Deal is done, Iran wins?

If this is such a good deal why wouldn't the Arabs and Jews be praising it?
I would suppose it's because they want to be the stronger ones militarily and economically. Maybe a good outcome would be an Israel/Sunni alliance. But unfortunately it will still be a cluster fuck over there for a long time. We should adopt the Chinese strategy over there.

Iran is a third world shit hole. They're not going to all of a sudden turn in to a prosperous nation if economic sanctions are taken away. Right now Iran's agression in the ME is at an all time high, there might be some cooperation between the Jews and sunnis, but it will be temporary.

right now, Iran is fighting ISIS for the benefit of the world ... there's your aggression.

Unless you can point out who else Iran is current fighting aggressively.

Wow you are really stupid and uninformed.

try this one ... Pakistan has nukes.. Why isn't Saudi bitching about them?

oh, that's right, Saudi and Pakistan are asshole buddies and Saudi can get a nuke from them ... 2/3rds of the 911 terrorists were Saudi's. I'm more concerned with Saudi than I am Iran ... how about YOU ?
So, there are three other parties to the agreement.
If the Congress can somehow get the US to renege on any deal...what happens if the other parties stay in and simply sideline the US?
If this is such a good deal why wouldn't the Arabs and Jews be praising it?
I would suppose it's because they want to be the stronger ones militarily and economically. Maybe a good outcome would be an Israel/Sunni alliance. But unfortunately it will still be a cluster fuck over there for a long time. We should adopt the Chinese strategy over there.

Iran is a third world shit hole. They're not going to all of a sudden turn in to a prosperous nation if economic sanctions are taken away. Right now Iran's agression in the ME is at an all time high, there might be some cooperation between the Jews and sunnis, but it will be temporary.

right now, Iran is fighting ISIS for the benefit of the world ... there's your aggression.

Unless you can point out who else Iran is current fighting aggressively.

Wow you are really stupid and uninformed.

try this one ... Pakistan has nukes.. Why isn't Saudi bitching about them?

oh, that's right, Saudi and Pakistan are asshole buddies and Saudi can get a nuke from them ... 2/3rds of the 911 terrorists were Saudi's. I'm more concerned with Saudi than I am Iran ... how about YOU ?

Before you talk to me again do your research about all the proxy wars the Iranians are currently fighting in the ME. Have a nice day.
So, there are three other parties to the agreement.
If the Congress can somehow get the US to renege on any deal...what happens if the other parties stay in and simply sideline the US?

Congress can kill the whole thing.
If this is such a good deal why wouldn't the Arabs and Jews be praising it?
I would suppose it's because they want to be the stronger ones militarily and economically. Maybe a good outcome would be an Israel/Sunni alliance. But unfortunately it will still be a cluster fuck over there for a long time. We should adopt the Chinese strategy over there.

Iran is a third world shit hole. They're not going to all of a sudden turn in to a prosperous nation if economic sanctions are taken away. Right now Iran's agression in the ME is at an all time high, there might be some cooperation between the Jews and sunnis, but it will be temporary.
Rocko thinks Iran battling ISIS terrorists is "aggression"...he seems to think the ISIS terrorists who were funded and organized by the US and Israel are good guys in this whole deal here..let's take a look at this "third world shit hole" shall we!?

Ugh such a horrible place!
I would suppose it's because they want to be the stronger ones militarily and economically. Maybe a good outcome would be an Israel/Sunni alliance. But unfortunately it will still be a cluster fuck over there for a long time. We should adopt the Chinese strategy over there.

Iran is a third world shit hole. They're not going to all of a sudden turn in to a prosperous nation if economic sanctions are taken away. Right now Iran's agression in the ME is at an all time high, there might be some cooperation between the Jews and sunnis, but it will be temporary.

right now, Iran is fighting ISIS for the benefit of the world ... there's your aggression.

Unless you can point out who else Iran is current fighting aggressively.

Wow you are really stupid and uninformed.

try this one ... Pakistan has nukes.. Why isn't Saudi bitching about them?

oh, that's right, Saudi and Pakistan are asshole buddies and Saudi can get a nuke from them ... 2/3rds of the 911 terrorists were Saudi's. I'm more concerned with Saudi than I am Iran ... how about YOU ?

Before you talk to me again do your research about all the proxy wars the Iranians are currently fighting in the ME. Have a nice day.

before you talk to me again get your partisan head out of your partisan butt and quit spewing partisan talking points you partisan hack.
So, there are three other parties to the agreement.
If the Congress can somehow get the US to renege on any deal...what happens if the other parties stay in and simply sideline the US?

Congress can kill the whole thing.
Even if the they can, what if the other parties relieve the sanctions and carry on with the arrangement?
That would just sideline the US even more on the world stage.
If this is such a good deal why wouldn't the Arabs and Jews be praising it?
I would suppose it's because they want to be the stronger ones militarily and economically. Maybe a good outcome would be an Israel/Sunni alliance. But unfortunately it will still be a cluster fuck over there for a long time. We should adopt the Chinese strategy over there.

Iran is a third world shit hole. They're not going to all of a sudden turn in to a prosperous nation if economic sanctions are taken away. Right now Iran's agression in the ME is at an all time high, there might be some cooperation between the Jews and sunnis, but it will be temporary.
Rocko thinks Iran battling ISIS terrorists is "aggression"...he seems to think the ISIS terrorists who were funded and organized by the US and Israel are good guys in this whole deal here..let's take a look at this "third world shit hole" shall we!?

Ugh such a horrible place!

rockhead has the best excuse in the world ... he's an idiot.
If this is such a good deal why wouldn't the Arabs and Jews be praising it?
I would suppose it's because they want to be the stronger ones militarily and economically. Maybe a good outcome would be an Israel/Sunni alliance. But unfortunately it will still be a cluster fuck over there for a long time. We should adopt the Chinese strategy over there.

Iran is a third world shit hole. They're not going to all of a sudden turn in to a prosperous nation if economic sanctions are taken away. Right now Iran's agression in the ME is at an all time high, there might be some cooperation between the Jews and sunnis, but it will be temporary.
Rocko thinks Iran battling ISIS terrorists is "aggression"...he seems to think the ISIS terrorists who were funded and organized by the US and Israel are good guys in this whole deal here..let's take a look at this "third world shit hole" shall we!?

Ugh such a horrible place!

rockhead has the best excuse in the world ... he's an idiot.

Run along and play, child, you're starting to get rude.
If this is such a good deal why wouldn't the Arabs and Jews be praising it?
I would suppose it's because they want to be the stronger ones militarily and economically. Maybe a good outcome would be an Israel/Sunni alliance. But unfortunately it will still be a cluster fuck over there for a long time. We should adopt the Chinese strategy over there.

Iran is a third world shit hole. They're not going to all of a sudden turn in to a prosperous nation if economic sanctions are taken away. Right now Iran's agression in the ME is at an all time high, there might be some cooperation between the Jews and sunnis, but it will be temporary.
Rocko thinks Iran battling ISIS terrorists is "aggression"...he seems to think the ISIS terrorists who were funded and organized by the US and Israel are good guys in this whole deal here..let's take a look at this "third world shit hole" shall we!?

Ugh such a horrible place!

rockhead has the best excuse in the world ... he's an idiot.

Run along and play, child, you're starting to get rude.

Nothing says defeat quite like ignoring your opponent.
I would suppose it's because they want to be the stronger ones militarily and economically. Maybe a good outcome would be an Israel/Sunni alliance. But unfortunately it will still be a cluster fuck over there for a long time. We should adopt the Chinese strategy over there.

Iran is a third world shit hole. They're not going to all of a sudden turn in to a prosperous nation if economic sanctions are taken away. Right now Iran's agression in the ME is at an all time high, there might be some cooperation between the Jews and sunnis, but it will be temporary.
Rocko thinks Iran battling ISIS terrorists is "aggression"...he seems to think the ISIS terrorists who were funded and organized by the US and Israel are good guys in this whole deal here..let's take a look at this "third world shit hole" shall we!?

Ugh such a horrible place!

rockhead has the best excuse in the world ... he's an idiot.

Run along and play, child, you're starting to get rude.

Nothing says defeat quite like ignoring your opponent.

You are my opponent, and I usually ignore you because you are scum.
Iran is a third world shit hole. They're not going to all of a sudden turn in to a prosperous nation if economic sanctions are taken away. Right now Iran's agression in the ME is at an all time high, there might be some cooperation between the Jews and sunnis, but it will be temporary.
Rocko thinks Iran battling ISIS terrorists is "aggression"...he seems to think the ISIS terrorists who were funded and organized by the US and Israel are good guys in this whole deal here..let's take a look at this "third world shit hole" shall we!?

Ugh such a horrible place!

rockhead has the best excuse in the world ... he's an idiot.

Run along and play, child, you're starting to get rude.

Nothing says defeat quite like ignoring your opponent.

You are my opponent, and I usually ignore you because you are scum.

I proved your ignorance.Not that hard since you were just spewing the usual faux news line.
Just goes to show, that people who aren't afraid to fight a war don't necessarily want one any more than those too chicken-hearted to fight when necessary...

Sometimes it's better to fight a small war, sooner, rather than a big war, later...


Some objectivity........With Iraq, the country was basically weakened from the first Gulf War and the imposed no-fly zone......Iraq still managed to cost us Trillions and 4,000 lives of our own troops........

Now, Iran is THREE times the size of Iraq, has a formidable air force and even a navy; has the revolutionary guard that is both well trained and equipped, etc.

Are we then really ready to spend (on a credit card) 2-3 additional trillions, sacrifice a possible 10,000 American lives and be involved in yet another war in the region that would last a decade or more?????
I don't know if we are ready...

I don't even know if we should...

But this is one of those times when the questions had better be asked...
If this is such a good deal why wouldn't the Arabs and Jews be praising it?
I would suppose it's because they want to be the stronger ones militarily and economically. Maybe a good outcome would be an Israel/Sunni alliance. But unfortunately it will still be a cluster fuck over there for a long time. We should adopt the Chinese strategy over there.

Iran is a third world shit hole. They're not going to all of a sudden turn in to a prosperous nation if economic sanctions are taken away. Right now Iran's agression in the ME is at an all time high, there might be some cooperation between the Jews and sunnis, but it will be temporary.
If this is such a good deal why wouldn't the Arabs and Jews be praising it?
I would suppose it's because they want to be the stronger ones militarily and economically. Maybe a good outcome would be an Israel/Sunni alliance. But unfortunately it will still be a cluster fuck over there for a long time. We should adopt the Chinese strategy over there.

Iran is a third world shit hole. They're not going to all of a sudden turn in to a prosperous nation if economic sanctions are taken away. Right now Iran's agression in the ME is at an all time high, there might be some cooperation between the Jews and sunnis, but it will be temporary.
LOL, come on Rocko, you can do better than that! Iran is not a "third world shithole", in fact: " In 2011 GDP was $482.4 billion ($1.003 trillion at PPP), or $13,200 at PPP per capita.[29] Iran is ranked as an upper-middle income economy by the World Bank.[159]"

What Iranian "aggression" are you referring to? Helping the Iraqi's fight ISIS? Sending aid and support to their allies (like we do)? Whose standard of living do you think is higher ; Iran vs Iraq (where we have been for over a decade) or Iran vs Afghanistan (where we have been for over a decade)? :)

I see a parallel between the response of the Cubans and Iranians, the younger generation is eager to open up to us, it's tragic that they have their version of right wing bastards who seem to always want to be on a "war footing" so they can manipulate and erode their citizen's civil liberties.
If this is such a good deal why wouldn't the Arabs and Jews be praising it?
I would suppose it's because they want to be the stronger ones militarily and economically. Maybe a good outcome would be an Israel/Sunni alliance. But unfortunately it will still be a cluster fuck over there for a long time. We should adopt the Chinese strategy over there.

Iran is a third world shit hole. They're not going to all of a sudden turn in to a prosperous nation if economic sanctions are taken away. Right now Iran's agression in the ME is at an all time high, there might be some cooperation between the Jews and sunnis, but it will be temporary.
If this is such a good deal why wouldn't the Arabs and Jews be praising it?
I would suppose it's because they want to be the stronger ones militarily and economically. Maybe a good outcome would be an Israel/Sunni alliance. But unfortunately it will still be a cluster fuck over there for a long time. We should adopt the Chinese strategy over there.

Iran is a third world shit hole. They're not going to all of a sudden turn in to a prosperous nation if economic sanctions are taken away. Right now Iran's agression in the ME is at an all time high, there might be some cooperation between the Jews and sunnis, but it will be temporary.
LOL, come on Rocko, you can do better than that! Iran is not a "third world shithole", in fact: " In 2011 GDP was $482.4 billion ($1.003 trillion at PPP), or $13,200 at PPP per capita.[29] Iran is ranked as an upper-middle income economy by the World Bank.[159]"

What Iranian "aggression" are you referring to? Helping the Iraqi's fight ISIS? Sending aid and support to their allies (like we do)? Whose standard of living do you think is higher ; Iran vs Iraq (where we have been for over a decade) or Iran vs Afghanistan (where we have been for over a decade)? :)

I see a parallel between the response of the Cubans and Iranians, the younger generation is eager to open up to us, it's tragic that they have their version of right wing bastards who seem to always want to be on a "war footing" so they can manipulate and erode their citizen's civil liberties.

GDP per capita is not a good indicator when you talk about an oil rich country like Iran, where wealth is concentrated amongst the very few and disparity between the rich and the poor is enormus. Look at the medium income. Better yet look at how many people in Iran live below the poverty line and tell me Iran is not a third world nation.

Iran Saudi Arabia fighting bloody proxy wars across the Middle East Fox News
If this is such a good deal why wouldn't the Arabs and Jews be praising it?
I would suppose it's because they want to be the stronger ones militarily and economically. Maybe a good outcome would be an Israel/Sunni alliance. But unfortunately it will still be a cluster fuck over there for a long time. We should adopt the Chinese strategy over there.

Iran is a third world shit hole. They're not going to all of a sudden turn in to a prosperous nation if economic sanctions are taken away. Right now Iran's agression in the ME is at an all time high, there might be some cooperation between the Jews and sunnis, but it will be temporary.
If this is such a good deal why wouldn't the Arabs and Jews be praising it?
I would suppose it's because they want to be the stronger ones militarily and economically. Maybe a good outcome would be an Israel/Sunni alliance. But unfortunately it will still be a cluster fuck over there for a long time. We should adopt the Chinese strategy over there.

Iran is a third world shit hole. They're not going to all of a sudden turn in to a prosperous nation if economic sanctions are taken away. Right now Iran's agression in the ME is at an all time high, there might be some cooperation between the Jews and sunnis, but it will be temporary.
LOL, come on Rocko, you can do better than that! Iran is not a "third world shithole", in fact: " In 2011 GDP was $482.4 billion ($1.003 trillion at PPP), or $13,200 at PPP per capita.[29] Iran is ranked as an upper-middle income economy by the World Bank.[159]"

What Iranian "aggression" are you referring to? Helping the Iraqi's fight ISIS? Sending aid and support to their allies (like we do)? Whose standard of living do you think is higher ; Iran vs Iraq (where we have been for over a decade) or Iran vs Afghanistan (where we have been for over a decade)? :)

I see a parallel between the response of the Cubans and Iranians, the younger generation is eager to open up to us, it's tragic that they have their version of right wing bastards who seem to always want to be on a "war footing" so they can manipulate and erode their citizen's civil liberties.

GDP per capita is not a good indicator when you talk about an oil rich country like Iran, where wealth is concentrated amongst the very few and disparity between the rich and the poor is enormus. Look at the medium income. Better yet look at how many people in Iran live below the poverty line and tell me Iran is not a third world nation.

Iran Saudi Arabia fighting bloody proxy wars across the Middle East Fox News
How is their standard of living compared to two of their immediate neighbors (Iraq/Afghanistan). Regarding those alleged "proxy wars"; that's between them. We shouldn't be involved in it.

Then again, maybe no one will die, which is the point of the agreement. Does that disappoint you?
As if Bush was not getting enough Iraqis and Americans killed he wanted the same for Iranians:

. 27 May 2003. US officials say that the Bush administration is considering a Pentagon plan to destabilize Iran's powerful clergy through covert action. The administration officials are exploring ways to enhance public uprisings to diminish the influence of the religious Mullahs in Iran.—William Douglas, "Plans to destabilize clergy," Long Island Newsday, 28 May 2003.

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