigating and questioning Trump’s election opponent.

There is no “first amendment right” to behave that way on the job. Particularly not a government job.

They are both a couple of over educated morons, and your side should be glad to be rid of them.

rarely talked about is that those two were not the only ones. Those two were the ones whose names were made public. There were several other FBI staffers who were making similar comments about Trump on their FBI devices. They were not fired.

I guess if they had fired everyone in the FBI, who made anti-Trump remarks on FBI time and on FBI devices, they would be left with a skeleton crew. I don’t know what it is about Trump that makes adults act like children.

Anyone who still has confidence in such an incredibly partisan group of people, must have the same partisan feelings themselves.

I guess the difference is that if they uncovered pro Trump FBI agents making those kind of statements about Hillary Clinton, Joe and Hunter Biden, or anyone else that they were investigating, I would be appalled. I would not try to find some Weasley justification for that kind of official misbehavior.

But then, Trump’s opponents don’t have the power that he has to get grown-ups to act like children.
An IG investigation found that his private feelings did not on any way influence his job performance
The 'behavior' was merely words. Written words. Speech. Poster Flops does not offer the forum any evidence that their speech affected their professional duty. Their actions in investigating a suspected criminal.

But by the way, I don't think it is uncommon whatsoever for law enforcement at any level to have a disrespect, even a revulsion, towards the suspected criminals they are investigating.


As context, or as a comparative.....what about those FBI staffers at any level who expressed their admiration and support for Trump? Should they too, have been dismissed as inappropriate for their professional duties?

The 'behavior' was merely words. Written words. Speech. Poster Flops does not offer the forum any evidence that their speech affected their professional duty. Their actions in investigating a suspected criminal.
Oh, I would’ve thought that would’ve been obvious. But for those of you who are a bit dense, here is the evidence:

They violated the requirements of their professional duty as soon as they started sending personal messages on FBI issued cell phones. that’s the personal messages of any kind, regardless of how innocuous.

The messages they sent were anything but innocuous. Those messages did two things. They created a public record of their adulterous affair, and they created a public record of their deranged Hatred for the subject of their investigation.

These actions not only violated FBI restrictions on use of FBI equipment for personal benefit, it also created perfect public records that could’ve been predicted to distrust among the public in the FBI professionalism.

Further, there is plenty of evidence that they acted on this irrational hatred of Donald Trump. at least Peter Strzok did. it was Strzok who pushed for the investigation of Trump to be reopened, when his superiors were long since ready to close it. It was Strzok who took Lisa Page’s advice to not be “loaded for bear” when interviewing who they believed was future president, Hillary Clinton. Amazing how wrong one couple can be in several thousand text messages.

It might have been his admiration for Hillary Clinton, who is under criminal investigation, that caused him to go easy on her, just as much as his insane hatred of Donald Trump. Either way, completely unprofessional, and violated several regulations of the FBI.

But by the way, I don't think it is uncommon whatsoever for law enforcement at any level to have a disrespect, even a revulsion, towards the suspected criminals they are investigating.

Not uncommon at all, but still extremely unprofessional. Actually, it seems to be very common in the FBI. The FBI’s hatred of Martin Luther King Jr. is well documented as well as their attempts to murder him.

Famous “G-man“ Mel Purvis openly spoke of his hatred for the armed robbers that he pursued. Murderous armed robbers are not particularly likeable people so his personal feelings could be excused. However, he chose to sit them publicly, not as Melvin, Purvis private citizen, but as Melvin, Purvis, FBI leader.

He also chose to gun down those wanted criminal suspects in situations in which he could have obtained their surrender. John Dillinger is the most famous case of that, but he did it several times.

I suppose it is theoretically possible for FBI agents to have the level of hatred that those two express for Donald Trump and still be dispassionate investigators of Donald Trump. It’s possible, but clearly did not happen in their case. And under no circumstances, can you publicly express that kind of insane hatred, and expect reasonable people to have confidence in your unbiased professionalism.

Those who support Peter and Lisa in there, anti-Trump adventures, support them because of their bias, not in spite of it. They would never express the same support for anti-Clinton, FBI investigators who were on her case.
As context, or as a comparative.....what about those FBI staffers at any level who expressed their admiration and support for Trump? Should they too, have been dismissed as inappropriate for their professional duties?
Expressed their admiration for Trump while texting on FBI issued cell phones to their mistresses? Yes absolutely they should have been fired.

Admiring a criminal suspect who is also a political figure is everyone’s first amendment right. Creating public records, public federal records, to express that admiration in profanity laced love notes to your side piece is definitely should be a firing offense.
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An IG investigation found that his private feelings did not on any way influence his job performance
A false finding on its face.

Avoiding misuse of government property, and maintaining the professional reputation of the FBI is part of any FBI agents job performance.

Typical of the sort of investigation that happens when something is as politicized as that has been. The IG felt he had to throw a bone for both sides and so he added in that.
A false finding on its face.

Avoiding misuse of government property, and maintaining the professional reputation of the FBI is part of any FBI agents job performance.

Typical of the sort of investigation that happens when something is as politicized as that has been. The IG felt he had to throw a bone for both sides and so he added in that.
Um, guy, private texts to a coworker isn't an abuse of government resources...

The thing is, more than half the country agreed with them on Trump. Still do.
A false finding on its face.

Avoiding misuse of government property, and maintaining the professional reputation of the FBI is part of any FBI agents job performance.

Typical of the sort of investigation that happens when something is as politicized as that has been. The IG felt he had to throw a bone for both sides and so he added in that.
Take it up with the IG
Um, guy, private texts to a coworker isn't an abuse of government resources...

The thing is, more than half the country agreed with them on Trump. Still do.

conspiring to derail an election by using govt power IS "abuse of resources"

The FBI is supposed to be A-political. But I guess that's too much to ask

The taxpayers who support that... now- totally- distrusted agency... can forget expecting THAT ever again

unless Trump------------------

Um, guy, private texts to a coworker isn't an abuse of government resources...
See, this is what I meant about arguing with an ignoramus. If you don’t know that those “private texts” were sent on official government work devices then there’s no point in continuing this conversation. Please do some research if you want to learn more.
The thing is, more than half the country agreed with them on Trump. Still do.
And they are certainly welcome to, just as the other half are welcome to agree with those who think that Trump was, and will be an excellent president. But I don’t use my work email to send out messages about diaper Joe and his crackhead bagman Son. I would certainly expect to be disciplined if I did.

if part of my job was to teach about current events, and I sent messages like that, that parents found out about I could hardly blame them for doubting my unbiased teachings on the subject.

Anyway, do that research about the “private Messages“ that were actually sent on government equipment. Once you acknowledge that error, then this conversation can go on. Thank you.
conspiring to derail an election by using govt power IS "abuse of resources"

Nobody did that.

See, this is what I meant about arguing with an ignoramus. If you don’t know that those “private texts” were sent on official government work devices then there’s no point in continuing this conversation. Please do some research if you want to learn more.
Are you fucking retarded? You do realize that human beings send texts all the time of a private nature on government phones.

And they are certainly welcome to, just as the other half are welcome to agree with those who think that Trump was, and will be an excellent president. But I don’t use my work email to send out messages about diaper Joe and his crackhead bagman Son. I would certainly expect to be disciplined if I did.

No, Trump's support never exceeded 46%. Probably less than that, but some Republicans are kind of gutless.

You know, like Ted Cruz. Trump calls his wife ugly, accuses his father of murdering Kennedy, and he STILL kisses his boot.

My guess, about half the GOP will breathe a sigh of relief when Trump is gone.
That would be a good example of something to run by somebody smarter than yourself. Perhaps you could check out the primary results so far to get some enlightenment on how popular Trump is.

Or just keep in mind that no serious Republican was willing to run against Trump. Especially not those hideous RINOs in the senate. You would think if they are so popular and Trump is so unpopular, this would’ve been low hanging fruit as far as a primary.

Now that I've reported your attack on my family, let's deal with your few attempts to make a point.

Trump isn't popular. He's never won the popular vote. His thugs have bullied the GOP into submission, to be sure, but the rest of the country doesn't want him back no matter how many bullshit polls RCP puts out there.

DeSantis and Hally are serious candidates.. So were Pence and Christie. Who ran against Biden? Crazy RFK Jr. Marianne "Psychic Friends" Williams?

The GOP establishment is just waiting for the fever dream that is Trump to pass.
Now that I've reported your attack on my family, let's deal with your few attempts to make a point.

Trump isn't popular. He's never won the popular vote. His thugs have bullied the GOP into submission, to be sure, but the rest of the country doesn't want him back no matter how many bullshit polls RCP puts out there.

DeSantis and Hally are serious candidates.. So were Pence and Christie. Who ran against Biden? Crazy RFK Jr. Marianne "Psychic Friends" Williams?

The GOP establishment is just waiting for the fever dream that is Trump to pass.
You are a baby. So on Ignore you go. Bye-bye.
So they're asking for civil damages. But wait! You also said:

Ya know, you’re right, it would be a civil suit…I mean, wrongful death would be a civil action. But, here’s the catch. Trump was sued in civil court for actions taken while he was president, I know you’re going to say “official duties”, but, ignoring immigration laws, or a gun running operation are not considered official duties either.

I do, however, love that you’re defending these people who’s actions caused the deaths of citizens.
A Traitor in a time of war in the USA ! The orders are, he shall be drug into the closest field and shot by a firing squad made up of Soldiers of the ARMY and an Army's Officer is ordered to carry out those as required. If the first round of Volley misses it will continue till death of the FN Traitor.


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