Deal is done, Iran wins?

These people are out of their minds... the anti-Proliferation, pro gay, anti religion bunch is now in bed with religious extremists who murder homosexuals... it's official, they are insane.

Actually, if you want to find "religious extremists" that are like the current Ayatollahs in Iran...........look at Texas or Indiana.
North Korea is an enemy to several countries in the area and Pakistan produces terrorists who murder American citizens for the glory of allah-----to your delight

To my "delight" is just plainly a stupid, inane statement.....

But the question was about giving "praise" to Israel for NOT using her 300plus nukes.....and I stated that, like it or not, Pakistan and N. Korea who have nukes, have ALSO not used them......So, should they be also "praised"???

If,, in the course of time-----either Pakistan or North Korea is attacked with barrages of missiles and they find their children lying dead in the gutter with their brains dripping out of their cracked skulls and THEY , like Israel-----refrain from responding with nuclear weapons------they will be deserving of praise. Now you got it? did you enjoy the realistic
description I gave you as GIFT regarding that which your friends have done?. Nothing inane about my comment regarding your pleasure. India is CERTAINLY deserving of
praise------your friends have cracked the skulls of some of
their children too------to your delight
I know that one couldn't possibly ask for right wingers to have any semblance of objectivity......Nonetheless, let me try...

Iran has been surrounded on both her large borders by American and coalition troops for many years...Plus, they have US ships in the Gulf, with missiles, just a few miles from their own naval bases.......Finally, Iran knows darn well that Israel hates them and that we, as usual, do what the Israeli lobbyists tell us what we should do.

Now, if you even agree with a small percentage of what I stated above, wouldn't you be a little paranoid and look for (either the reality or PRETENSE of having a nuke) as a deterrent?
What does Libya and Syria have to do with allowing the Iranians, the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism, to arm themselves with a nuke? You think Iran is the Dutchy of Grand Fenwick? Are you REALLY that naive?

Actually if you used your own brains instead of having FOX telling you what to think, you too would know that the VAST majority of terrorists are Sunni.....and Iran is 90% Shi'a.....So, the trite and often repeated accusation that Iran is "the foremost sponsor of terrorism..." is right wing-inspired bullshit.
Interesting,, right wing BS spewed by the left wing. Fascinating bit of deduction.
If,, in the course of time-----either Pakistan or North Korea is attacked with barrages of missiles and they find their children lying dead in the gutter with their brains dripping out of their cracked skulls and THEY , like Israel-----refrain from responding with nuclear weapons------they will be deserving of praise. Now you got it? did you enjoy the realistic
description I gave you as GIFT regarding that which your friends have done?. Nothing inane about my comment regarding your pleasure. India is CERTAINLY deserving of
praise------your friends have cracked the skulls of some of
their children too------to your delight

Stupid and moronic example of a right winger's imbecility.....If you want to believe that I revel in death and support says a lot more about your blatant HATRED (and fears)......Go back to burning crosses.
What does Libya and Syria have to do with allowing the Iranians, the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism, to arm themselves with a nuke? You think Iran is the Dutchy of Grand Fenwick? Are you REALLY that naive?

Actually if you used your own brains instead of having FOX telling you what to think, you too would know that the VAST majority of terrorists are Sunni.....and Iran is 90% Shi'a.....So, the trite and often repeated accusation that Iran is "the foremost sponsor of terrorism..." is right wing-inspired bullshit.

Long ago----many decades-----when I first encountered lots and lots of muslims-----both from south east asia and from Iran------I was horrified over the sunni persecution of Shiites.
----and they nasty things they said to ME about Shiites.
I decided to like Shiites better--------but then I discovered---over time-----Shiites are also shit. So far the only reason
that sunnis do more terrorism, as far as I can ascertain, is because there ARE MORE SUNNIS than Shiites and they seem to have more power and access by virtue of their numbers in most countries that harbor the stink and filth of islam The HOUTHIS ---in Yemen are remarkably barbaric. Talk to your friendly Yemeni cab driver----he is
probably a sunni (or small grocer)
What does Libya and Syria have to do with allowing the Iranians, the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism, to arm themselves with a nuke? You think Iran is the Dutchy of Grand Fenwick? Are you REALLY that naive?

Actually if you used your own brains instead of having FOX telling you what to think, you too would know that the VAST majority of terrorists are Sunni.....and Iran is 90% Shi'a.....So, the trite and often repeated accusation that Iran is "the foremost sponsor of terrorism..." is right wing-inspired bullshit.

no its not-----Iran funds it just as your hero SADAAM HUSSEIN used to fund it
If,, in the course of time-----either Pakistan or North Korea is attacked with barrages of missiles and they find their children lying dead in the gutter with their brains dripping out of their cracked skulls and THEY , like Israel-----refrain from responding with nuclear weapons------they will be deserving of praise. Now you got it? did you enjoy the realistic
description I gave you as GIFT regarding that which your friends have done?. Nothing inane about my comment regarding your pleasure. India is CERTAINLY deserving of
praise------your friends have cracked the skulls of some of
their children too------to your delight

Stupid and moronic example of a right winger's imbecility.....If you want to believe that I revel in death and support says a lot more about your blatant HATRED (and fears)......Go back to burning crosses.

I am curious-----why do you mention cross burning? I never burnt a cross----neither has anyone in my community or family. Some members of my community were persecuted
by people who burn crosses. You trivialize terrorism as so so many of your ilk
I am curious-----why do you mention cross burning? I never burnt a cross----neither has anyone in my community or family. Some members of my community were persecuted
by people who burn crosses. You trivialize terrorism as so so many of your ilk

You wouldn't be the first or last to go from "persecuted" to "persecutor"....your blatant hatred is your own malady.....and your simplistic ignorance makes you beyond redemption......Carry on.
I am curious-----why do you mention cross burning? I never burnt a cross----neither has anyone in my community or family. Some members of my community were persecuted
by people who burn crosses. You trivialize terrorism as so so many of your ilk

You wouldn't be the first or last to go from "persecuted" to "persecutor"....your blatant hatred is your own malady.....and your simplistic ignorance makes you beyond redemption......Carry on.

your comment is meaningless. ------but does confirm the fact that you engage in hackneyed bullshit-----Just whom do you Imagine I "hate". ------it is clear to me that you are quite a hater.....probably rooted in shit
I find it ironic that right wingers on here simplistically praise Churchill and deride Chamberlain.....but forgetting that it was the Brits. who, mostly created this mess in placing displaced WWII Jews into a Palestine that had, for centuries been occupied by Palestinians and Jews living in relative harmony.

from where do you get your information about jews and "Palestinians" ??? I got a Palestinian right here-----about ten feet away-----eating soup. Would you like to know his opinion? Brits "placed" displaced WWII jews in "a Palestine"---------really? when was that?
Iran's getting what it wanted most...the lifting of UN promising to not seek to build a bomb. Here's what anyone with a dollop of common sense realizes they will do. Once the UN sanctions have been lifted Iran will then be free to break that promise because they know that Russia and China will veto any "snap back" of UN sanctions. Kerry and Obama just got sold a "pig in a poke".

Iran having a bomb isn't that big of deal. This reminds me of the movie "The Mouse that Roared." Iran has to know that having a bomb and using it are way two different things. That is why the US needs to be the big boy with a deterrent that would stop anyone from the use of such a weapon. And where would Iran use such a weapon? Defense? Against whom? The US who has shown their weakness and not stomach for war? Iran has too much to loose to make a having a bomb and issue. They may or may not eventually get a bomb but until then they will get what they really want.

Dude, you're talking about the mack daddy of state sponsored terrorism! Them having a bomb SHOULD scare the ever loving shit out of you!

then why in the hell did we bomb Syria and Libya?

What does Libya and Syria have to do with allowing the Iranians, the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism, to arm themselves with a nuke? You think Iran is the Dutchy of Grand Fenwick? Are you REALLY that naive?

If Iran is such a threat then why did we bomb Libya, causing massive destabilization of the region, and arm the Syrian rebels leading to the rise of ISIS? If Iran is such a threat then why didn't we bomb baby bomb as the left likes their wars? Why are we making deals with Iran that by what I see does nothing to stop their terrorist support? I am not defending Iran in any way but if what you saying is true then the comparison to Chamberlain is very accurate.

What are you babbling about? You think our bombing Libya caused "massive destabilization of the region"? Your memory of what took place in Libya is astoundingly wrong! When did we arm the Syrian rebels? We sent them MRE's not arms!
Not so much that "Iran wins" as that is "Americans lose".


Iran won this round and the world lost. HOWEVER the thing my end up being the same kind of victory Chamberlain handed to adolf --------ie----the sudentenland that inspired
adolf to greater and greater feats -----leading him to the berlin bunker and a bullet in his head
Iran having a bomb isn't that big of deal. This reminds me of the movie "The Mouse that Roared." Iran has to know that having a bomb and using it are way two different things. That is why the US needs to be the big boy with a deterrent that would stop anyone from the use of such a weapon. And where would Iran use such a weapon? Defense? Against whom? The US who has shown their weakness and not stomach for war? Iran has too much to loose to make a having a bomb and issue. They may or may not eventually get a bomb but until then they will get what they really want.

Dude, you're talking about the mack daddy of state sponsored terrorism! Them having a bomb SHOULD scare the ever loving shit out of you!

then why in the hell did we bomb Syria and Libya?

What does Libya and Syria have to do with allowing the Iranians, the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism, to arm themselves with a nuke? You think Iran is the Dutchy of Grand Fenwick? Are you REALLY that naive?

If Iran is such a threat then why did we bomb Libya, causing massive destabilization of the region, and arm the Syrian rebels leading to the rise of ISIS? If Iran is such a threat then why didn't we bomb baby bomb as the left likes their wars? Why are we making deals with Iran that by what I see does nothing to stop their terrorist support? I am not defending Iran in any way but if what you saying is true then the comparison to Chamberlain is very accurate.

What are you babbling about? You think our bombing Libya caused "massive destabilization of the region"? Your memory of what took place in Libya is astoundingly wrong! When did we arm the Syrian rebels? We sent them MRE's not arms!

Benghazi happened because of the destabilization of Libya by Obama. It also happened because he was arming the opposing faction, that is why Stevens died. That is why Obama, and company, were so quick to falsely blame a video.
Iran having a bomb isn't that big of deal. This reminds me of the movie "The Mouse that Roared." Iran has to know that having a bomb and using it are way two different things. That is why the US needs to be the big boy with a deterrent that would stop anyone from the use of such a weapon. And where would Iran use such a weapon? Defense? Against whom? The US who has shown their weakness and not stomach for war? Iran has too much to loose to make a having a bomb and issue. They may or may not eventually get a bomb but until then they will get what they really want.

Dude, you're talking about the mack daddy of state sponsored terrorism! Them having a bomb SHOULD scare the ever loving shit out of you!

then why in the hell did we bomb Syria and Libya?

What does Libya and Syria have to do with allowing the Iranians, the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism, to arm themselves with a nuke? You think Iran is the Dutchy of Grand Fenwick? Are you REALLY that naive?

If Iran is such a threat then why did we bomb Libya, causing massive destabilization of the region, and arm the Syrian rebels leading to the rise of ISIS? If Iran is such a threat then why didn't we bomb baby bomb as the left likes their wars? Why are we making deals with Iran that by what I see does nothing to stop their terrorist support? I am not defending Iran in any way but if what you saying is true then the comparison to Chamberlain is very accurate.

What are you babbling about? You think our bombing Libya caused "massive destabilization of the region"? Your memory of what took place in Libya is astoundingly wrong! When did we arm the Syrian rebels? We sent them MRE's not arms!

silly-----today is Friday------we are being treated to the weekly Khutbah jumaat feces fling. Good Friday is a special holiday for me-------first time I experienced a Khutbah jumaat feces fling
Dude, you're talking about the mack daddy of state sponsored terrorism! Them having a bomb SHOULD scare the ever loving shit out of you!

then why in the hell did we bomb Syria and Libya?

What does Libya and Syria have to do with allowing the Iranians, the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism, to arm themselves with a nuke? You think Iran is the Dutchy of Grand Fenwick? Are you REALLY that naive?

If Iran is such a threat then why did we bomb Libya, causing massive destabilization of the region, and arm the Syrian rebels leading to the rise of ISIS? If Iran is such a threat then why didn't we bomb baby bomb as the left likes their wars? Why are we making deals with Iran that by what I see does nothing to stop their terrorist support? I am not defending Iran in any way but if what you saying is true then the comparison to Chamberlain is very accurate.

What are you babbling about? You think our bombing Libya caused "massive destabilization of the region"? Your memory of what took place in Libya is astoundingly wrong! When did we arm the Syrian rebels? We sent them MRE's not arms!

Benghazi happened because of the destabilization of Libya by Obama. It also happened because he was arming the opposing faction, that is why Stevens died. That is why Obama, and company, were so quick to falsely blame a video.

Obama destabilized Libya? it was perfectly ok before Obama happened?
Well, Iran, like most radical or semi-radical (if such a thing exists) islamic states, doesn't have a very good history of playing by the rules or keeping honest. What they do have is a very notable track record of high ranking government officials assuring the rest of the world they will do anything and everything in their power to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. Which I'm sure wouldn't upset Mr. Obama to much.

The difference between Israel and Iran is this: If the enemies of Israel declared they wanted no trouble with Israel and stopped the constant terrorist attacks and pestering, Israel would be happy to ignore them.
If Israel declared to hamas and Iran that it had no qualm with them and would not attack.....theyd still try to kill the shit out of every jew they could.
It is hatred on a fundamental level.
Are iranians killing Jews?
lol that's a silly question. Save the silly questions for google, friend.
Iran having a bomb isn't that big of deal. This reminds me of the movie "The Mouse that Roared." Iran has to know that having a bomb and using it are way two different things. That is why the US needs to be the big boy with a deterrent that would stop anyone from the use of such a weapon. And where would Iran use such a weapon? Defense? Against whom? The US who has shown their weakness and not stomach for war? Iran has too much to loose to make a having a bomb and issue. They may or may not eventually get a bomb but until then they will get what they really want.

Dude, you're talking about the mack daddy of state sponsored terrorism! Them having a bomb SHOULD scare the ever loving shit out of you!

then why in the hell did we bomb Syria and Libya?

What does Libya and Syria have to do with allowing the Iranians, the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism, to arm themselves with a nuke? You think Iran is the Dutchy of Grand Fenwick? Are you REALLY that naive?

If Iran is such a threat then why did we bomb Libya, causing massive destabilization of the region, and arm the Syrian rebels leading to the rise of ISIS? If Iran is such a threat then why didn't we bomb baby bomb as the left likes their wars? Why are we making deals with Iran that by what I see does nothing to stop their terrorist support? I am not defending Iran in any way but if what you saying is true then the comparison to Chamberlain is very accurate.

What are you babbling about? You think our bombing Libya caused "massive destabilization of the region"? Your memory of what took place in Libya is astoundingly wrong! When did we arm the Syrian rebels? We sent them MRE's not arms!
Well, Iran, like most radical or semi-radical (if such a thing exists) islamic states, doesn't have a very good history of playing by the rules or keeping honest. What they do have is a very notable track record of high ranking government officials assuring the rest of the world they will do anything and everything in their power to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. Which I'm sure wouldn't upset Mr. Obama to much.

The difference between Israel and Iran is this: If the enemies of Israel declared they wanted no trouble with Israel and stopped the constant terrorist attacks and pestering, Israel would be happy to ignore them.
If Israel declared to hamas and Iran that it had no qualm with them and would not attack.....theyd still try to kill the shit out of every jew they could.
It is hatred on a fundamental level.
Are iranians killing Jews?
lol that's a silly question. Save the silly questions for google, friend.

the answer is easy------yes---Iranians are killng jews----
Hezbollah IS IRAN-------the nail bombs used by Hezbollah to blow the brains out of jewish children are
IRANIAN----even the nail bomb launchers are IRANIAN-----Nuskharahallah is an Iranian pig
I find it ironic that right wingers on here simplistically praise Churchill and deride Chamberlain.....but forgetting that it was the Brits. who, mostly created this mess in placing displaced WWII Jews into a Palestine that had, for centuries been occupied by Palestinians and Jews living in relative harmony.

from where do you get your information about jews and "Palestinians" ??? I got a Palestinian right here-----about ten feet away-----eating soup. Would you like to know his opinion? Brits "placed" displaced WWII jews in "a Palestine"---------really? when was that?

well nat? want the opinion of a BONA FIDE
PALESTINIAN???? He still has his legal papers---
describing him as "PALESTINIAN"------something
that even ARAFART did not have

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