DC's Minimum Wage Really Does Cost Jobs At Walmart

Fewer people being taught how to go on Medicaid and Food Stamps...Sounds good to me.

What the fuck you talking about? The stores they were going to open up was around 450 jobs. Where their is no FUCKING jobs.

The three stores that opened up in the D.C. area had like 5,000 applicants for only 300 jobs if memory serves me correctly.

In case you were unaware, Walmart instructs their low wage employees how to apply for Medicaid and Food Stamps.
No Walmart jobs = no extra Middle Class Tax Payer money going to support low wage Walmart employees.
Smaller stores with less leeching government power will fill the gap.

No Walmart jobs = no extra Middle Class Tax Payer money going to support low wage Walmart employees.

Exactly! Who gets more taxpayer money, low wage workers or no wage workers?

Oh, wait, no Walmart jobs = more welfare payments.

More Welfare Payments should wake people up to how messed up our Economic Policy is.
But then again, I'm fully aware that you're one of those Conservatives who looks at poor people as belonging to another species.

No I am a realist and I know hiking the national minimum wage won't reduce poverty.....

Hiking minimum wage won't stop poverty: Fed paper

Hiking minimum wage won't stop poverty: Fed paper

David Neumark, visiting scholar at the San Francisco Fed, contends that raising the minimum wage has only limited benefits in the war against poverty, due in part because relatively few of those falling below the poverty line actually receive the wage.

Many of the benefits from raising the wage, a move already undertaken by multiple governments around the country as well as some big-name companies, tend to go to higher-income families, said Neumark, who also pointed to research that shows raising wages kills jobs through higher costs to employers. Neumark is a professor of economics and director of the Center for Economics and Public Policy at the University of California, Irvine.

"Setting a higher minimum wage seems like a natural way to help lift families out of poverty. However, minimum wages target individual workers with low wages, rather than families with low incomes," he wrote. "Other policies that directly address low family income, such as the earned income tax credit, are more effective at reducing poverty


No, I am not a union member and was only for about 3 years.
We have lousy health benefits thanks to Obamacare making our plans so expensive. I was charged nearly $4000 for a colonoscopy that is required to be covered under Obamacare. I fought with the insurance company for about 6 months and still paid well over $1000.
I can retire at 67 1/2.
I have a lousy pension that takes away part of my social security that I earned before becoming a teacher in this state.

Any other stupid irrelevant questions?

Well, I had to do SOMETHING stupid to match your Walmart Business Model stupidity.
Most teachers I know have raped the taxpayers dry.
You are amazingly Conservative on every other issue yet are such a sucker on this.
Let Walmart adopt ONE poor area and help it rise up.

Didn't you just mention earlier that you are in Nassau County NY?

If so, that is your problem.

You think Walmart is liberal?

Man, can we share some of what you are taking/drinking/doing? That must be some good mid-altering substances!

Walmart is CONSERVATIVE but Liberals FALL for the "Oh, those poor uneducated slums people NEED Walmart!".
No Walmart is owner and supported by Conservative scumbags who thrive off low wages and Middle Class subsidies.
Well, I ain't playing that game.

Well, apparently you got your wish because Walmart is not going to build there. Now, all of those people who might have benefited from a job will continue to suck off your taxpayer teat for their sustenance.

Now, don't you just feel incredibly stupid? You should!

I don't feel stupid.
I want our nation to attack the underlying problem, not provide yet another Band-Aid when surgery is needed.

You haven't proposed a solution other than Walmart losing money.
What the fuck you talking about? The stores they were going to open up was around 450 jobs. Where their is no FUCKING jobs.

The three stores that opened up in the D.C. area had like 5,000 applicants for only 300 jobs if memory serves me correctly.

In case you were unaware, Walmart instructs their low wage employees how to apply for Medicaid and Food Stamps.
No Walmart jobs = no extra Middle Class Tax Payer money going to support low wage Walmart employees.
Smaller stores with less leeching government power will fill the gap.

In case you are unaware no small business filled that gap in D.C. you idiot.

Than tough. I don't need a Walmart in my area teaching people how to suck up more of my tax money.

Yea we know that liberals are anti business and rather have them on food stamps voting for democrats.

Also it is a myth if you raise minimum wage nationally the entitlements would go down. They would have to raise the threshold for the programs because they are still making Minimum wage and are still FUCKING POOR.

You are NOT addressing the root issue...
Our economic paradigm is FAILING if we have an entire class of people that DOES have it's income subsidized by ANOTHER class of higher paid workers via TAXATION.
And we all know how much Ideologues of the Conservative persuasion LOVE being taxed to support low wage workers.
And no, I'm not a Liberal, I simply see through the bullsh!t.

It's always a root issue for you assclowns.

You know how it works so well.

I don't like Wal-Mart.

The government has helped make the Walton's rich.

D.C. will not have access to inexpensive goods though.

And not all employees at Wal-Mart make minimum wage.

Walmart employees to get raises

About 500,000 full- and part-time associates at both Walmart and the company's Sam's Club warehouse stores will start making $9 an hour or more in April. The world's largest retailer made the announcement Thursday as part of its fourth-quarter earnings report. That's at least $1.75 more than the federal minimum hourly wage of $7.25. By February 2016, hourly employees will make at least $10 an hour after completing about six months of training.

Did this really happen ?
Fewer people being taught how to go on Medicaid and Food Stamps...Sounds good to me.

What the fuck you talking about? The stores they were going to open up was around 450 jobs. Where their is no FUCKING jobs.

The three stores that opened up in the D.C. area had like 5,000 applicants for only 300 jobs if memory serves me correctly.

In case you were unaware, Walmart instructs their low wage employees how to apply for Medicaid and Food Stamps.
No Walmart jobs = no extra Middle Class Tax Payer money going to support low wage Walmart employees.
Smaller stores with less leeching government power will fill the gap.

No Walmart jobs = no extra Middle Class Tax Payer money going to support low wage Walmart employees.

Exactly! Who gets more taxpayer money, low wage workers or no wage workers?

Oh, wait, no Walmart jobs = more welfare payments.

More Welfare Payments should wake people up to how messed up our Economic Policy is.
But then again, I'm fully aware that you're one of those Conservatives who looks at poor people as belonging to another species.

More Welfare Payments should wake people up to how messed up our Economic Policy is.

Fewer jobs = more welfare payments. I agree, your policy recommendation is messed up.
It is a fact that if walmart could pay people what they want it would probably be a dollar or two per hour. This would hurt our economy and for what?? To kiss walmarts corporate ass?
Fewer people being taught how to go on Medicaid and Food Stamps...Sounds good to me.

What the fuck you talking about? The stores they were going to open up was around 450 jobs. Where their is no FUCKING jobs.

The three stores that opened up in the D.C. area had like 5,000 applicants for only 300 jobs if memory serves me correctly.

In case you were unaware, Walmart instructs their low wage employees how to apply for Medicaid and Food Stamps.
No Walmart jobs = no extra Middle Class Tax Payer money going to support low wage Walmart employees.
Smaller stores with less leeching government power will fill the gap.

No Walmart jobs = no extra Middle Class Tax Payer money going to support low wage Walmart employees.

Exactly! Who gets more taxpayer money, low wage workers or no wage workers?

Oh, wait, no Walmart jobs = more welfare payments.

More Welfare Payments should wake people up to how messed up our Economic Policy is.
But then again, I'm fully aware that you're one of those Conservatives who looks at poor people as belonging to another species.

More Welfare Payments should wake people up to how messed up our Economic Policy is.

Fewer jobs = more welfare payments. I agree, your policy recommendation is messed up.


If they pay much lower = more welfare in order to survive. I'd rather the workers got a bigger portion of the pie that they make.
It is a fact that if walmart could pay people what they want it would probably be a dollar or two per hour. This would hurt our economy and for what?? To kiss walmarts corporate ass?

Matthew if you raise the minimum wage for a beginner who needs verbal instructions on how to wipe his or hers ass and flush a toilet to 15 bucks an hour don't you understand how this affects all in the company?

Because the person who is now making 15 bucks an hour who has learned how to wipe his or her ass and flush a toilet will now demand 20 bucks an hour. As well they should.

With this $15 dollar mandate that all are crying for you will just see people lose their jobs.
What the fuck you talking about? The stores they were going to open up was around 450 jobs. Where their is no FUCKING jobs.

The three stores that opened up in the D.C. area had like 5,000 applicants for only 300 jobs if memory serves me correctly.

In case you were unaware, Walmart instructs their low wage employees how to apply for Medicaid and Food Stamps.
No Walmart jobs = no extra Middle Class Tax Payer money going to support low wage Walmart employees.
Smaller stores with less leeching government power will fill the gap.

In case you are unaware no small business filled that gap in D.C. you idiot.

Than tough. I don't need a Walmart in my area teaching people how to suck up more of my tax money.

They're all going on welfare now, you fucking moron.

That doesn't solve the issue of a deteriorating US.

Neither does putting people in the unemployment line.
Fewer people being taught how to go on Medicaid and Food Stamps...Sounds good to me.

What the fuck you talking about? The stores they were going to open up was around 450 jobs. Where their is no FUCKING jobs.

The three stores that opened up in the D.C. area had like 5,000 applicants for only 300 jobs if memory serves me correctly.

In case you were unaware, Walmart instructs their low wage employees how to apply for Medicaid and Food Stamps.
No Walmart jobs = no extra Middle Class Tax Payer money going to support low wage Walmart employees.
Smaller stores with less leeching government power will fill the gap.

So if these people don't go to work for Walmart they will magically disappear from Medicaid and SNAP
Fewer people being taught how to go on Medicaid and Food Stamps...Sounds good to me.

What the fuck you talking about? The stores they were going to open up was around 450 jobs. Where their is no FUCKING jobs.

The three stores that opened up in the D.C. area had like 5,000 applicants for only 300 jobs if memory serves me correctly.

In case you were unaware, Walmart instructs their low wage employees how to apply for Medicaid and Food Stamps.
No Walmart jobs = no extra Middle Class Tax Payer money going to support low wage Walmart employees.
Smaller stores with less leeching government power will fill the gap.

So, do you want them working for Walmart and not being able to take care of themselves by applying for Medicaid and SNAP if they are eligible? What kind of liberal are you?

This idiot has brainwashed himself into believe that if you eliminate a low wage job that some high wage job will miraculously appear to takes its place.
No...I, the Idiot, am pointing out that I have to subsidize Walmart's pay scale.
YOU are a fucking IDIOT.
Someone's working for Walmart and I have to pay part of their living expenses when the Fucking Greedy Waltons are worth BILLIONS?
YOU are a fucking IDIOT.

The only ones forcing you to subsidize anyone is other idiots like you.
Well, in DC we don't.

So? What point are you addressing?

Your point, that more WalMarts are not needed because YOU have some convenient to you.
Nope...Walmart specializes in moving in and driving better paying businesses out of business.

What is it with the fact that you don't understand that where these WalMarts were to be located there were NO other businesses, let alone better paying ones!!!!!!!!!

My Federal Taxes go to subsidize the Waltons.
Fuck the Waltons.
Don't get angry at me.

No they don't. If people don't want to work for the Waltons, no one is forcing them. IN fact, all the higher minimum wage does is prevent them from accepting a job they are qualified for.
More likely, higher wages means people can shop at a higher quality store, and thus the demand was no longer there.
More likely, higher wages means people can shop at a higher quality store, and thus the demand was no longer there.
What an idiot.
NO. Higher wages means higher costs. This is partially why WM is closing thousands of stores, putting tens of thousands of people out of work.
Another success of the progressive agenda.
More likely, higher wages means people can shop at a higher quality store, and thus the demand was no longer there.
What an idiot.
NO. Higher wages means higher costs. This is partially why WM is closing thousands of stores, putting tens of thousands of people out of work.
Another success of the progressive agenda.

Obviously most people are not masochistic enough to shop at Wal Mart if they have any ability not to. I mean sheesh--in there, it's like the communism we were always warned about. So if people make even slightly more, they will go someplace where the shirts don't fall apart after two washings.
More likely, higher wages means people can shop at a higher quality store, and thus the demand was no longer there.
What an idiot.
NO. Higher wages means higher costs. This is partially why WM is closing thousands of stores, putting tens of thousands of people out of work.
Another success of the progressive agenda.

Obviously most people are not masochistic enough to shop at Wal Mart if they have any ability not to. I mean sheesh--in there, it's like the communism we were always warned about. So if people make even slightly more, they will go someplace where the shirts don't fall apart after two washings.
I'd ask for some kind of proof of that absurd statement. But there is none.
I shop at WM, btw. I like it. I dont need to run from store to store to find what I want or pay too much for something I dont. That's probably why WM is the largest retailer in the world.
Walmart has decided not to build some of the stores that it had said it would inWashington DC.


The reason Walmart isn’t going to open those new stores:

Evans said that, behind closed doors, Walmart officials were more frank about the reasons the company was downsizing. He said the company cited the District’s rising minimum wage, now at $11.50 an hour and possibly going to $15 an hour if a proposed ballot measure is successful in November. He also said a proposal for legislation requiring D.C. employers to pay into a fund for family and medical leave for employees, and another effort to require a minimum amount of hours for hourly workers were compounding costs and concerns for the retailer.


it was time for awl-mart to stop using us to subsidize it's workers health care and food costs

the walton family didn't lose money. and there are still four of them in the ten wealthiest people in the world. so i'm pretty sure they didn't close the stores because of a little bit higher wages.
Walmart has decided not to build some of the stores that it had said it would inWashington DC.


The reason Walmart isn’t going to open those new stores:

Evans said that, behind closed doors, Walmart officials were more frank about the reasons the company was downsizing. He said the company cited the District’s rising minimum wage, now at $11.50 an hour and possibly going to $15 an hour if a proposed ballot measure is successful in November. He also said a proposal for legislation requiring D.C. employers to pay into a fund for family and medical leave for employees, and another effort to require a minimum amount of hours for hourly workers were compounding costs and concerns for the retailer.


it was time for awl-mart to stop using us to subsidize it's workers health care and food costs

the walton family didn't lose money. and there are still four of them in the ten wealthiest people in the world. so i'm pretty sure they didn't close the stores because of a little bit higher wages.
As usual you spew ignorance and stupidity.
First, WM subsidizes you, the taxpayer. If it werent for them their employees would be unemployed and drawing full gov't benefits.
Second, whether Walton's heirs are wealthy of not is irrelevant to the company's bottom line. And it is clear that their increasing their starting wage has cut severely into their profits. This has led to reducing hours and not hiring.
In other words, another progressive success story: the very people they claim to help have been hurt the most by their absurd policies.
More likely, higher wages means people can shop at a higher quality store, and thus the demand was no longer there.
What an idiot.
NO. Higher wages means higher costs. This is partially why WM is closing thousands of stores, putting tens of thousands of people out of work.
Another success of the progressive agenda.

Obviously most people are not masochistic enough to shop at Wal Mart if they have any ability not to. I mean sheesh--in there, it's like the communism we were always warned about. So if people make even slightly more, they will go someplace where the shirts don't fall apart after two washings.
I'd ask for some kind of proof of that absurd statement. But there is none.
I shop at WM, btw. I like it. I dont need to run from store to store to find what I want or pay too much for something I dont. That's probably why WM is the largest retailer in the world.

Last couple times I went there, the lines were backed up into the aisles, and the self checkout line was out into produce. My time is worth too much to me to have to deal with that crap.

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