Deadlines loom, and Congress faces a massive reckoning


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Deadlines loom, and Congress faces a massive reckoning

"We’re more than seven months into President Donald Trump’s first term, and with some crucial legislative deadlines ahead, it’s time for Congress to get something done, and fast.

This year has, so far, seen plenty of drama and infighting among the president and congressional leaders. Even though Trump has
signed 53 bills into law, his administration has not seen any significant legislative accomplishments, despite Republican control of the White House, the House of Representatives and the Senate.

That must change quickly, or there will be painful consequences felt by everyone from the president down to everyday, hard-working citizens."

Reminds me of the Democrats' near-majority controlled Congress during Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 1st 2 years.

Republicans, led by Ryan and McConnell, can't blame the 100% committed to obstruction Democrats, though. After 7 years to unite the party, come up with a plan, and pass it, Republican douche-bag McConnell demonstrated he is a piss-poor leader and a d@mn Democrat who had no intention of allowing anything to replace Obamacare.

"Here are the immediate issues Congress must make progress on as members return to work Tuesday after the August recess:"

Hurricane Harvey relief funds / Debt ceiling
The problem I have here is that the jack@44 politicians are going to tie RAISING THE DEBT CEILING' to HURRICANE HARVEY / TEXAS RELIEF FUNDS, using / holding the victims of Hurricane Harvey hostage as political insurance to get the debt ceiling raised. There needs to be a law that dictates that legislation / issues that have no connection / relation to each other can NOT be tied together in a single piece of legislation, and that should apply to all pork these tax-dollar-wasting dumbasses try to pack into critical legislation. Every piece of pork should have to be presented / debated / justified on their own. Every issue - especially something as HUGE / CRITICAL as the Debt Ceiling - should be forced to be its own legislation.

The fact is no one is going to vote against a pork-laden Debt-Ceiling 'cling-on' Hurricane relief bill, because you KNOW the 'other side' will push the propaganda that those who voted against the bill because of the pork really 'hate the victims of Texas'.

PREDICTION: Republicans, 'led' by Ryan, will concede power to the minority Democrats and will pass a pork-laden Debt Ceiling Increase / Hurricane Relief bill, and while politicians make sure enough pork is in the bill to 'get theirs', they will not pass legislation that provides Houston even a 3rd of the actual funds Houston / Texas needs.

Spending bill

Does anyone remember that an Annual Budget is required BY LAW? Congress has repeatedly passed 'Spending bills' to get around doing their job - passing an actual budget. This, in fact, is technically breaking the law.

PREDICTION: Another pork-laden Spending Bill rather than an Annual Budget gets passed.

** Once again politicians do not have to put their names on legislation and actually have to defend their spending.

Tax Reform
"Tax reform is the top Republican legislative priority right now, and it will be a revealing test of the ability of the president and Congress to work together for the benefit of the conservative agenda."

PREDICTION: Ryan and McConnell will make sure nothing passes, and if it does, it will not be 'tax-payer friendly' / enough.

Trump will get rid of another Obama Legacy Un-Constitutional EO...

PREDICTION: Ryan and McConnell will make helping illegals and preserving Obama's Legacy a top priority over doing anything to help American citizens.
Well, we should know before long whether the GOP plans to do anything with all its power, or whether Trumps' "wins" will be mostly individual, unilateral moves.

Unless something catastrophic happens, his legacy will largely be the Supreme and lower courts.
Well, we should know before long whether the GOP plans to do anything with all its power, or whether Trumps' "wins" will be mostly individual, unilateral moves.

Unless something catastrophic happens, his legacy will largely be the Supreme and lower courts.

Likely. The career guys are basically sitting on the ball. I'm indifferent towards a second Trump presidency. Largely, I'm hoping the spanking of the ruling class by trumps election carries on into senate and congress. Don't think the problem is so much republicans an Dems as it is THOSE republicans and dems.
Deadlines loom, and Congress faces a massive reckoning

"We’re more than seven months into President Donald Trump’s first term, and with some crucial legislative deadlines ahead, it’s time for Congress to get something done, and fast.

This year has, so far, seen plenty of drama and infighting among the president and congressional leaders. Even though Trump has
signed 53 bills into law, his administration has not seen any significant legislative accomplishments, despite Republican control of the White House, the House of Representatives and the Senate.

That must change quickly, or there will be painful consequences felt by everyone from the president down to everyday, hard-working citizens."

Reminds me of the Democrats' near-majority controlled Congress during Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 1st 2 years.

Republicans, led by Ryan and McConnell, can't blame the 100% committed to obstruction Democrats, though. After 7 years to unite the party, come up with a plan, and pass it, Republican douche-bag McConnell demonstrated he is a piss-poor leader and a d@mn Democrat who had no intention of allowing anything to replace Obamacare.

"Here are the immediate issues Congress must make progress on as members return to work Tuesday after the August recess:"

Hurricane Harvey relief funds / Debt ceiling
The problem I have here is that the jack@44 politicians are going to tie RAISING THE DEBT CEILING' to HURRICANE HARVEY / TEXAS RELIEF FUNDS, using / holding the victims of Hurricane Harvey hostage as political insurance to get the debt ceiling raised. There needs to be a law that dictates that legislation / issues that have no connection / relation to each other can NOT be tied together in a single piece of legislation, and that should apply to all pork these tax-dollar-wasting dumbasses try to pack into critical legislation. Every piece of pork should have to be presented / debated / justified on their own. Every issue - especially something as HUGE / CRITICAL as the Debt Ceiling - should be forced to be its own legislation.

The fact is no one is going to vote against a pork-laden Debt-Ceiling 'cling-on' Hurricane relief bill, because you KNOW the 'other side' will push the propaganda that those who voted against the bill because of the pork really 'hate the victims of Texas'.

PREDICTION: Republicans, 'led' by Ryan, will concede power to the minority Democrats and will pass a pork-laden Debt Ceiling Increase / Hurricane Relief bill, and while politicians make sure enough pork is in the bill to 'get theirs', they will not pass legislation that provides Houston even a 3rd of the actual funds Houston / Texas needs.

Spending bill

Does anyone remember that an Annual Budget is required BY LAW? Congress has repeatedly passed 'Spending bills' to get around doing their job - passing an actual budget. This, in fact, is technically breaking the law.

PREDICTION: Another pork-laden Spending Bill rather than an Annual Budget gets passed.

** Once again politicians do not have to put their names on legislation and actually have to defend their spending.

Tax Reform
"Tax reform is the top Republican legislative priority right now, and it will be a revealing test of the ability of the president and Congress to work together for the benefit of the conservative agenda."

PREDICTION: Ryan and McConnell will make sure nothing passes, and if it does, it will not be 'tax-payer friendly' / enough.

Trump will get rid of another Obama Legacy Un-Constitutional EO...

PREDICTION: Ryan and McConnell will make helping illegals and preserving Obama's Legacy a top priority over doing anything to help American citizens.

Prediction: Donald Trump- the deal maker- will be unable to lead the Republicans in Congress to accomplish anything.
Deadlines loom, and Congress faces a massive reckoning

"We’re more than seven months into President Donald Trump’s first term, and with some crucial legislative deadlines ahead, it’s time for Congress to get something done, and fast.

This year has, so far, seen plenty of drama and infighting among the president and congressional leaders. Even though Trump has
signed 53 bills into law, his administration has not seen any significant legislative accomplishments, despite Republican control of the White House, the House of Representatives and the Senate.

That must change quickly, or there will be painful consequences felt by everyone from the president down to everyday, hard-working citizens."

Reminds me of the Democrats' near-majority controlled Congress during Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 1st 2 years.

Republicans, led by Ryan and McConnell, can't blame the 100% committed to obstruction Democrats, though. After 7 years to unite the party, come up with a plan, and pass it, Republican douche-bag McConnell demonstrated he is a piss-poor leader and a d@mn Democrat who had no intention of allowing anything to replace Obamacare.

"Here are the immediate issues Congress must make progress on as members return to work Tuesday after the August recess:"

Hurricane Harvey relief funds / Debt ceiling
The problem I have here is that the jack@44 politicians are going to tie RAISING THE DEBT CEILING' to HURRICANE HARVEY / TEXAS RELIEF FUNDS, using / holding the victims of Hurricane Harvey hostage as political insurance to get the debt ceiling raised. There needs to be a law that dictates that legislation / issues that have no connection / relation to each other can NOT be tied together in a single piece of legislation, and that should apply to all pork these tax-dollar-wasting dumbasses try to pack into critical legislation. Every piece of pork should have to be presented / debated / justified on their own. Every issue - especially something as HUGE / CRITICAL as the Debt Ceiling - should be forced to be its own legislation.

The fact is no one is going to vote against a pork-laden Debt-Ceiling 'cling-on' Hurricane relief bill, because you KNOW the 'other side' will push the propaganda that those who voted against the bill because of the pork really 'hate the victims of Texas'.

PREDICTION: Republicans, 'led' by Ryan, will concede power to the minority Democrats and will pass a pork-laden Debt Ceiling Increase / Hurricane Relief bill, and while politicians make sure enough pork is in the bill to 'get theirs', they will not pass legislation that provides Houston even a 3rd of the actual funds Houston / Texas needs.

Spending bill

Does anyone remember that an Annual Budget is required BY LAW? Congress has repeatedly passed 'Spending bills' to get around doing their job - passing an actual budget. This, in fact, is technically breaking the law.

PREDICTION: Another pork-laden Spending Bill rather than an Annual Budget gets passed.

** Once again politicians do not have to put their names on legislation and actually have to defend their spending.

Tax Reform
"Tax reform is the top Republican legislative priority right now, and it will be a revealing test of the ability of the president and Congress to work together for the benefit of the conservative agenda."

PREDICTION: Ryan and McConnell will make sure nothing passes, and if it does, it will not be 'tax-payer friendly' / enough.

Trump will get rid of another Obama Legacy Un-Constitutional EO...

PREDICTION: Ryan and McConnell will make helping illegals and preserving Obama's Legacy a top priority over doing anything to help American citizens.

Prediction: Donald Trump- the deal maker- will be unable to lead the Republicans in Congress to accomplish anything.
Hard to lead those who don't want to be led, Democrat or Republican.

At least the Democrats were courageous enough to come out and declare they were 100% committed to obstruction. What they are doing IS 'obstruction'.

What Ryan and McConnell are doing silently is 'betrayal'.
Deadlines loom, and Congress faces a massive reckoning

"We’re more than seven months into President Donald Trump’s first term, and with some crucial legislative deadlines ahead, it’s time for Congress to get something done, and fast.

This year has, so far, seen plenty of drama and infighting among the president and congressional leaders. Even though Trump has
signed 53 bills into law, his administration has not seen any significant legislative accomplishments, despite Republican control of the White House, the House of Representatives and the Senate.

That must change quickly, or there will be painful consequences felt by everyone from the president down to everyday, hard-working citizens."

Reminds me of the Democrats' near-majority controlled Congress during Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 1st 2 years.

Republicans, led by Ryan and McConnell, can't blame the 100% committed to obstruction Democrats, though. After 7 years to unite the party, come up with a plan, and pass it, Republican douche-bag McConnell demonstrated he is a piss-poor leader and a d@mn Democrat who had no intention of allowing anything to replace Obamacare.

"Here are the immediate issues Congress must make progress on as members return to work Tuesday after the August recess:"

Hurricane Harvey relief funds / Debt ceiling
The problem I have here is that the jack@44 politicians are going to tie RAISING THE DEBT CEILING' to HURRICANE HARVEY / TEXAS RELIEF FUNDS, using / holding the victims of Hurricane Harvey hostage as political insurance to get the debt ceiling raised. There needs to be a law that dictates that legislation / issues that have no connection / relation to each other can NOT be tied together in a single piece of legislation, and that should apply to all pork these tax-dollar-wasting dumbasses try to pack into critical legislation. Every piece of pork should have to be presented / debated / justified on their own. Every issue - especially something as HUGE / CRITICAL as the Debt Ceiling - should be forced to be its own legislation.

The fact is no one is going to vote against a pork-laden Debt-Ceiling 'cling-on' Hurricane relief bill, because you KNOW the 'other side' will push the propaganda that those who voted against the bill because of the pork really 'hate the victims of Texas'.

PREDICTION: Republicans, 'led' by Ryan, will concede power to the minority Democrats and will pass a pork-laden Debt Ceiling Increase / Hurricane Relief bill, and while politicians make sure enough pork is in the bill to 'get theirs', they will not pass legislation that provides Houston even a 3rd of the actual funds Houston / Texas needs.

Spending bill

Does anyone remember that an Annual Budget is required BY LAW? Congress has repeatedly passed 'Spending bills' to get around doing their job - passing an actual budget. This, in fact, is technically breaking the law.

PREDICTION: Another pork-laden Spending Bill rather than an Annual Budget gets passed.

** Once again politicians do not have to put their names on legislation and actually have to defend their spending.

Tax Reform
"Tax reform is the top Republican legislative priority right now, and it will be a revealing test of the ability of the president and Congress to work together for the benefit of the conservative agenda."

PREDICTION: Ryan and McConnell will make sure nothing passes, and if it does, it will not be 'tax-payer friendly' / enough.

Trump will get rid of another Obama Legacy Un-Constitutional EO...

PREDICTION: Ryan and McConnell will make helping illegals and preserving Obama's Legacy a top priority over doing anything to help American citizens.

Prediction: Donald Trump- the deal maker- will be unable to lead the Republicans in Congress to accomplish anything.
Hard to lead those who don't want to be led, Democrat or Republican.

President Snowflake campaigned and promoted himself as the 'dealmaker'.

Great presidents are able to lead the Congress.

Mediocre presidents- like Jimmy Carter- weren't.
Deadlines loom, and Congress faces a massive reckoning

"We’re more than seven months into President Donald Trump’s first term, and with some crucial legislative deadlines ahead, it’s time for Congress to get something done, and fast.

This year has, so far, seen plenty of drama and infighting among the president and congressional leaders. Even though Trump has
signed 53 bills into law, his administration has not seen any significant legislative accomplishments, despite Republican control of the White House, the House of Representatives and the Senate.

That must change quickly, or there will be painful consequences felt by everyone from the president down to everyday, hard-working citizens."

Reminds me of the Democrats' near-majority controlled Congress during Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 1st 2 years.

Republicans, led by Ryan and McConnell, can't blame the 100% committed to obstruction Democrats, though. After 7 years to unite the party, come up with a plan, and pass it, Republican douche-bag McConnell demonstrated he is a piss-poor leader and a d@mn Democrat who had no intention of allowing anything to replace Obamacare.

"Here are the immediate issues Congress must make progress on as members return to work Tuesday after the August recess:"

Hurricane Harvey relief funds / Debt ceiling
The problem I have here is that the jack@44 politicians are going to tie RAISING THE DEBT CEILING' to HURRICANE HARVEY / TEXAS RELIEF FUNDS, using / holding the victims of Hurricane Harvey hostage as political insurance to get the debt ceiling raised. There needs to be a law that dictates that legislation / issues that have no connection / relation to each other can NOT be tied together in a single piece of legislation, and that should apply to all pork these tax-dollar-wasting dumbasses try to pack into critical legislation. Every piece of pork should have to be presented / debated / justified on their own. Every issue - especially something as HUGE / CRITICAL as the Debt Ceiling - should be forced to be its own legislation.

The fact is no one is going to vote against a pork-laden Debt-Ceiling 'cling-on' Hurricane relief bill, because you KNOW the 'other side' will push the propaganda that those who voted against the bill because of the pork really 'hate the victims of Texas'.

PREDICTION: Republicans, 'led' by Ryan, will concede power to the minority Democrats and will pass a pork-laden Debt Ceiling Increase / Hurricane Relief bill, and while politicians make sure enough pork is in the bill to 'get theirs', they will not pass legislation that provides Houston even a 3rd of the actual funds Houston / Texas needs.

Spending bill

Does anyone remember that an Annual Budget is required BY LAW? Congress has repeatedly passed 'Spending bills' to get around doing their job - passing an actual budget. This, in fact, is technically breaking the law.

PREDICTION: Another pork-laden Spending Bill rather than an Annual Budget gets passed.

** Once again politicians do not have to put their names on legislation and actually have to defend their spending.

Tax Reform
"Tax reform is the top Republican legislative priority right now, and it will be a revealing test of the ability of the president and Congress to work together for the benefit of the conservative agenda."

PREDICTION: Ryan and McConnell will make sure nothing passes, and if it does, it will not be 'tax-payer friendly' / enough.

Trump will get rid of another Obama Legacy Un-Constitutional EO...

PREDICTION: Ryan and McConnell will make helping illegals and preserving Obama's Legacy a top priority over doing anything to help American citizens.

Prediction: Donald Trump- the deal maker- will be unable to lead the Republicans in Congress to accomplish anything.

At least the Democrats were courageous enough to come out and declare they were 100% committed to obstruction. What they are doing IS 'obstruction'.

LOL I do enjoy watching your hypocrisy of calling the minority Democrats guilty of 'obstruction' for not volunteering to go along with President Snowflakes half baked proposals.

After the Republicans refused to even consider President Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court.

Now that was 'obstruction'.
LOL I do enjoy watching your hypocrisy of calling the minority Democrats guilty of 'obstruction' for not volunteering to go along with President Snowflakes half baked proposals.

After the Republicans refused to even consider President Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court.

Now that was 'obstruction'.

Syr, 'man-up' - The Democrats very publicly, openly declared themselves that they were 100% committed to opposing EVERYTHING the GOP and Trump tried to accomplish. That wasn't Easy saying that - that was D-Schumer. I am sorry the truth offends you so much...

And for the record, snowflake, I never said the GOP's refusal to give Obama's nominee an up or down vote WASN'T 'obstruction'. It most certainly was. I agree with you.
When you are a Nazi collaborator, everyone else looks like a cultural marxist.
President Snowflake campaigned and promoted himself as the 'dealmaker'. Great presidents are able to lead the Congress. Mediocre presidents- like Jimmy Carter- weren't.


DACA, for example, IS a violation of the Constitution and is illegal.

Article 1 - The Legislative Branch
Section 8 - Powers of Congress

- "To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization"
* U.S. Constitution - Article 1 Section 8 - The U.S. Constitution Online -

"Naturalization is the process by which U.S. citizenship is granted to a foreign citizen or national after he or she fulfills the requirements established by Congress"
* How to Apply for Naturalization

But back to your BS about how any great President can lead Congress....

Any Leader can only lead someone who knows how to follow and / or is willing to be led / willing to follow. You can't lead a hyper-partisan, hate-filled/driven, opposition party that openly declares they are 100% committed to obstruction / your failure and spends about 90% of their time attempting to affect that outcome.

Obama knew / understood this, which is why after he was elected he did not meet with the GOP for almost a year later, why he made By-Passing Congress his 'MO'.
President Snowflake campaigned and promoted himself as the 'dealmaker'. Great presidents are able to lead the Congress. Mediocre presidents- like Jimmy Carter- weren't.


Oh I am just pointing out your snowflake bullshit.

By my standard President Obama did okay- since President Obama led the Democratic controlled Congress to pass the ACA. But he couldn't lead the Republican controlled congress to stop their obstruction.

Trump can't lead the Republican controlled Congress to pass his initiatives. You know- like Carter.

Frankly I don't think of Obama as a great president- nor a mediocre President- but time will be the judge of that.
LOL I do enjoy watching your hypocrisy of calling the minority Democrats guilty of 'obstruction' for not volunteering to go along with President Snowflakes half baked proposals.

After the Republicans refused to even consider President Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court.

Now that was 'obstruction'.

And for the record, snowflake, I never said the GOP's refusal to give Obama's nominee an up or down vote WASN'T 'obstruction'. It most certainly was. I agree with you.


From the guy who said this about the Garland nomination.

Why are the whiny little bitches (libs) claiming 'elections have consequences' yet when the GOP won the House Liberals turned complete Obstructionists and THAT was ok? What hypocritical B$!

Garland has enough on him to reject him, if only his liberal stance on the 2nd Amendment.

And YOU say, "Wait til it's your turn'....Liberals should have thought of that when they were F*ing the GOP by being Obstructionists 1st, letting Harry Reid bring Congress to a crawl because of his own personal partisan agenda.
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Deadlines loom, and Congress faces a massive reckoning

"We’re more than seven months into President Donald Trump’s first term, and with some crucial legislative deadlines ahead, it’s time for Congress to get something done, and fast.

This year has, so far, seen plenty of drama and infighting among the president and congressional leaders. Even though Trump has
signed 53 bills into law, his administration has not seen any significant legislative accomplishments, despite Republican control of the White House, the House of Representatives and the Senate.

That must change quickly, or there will be painful consequences felt by everyone from the president down to everyday, hard-working citizens."

Reminds me of the Democrats' near-majority controlled Congress during Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 1st 2 years.

Republicans, led by Ryan and McConnell, can't blame the 100% committed to obstruction Democrats, though. After 7 years to unite the party, come up with a plan, and pass it, Republican douche-bag McConnell demonstrated he is a piss-poor leader and a d@mn Democrat who had no intention of allowing anything to replace Obamacare.

"Here are the immediate issues Congress must make progress on as members return to work Tuesday after the August recess:"

Hurricane Harvey relief funds / Debt ceiling
The problem I have here is that the jack@44 politicians are going to tie RAISING THE DEBT CEILING' to HURRICANE HARVEY / TEXAS RELIEF FUNDS, using / holding the victims of Hurricane Harvey hostage as political insurance to get the debt ceiling raised. There needs to be a law that dictates that legislation / issues that have no connection / relation to each other can NOT be tied together in a single piece of legislation, and that should apply to all pork these tax-dollar-wasting dumbasses try to pack into critical legislation. Every piece of pork should have to be presented / debated / justified on their own. Every issue - especially something as HUGE / CRITICAL as the Debt Ceiling - should be forced to be its own legislation.

The fact is no one is going to vote against a pork-laden Debt-Ceiling 'cling-on' Hurricane relief bill, because you KNOW the 'other side' will push the propaganda that those who voted against the bill because of the pork really 'hate the victims of Texas'.

PREDICTION: Republicans, 'led' by Ryan, will concede power to the minority Democrats and will pass a pork-laden Debt Ceiling Increase / Hurricane Relief bill, and while politicians make sure enough pork is in the bill to 'get theirs', they will not pass legislation that provides Houston even a 3rd of the actual funds Houston / Texas needs.

Spending bill

Does anyone remember that an Annual Budget is required BY LAW? Congress has repeatedly passed 'Spending bills' to get around doing their job - passing an actual budget. This, in fact, is technically breaking the law.

PREDICTION: Another pork-laden Spending Bill rather than an Annual Budget gets passed.

** Once again politicians do not have to put their names on legislation and actually have to defend their spending.

Tax Reform
"Tax reform is the top Republican legislative priority right now, and it will be a revealing test of the ability of the president and Congress to work together for the benefit of the conservative agenda."

PREDICTION: Ryan and McConnell will make sure nothing passes, and if it does, it will not be 'tax-payer friendly' / enough.

Trump will get rid of another Obama Legacy Un-Constitutional EO...

PREDICTION: Ryan and McConnell will make helping illegals and preserving Obama's Legacy a top priority over doing anything to help American citizens.
they'd take a hit in the pocket book.
Oh I am just pointing out your snowflake bullshit.
What you just pointed out is that Obama was the worst President in US history, a constant Constitution and Rule of law violator who could not lead shit, who constantly by-passed Congress to institute his agenda on his own. He is the Poster Child for Antifa and certainly has made Frank Marshall Davis, Bill Ayers, and Jeremiah Wright proud.
LOL I do enjoy watching your hypocrisy of calling the minority Democrats guilty of 'obstruction' for not volunteering to go along with President Snowflakes half baked proposals.

After the Republicans refused to even consider President Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court.

Now that was 'obstruction'.

Syr, 'man-up' - The Democrats very publicly, openly declared themselves that they were 100% committed to opposing EVERYTHING the GOP and Trump tried to accomplish. That wasn't Easy saying that - that was D-Schumer. I am sorry the truth offends you so much...

Democrats are the minority party. Republicans don't even need Democrats to pass most bills. Hell Republicans aren't even including Democrats in the discussion, Trump is not inviting cultivating Democrats for their votes.

Schumer has offered to work with Republicans-
Chuck Schumer outlines Democrat terms for healthcare talks with GOP

Chuck Schumer invites GOP to open talks on health care

Schumer, Senate Democrats Ask For Meeting With Republicans About Health Care Bill

But Republicans thought they could pass healthcare reform without Democrats participation- so it was done in secret.

And then when the Republicans failed to pass Trump's bill- they blamed Democrats for 'obstruction'
Oh I am just pointing out your snowflake bullshit.
What you just pointed out is that Obama was the worst President in US history,

What you just pointed out was your constant partisan bullshit bias.

President Obama's presidency is too early to be judged by history. So far I would consider him to be in the middle range- but time will tell.
Schumer has offered to work with Republicans-
Chuck Schumer outlines Democrat terms for healthcare talks with GOP

Chuck Schumer invites GOP to open talks on health care

Schumer, Senate Democrats Ask For Meeting With Republicans About Health Care Bill

But Republicans thought they could pass healthcare reform without Democrats participation- so it was done in secret.

And then when the Republicans failed to pass Trump's bill- they blamed Democrats for 'obstruction'

Schumer attempting to negotiate terms for Democrat participation in the healthcare debate, the health care system they completely F*ED UP, is like Custer trying to negotiate the terms of the Indian's surrender after he has lost 2/3rds of his men.

Unfortunately, Ryan and McConnell are closet Democrats who will gladly cede their power to the libs who got us into this mess.

As far as blaming Democrats, Ryan and McConnell need to step up and take a huge bite of their 'shit sandwich'. They had 7 years to prepare for this, passed over a hundred 'show votes', and never voted to repeal the ACA when they actually had the chance to do so when they controlled the purse strings. After promising to deliver if they were given the House, Senate, and WH they betrayed Americans in order to F* Trump, who they have hated since Day 1. They never had any intent of repealing and replacing the ACA.

...and when the GOP loses in 2016 after they 'led' the GOP into being the LEAST productive Congress in decades, they both need to be stripped of their leadership roles and booted from the Party for squandering such a once in many-a-decade / once in a potential lifetime opportunity.
President Obama's presidency is too early to be judged by history. So far I would consider him to be in the middle range- but time will tell.



Too early? Oh HELL no....
- He set a new RECORD for being the most criminal FOIA and Federal Records Act non-compliant administration in US history, stressed next to his LIE about promising to be the 'Most Transparent Administration Evuh'.

- He repeatedly violated the Constitution by illegally spying on American citizens, reporters, the media, the US Senate, and the USSC.

- He repeatedly violated the Constitution by illegally using the IRS as his own personal weapon against Americans who opposed his agenda, becoming only the 2nd President in US history to do so, both Democrats

- He was found in Contempt of Court for violating a judge's order regarding his Deep Water Drilling ban, refusing to let anything or anyone - Congress or Judge - stand in his way of doing what he wanted to do.

- Despite declaring himself he did not have the Constitutional authority to pass DACA with an EO he did so anyway, violating the Constitution AGAIN (Article 1 Section 8)

- He illegally shared / leaked classified information, illegally unmasked Americans, illegally perpetrated Felony Espionage for political benefit, and he and his Director of the FBI attempted to acquire a fake report containing Russia-generated propaganda from foreign Agents to use against the current President during an election

- He injected himself into, interfering in the elections / governance of Israel, Egypt, Libya, Syria...and the US...then pushed fake news outrage about an unsupported lie about Trump

- He financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, and protected Islamic Extremists / terrorists, committed treason by releasing the 5 leaders of the enemy we were fighting during a time of war, dragged the US into 2 Un-Constitutional wars to help terrorists take over their own nations, to include Al Qaeda - the terrorist group that murdered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 - he even hired an Al Qaeda-associated militia to 'protect' a US Ambassador and Americans...which resulted in the murder of the 1st US ambassador in over 30 years as well as the needless death of 3 other Americans.

...and this is only scratching the surface...

As President Trump obliterates Obama's 'Legacy' from the history books, Obama's loyalists are being caught trying to re-write history to preserve a fictitious Obama Legacy.
Oh I am just pointing out your snowflake bullshit.
What you just pointed out is that Obama was the worst President in US history,

What you just pointed out was your constant partisan bullshit bias.

President Obama's presidency is too early to be judged by history. So far I would consider him to be in the middle range- but time will tell.
Hey, easy's gotta be easy, it's what he does well. LOL

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