Deal is done, Iran wins?

If this is such a good deal why wouldn't the Arabs and Jews be praising it?
I would suppose it's because they want to be the stronger ones militarily and economically. Maybe a good outcome would be an Israel/Sunni alliance. But unfortunately it will still be a cluster fuck over there for a long time. We should adopt the Chinese strategy over there.

Iran is a third world shit hole. They're not going to all of a sudden turn in to a prosperous nation if economic sanctions are taken away. Right now Iran's agression in the ME is at an all time high, there might be some cooperation between the Jews and sunnis, but it will be temporary.
If this is such a good deal why wouldn't the Arabs and Jews be praising it?
I would suppose it's because they want to be the stronger ones militarily and economically. Maybe a good outcome would be an Israel/Sunni alliance. But unfortunately it will still be a cluster fuck over there for a long time. We should adopt the Chinese strategy over there.

Iran is a third world shit hole. They're not going to all of a sudden turn in to a prosperous nation if economic sanctions are taken away. Right now Iran's agression in the ME is at an all time high, there might be some cooperation between the Jews and sunnis, but it will be temporary.
LOL, come on Rocko, you can do better than that! Iran is not a "third world shithole", in fact: " In 2011 GDP was $482.4 billion ($1.003 trillion at PPP), or $13,200 at PPP per capita.[29] Iran is ranked as an upper-middle income economy by the World Bank.[159]"

What Iranian "aggression" are you referring to? Helping the Iraqi's fight ISIS? Sending aid and support to their allies (like we do)? Whose standard of living do you think is higher ; Iran vs Iraq (where we have been for over a decade) or Iran vs Afghanistan (where we have been for over a decade)? :)

I see a parallel between the response of the Cubans and Iranians, the younger generation is eager to open up to us, it's tragic that they have their version of right wing bastards who seem to always want to be on a "war footing" so they can manipulate and erode their citizen's civil liberties.

GDP per capita is not a good indicator when you talk about an oil rich country like Iran, where wealth is concentrated amongst the very few and disparity between the rich and the poor is enormus. Look at the medium income. Better yet look at how many people in Iran live below the poverty line and tell me Iran is not a third world nation.

Iran Saudi Arabia fighting bloody proxy wars across the Middle East Fox News
How is their standard of living compared to two of their immediate neighbors (Iraq/Afghanistan). Regarding those alleged "proxy wars"; that's between them. We shouldn't be involved in it.

If I had to choose a place to live between the three I'd pick Iran, but that's not much of a choice.

I agree with you on that - let them duke it out. The prospects of a nuclear Iran and Saudi arabia doesn't sit well with me though. I think the regional conflict we are seeing will only intensify.
huggy----you don't know WTF you are talking about. Hatred of all things USA did not start in the ISLAMIC
WORLD post 9-11-01 It already existed LONG
BEFORE How do I know? I came into contact with
lots of muslims long before 9-11-01 I saw utter hatred
of all things both Christian and Jewish-----long long before

That's right. We(Europeans, Americans) have been shitting on the people of the Mid East for at least a solid century.

We acted like these people were worthless and now and then they rise up to tell us that we are misinformed.

Nice... so we have another Leftist formally coming to stand up for Islamic terrorism!

Anyone even remotely surprised? have it wrong as usual moron. I'm just tired of asswipes like you fucking up the world and the reputation of my country.

I'm no leftist. By FAR the opposite. I just know who the real enemy of our nation is and it is you and people like you.

I'm not worried about terrorists. That's YOUR false flag. If one of them did figure out a way to single out the true assholes in this country, like YOU, that need eliminating I would applaud their efforts.
huggy----you don't know WTF you are talking about. Hatred of all things USA did not start in the ISLAMIC
WORLD post 9-11-01 It already existed LONG
BEFORE How do I know? I came into contact with
lots of muslims long before 9-11-01 I saw utter hatred
of all things both Christian and Jewish-----long long before

That's right. We(Europeans, Americans) have been shitting on the people of the Mid East for at least a solid century.

We acted like these people were worthless and now and then they rise up to tell us that we are misinformed.

Nice... so we have another Leftist formally coming to stand up for Islamic terrorism!

Anyone even remotely surprised? have it wrong as usual moron. I'm just tired of asswipes like you fucking up the world and the reputation of my country.

I'm no leftist. By FAR the opposite. I just know who the real enemy of our nation is and it is you and people like you.

I'm not worried about terrorists. That's YOUR false flag. If one of them did figure out a way to single out the true assholes in this country, like YOU, that need eliminating I would applaud their efforts.[/QUOTE

you need not worry about terrorists---you are their friend
huggy----you don't know WTF you are talking about. Hatred of all things USA did not start in the ISLAMIC
WORLD post 9-11-01 It already existed LONG
BEFORE How do I know? I came into contact with
lots of muslims long before 9-11-01 I saw utter hatred
of all things both Christian and Jewish-----long long before

That's right. We(Europeans, Americans) have been shitting on the people of the Mid East for at least a solid century.

We acted like these people were worthless and now and then they rise up to tell us that we are misinformed.

Nice... so we have another Leftist formally coming to stand up for Islamic terrorism!

Anyone even remotely surprised? have it wrong as usual moron. I'm just tired of asswipes like you fucking up the world and the reputation of my country.

I'm no leftist. By FAR the opposite. I just know who the real enemy of our nation is and it is you and people like you.

I'm not worried about terrorists. That's YOUR false flag. If one of them did figure out a way to single out the true assholes in this country, like YOU, that need eliminating I would applaud their efforts.[/QUOTE

you need not worry about terrorists---you are their friend

You are a moron.

I certainly have respect for a people that have had their families and homes destroyed and still they do not cower to assholes like you. I am not "their friend". And I am certainly not your friend. You and those like you are an embarrassment to my nation. You are a danger in your stupidity to all that is good about America. You worthless chicken hawks wrap yourself up in our country's flag with your bloody hands holding a bible. I sincerely hope these terrorists seek you out individually and give you what you deserve.

The only terrorists I have any allegiance to are the Irish freedom fighters. I was 100% in favor of what they did to the British to gain some freedom from British control of Irish lives.

What I would love to see is some of these Muslim terrorists blow up a few Christian Mega Churches. Obviously they would die in that effort which is all right with me too. I have no love or respect for ANY organized religion. The more Fundamentalists that die for their cause the better.

Now please go and fuck yourself. Or better yet step out in front of a speeding cement truck.

I think it would be a hoot to see some Muslims beheading Christians in front of one of your big ass churches.

Me hate you much? Ya think?
The only terrorists I have any allegiance to are the Irish freedom fighters. I was 100% in favor of what they did to the British to gain some freedom from British control of Irish lives.
You do realize that you're the reason why so many Irish people hate Americans of Irish descent, right? We funded and armed their terrorists. We aided the criminal scum that murdered them and made their children live in fear. We even named a fucking drink after one of the terrorists' primary weapons against their own people. And we justified it all because Great Aunt Bertha might have came from Galway. We just had to prolong a war that wasn't ours against an enemy that wasn't ours for a cause that wasn't ours in a land that wasn't ours and support fucking armies of terrorists to do it.
Last edited:
huggy----you don't know WTF you are talking about. Hatred of all things USA did not start in the ISLAMIC
WORLD post 9-11-01 It already existed LONG
BEFORE How do I know? I came into contact with
lots of muslims long before 9-11-01 I saw utter hatred
of all things both Christian and Jewish-----long long before

That's right. We(Europeans, Americans) have been shitting on the people of the Mid East for at least a solid century.

We acted like these people were worthless and now and then they rise up to tell us that we are misinformed.

Nice... so we have another Leftist formally coming to stand up for Islamic terrorism!

Anyone even remotely surprised? have it wrong as usual moron. I'm just tired of asswipes like you fucking up the world and the reputation of my country.

I'm no leftist. By FAR the opposite. I just know who the real enemy of our nation is and it is you and people like you.

I'm not worried about terrorists. That's YOUR false flag. If one of them did figure out a way to single out the true assholes in this country, like YOU, that need eliminating I would applaud their efforts.[/QUOTE

you need not worry about terrorists---you are their friend

You are a moron.

I certainly have respect for a people that have had their families and homes destroyed and still they do not cower to assholes like you. I am not "their friend". And I am certainly not your friend. You and those like you are an embarrassment to my nation. You are a danger in your stupidity to all that is good about America. You worthless chicken hawks wrap yourself up in our country's flag with your bloody hands holding a bible. I sincerely hope these terrorists seek you out individually and give you what you deserve.

The only terrorists I have any allegiance to are the Irish freedom fighters. I was 100% in favor of what they did to the British to gain some freedom from British control of Irish lives.

What I would love to see is some of these Muslim terrorists blow up a few Christian Mega Churches. Obviously they would die in that effort which is all right with me too. I have no love or respect for ANY organized religion. The more Fundamentalists that die for their cause the better.

Now please go and fuck yourself. Or better yet step out in front of a speeding cement truck.

I think it would be a hoot to see some Muslims beheading Christians in front of one of your big ass churches.

Me hate you much? Ya think?

are you done? ----feel better?
Evidently, the sanctions have had their intended effect and brought Iran to the negotiating table

Have they?

Well that is only valuable where it presents the means to negotiate a viable agreement, of which there is only one... and THAT IS: THAT IRAN WILL NEVER POSSESS A NUCLEAR WEAPON.

And since we know that Iran is determined to possess such... and that the would-be president of the US is determined to help them DO SO... and given that the sane elements of civilization KNOW that if Iran gets a nuclear weapon that such will end in mass-murder... such is not possible without an agreement wherein it appears that the US is preventing such, but wherein the US is literally providing the means for such... we can rest assured that THAT is what brought Iran to the negotiating table.

How does forcing Iran to destroy their only reactor capable of producing weapons grade plutonium and forcing them to destroy stockpiles of 20% enriched uranium "help" them produce a bomb?

Golly... If there was only some twisted possibility that ANY OF THAT is even REMOTELY a part of any deal obama and Kerry might get the Iranians to commit to... . MAN! Would that be a great point.

Of course, the Iranians have stated in unambiguous terms that they have no intention of stopping any portion of their enrichment program and no more that just two weeks ago reaffirmed their RIGHT and subsequent intention to develop and use nuclear weapons.

Which was shortly before they publicly professed their desire to induce DEATH to America... .

(The Reader should recognize here, that the world as 'perceived' by the Ideological Left is a world with absolutely NO KINSHIP WITH REALITY. This being yet ANOTHER example of the mental disorder that presents homosexuality, demonstrating itself as a fundamental element of Left-think. LOL! And you though it was a coincidence that the Left is the only species of reasoning to endorse the Normalization of Mental Abnormality.)
Do you get news from any others source than Breitbart?

Yes, destruction of their reactor and nuclear stockpiles are part of the deal.

Sleep better now?
The only terrorists I have any allegiance to are the Irish freedom fighters. I was 100% in favor of what they did to the British to gain some freedom from British control of Irish lives.
You do realize that you're the reason why so many Irish people hate Americans of Irish descent, right? We funded and armed their terrorists. We aided the criminal scum that murdered them and made their children live in fear. We even named a fucking drink after one of the terrorists' primary weapons against their own people. And we justified it all because Great Aunt Bertha might have came from Galway. We just had to prolong a war that wasn't ours against an enemy that wasn't ours for a cause that wasn't ours in a land that wasn't ours and support fucking armies of terrorists to do it.

You are wrong. No, You are worse than wrong. The Irish did with practically nothing what it took George Washington and an army which would have failed without the French to do. The war of 1776 was no more worthy than what the Irish did to make the British leave Ireland.

Yes there were those that made money having the British in Ireland. We have those kind here that will turn treason for a dollar. Probably your best friends no doubt.

The British had no claim to Ireland. The oppressed my own kin for centuries. What the English did to the Irish was beyond the pale.

The Irish were a peace loving people before forced to use all means available to rid themselves of the tyrants. The Irish never attacked the British, attempted to steal British land nor property nor provoked them in any way.

Britain's empire was built on the backs of the poor and those unable to defend themselves all over the globe. If you are a defender of England then your ancestors were probably the POS's that were on the side of the Crown when this nation was born. so piss on you and those that spawned you.

If you are Irish then you are a snake, vermin. A rat in the store of the grain Irish have broken their backs to harvest. You are the weasel that comes around to take the King's share. If this is so I hope my people took your people as often as possible.

Good day to ya.

That's right. We(Europeans, Americans) have been shitting on the people of the Mid East for at least a solid century.

We acted like these people were worthless and now and then they rise up to tell us that we are misinformed.

Nice... so we have another Leftist formally coming to stand up for Islamic terrorism!

Anyone even remotely surprised? have it wrong as usual moron. I'm just tired of asswipes like you fucking up the world and the reputation of my country.

I'm no leftist. By FAR the opposite. I just know who the real enemy of our nation is and it is you and people like you.

I'm not worried about terrorists. That's YOUR false flag. If one of them did figure out a way to single out the true assholes in this country, like YOU, that need eliminating I would applaud their efforts.[/QUOTE

you need not worry about terrorists---you are their friend

You are a moron.

I certainly have respect for a people that have had their families and homes destroyed and still they do not cower to assholes like you. I am not "their friend". And I am certainly not your friend. You and those like you are an embarrassment to my nation. You are a danger in your stupidity to all that is good about America. You worthless chicken hawks wrap yourself up in our country's flag with your bloody hands holding a bible. I sincerely hope these terrorists seek you out individually and give you what you deserve.

The only terrorists I have any allegiance to are the Irish freedom fighters. I was 100% in favor of what they did to the British to gain some freedom from British control of Irish lives.

What I would love to see is some of these Muslim terrorists blow up a few Christian Mega Churches. Obviously they would die in that effort which is all right with me too. I have no love or respect for ANY organized religion. The more Fundamentalists that die for their cause the better.

Now please go and fuck yourself. Or better yet step out in front of a speeding cement truck.

I think it would be a hoot to see some Muslims beheading Christians in front of one of your big ass churches.

Me hate you much? Ya think?

are you done? ----feel better?
That's right. We(Europeans, Americans) have been shitting on the people of the Mid East for at least a solid century.

We acted like these people were worthless and now and then they rise up to tell us that we are misinformed.

Nice... so we have another Leftist formally coming to stand up for Islamic terrorism!

Anyone even remotely surprised? have it wrong as usual moron. I'm just tired of asswipes like you fucking up the world and the reputation of my country.

I'm no leftist. By FAR the opposite. I just know who the real enemy of our nation is and it is you and people like you.

I'm not worried about terrorists. That's YOUR false flag. If one of them did figure out a way to single out the true assholes in this country, like YOU, that need eliminating I would applaud their efforts.[/QUOTE

you need not worry about terrorists---you are their friend

You are a moron.

I certainly have respect for a people that have had their families and homes destroyed and still they do not cower to assholes like you. I am not "their friend". And I am certainly not your friend. You and those like you are an embarrassment to my nation. You are a danger in your stupidity to all that is good about America. You worthless chicken hawks wrap yourself up in our country's flag with your bloody hands holding a bible. I sincerely hope these terrorists seek you out individually and give you what you deserve.

The only terrorists I have any allegiance to are the Irish freedom fighters. I was 100% in favor of what they did to the British to gain some freedom from British control of Irish lives.

What I would love to see is some of these Muslim terrorists blow up a few Christian Mega Churches. Obviously they would die in that effort which is all right with me too. I have no love or respect for ANY organized religion. The more Fundamentalists that die for their cause the better.

Now please go and fuck yourself. Or better yet step out in front of a speeding cement truck.

I think it would be a hoot to see some Muslims beheading Christians in front of one of your big ass churches.

Me hate you much? Ya think?

are you done? ----feel better?

Not likely. As long as there are people that conspire to send our best young men and women to kill innocent people under the fog of chaos and random acts of terror that we provoke around the globe and sell out their own fellow Americans and undermine our elections and the respect of the highest elected offices of our nation I will probably have a bug up my butt, a bee in my bonnet, a burr under my saddle concerning the evil that infests the United States of America.

This country used to have mostly respectable leadership. Not always, but there was a period of time when IKE was the president and the people had just put all of their shoulders to the wheel in WWII that just up until the nuclear arms race that we had a chance to head in a good direction. McCarthy, Kennedy,Nixon and Johnson, The CIA Yes even Eisenhower got us sucked into Viet Nam and the country steadily went down an evil road and hasn't yet found it's way back to being right by doing right. There is a core of stupidity, willfully ignorant people that vote against their own best interests by being provoked by their fears and embedded bigotry. As long as these conditions remain powerful and dictate our nations direction I will be an angry man.
So, there are three other parties to the agreement.
If the Congress can somehow get the US to renege on any deal...what happens if the other parties stay in and simply sideline the US?

Congress can kill the whole thing.

No question Republicans will try to fuck it up......They usually do
The only terrorists I have any allegiance to are the Irish freedom fighters. I was 100% in favor of what they did to the British to gain some freedom from British control of Irish lives.
You do realize that you're the reason why so many Irish people hate Americans of Irish descent, right? We funded and armed their terrorists. We aided the criminal scum that murdered them and made their children live in fear. We even named a fucking drink after one of the terrorists' primary weapons against their own people. And we justified it all because Great Aunt Bertha might have came from Galway. We just had to prolong a war that wasn't ours against an enemy that wasn't ours for a cause that wasn't ours in a land that wasn't ours and support fucking armies of terrorists to do it.

You are wrong. No, You are worse than wrong. The Irish did with practically nothing what it took George Washington and an army which would have failed without the French to do. The war of 1776 was no more worthy than what the Irish did to make the British leave Ireland.

Yes there were those that made money having the British in Ireland. We have those kind here that will turn treason for a dollar. Probably your best friends no doubt.

The British had no claim to Ireland. The oppressed my own kin for centuries. What the English did to the Irish was beyond the pale.

The Irish were a peace loving people before forced to use all means available to rid themselves of the tyrants. The Irish never attacked the British, attempted to steal British land nor property nor provoked them in any way.

Britain's empire was built on the backs of the poor and those unable to defend themselves all over the globe. If you are a defender of England then your ancestors were probably the POS's that were on the side of the Crown when this nation was born. so piss on you and those that spawned you.

If you are Irish then you are a snake, vermin. A rat in the store of the grain Irish have broken their backs to harvest. You are the weasel that comes around to take the King's share. If this is so I hope my people took your people as often as possible.

Good day to ya.


Hatred is hatred punk, you are filled with.

The only real difference your hatred and any other hatred is you justify yours.

It is priceless irony.
So, there are three other parties to the agreement.
If the Congress can somehow get the US to renege on any deal...what happens if the other parties stay in and simply sideline the US?

Congress can kill the whole thing.

No question Republicans will try to fuck it up......They usually do

Yeah right, blame republicans. According to Obozo this deal keeps Iran from getting the bomb for one year...and you clowns wanna celebrate. Iran knows they need to become a nuclear state by the time the paper tiger (I.e.) Hussein Obozo is out of office. The only question left is will we see Israel or an Arab coalition attack Iran. My guess is yes.
So, there are three other parties to the agreement.
If the Congress can somehow get the US to renege on any deal...what happens if the other parties stay in and simply sideline the US?

Congress can kill the whole thing.

No question Republicans will try to fuck it up......They usually do

Yeah right, blame republicans. According to Obozo this deal keeps Iran from getting the bomb for one year...and you clowns wanna celebrate. Iran knows they need to become a nuclear state by the time the paper tiger (I.e.) Hussein Obozo is out of office. The only question left is will we see Israel or an Arab coalition attack Iran. My guess is yes. long do you think it would take right now?

Sanctions do not prevent them from developing a bomb.......only an incentive not to
So, there are three other parties to the agreement.
If the Congress can somehow get the US to renege on any deal...what happens if the other parties stay in and simply sideline the US?

Congress can kill the whole thing.

No question Republicans will try to fuck it up......They usually do

Yeah right, blame republicans. According to Obozo this deal keeps Iran from getting the bomb for one year...and you clowns wanna celebrate. Iran knows they need to become a nuclear state by the time the paper tiger (I.e.) Hussein Obozo is out of office. The only question left is will we see Israel or an Arab coalition attack Iran. My guess is yes.

you guess?

I guess you're a fart smeller ..

Iran Says It s Under Attack by ISIS - The Daily Beast
So, there are three other parties to the agreement.
If the Congress can somehow get the US to renege on any deal...what happens if the other parties stay in and simply sideline the US?

Congress can kill the whole thing.

No question Republicans will try to fuck it up......They usually do

Yeah right, blame republicans. According to Obozo this deal keeps Iran from getting the bomb for one year...and you clowns wanna celebrate. Iran knows they need to become a nuclear state by the time the paper tiger (I.e.) Hussein Obozo is out of office. The only question left is will we see Israel or an Arab coalition attack Iran. My guess is yes. long do you think it would take right now?

Sanctions do not prevent them from developing a bomb.......only an incentive not to

You're are correct Sanctions won't do shit. Israel and the Arabs are either going to live with a nuclear Iran, or go to war to try and prevent a nuclear Iran. Those are the only feasible options I see.
Getting Iran back into the family of nations is a win for everyone. Screw all RW a-holes- Iranians, Israelis, and Americans. There is no evidence Iran even wants the nuke- just RW fear mongering as with Iraq in 2002...
So, there are three other parties to the agreement.
If the Congress can somehow get the US to renege on any deal...what happens if the other parties stay in and simply sideline the US?

Congress can kill the whole thing.

No question Republicans will try to fuck it up......They usually do

Yeah right, blame republicans. According to Obozo this deal keeps Iran from getting the bomb for one year...and you clowns wanna celebrate. Iran knows they need to become a nuclear state by the time the paper tiger (I.e.) Hussein Obozo is out of office. The only question left is will we see Israel or an Arab coalition attack Iran. My guess is yes. long do you think it would take right now?

Sanctions do not prevent them from developing a bomb.......only an incentive not to

You're are correct Sanctions won't do shit. Israel and the Arabs are either going to live with a nuclear Iran, or go to war to try and prevent a nuclear Iran. Those are the only feasible options I see.
Be happy Rocco.......our side won

And we didn't have to fire a shot

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