Dead Sea Scrolls exhibits - fake

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
'Dead Sea Scrolls fragments' at Museum of the Bible are all fakes, study says

When Steve Green paid millions of dollars from his family fortune for 16 fragments of the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls, it seemed the perfect addition to their new Museum of the Bible in Washington DC.
But now experts have confirmed what has long been suspected: the artefacts proudly displayed in the nation’s capital by the owners of the Hobby Lobby chain of stores are not part of one of the most significant archaeological finds of all time.

They are worthless forgeries, probably made from old shoe leather.

Its a real shame and I sometimes feel we dont need the mystery taken out of life.
Why would you check the authenticity after you have handed over the cash ?
'Dead Sea Scrolls fragments' at Museum of the Bible are all fakes, study says

When Steve Green paid millions of dollars from his family fortune for 16 fragments of the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls, it seemed the perfect addition to their new Museum of the Bible in Washington DC.
But now experts have confirmed what has long been suspected: the artefacts proudly displayed in the nation’s capital by the owners of the Hobby Lobby chain of stores are not part of one of the most significant archaeological finds of all time.

They are worthless forgeries, probably made from old shoe leather.

Its a real shame and I sometimes feel we dont need the mystery taken out of life.
Why would you check the authenticity after you have handed over the cash ?

Excellent. This couldn't have happened to a more deplorable, bible-thumping, sanctimonious set of Christian-Taliban bigots. They are responsible for a Supreme Court case that first granted for-profit corporations a claim to religious beliefs - all, of course, part of the Christian-Taliban efforts to get women's reproductive organs back under Christian-Taliban control.

But, of course, since they are for-profit bible-thumpers, they don't even know the first thing about value - they just want to know whether what they have purchased was worth the price.

Did I mention, this couldn't have happened to a more deplorable, bible-thumping, sanctimonious set of Christian-Taliban bigots?
'Dead Sea Scrolls fragments' at Museum of the Bible are all fakes, study says

When Steve Green paid millions of dollars from his family fortune for 16 fragments of the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls, it seemed the perfect addition to their new Museum of the Bible in Washington DC.
But now experts have confirmed what has long been suspected: the artefacts proudly displayed in the nation’s capital by the owners of the Hobby Lobby chain of stores are not part of one of the most significant archaeological finds of all time.

They are worthless forgeries, probably made from old shoe leather.

Its a real shame and I sometimes feel we dont need the mystery taken out of life.
Why would you check the authenticity after you have handed over the cash ?

Excellent. This couldn't have happened to a more deplorable, bible-thumping, sanctimonious set of Christian-Taliban bigots. They are responsible for a Supreme Court case that first granted for-profit corporations a claim to religious beliefs - all, of course, part of the Christian-Taliban efforts to get women's reproductive organs back under Christian-Taliban control.

But, of course, since they are for-profit bible-thumpers, they don't even know the first thing about value - they just want to know whether what they have purchased was worth the price.

Did I mention, this couldn't have happened to a more deplorable, bible-thumping, sanctimonious set of Christian-Taliban bigots?
Thats a bonus.
You got to hand it to them Hobby Lobbiers:

Of course, providing reproductive healthcare to women significantly burdens this for-profit corporations exercise of its religion. The consequences would be devastating, as outlined in very alarmed amicus briefs:

American Freedom Law Center's brief argues that birth control harms women because men will only want them "for the satisfaction of [their] own desires."[27] Another brief argues that the contraception rule leads to "the maximization of sexual activity".[28]​

The almighty dollar, that is, the for-profit corporations's one and true god, wouldn't stand for that. Women, having fun having sex without the fear of unwanted pregnancy - no way, no how should such ever be allowed.

At least not in a closely-held family business.

Revenue $ 4.6 billion (2018)[1]
Number of employees 32,000 (2018)[1]​

Some family business.

Also of note:

Starting in 2009 representatives of Hobby Lobby organized archaeological looting in Iraq and Caesarea to present smuggled artifacts to the Museum of the Bible. In 2017 the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York directed Hobby Lobby to return the artifacts and pay a fine of US$3,000,000. Many of the artifacts collected by the Green family, the evangelical owners of the craft-supply chain Hobby Lobby, lacked any supporting evidence of their history or ownership. Thus raising the possibility that the artifacts were possibly looted or sold on the black market.[22] Hobby Lobby returned over 5500 items in May 2018.[23][24][25]​

Aren't they crafty, these Christians?
The irony is the Old Testament (the jewish thing worshipping multiple deities and then focusing on the War Deity Yahweh) and the New Testament (the Christian thing - hey White folks the racism of the Jews against you should make you feel good because their hatred of you includes you in Yahweh's plan for you!) are both FRAUDS. As is the RACIST Talmud and other SHIT like the the KORAN. How in the fuck anyone can revere middle east bullshit mythology is a form of mental illness in this day and age.
of course they are because freedom hating pricks would never want to truth out and those dam experts just kow alll and tell the ggods honest truth too This must mean they are REAL. As the assholes of the world try killing Christians world wide that goes to show just how pathetically stupid the idiots are who hate Christians and think they can literally kill them out of existence it hasn't' worked for over 2,000 yrs and the leftist idiots who hate Christians but lick the chit off any other relgions ass yeah ........... try again. YOu can never ever kill Jesus out of anybody you moron God hating a. holes. lmfao
The irony is the Old Testament (the jewish thing worshipping multiple deities and then focusing on the War Deity Yahweh) and the New Testament (the Christian thing - hey White folks the racism of the Jews against you should make you feel good because their hatred of you includes you in Yahweh's plan for you!) are both FRAUDS. As is the RACIST Talmud and other SHIT like the the KORAN. How in the fuck anyone can revere middle east bullshit mythology is a form of mental illness in this day and age.
I smell you. And you stink! Judaism is a monotheistic religion and claims of racism by the Jews against Caucasians
is utter drivel.
But I've already given you too much attention as it is. How does someone wind up as twisted as you?
And as usual, the left celebrates A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G that paints the Bible, or anything Christian in a negative light.

Think they would laugh and joke if this was about an Islamic event ?

This is why I despise you people, you attack your own culture with EVERY opportunity.

Fuck you guys, and fuck the roach-infested ship you came in on.
You got to hand it to them Hobby Lobbiers:

Of course, providing reproductive healthcare to women significantly burdens this for-profit corporations exercise of its religion. The consequences would be devastating, as outlined in very alarmed amicus briefs:

American Freedom Law Center's brief argues that birth control harms women because men will only want them "for the satisfaction of [their] own desires."[27] Another brief argues that the contraception rule leads to "the maximization of sexual activity".[28]​

The almighty dollar, that is, the for-profit corporations's one and true god, wouldn't stand for that. Women, having fun having sex without the fear of unwanted pregnancy - no way, no how should such ever be allowed.

At least not in a closely-held family business.

Revenue $ 4.6 billion (2018)[1]
Number of employees 32,000 (2018)[1]​

Some family business.

Also of note:

Starting in 2009 representatives of Hobby Lobby organized archaeological looting in Iraq and Caesarea to present smuggled artifacts to the Museum of the Bible. In 2017 the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York directed Hobby Lobby to return the artifacts and pay a fine of US$3,000,000. Many of the artifacts collected by the Green family, the evangelical owners of the craft-supply chain Hobby Lobby, lacked any supporting evidence of their history or ownership. Thus raising the possibility that the artifacts were possibly looted or sold on the black market.[22] Hobby Lobby returned over 5500 items in May 2018.[23][24][25]​

Aren't they crafty, these Christians?

The idiots who wrote that brief certainly have a very grim view of heterosexuality. Right-wing bible-humpers never, ever will acknowledge that women also experience sexual desire, the same as men, and that men and women want to have loving relationships with each other. They think of women only as passive objects incapable of making up their own minds about what they want to do. They will never acknowledge that women like birth control and many use it.

The right-wingers' assertion that the contraception rule leads to "the maximization of sexual activity" is hilarious. So why do they dislike "sexual activity"? You gotta wonder.

Years ago, a friend sent me a birthday card, which I think was a Gary Larsen. One monk runs up to another monk in the scriptorium, brandishing a manuscript. He says "It doesn't say 'celebate' . . . It says celebrate!"
'Dead Sea Scrolls fragments' at Museum of the Bible are all fakes, study says

When Steve Green paid millions of dollars from his family fortune for 16 fragments of the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls, it seemed the perfect addition to their new Museum of the Bible in Washington DC.
But now experts have confirmed what has long been suspected: the artefacts proudly displayed in the nation’s capital by the owners of the Hobby Lobby chain of stores are not part of one of the most significant archaeological finds of all time.

They are worthless forgeries, probably made from old shoe leather.

Its a real shame and I sometimes feel we dont need the mystery taken out of life.
Why would you check the authenticity after you have handed over the cash ?

Excellent. This couldn't have happened to a more deplorable, bible-thumping, sanctimonious set of Christian-Taliban bigots. They are responsible for a Supreme Court case that first granted for-profit corporations a claim to religious beliefs - all, of course, part of the Christian-Taliban efforts to get women's reproductive organs back under Christian-Taliban control.

But, of course, since they are for-profit bible-thumpers, they don't even know the first thing about value - they just want to know whether what they have purchased was worth the price.

Did I mention, this couldn't have happened to a more deplorable, bible-thumping, sanctimonious set of Christian-Taliban bigots?

You don't believe in Freedom of Religion for people earning a living? That making a profit means that someone forfeits their 1st amendment right to follow Almighty God?
'Dead Sea Scrolls fragments' at Museum of the Bible are all fakes, study says

When Steve Green paid millions of dollars from his family fortune for 16 fragments of the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls, it seemed the perfect addition to their new Museum of the Bible in Washington DC.
But now experts have confirmed what has long been suspected: the artefacts proudly displayed in the nation’s capital by the owners of the Hobby Lobby chain of stores are not part of one of the most significant archaeological finds of all time.

They are worthless forgeries, probably made from old shoe leather.

Its a real shame and I sometimes feel we dont need the mystery taken out of life.
Why would you check the authenticity after you have handed over the cash ?

Excellent. This couldn't have happened to a more deplorable, bible-thumping, sanctimonious set of Christian-Taliban bigots. They are responsible for a Supreme Court case that first granted for-profit corporations a claim to religious beliefs - all, of course, part of the Christian-Taliban efforts to get women's reproductive organs back under Christian-Taliban control.

But, of course, since they are for-profit bible-thumpers, they don't even know the first thing about value - they just want to know whether what they have purchased was worth the price.

Did I mention, this couldn't have happened to a more deplorable, bible-thumping, sanctimonious set of Christian-Taliban bigots?
Thats a bonus.

Why do you think its virtuous for someone to practice Fraud against someone else? Even if you hate the victim, you might be the victim next time.
'Dead Sea Scrolls fragments' at Museum of the Bible are all fakes, study says

When Steve Green paid millions of dollars from his family fortune for 16 fragments of the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls, it seemed the perfect addition to their new Museum of the Bible in Washington DC.
But now experts have confirmed what has long been suspected: the artefacts proudly displayed in the nation’s capital by the owners of the Hobby Lobby chain of stores are not part of one of the most significant archaeological finds of all time.

They are worthless forgeries, probably made from old shoe leather.

Its a real shame and I sometimes feel we dont need the mystery taken out of life.
Why would you check the authenticity after you have handed over the cash ?

Excellent. This couldn't have happened to a more deplorable, bible-thumping, sanctimonious set of Christian-Taliban bigots. They are responsible for a Supreme Court case that first granted for-profit corporations a claim to religious beliefs - all, of course, part of the Christian-Taliban efforts to get women's reproductive organs back under Christian-Taliban control.

But, of course, since they are for-profit bible-thumpers, they don't even know the first thing about value - they just want to know whether what they have purchased was worth the price.

Did I mention, this couldn't have happened to a more deplorable, bible-thumping, sanctimonious set of Christian-Taliban bigots?
Thats a bonus.

Why do you think its virtuous for someone to practice Fraud against someone else? Even if you hate the victim, you might be the victim next time.
Where is the fraud?
'Dead Sea Scrolls fragments' at Museum of the Bible are all fakes, study says

When Steve Green paid millions of dollars from his family fortune for 16 fragments of the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls, it seemed the perfect addition to their new Museum of the Bible in Washington DC.
But now experts have confirmed what has long been suspected: the artefacts proudly displayed in the nation’s capital by the owners of the Hobby Lobby chain of stores are not part of one of the most significant archaeological finds of all time.

They are worthless forgeries, probably made from old shoe leather.

Its a real shame and I sometimes feel we dont need the mystery taken out of life.
Why would you check the authenticity after you have handed over the cash ?

Excellent. This couldn't have happened to a more deplorable, bible-thumping, sanctimonious set of Christian-Taliban bigots. They are responsible for a Supreme Court case that first granted for-profit corporations a claim to religious beliefs - all, of course, part of the Christian-Taliban efforts to get women's reproductive organs back under Christian-Taliban control.

But, of course, since they are for-profit bible-thumpers, they don't even know the first thing about value - they just want to know whether what they have purchased was worth the price.

Did I mention, this couldn't have happened to a more deplorable, bible-thumping, sanctimonious set of Christian-Taliban bigots?
Thats a bonus.

Why do you think its virtuous for someone to practice Fraud against someone else? Even if you hate the victim, you might be the victim next time.
Where is the fraud?

The story said that the scrolls were "forgeries", sounds pretty fraudulent to me.
'Dead Sea Scrolls fragments' at Museum of the Bible are all fakes, study says

When Steve Green paid millions of dollars from his family fortune for 16 fragments of the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls, it seemed the perfect addition to their new Museum of the Bible in Washington DC.
But now experts have confirmed what has long been suspected: the artefacts proudly displayed in the nation’s capital by the owners of the Hobby Lobby chain of stores are not part of one of the most significant archaeological finds of all time.

They are worthless forgeries, probably made from old shoe leather.

Its a real shame and I sometimes feel we dont need the mystery taken out of life.
Why would you check the authenticity after you have handed over the cash ?

Excellent. This couldn't have happened to a more deplorable, bible-thumping, sanctimonious set of Christian-Taliban bigots. They are responsible for a Supreme Court case that first granted for-profit corporations a claim to religious beliefs - all, of course, part of the Christian-Taliban efforts to get women's reproductive organs back under Christian-Taliban control.

But, of course, since they are for-profit bible-thumpers, they don't even know the first thing about value - they just want to know whether what they have purchased was worth the price.

Did I mention, this couldn't have happened to a more deplorable, bible-thumping, sanctimonious set of Christian-Taliban bigots?
Thats a bonus.

Why do you think its virtuous for someone to practice Fraud against someone else? Even if you hate the victim, you might be the victim next time.
Where is the fraud?

The story said that the scrolls were "forgeries", sounds pretty fraudulent to me.
But the owners had them checked out so hard to blame them for fraud.
The idiots who wrote that brief certainly have a very grim view of heterosexuality. Right-wing bible-humpers never, ever will acknowledge that women also experience sexual desire, the same as men, and that men and women want to have loving relationships with each other. They think of women only as passive objects incapable of making up their own minds about what they want to do. They will never acknowledge that women like birth control and many use it.

The right-wingers' assertion that the contraception rule leads to "the maximization of sexual activity" is hilarious. So why do they dislike "sexual activity"? You gotta wonder.

Years ago, a friend sent me a birthday card, which I think was a Gary Larsen. One monk runs up to another monk in the scriptorium, brandishing a manuscript. He says "It doesn't say 'celebate' . . . It says celebrate!"

Yeah, but the word is "celibate", no? Sorry for that one...

But yeah, I agree with pretty much everything you say above.

You can also see the righties whining about "the left" taking a dump on our "Christian culture" - as if Hobby Lobby, a for-profit corporation, were a good representative of that. For righties, Mammon always foremost in mind, it is, of course. That's not exactly "Christian", but hey...

And yes, if you think that sex is fun-free gymnastics for the purpose of procreation, and desire is evil, and their "sex" looks and feels accordingly, I can see why maximizing sexual activity might seem something to be guarded against. Writing this benighted bullshit into law as much as they can is when the real horror starts, and that's why I find they deserve the denomination "Christian-Taliban".
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You can also see the righties whining about "the left" taking a dump on our "Christian culture" - as if Hobby Lobby, a for-profit corporation, were a good representative of that. For righties, Mammon always foremost in mind, it is, of course. That's not exactly "Christian", but hey...

Its interesting that you don't see Christianity and Business as compatible.

Why do you think its more "Christlike" for people to work as apparatchiks or bureaucrats for the government instead of in private enterprise?

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