Dear Bristol

Bristol had the answer for teen pregnancy. Have a baby out of wedlock then get 1/4 million for promoting abstinance ;)

If all pregnant teens could only do that.

so much hate for a young woman who made a mistake but stepped up to her responsibilities of being a mother...

women are just tools to use for you on the left
Bristol had the answer for teen pregnancy. Have a baby out of wedlock then get 1/4 million for promoting abstinance ;)

If all pregnant teens could only do that.

so much hate for a young woman who made a mistake but stepped up to her responsibilities of being a mother...

women are just tools to use for you on the left

Bristol should have avoided a "tool".
The only bitch I'm seeing here is the one who started this petty thread
I don't really see how Bristol speaking about abstinence makes her a hypocrite, or is so different from recovering drug abusers sharing their stories with young and impulsive people, in an attempt to help them think about making better choices.
I don't wanna bitchslap Bristol like some people do, but I do wonder why she thought it was a good idea to take this particular subject on.

She hasn't given up her right to free speech, but ... well ... she really is not a good advocate for the idea that permitting gay marriage will somehow screw the institution up more than heterosexuals have done.

I don't wanna bitchslap Bristol like some people do, but I do wonder why she thought it was a good idea to take this particular subject on.

She hasn't given up her right to free speech, but ... well ... she really is not a good advocate for the idea that permitting gay marriage will somehow screw the institution up more than heterosexuals have done.


Especially since her own heterosexual relationship was not worthy of admiration
Bristol had the answer for teen pregnancy. Have a baby out of wedlock then get 1/4 million for promoting abstinance ;)

If all pregnant teens could only do that.

so much hate for a young woman who made a mistake but stepped up to her responsibilities of being a mother...

women are just tools to use for you on the left

Just like every other constituent group the left and useful idiots.

For Pale Rider.

I so totally read that in Clint's husky voice. Punk. lol
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The truth of the matter is - she's barely legal. But because her mother is Sarah Palin, and she chooses to say stupid shit on a blog, she gets the attention she craves. i.e., she's second generation drama llama.

A, what? 21 y/o? presuming to offer advice to the POTUS? And expecting people NOT to point and laugh? A little naive, I feel.
The truth of the matter is - she's barely legal. But because her mother is Sarah Palin, and she chooses to say stupid shit on a blog, she gets the attention she craves. i.e., she's second generation drama llama.

A, what? 21 y/o? presuming to offer advice to the POTUS? And expecting people NOT to point and laugh? A little naive, I feel.

Especially since Prsident Obama is in a responsible relationship and Bristol is not.
A 21 yr old, single mother, who lives with her parents is lecturing the President on what constitutes a proper marriage?
The truth of the matter is - she's barely legal. But because her mother is Sarah Palin, and she chooses to say stupid shit on a blog, she gets the attention she craves. i.e., she's second generation drama llama.

A, what? 21 y/o? presuming to offer advice to the POTUS? And expecting people NOT to point and laugh? A little naive, I feel.

Especially since Prsident Obama is in a responsible relationship and Bristol is not.
A 21 yr old, single mother, who lives with her parents is lecturing the President on what constitutes a proper marriage?

Hell, if she lived in Wisconsin, she'd be up on charges. ;)

According to a Wisconsin Bill, Single Moms Are a Child Abuse Threat | Healthland |
Oh, so freedom of speech is not something you value. Good to know.

I'll let the 'bitch' thing slide.... because it's based on hysteria rather than logic.

Bristols freedom of speech extends to the point where she cannot be arrested for what she does not mean that she cannot be ridiculed for what she says
Daily Edge: "Can We Just Pause to Reflect on the Fact This Was the Week Bristol Palin Saw Fit to Criticize President Obama's Decision-Making Process"


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The truth of the matter is - she's barely legal. But because her mother is Sarah Palin, and she chooses to say stupid shit on a blog, she gets the attention she craves. i.e., she's second generation drama llama.

A, what? 21 y/o? presuming to offer advice to the POTUS? And expecting people NOT to point and laugh? A little naive, I feel.

She's 21 and presumes to offer advice to the POTUS...just like thousands of OWS punks. Yet he congratulates them on their dedication to their civic duty. At least she's not demanding that he somehow come up with the cash to pay off their loans, buy them houses and cars, and generally make it possible for them to move out of their parents' mansions.
The truth of the matter is - she's barely legal. But because her mother is Sarah Palin, and she chooses to say stupid shit on a blog, she gets the attention she craves. i.e., she's second generation drama llama.

A, what? 21 y/o? presuming to offer advice to the POTUS? And expecting people NOT to point and laugh? A little naive, I feel.

She's 21 and presumes to offer advice to the POTUS...just like thousands of OWS punks. Yet he congratulates them on their dedication to their civic duty. At least she's not demanding that he somehow come up with the cash to pay off their loans, buy them houses and cars, and generally make it possible for them to move out of their parents' mansions.

How much money did she get for telling other teens to do as she says, not as she does? Nobody would give one red shit, were she not Sarah Palin's daughter.

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