Deal is done, Iran wins?


your comment is meaningless. ------but does confirm the fact that you engage in hackneyed bullshit-----Just whom do you Imagine I "hate". ------it is clear to me that you are quite a hater.....probably rooted in shit
Ahhhha, yet another profane......dingbat who thinks that scatological "prose" makes her more "intellectual." Have you copied that from some Shakespearean sonnet?

your comment is meaningless. ------but does confirm the fact that you engage in hackneyed bullshit-----Just whom do you Imagine I "hate". ------it is clear to me that you are quite a hater.....probably rooted in shit
Ahhhha, yet another profane......dingbat who thinks that scatological "prose" makes her more "intellectual." Have you copied that from some Shakespearean sonnet?

why not just admit that you have no answer? My "Palestinian" is still here------he finished his soup----
you want his opinion on that delightful time of love and harmony between jews and arabs ----ie before 1948?----
he remembers that period of time. So did his parents----but they have died
Dude, you're talking about the mack daddy of state sponsored terrorism! Them having a bomb SHOULD scare the ever loving shit out of you!

then why in the hell did we bomb Syria and Libya?

What does Libya and Syria have to do with allowing the Iranians, the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism, to arm themselves with a nuke? You think Iran is the Dutchy of Grand Fenwick? Are you REALLY that naive?

If Iran is such a threat then why did we bomb Libya, causing massive destabilization of the region, and arm the Syrian rebels leading to the rise of ISIS? If Iran is such a threat then why didn't we bomb baby bomb as the left likes their wars? Why are we making deals with Iran that by what I see does nothing to stop their terrorist support? I am not defending Iran in any way but if what you saying is true then the comparison to Chamberlain is very accurate.

What are you babbling about? You think our bombing Libya caused "massive destabilization of the region"? Your memory of what took place in Libya is astoundingly wrong! When did we arm the Syrian rebels? We sent them MRE's not arms!

Benghazi happened because of the destabilization of Libya by Obama. It also happened because he was arming the opposing faction, that is why Stevens died. That is why Obama, and company, were so quick to falsely blame a video.

Stevens died because both Obama and Hillary Clinton were pushing a narrative that Al Queda was "on the run" as part of Barry's reelection stump speech and wouldn't give our Libyan Ambassador the security that he requested repeatedly because it would send a message that Al Queda WASN'T in decline!

They were quick to blame a video because they didn't want to admit that they fucked the pooch policy wise and got four Americans killed!.
why not just admit that you have no answer? My "Palestinian" is still here------he finished his soup----
you want his opinion on that delightful time of love and harmony between jews and arabs ----ie before 1948?----

You're even more of an idiot than I first thought.....So, your Palestinian "friend" who is eating soup next to you, told you that prior to 1948 he hated Jews (and probably cheering on the Nazis)......So, my point is this.....the Brits decided that it would probably be a good thing to relocate THOUSAND of Jews in the very same place where your friend hated them....Do I have it according how your infantile mind wants it to be?

Seriously, who the heck turns your computer on for you?
why not just admit that you have no answer? My "Palestinian" is still here------he finished his soup----
you want his opinion on that delightful time of love and harmony between jews and arabs ----ie before 1948?----

You're even more of an idiot than I first thought.....So, your Palestinian "friend" who is eating soup next to you, told you that prior to 1948 he hated Jews (and probably cheering on the Nazis)......So, my point is this.....the Brits decided that it would probably be a good thing to relocate THOUSAND of Jews in the very same place where your friend hated them....Do I have it according how your infantile mind wants it to be?

Seriously, who the heck turns your computer on for you?

wrong again-----my PALESTINIAN friend is a jew. At the time that he lived in British mandate Palestine----ALL THE PALESTNIANS were jews. In fact all the "PALESTINIANS" were jews for more than 1500 years.
There were no arab "Palestinians" back then. ----arab
"Palestinians" came into existence sometime in
the 1970s. Of course by that time, my Palestinian
was an Israeli ---as were his parents----who certainly
remembered pre 1948 PALESTINE. Gee, you are dim. You want to benefit from his memory of those
probably not.......
These people are out of their minds... the anti-Proliferation, pro gay, anti religion bunch is now in bed with religious extremists who murder homosexuals... it's official, they are insane.

Yes, they are insane. Insane with their hatred of America and Americans.

They see an Iran that has professed its hatred for America uncountable times and all dimocrap scum know is -- "Sounds good to me"

To the scum of the earth dimocraps, ANYBODY that hates America and Americans is seen as an Ally.

They see America as the Great Satan and goat-fuckers as a secondary evil that they feel they can deal with once they've stolen the reins of power of the once great American Military.

Meanwhile, their primary goal is to break down America so they can take over and rebuild it in their own image.

Doubt me at your own risk


No... You go half way across the planet and start wars from misinformation and outright self serving lies taking advantage of the chaos of 9/11 and kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people and displace millions more leaving these places unlivable for several lifetimes.

You morons are missing a basic sense of morality unable to put yourselves in other people's shoes.

You act like THEY are the bad guys having lost their families and homes at your reckless reaction to something they had nothing to do with.

NOW you are all so shocked that many of the survivors of our outrageous actions hate us and support any group that would have the balls to put up a defense against us. WE are the PROVEN ENEMY over there.

If any of you a-holes had the ability to put yourselves in their position you would feel the same way.

I can see the surviving families of 9/11 having a very pointed hatred to these monsters that murdered their family members. All victims of crimes feel the same way. THEY deserve to be made whole if possible and see the actual people that brought this terrorist act upon our cities to justice. YOU with A VERY FEW EXCEPTIONS lost nothing during the events of 9/11. You simply had your pride damaged because we couldn't prevent it.

Bush and Cheney played the fear and added to it to a point they could bully America into seeking retribution against ANY peoples they chose us to attack.

I'M sorry you POS's. The fear card has been played so many times it is now unrecognizable. We have caused a thousand times the damage maybe a million times the damage that Bin Ladin amounted.

NOW you pussies aren't men enough to admit you/we over reacted and made some incredibly stupid and damaging decisions.

Stop saying idiotic things like Obama is the worst president in history. Bush did worse things every day of his presidency than all of what Obama has or hasn't done in all of his served time.

It would just be foolish talk if so many people had not been murdered of had been wounded and had their home destroyed.

If it was YOUR homes been destroyed for no reason if you had any backbone at all you would try to get back at the murderers.

We brought this on to ourselves.

THIS is why choosing the occupant of the White House is important and should warn us against offering idiots like Bush that much power then following it up by placing a simpleton like Sara a heartbeat from that high office like it's a prize at a country bumpkin carnival.

When I think of what you/we did with what our for fathers beat back the Germans and Japanese to still have, our country, I am embarrassed for us and ashamed.

THAT is what's wrong with America. We feel no shame for the horrible things WE DO on this planet. All we can do is wag our finger at a handfull of desperate people we made that way. You people disgust me.
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Evidently, the sanctions have had their intended effect and brought Iran to the negotiating table

Have they?

Well that is only valuable where it presents the means to negotiate a viable agreement, of which there is only one... and THAT IS: THAT IRAN WILL NEVER POSSESS A NUCLEAR WEAPON.

And since we know that Iran is determined to possess such... and that the would-be president of the US is determined to help them DO SO... and given that the sane elements of civilization KNOW that if Iran gets a nuclear weapon that such will end in mass-murder... such is not possible without an agreement wherein it appears that the US is preventing such, but wherein the US is literally providing the means for such... we can rest assured that THAT is what brought Iran to the negotiating table.

How does forcing Iran to destroy their only reactor capable of producing weapons grade plutonium and forcing them to destroy stockpiles of 20% enriched uranium "help" them produce a bomb?
Because they aren't doing any of that.

Actually they are and it will be verified before sanctions are removed
Evidently, the sanctions have had their intended effect and brought Iran to the negotiating table

Have they?

Well that is only valuable where it presents the means to negotiate a viable agreement, of which there is only one... and THAT IS: THAT IRAN WILL NEVER POSSESS A NUCLEAR WEAPON.

And since we know that Iran is determined to possess such... and that the would-be president of the US is determined to help them DO SO... and given that the sane elements of civilization KNOW that if Iran gets a nuclear weapon that such will end in mass-murder... such is not possible without an agreement wherein it appears that the US is preventing such, but wherein the US is literally providing the means for such... we can rest assured that THAT is what brought Iran to the negotiating table.

How does forcing Iran to destroy their only reactor capable of producing weapons grade plutonium and forcing them to destroy stockpiles of 20% enriched uranium "help" them produce a bomb?

Uhm... perhaps you haven't heard... Iran hasn't agreed to anything. Per the Iranians and the French.

Kerry is delusional.

Then why did they broadcast Obamas speech announcing it and celebrate?
huggy----you don't know WTF you are talking about. Hatred of all things USA did not start in the ISLAMIC
WORLD post 9-11-01 It already existed LONG
BEFORE How do I know? I came into contact with
lots of muslims long before 9-11-01 I saw utter hatred
of all things both Christian and Jewish-----long long before
Not so much that "Iran wins" as that is "Americans lose".


Iran won this round and the world lost. HOWEVER the thing my end up being the same kind of victory Chamberlain handed to adolf --------ie----the sudentenland that inspired
adolf to greater and greater feats -----leading him to the berlin bunker and a bullet in his head
LOL, all of that Hitler/Chamberlain stuff is just crap. In my opinion, it's used to gin up fear and votes in order to manipulate people. If Iran EVER tried to do anything aggressive, we have more firepower than they will ever have.
What was the last country Iran/ Iranian soldiers ever occupied/invaded in the past say 100 years?
Not so much that "Iran wins" as that is "Americans lose".


Iran won this round and the world lost. HOWEVER the thing my end up being the same kind of victory Chamberlain handed to adolf --------ie----the sudentenland that inspired
adolf to greater and greater feats -----leading him to the berlin bunker and a bullet in his head
LOL, all of that Hitler/Chamberlain stuff is just crap. In my opinion, it's used to gin up fear and votes in order to manipulate people. If Iran EVER tried to do anything aggressive, we have more firepower than they will ever have.
What was the last country Iran/ Iranian soldiers ever occupied/invaded in the past say 100 years?

gee-----wake up----Hezbollah is all over the middle east-----just what do you imagine HEZBOLLAH IS? It has already take Yemen-------it occupies southern Lebanon---and is allied with Syria You need them to wear a
AN IRANIAN UNIFORM------terrorists do not wear uniforms ----Hezbollah is even in Gaza now. Now try to focus and repeat the lesson you need. Hezbollah

your comment is meaningless. ------but does confirm the fact that you engage in hackneyed bullshit-----Just whom do you Imagine I "hate". ------it is clear to me that you are quite a hater.....probably rooted in shit
Ahhhha, yet another profane......dingbat who thinks that scatological "prose" makes her more "intellectual." Have you copied that from some Shakespearean sonnet?

why not just admit that you have no answer? My "Palestinian" is still here------he finished his soup----
you want his opinion on that delightful time of love and harmony between jews and arabs ----ie before 1948?----
he remembers that period of time. So did his parents----but they have died[/QUOTE]
I sure would like to hear what he has to say about it.................I'm willing to bet that there are just as many Palestinians who will either refute or agree with what he has to say.
wrong again-----my PALESTINIAN friend is a jew. At the time that he lived in British mandate Palestine----ALL THE PALESTNIANS were jews. In fact all the "PALESTINIANS" were jews for more than 1500 years.
There were no arab "Palestinians" back then. ----arab
"Palestinians" came into existence sometime in
the 1970s. Of course by that time, my Palestinian
was an Israeli ---as were his parents----who certainly
remembered pre 1948 PALESTINE. Gee, you are dim. You want to benefit from his memory of those
probably not.......

Tell your Palestinian friend to have another bowl of soup and you should wash your hands after posting such shit on here.

Palestine 1918 to 1948

............For the Arab population who lived [in Palestine] there, it was their homeland and had been promised to them by the Allies for help in defeating the Turks......... after 1920, many Jews migrated to the area and lived with the far more numerous Arabs there. At this time, the area was ruled by the British and both Arabs and Jews appeared to live together in some form of harmony in the sense that both tolerated then existence of the other. There were problems in 1921 but between that year and 1928/29, the situation stabilized.
Last edited:
huggy----you don't know WTF you are talking about. Hatred of all things USA did not start in the ISLAMIC
WORLD post 9-11-01 It already existed LONG
BEFORE How do I know? I came into contact with
lots of muslims long before 9-11-01 I saw utter hatred
of all things both Christian and Jewish-----long long before

That's right. We(Europeans, Americans) have been shitting on the people of the Mid East for at least a solid century.

We acted like these people were worthless and now and then they rise up to tell us that we are misinformed.
Not so much that "Iran wins" as that is "Americans lose".


Iran won this round and the world lost. HOWEVER the thing my end up being the same kind of victory Chamberlain handed to adolf --------ie----the sudentenland that inspired
adolf to greater and greater feats -----leading him to the berlin bunker and a bullet in his head
LOL, all of that Hitler/Chamberlain stuff is just crap. In my opinion, it's used to gin up fear and votes in order to manipulate people. If Iran EVER tried to do anything aggressive, we have more firepower than they will ever have.
What was the last country Iran/ Iranian soldiers ever occupied/invaded in the past say 100 years?

gee-----wake up----Hezbollah is all over the middle east-----just what do you imagine HEZBOLLAH IS? It has already take Yemen-------it occupies southern Lebanon---and is allied with Syria You need them to wear a
AN IRANIAN UNIFORM------terrorists do not wear uniforms ----Hezbollah is even in Gaza now. Now try to focus and repeat the lesson you need. Hezbollah
LOL, you wake up!!!! :)
You are spouting inaccurate PROPAGANDA. For starters, they are based in Lebanon, here's how they started:
"Hezbollah emerged in South Lebanon during a consolidation of Shia militias as a rival to the older Amal Movement. Hezbollah played a significant role in the Lebanese civil war, opposing American forces in 1982–83 and opposing Amal and Syria during the 1985–88 War of the Camps. However, Hezbollah's early primary focus was ending Israel's 18-year-long occupation of southern Lebanon[2] following Israel's 1982 invasion and siege of Beirut.[42] When the Shia population of southern Lebanon realized that Israel had no intention of leaving, they rebelled."
Sure Iran (fellow Shia) helped train and fund them but that does NOT make them anymore Iranian than bin laden, the Northern Alliance, the Iraqi's in charge now, the Afghans in charge now, the people who overthrew Qadaffi, the "Syrian freedom fighters"(against Assad), the Yemenis who were overthrown, and the Saudis was/are an "American", because we initially funded/fund and trained/train their militaries and militias too.
Iran is allied with Syria, so what? Here' learn some more:
Syria United States relations - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I don't know why we are "supposed" to hate them so much.

If you can't see that most of this crap has been started by colonialism and it's aftereffects , then I don't know what to say to you. LOL

How would we feel about a foreign country coming over hear and staging a coup, how would we feel if a foreign country came over here and wanted to change OUR form of government and "nation/state" build over here. Would we be embracing them with open arms and holding them in high regard or would we despise them and kill them in order to repel them from Our country?
As much as a lot of people (conservatives mostly) on this forum hate Our President, do you think that they would embrace Putin or Netanyahu if they decide to invade Us to "save" them from Obama?

There's always two sides to every story, I think that it's wise to examine both and anything in between so one can at least seek the truth and come to an honest conclusion.

I love this Country, my Country (United States of America) , I think that we should have the biggest, baddest military on the planet so we can protect ourselves. I just prefer a foreign policy model laid out by George Washington in his Farewell Address. Ironically, communist China seems to follow that model better, in both the Middle East and Africa.
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Evidently, the sanctions have had their intended effect and brought Iran to the negotiating table

Have they?

Well that is only valuable where it presents the means to negotiate a viable agreement, of which there is only one... and THAT IS: THAT IRAN WILL NEVER POSSESS A NUCLEAR WEAPON.

And since we know that Iran is determined to possess such... and that the would-be president of the US is determined to help them DO SO... and given that the sane elements of civilization KNOW that if Iran gets a nuclear weapon that such will end in mass-murder... such is not possible without an agreement wherein it appears that the US is preventing such, but wherein the US is literally providing the means for such... we can rest assured that THAT is what brought Iran to the negotiating table.

How does forcing Iran to destroy their only reactor capable of producing weapons grade plutonium and forcing them to destroy stockpiles of 20% enriched uranium "help" them produce a bomb?

Golly... If there was only some twisted possibility that ANY OF THAT is even REMOTELY a part of any deal obama and Kerry might get the Iranians to commit to... . MAN! Would that be a great point.

Of course, the Iranians have stated in unambiguous terms that they have no intention of stopping any portion of their enrichment program and no more that just two weeks ago reaffirmed their RIGHT and subsequent intention to develop and use nuclear weapons.

Which was shortly before they publicly professed their desire to induce DEATH to America... .

(The Reader should recognize here, that the world as 'perceived' by the Ideological Left is a world with absolutely NO KINSHIP WITH REALITY. This being yet ANOTHER example of the mental disorder that presents homosexuality, demonstrating itself as a fundamental element of Left-think. LOL! And you though it was a coincidence that the Left is the only species of reasoning to endorse the Normalization of Mental Abnormality.)
huggy----you don't know WTF you are talking about. Hatred of all things USA did not start in the ISLAMIC
WORLD post 9-11-01 It already existed LONG
BEFORE How do I know? I came into contact with
lots of muslims long before 9-11-01 I saw utter hatred
of all things both Christian and Jewish-----long long before

That's right. We(Europeans, Americans) have been shitting on the people of the Mid East for at least a solid century.

We acted like these people were worthless and now and then they rise up to tell us that we are misinformed.

Nice... so we have another Leftist formally coming to stand up for Islamic terrorism!

Anyone even remotely surprised?
LOL, there's a LOT more to it than your synopsis.
Iran will convert its facility at Fordow so that it is no longer used to enrich uranium

Iran has agreed to not enrich uranium at its Fordow facility for at least 15 years.

Iran has agreed to convert its Fordow facility so that it is used for peaceful purposes only – into a nuclear, physics, technology, research center.

Iran has agreed to not conduct research and development associated with uranium enrichment at Fordow for 15 years.

Iran will not have any fissile material at Fordow for 15 years.

Here, for anyone who wants to read the proposed "deal":
Iran Deal Fact Sheet

Iran's getting what it wanted most...the lifting of UN promising to not seek to build a bomb. Here's what anyone with a dollop of common sense realizes they will do. Once the UN sanctions have been lifted Iran will then be free to break that promise because they know that Russia and China will veto any "snap back" of UN sanctions. Kerry and Obama just got sold a "pig in a poke".

Iran having a bomb isn't that big of deal. This reminds me of the movie "The Mouse that Roared." Iran has to know that having a bomb and using it are way two different things. That is why the US needs to be the big boy with a deterrent that would stop anyone from the use of such a weapon. And where would Iran use such a weapon? Defense? Against whom? The US who has shown their weakness and not stomach for war? Iran has too much to loose to make a having a bomb and issue. They may or may not eventually get a bomb but until then they will get what they really want.

Dude, you're talking about the mack daddy of state sponsored terrorism! Them having a bomb SHOULD scare the ever loving shit out of you!

These people are out of their minds... the anti-Proliferation, pro gay, anti religion bunch is now in bed with religious extremists who murder homosexuals... it's official, they are insane.


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