Dead cops on the streets in Dallas!

When the dust settles, it's going to be 1 or 2 crazy rightwing white guys that were the shooter/s.



"Oh, how can we ever get all the partisanship out of politics?"

It's just a prediction Unko. Take it easy.

No it wasn't it was you being a hyper partisan far left drone running a debunked religious narrative!
So now Black Lives Matter are officially a terrorist organization?
When the dust settles, it's going to be 1 or 2 crazy rightwing white guys that were the shooter/s.



"Oh, how can we ever get all the partisanship out of politics?"

HAHA he does make threads like that, what a fucking tool. I love to crush him everytime he posts....He's getting to the Lakhota, rdean level of liberal dick sucking.
Geeeee Thanks Obama for bringing us together buuuuuuaaahahahahahahahaha
Since none of you clowns seem to be able to control yourselves, and have absolutely no respect for the dead:

Let me make this perfectly clear.

The next person to violate Zone 2 rules in this thread will be banned for a month. Stay on topic, don't troll.

Plenty of respect for the dead. Especially the dead cops in Dallas. Have family on DPD. Only pointing out another member who stated there was a problem with cops in america in a thread they started before going on about theshootings in Dallas. Was hoping they could point out exactly what that problem was that justified this shooting.

No posters here have justified the shootings in any way.

Take your flame war somewhere else.

Never said they justified shooting cops, only mentioned in a thread they started that the police are responsible for all the unrest and that Congress needed to fix it. Thay posted that thread just before starting this one. Just hoping they would go into that a bit more considering all the high profile officer involved shootings to date have ended with the police being cleared.
I started that thread yesterday morning not just before this one. You are clearly incapable of understanding the point I was trying to make in that thread. I will say it again.....I HAVE NEVER BEEN ANTI COP. Back to ignore with you

Mm, but you implied it by saying the cop involved sounded like he was scared shitless after the shooting. Truth b told he likely was. No mention of the fact however that the guy who was shot would not comply with the command of the officer, was a habitual felon, a convicted child molester and was packing heat. See, there is no cop problem, there is a people problem. People love to hate cops, until they need cops. Here is the thread.

It has become painfully, even fatally, obvious we have a police problem in this country......

I'll also point out, ALL shootings involving cops from Ferguson on, in the end the cops have been justified or found not at fault. No cop issue at all. Just stupid people.
Well the problem is the far left does not care about the dead cops..

That is what they want.

Yes there are some bad cops and they should be punished in a court of law.

But as we have seen with the narratives, these cops that do their job still get can not do the job anymore because of the hatred of the far left.

I have yet to see any far left drone post that they morn the deaths of the police officers..
Did you post that you mourn the death of Philandro Castille and/or Alston Sterling?
I don't know enough about them, but we all hate seeing people die, unless they are criminals...then open season.
"The end is coming."

That's what the media is reporting the suspect is saying.

He also said "more police are going to die."

They say that there's bombs planted "all over the place."

Something tells me that a black guy isn't involved in that type of nonsense.
But you're still not getting it. They're still not responsible for the actions of other people.

So, you're telling me people can't commit a heinous act motivated by a message those people send to the rest of America? I see.

No, that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that the senders of your "message" aren't responsible for the psycho who actually goes out and kills cops.

This is an important free speech issue, actually.


I hear a message. I agree with the message. I agree with the message to the point of it becoming a held belief. Then I act on that belief by killing people.

I see cause and effect, whether you do or not.

So the other 300-400 in the mosque who heard the same message and didn't do squat are the ones who are defective; not the one asswipe who starts shooting people?
"The end is coming."

That's what the media is reporting the suspect is saying.

He also said "more police are going to die."

They say that there's bombs planted "all over the place."

Something tells me that a black guy isn't involved in that type of nonsense.

Another racist far left drone post!

Next this drone will be claiming that Blacks can not be Muslims..

However hatred of cops and killing of cops is a far left trait!

I see you are celebrating the deaths of these cops..
Since none of you clowns seem to be able to control yourselves, and have absolutely no respect for the dead:

Let me make this perfectly clear.

The next person to violate Zone 2 rules in this thread will be banned for a month. Stay on topic, don't troll.

Plenty of respect for the dead. Especially the dead cops in Dallas. Have family on DPD. Only pointing out another member who stated there was a problem with cops in america in a thread they started before going on about theshootings in Dallas. Was hoping they could point out exactly what that problem was that justified this shooting.

No posters here have justified the shootings in any way.

Take your flame war somewhere else.
Obama has already done that. Apparently the killing was justified because of blacks getting caught for too many crimes.

Obama: Police Killings 'Symptomatic of...Racial Disparities'
"The end is coming."

That's what the media is reporting the suspect is saying.

He also said "more police are going to die."

They say that there's bombs planted "all over the place."

Something tells me that a black guy isn't involved in that type of nonsense.

You racist piece of shit.

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