Deal is done, Iran wins?

Evidently, the sanctions have had their intended effect and brought Iran to the negotiating table

Have they?

Well that is only valuable where it presents the means to negotiate a viable agreement, of which there is only one... and THAT IS: THAT IRAN WILL NEVER POSSESS A NUCLEAR WEAPON.

And since we know that Iran is determined to possess such... and that the would-be president of the US is determined to help them DO SO... and given that the sane elements of civilization KNOW that if Iran gets a nuclear weapon that such will end in mass-murder... such is not possible without an agreement wherein it appears that the US is preventing such, but wherein the US is literally providing the means for such... we can rest assured that THAT is what brought Iran to the negotiating table.
Evidently, the sanctions have had their intended effect and brought Iran to the negotiating table

Have they?

Well that is only valuable where it presents the means to negotiate a viable agreement, of which there is only one... and THAT IS: THAT IRAN WILL NEVER POSSESS A NUCLEAR WEAPON.

And since we know that Iran is determined to possess such... and that the would-be president of the US is determined to help them DO SO... and given that the sane elements of civilization KNOW that if Iran gets a nuclear weapon that such will end in mass-murder... such is not possible without an agreement wherein it appears that the US is preventing such, but wherein the US is literally providing the means for such... we can rest assured that THAT is what brought Iran to the negotiating table.

How does forcing Iran to destroy their only reactor capable of producing weapons grade plutonium and forcing them to destroy stockpiles of 20% enriched uranium "help" them produce a bomb?
Israel has had nukes for more than 50 years----and never used them. Obviously you are wrong-----nothing new for islamo Nazi dogs

Again, following THAT rationale you must also be a fan of Pakistan and N. Korea for not having used their nuclear arsenal, right?.....

Convince Israel to give up her own 300 plus nukes, and then Iran has absolutely NO reason to pursue its own nuclear quest.
Why don't we just push Israel out into the sea then everybody will be happy, except the Jews.

North Korea is an enemy to several countries in the area and Pakistan produces terrorists who murder American citizens for the glory of allah-----to your delight
Israel is a fundamentalist militarily aggressive theocracy
So is Hamas. Hamas fires at civilians, on purpose, as means to their end. Israel fires at known military targets as means to their end. Understand the difference?

Who are you kidding?

Israel kills innocents every time they "payback" for the handfull of little rockets that the crazy Arabs lob over the border periodically.

How about the innocent Arabs the Israelis steal land from when they expand their "settlements"? BTW the land was already "settled" by the Arabs.
Evidently, the sanctions have had their intended effect and brought Iran to the negotiating table

Have they?

Well that is only valuable where it presents the means to negotiate a viable agreement, of which there is only one... and THAT IS: THAT IRAN WILL NEVER POSSESS A NUCLEAR WEAPON.

And since we know that Iran is determined to possess such... and that the would-be president of the US is determined to help them DO SO... and given that the sane elements of civilization KNOW that if Iran gets a nuclear weapon that such will end in mass-murder... such is not possible without an agreement wherein it appears that the US is preventing such, but wherein the US is literally providing the means for such... we can rest assured that THAT is what brought Iran to the negotiating table.

How does forcing Iran to destroy their only reactor capable of producing weapons grade plutonium and forcing them to destroy stockpiles of 20% enriched uranium "help" them produce a bomb?
Because they aren't doing any of that.
Evidently, the sanctions have had their intended effect and brought Iran to the negotiating table

Have they?

Well that is only valuable where it presents the means to negotiate a viable agreement, of which there is only one... and THAT IS: THAT IRAN WILL NEVER POSSESS A NUCLEAR WEAPON.

And since we know that Iran is determined to possess such... and that the would-be president of the US is determined to help them DO SO... and given that the sane elements of civilization KNOW that if Iran gets a nuclear weapon that such will end in mass-murder... such is not possible without an agreement wherein it appears that the US is preventing such, but wherein the US is literally providing the means for such... we can rest assured that THAT is what brought Iran to the negotiating table.

How does forcing Iran to destroy their only reactor capable of producing weapons grade plutonium and forcing them to destroy stockpiles of 20% enriched uranium "help" them produce a bomb?

Uhm... perhaps you haven't heard... Iran hasn't agreed to anything. Per the Iranians and the French.

Kerry is delusional.
LOL, there's a LOT more to it than your synopsis.
Iran will convert its facility at Fordow so that it is no longer used to enrich uranium

Iran has agreed to not enrich uranium at its Fordow facility for at least 15 years.

Iran has agreed to convert its Fordow facility so that it is used for peaceful purposes only – into a nuclear, physics, technology, research center.

Iran has agreed to not conduct research and development associated with uranium enrichment at Fordow for 15 years.

Iran will not have any fissile material at Fordow for 15 years.

Here, for anyone who wants to read the proposed "deal":
Iran Deal Fact Sheet

Iran's getting what it wanted most...the lifting of UN promising to not seek to build a bomb. Here's what anyone with a dollop of common sense realizes they will do. Once the UN sanctions have been lifted Iran will then be free to break that promise because they know that Russia and China will veto any "snap back" of UN sanctions. Kerry and Obama just got sold a "pig in a poke".

Iran having a bomb isn't that big of deal. This reminds me of the movie "The Mouse that Roared." Iran has to know that having a bomb and using it are way two different things. That is why the US needs to be the big boy with a deterrent that would stop anyone from the use of such a weapon. And where would Iran use such a weapon? Defense? Against whom? The US who has shown their weakness and not stomach for war? Iran has too much to loose to make a having a bomb and issue. They may or may not eventually get a bomb but until then they will get what they really want.

Dude, you're talking about the mack daddy of state sponsored terrorism! Them having a bomb SHOULD scare the ever loving shit out of you!
LOL, there's a LOT more to it than your synopsis.
Iran will convert its facility at Fordow so that it is no longer used to enrich uranium

Iran has agreed to not enrich uranium at its Fordow facility for at least 15 years.

Iran has agreed to convert its Fordow facility so that it is used for peaceful purposes only – into a nuclear, physics, technology, research center.

Iran has agreed to not conduct research and development associated with uranium enrichment at Fordow for 15 years.

Iran will not have any fissile material at Fordow for 15 years.

Here, for anyone who wants to read the proposed "deal":
Iran Deal Fact Sheet

Iran's getting what it wanted most...the lifting of UN promising to not seek to build a bomb. Here's what anyone with a dollop of common sense realizes they will do. Once the UN sanctions have been lifted Iran will then be free to break that promise because they know that Russia and China will veto any "snap back" of UN sanctions. Kerry and Obama just got sold a "pig in a poke".

Iran having a bomb isn't that big of deal. This reminds me of the movie "The Mouse that Roared." Iran has to know that having a bomb and using it are way two different things. That is why the US needs to be the big boy with a deterrent that would stop anyone from the use of such a weapon. And where would Iran use such a weapon? Defense? Against whom? The US who has shown their weakness and not stomach for war? Iran has too much to loose to make a having a bomb and issue. They may or may not eventually get a bomb but until then they will get what they really want.

Dude, you're talking about the mack daddy of state sponsored terrorism! Them having a bomb SHOULD scare the ever loving shit out of you!

These people are out of their minds... the anti-Proliferation, pro gay, anti religion bunch is now in bed with religious extremists who murder homosexuals... it's official, they are insane.
These people are out of their minds... the anti-Proliferation, pro gay, anti religion bunch is now in bed with religious extremists who murder homosexuals... it's official, they are insane.

Yes, they are insane. Insane with their hatred of America and Americans.

They see an Iran that has professed its hatred for America uncountable times and all dimocrap scum know is -- "Sounds good to me"

To the scum of the earth dimocraps, ANYBODY that hates America and Americans is seen as an Ally.

They see America as the Great Satan and goat-fuckers as a secondary evil that they feel they can deal with once they've stolen the reins of power of the once great American Military.

Meanwhile, their primary goal is to break down America so they can take over and rebuild it in their own image.

Doubt me at your own risk

LOL, there's a LOT more to it than your synopsis.
Iran will convert its facility at Fordow so that it is no longer used to enrich uranium

Iran has agreed to not enrich uranium at its Fordow facility for at least 15 years.

Iran has agreed to convert its Fordow facility so that it is used for peaceful purposes only – into a nuclear, physics, technology, research center.

Iran has agreed to not conduct research and development associated with uranium enrichment at Fordow for 15 years.

Iran will not have any fissile material at Fordow for 15 years.

Here, for anyone who wants to read the proposed "deal":
Iran Deal Fact Sheet

Iran's getting what it wanted most...the lifting of UN promising to not seek to build a bomb. Here's what anyone with a dollop of common sense realizes they will do. Once the UN sanctions have been lifted Iran will then be free to break that promise because they know that Russia and China will veto any "snap back" of UN sanctions. Kerry and Obama just got sold a "pig in a poke".

Iran having a bomb isn't that big of deal. This reminds me of the movie "The Mouse that Roared." Iran has to know that having a bomb and using it are way two different things. That is why the US needs to be the big boy with a deterrent that would stop anyone from the use of such a weapon. And where would Iran use such a weapon? Defense? Against whom? The US who has shown their weakness and not stomach for war? Iran has too much to loose to make a having a bomb and issue. They may or may not eventually get a bomb but until then they will get what they really want.

Dude, you're talking about the mack daddy of state sponsored terrorism! Them having a bomb SHOULD scare the ever loving shit out of you!

then why in the hell did we bomb Syria and Libya?
LOL, there's a LOT more to it than your synopsis.
Iran will convert its facility at Fordow so that it is no longer used to enrich uranium

Iran has agreed to not enrich uranium at its Fordow facility for at least 15 years.

Iran has agreed to convert its Fordow facility so that it is used for peaceful purposes only – into a nuclear, physics, technology, research center.

Iran has agreed to not conduct research and development associated with uranium enrichment at Fordow for 15 years.

Iran will not have any fissile material at Fordow for 15 years.

Here, for anyone who wants to read the proposed "deal":
Iran Deal Fact Sheet

Iran's getting what it wanted most...the lifting of UN promising to not seek to build a bomb. Here's what anyone with a dollop of common sense realizes they will do. Once the UN sanctions have been lifted Iran will then be free to break that promise because they know that Russia and China will veto any "snap back" of UN sanctions. Kerry and Obama just got sold a "pig in a poke".

Iran having a bomb isn't that big of deal. This reminds me of the movie "The Mouse that Roared." Iran has to know that having a bomb and using it are way two different things. That is why the US needs to be the big boy with a deterrent that would stop anyone from the use of such a weapon. And where would Iran use such a weapon? Defense? Against whom? The US who has shown their weakness and not stomach for war? Iran has too much to loose to make a having a bomb and issue. They may or may not eventually get a bomb but until then they will get what they really want.

Dude, you're talking about the mack daddy of state sponsored terrorism! Them having a bomb SHOULD scare the ever loving shit out of you!

then why in the hell did we bomb Syria and Libya?

What does Libya and Syria have to do with allowing the Iranians, the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism, to arm themselves with a nuke? You think Iran is the Dutchy of Grand Fenwick? Are you REALLY that naive?
LOL, there's a LOT more to it than your synopsis.
Iran will convert its facility at Fordow so that it is no longer used to enrich uranium

Iran has agreed to not enrich uranium at its Fordow facility for at least 15 years.

Iran has agreed to convert its Fordow facility so that it is used for peaceful purposes only – into a nuclear, physics, technology, research center.

Iran has agreed to not conduct research and development associated with uranium enrichment at Fordow for 15 years.

Iran will not have any fissile material at Fordow for 15 years.

Here, for anyone who wants to read the proposed "deal":
Iran Deal Fact Sheet

Iran's getting what it wanted most...the lifting of UN promising to not seek to build a bomb. Here's what anyone with a dollop of common sense realizes they will do. Once the UN sanctions have been lifted Iran will then be free to break that promise because they know that Russia and China will veto any "snap back" of UN sanctions. Kerry and Obama just got sold a "pig in a poke".

Iran having a bomb isn't that big of deal. This reminds me of the movie "The Mouse that Roared." Iran has to know that having a bomb and using it are way two different things. That is why the US needs to be the big boy with a deterrent that would stop anyone from the use of such a weapon. And where would Iran use such a weapon? Defense? Against whom? The US who has shown their weakness and not stomach for war? Iran has too much to loose to make a having a bomb and issue. They may or may not eventually get a bomb but until then they will get what they really want.

Dude, you're talking about the mack daddy of state sponsored terrorism! Them having a bomb SHOULD scare the ever loving shit out of you!

then why in the hell did we bomb Syria and Libya?

What does Libya and Syria have to do with allowing the Iranians, the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism, to arm themselves with a nuke? You think Iran is the Dutchy of Grand Fenwick? Are you REALLY that naive?

If Iran is such a threat then why did we bomb Libya, causing massive destabilization of the region, and arm the Syrian rebels leading to the rise of ISIS? If Iran is such a threat then why didn't we bomb baby bomb as the left likes their wars? Why are we making deals with Iran that by what I see does nothing to stop their terrorist support? I am not defending Iran in any way but if what you saying is true then the comparison to Chamberlain is very accurate.
North Korea is an enemy to several countries in the area and Pakistan produces terrorists who murder American citizens for the glory of allah-----to your delight

To my "delight" is just plainly a stupid, inane statement.....

But the question was about giving "praise" to Israel for NOT using her 300plus nukes.....and I stated that, like it or not, Pakistan and N. Korea who have nukes, have ALSO not used them......So, should they be also "praised"???
What does Libya and Syria have to do with allowing the Iranians, the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism, to arm themselves with a nuke? You think Iran is the Dutchy of Grand Fenwick? Are you REALLY that naive?

Actually if you used your own brains instead of having FOX telling you what to think, you too would know that the VAST majority of terrorists are Sunni.....and Iran is 90% Shi'a.....So, the trite and often repeated accusation that Iran is "the foremost sponsor of terrorism..." is right wing-inspired bullshit.

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