Dear fellow Conservatives....

I don't want to focus on the new Godzilla movie too much as there are a lot of examples of things that show my point, but the statement: "The arrogance if man is thinking that nature is in our control, and not the other way around." Is to me a direct slap in the face if the AGW crowd. They think that humans have not only affected nature, but can exert the power to change the climate to what we want it to be. That is the arrogance of man and the ignorance of the left.

It's one thing to believe that man has not altered the climate through our massive use of fossil fuel, I can see where people who reject science might think it's far-fetched, but that attitude carries all the way into a unreasoning hatred of alternative energy sources. There is no reason to protect the fossil fuel monopoly on energy, none whatsoever, especially since it's a finite energy source.

Irrelevant to the thread, go troll somewhere else.
I don't want to focus on the new Godzilla movie too much as there are a lot of examples of things that show my point, but the statement: "The arrogance if man is thinking that nature is in our control, and not the other way around." Is to me a direct slap in the face if the AGW crowd. They think that humans have not only affected nature, but can exert the power to change the climate to what we want it to be. That is the arrogance of man and the ignorance of the left.

It's not merely the arrogance of man. It's the arrogance of a very primitive man. Primitive men have always believed that mankind controlled the climate, the weather and all natural forces. A good shaman could always make it rain with the sacrifice of a virgin or two. They could explain exactly how it works. If it didn't rain, it wasn't a weather pattern, it was just not the most acceptable virgin, find another one. Eventually, the right sacrifice will be found and it will rain. Would it have rained anyway? Not according to primitive believers.

Belief in global warming is a reflection of the most primitive of religions. It is also a natural haven for atheists and humanists. In rejecting religion, they are making a new religion that is in actuality very very old religions.
I don't want to focus on the new Godzilla movie too much as there are a lot of examples of things that show my point, but the statement: "The arrogance if man is thinking that nature is in our control, and not the other way around." Is to me a direct slap in the face if the AGW crowd. They think that humans have not only affected nature, but can exert the power to change the climate to what we want it to be. That is the arrogance of man and the ignorance of the left.

It's one thing to believe that man has not altered the climate through our massive use of fossil fuel, I can see where people who reject science might think it's far-fetched, but that attitude carries all the way into a unreasoning hatred of alternative energy sources. There is no reason to protect the fossil fuel monopoly on energy, none whatsoever, especially since it's a finite energy source.

Irrelevant to the thread, go troll somewhere else.

Excuse me I was under the impression that you were involved in some extremely rare conservative self-examination of beliefs and kind of hoped that one of you fucking shitheads would finally explain why the fuck you go balls to wall for the oil companies. Sorry to troll your shitty thread with uncomfortable questions.
Godzilla has always had an enviromentalist theme, he was created by radiation according to the story. Spiderman was created by getting bit by a radioactive spider...why don't we hear about that? I'm a raging right wing small L libertarian... I hate tree huggers. But give it a rest. Just enjoy the movie.
And it isn't just Facebook. It's on the rest of the Internet, and on conservative radio as well. I listen to Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh and I know without a doubt that some of the things they both say is not quite the whole story. We here in Orlando have a morning conservative guy names Bud Hedinger who is one of the worst as far as giving conservatives a bad name, but he's the only think on at that time of the day. I listen to them because I'll always listen to opposing voices. Mainly for the balance.

The more critically and independantly you think, the more likely you are to find the truth, and the more likely you are to be conservative. Lets let the left wing sheeple spout mindless talking points, and evasive deceptive lies. We don't need to do that. The progressives cannot win in the arena of truth and ideas. Our greatest strength is our intellect, and critical thinking skills. Lets not turn that over to pre made, cut and paste, like and share snippits of popular drivel.

I gotta archive this one. Talk about a lack of awareness.
I don't want to focus on the new Godzilla movie too much as there are a lot of examples of things that show my point, but the statement: "The arrogance if man is thinking that nature is in our control, and not the other way around." Is to me a direct slap in the face if the AGW crowd. They think that humans have not only affected nature, but can exert the power to change the climate to what we want it to be. That is the arrogance of man and the ignorance of the left.

It's one thing to believe that man has not altered the climate through our massive use of fossil fuel, I can see where people who reject science might think it's far-fetched, but that attitude carries all the way into a unreasoning hatred of alternative energy sources. There is no reason to protect the fossil fuel monopoly on energy, none whatsoever, especially since it's a finite energy source.

There is no doubt that Man has altered the climate through Carbon Emissions. None.

What you can't answer is, "How much?"

How much is our fault and how much is natural? 1%? 2%? 80%?

You have no clue and neither do the lying morons who claim to be 'scientists'. They're not. They're useless academics who need to convince the stupid (dimocraps) that the "Sky Is Falling!!" so they can get some Grant Money.

Otherwise, they might have to go teach 8th Grade Physics.

The best 'Alternative Energy' Source is Nuclear Energy but dimocrap scum fight that like it's the Black Death.

We didn't even know how to build A Nuclear Power Plant when George Bush over-road dimocrap scum objections and pushed through the Permitting Process.

Nuclear renaissance began with Bush - Nuclear Energy?s Lobbying Push | Investigative Reporting Workshop

Which the Lying Cocksucker in Chief is honoring -- On the surface.

Behind the scenes, the Lying Cocksucker in Chief shut down the Yucca Mountain waste area and is keeping it shut despite COURT ORDERS to re-open it.

Lawmakers: NRC avoiding Yucca Mountain court order | The Daily Caller

He knows that when we run out waste disposal sites, we'll have to shut down the reactors.

dimocraps are scum.

You vote dimocrap, you are enabling scum. You keep doing it after being advised and you become scum yourself.

Just the way it is. Deal with it

dimocraps are scum
Be conservative, be skeptical, oppose Obama and the DNC, fight the destructive left wing agenda whenever and wherever it raises its ugly head, but don't abandon that's at important of conservative traits: thinking for yourself.

Great point.

The biggest problem with adherence to partisan ideology (among many problems) is that it causes people to automatically dumb down any issue to a simplistic, binary, bumper-sticker-like approach. Then both sides are doing it, and the conversation quickly becomes absolutely worthless.

Life is nuance, regardless of what the division pimps on teevee and radio say, and it takes intellectual honesty and a healthy dash of humility to admit to that. Too many people are just tossing out Pavlovian responses every single time to every single stimulus, and cooperation is viewed as capitulation. Such behavior doesn't really lead to progress or problem-solving.

This fucker doesn't want anyone with opposing POV in the thread, it seems.

Apparently you can't read. If you could, you would know that my post is clearly addressing conservatives. The argument that one side is smarter or more honest has been argued to death in an uncountable number of other threads. You have nothing at all to add to this thread, you are just trolling. Good bye.
I don't want to focus on the new Godzilla movie too much as there are a lot of examples of things that show my point, but the statement: "The arrogance if man is thinking that nature is in our control, and not the other way around." Is to me a direct slap in the face if the AGW crowd. They think that humans have not only affected nature, but can exert the power to change the climate to what we want it to be. That is the arrogance of man and the ignorance of the left.

It's one thing to believe that man has not altered the climate through our massive use of fossil fuel, I can see where people who reject science might think it's far-fetched, but that attitude carries all the way into a unreasoning hatred of alternative energy sources. There is no reason to protect the fossil fuel monopoly on energy, none whatsoever, especially since it's a finite energy source.

There is no doubt that Man has altered the climate through Carbon Emissions. None.

What you can't answer is, "How much?"

How much is our fault and how much is natural? 1%? 2%? 80%?

You have no clue and neither do the lying morons who claim to be 'scientists'. They're not. They're useless academics who need to convince the stupid (dimocraps) that the "Sky Is Falling!!" so they can get some Grant Money.

Otherwise, they might have to go teach 8th Grade Physics.

The best 'Alternative Energy' Source is Nuclear Energy but dimocrap scum fight that like it's the Black Death.

We didn't even know how to build A Nuclear Power Plant when George Bush over-road dimocrap scum objections and pushed through the Permitting Process.

Nuclear renaissance began with Bush - Nuclear Energy?s Lobbying Push | Investigative Reporting Workshop

Which the Lying Cocksucker in Chief is honoring -- On the surface.

Behind the scenes, the Lying Cocksucker in Chief shut down the Yucca Mountain waste area and is keeping it shut despite COURT ORDERS to re-open it.

Lawmakers: NRC avoiding Yucca Mountain court order | The Daily Caller

He knows that when we run out waste disposal sites, we'll have to shut down the reactors.

dimocraps are scum.

You vote dimocrap, you are enabling scum. You keep doing it after being advised and you become scum yourself.

Just the way it is. Deal with it

dimocraps are scum

You could have the most valid point imaginable but your attitude sucks. I hardly ever read anything you write and never click any of your links because you are apparently unable to discuss anything without being a colossal foul-mouthed prick. Have your fun, call me names like a spoiled infant, but it is impossible to take you seriously child.
This fucker doesn't want anyone with opposing POV in the thread, it seems.

Apparently you can't read. If you could, you would know that my post is clearly addressing conservatives. The argument that one side is smarter or more honest has been argued to death in an uncountable number of other threads. You have nothing at all to add to this thread, you are just trolling. Good bye.

The best way to get responses to a worthless thread is to try to limit discussion to a specific segment of posters. Did you really think you could post such thing and not get liberals commenting? If you want less bullshit in your party's running dialog and ideology then simply rejecting things out-of-hand like usual is not the way to do it.
Be conservative, be skeptical, oppose Obama and the DNC, fight the destructive left wing agenda whenever and wherever it raises its ugly head, but don't abandon that's at important of conservative traits: thinking for yourself.

Great point.

The biggest problem with adherence to partisan ideology (among many problems) is that it causes people to automatically dumb down any issue to a simplistic, binary, bumper-sticker-like approach. Then both sides are doing it, and the conversation quickly becomes absolutely worthless.

Life is nuance, regardless of what the division pimps on teevee and radio say, and it takes intellectual honesty and a healthy dash of humility to admit to that. Too many people are just tossing out Pavlovian responses every single time to every single stimulus, and cooperation is viewed as capitulation. Such behavior doesn't really lead to progress or problem-solving.


Exactly, and no where is it worse than on Facebook, or so it seems to me. My future brother in law is a progressive and whenever he hits "like" on some nut ball left wing meme or site, it pops up on my feed. It's some of the most insane drivel but when I'm honest with myself, I've seen some equally inane crap done in the name of conservatism.

I'm tempted to excuse it as a justified tit for tat response or worse yet a stolen DNC tactic of the end justifies any means. While I'm being honest I must admit that I've been tolerating this stuff from my conservative friends for a while now, and that the only reason I am complaining now is for my affection for a childhood friend: Godzilla. Better late than never I suppose.
My journey to conservatism and the Libertarian Party is a long and complicated one. The only part that matters to this thread is that the hallmark of that journey is learning the importance of thinking for myself.

The Internet, especially Facebook is rife with misinformation, out if context statements, strawman arguments and even outright bull shit. I'm referring to the stuff that is coming FROM THE RIGHT.

Now, just about everything coming from the left is utter bull shit but we expect that. We conservatives don't need to do that. The left does it because they are devoid of facts, logic, and rational thought. We cannot allow ourselves to resort to the same things. The truth will win out, we need to stick to it.

I'm posting this as a result of my complete surprise to see on Facebook, conservative pages complaining if a liberal environmental message in the new Godzilla movie. I had just seen the movie and saw NO Environmental agenda being driven. This message seems to be going viral and it's obvious that whoever started it didn't see the movie.

Does Hollywood push the left wing agenda? Yes we all know that they do but they don't ALWAYS. They did not in this movie.

Be conservative, be skeptical, oppose Obama and the DNC, fight the destructive left wing agenda whenever and wherever it raises its ugly head, but don't abandon that's at important of conservative traits: thinking for yourself.

I'm skeptical of everything on the web as far as Godzilla as long as he looks like the classic original Godzilla in this movie and not the one from that god awful Matthew Broderick version I'm good.
This fucker doesn't want anyone with opposing POV in the thread, it seems.

Apparently you can't read. If you could, you would know that my post is clearly addressing conservatives. The argument that one side is smarter or more honest has been argued to death in an uncountable number of other threads. You have nothing at all to add to this thread, you are just trolling. Good bye.

The best way to get responses to a worthless thread is to try to limit discussion to a specific segment of posters. Did you really think you could post such thing and not get liberals commenting? If you want less bullshit in your party's running dialog and ideology then simply rejecting things out-of-hand like usual is not the way to do it.

I figured I'd get responses from liberals, reading comprehension isn't their strong suit. I don't care. Other than telling them to go jump in a lake, I won't respond. Even the empty-headed left will soon tire and leave.
My journey to conservatism and the Libertarian Party is a long and complicated one. The only part that matters to this thread is that the hallmark of that journey is learning the importance of thinking for myself.

The Internet, especially Facebook is rife with misinformation, out if context statements, strawman arguments and even outright bull shit. I'm referring to the stuff that is coming FROM THE RIGHT.

Now, just about everything coming from the left is utter bull shit but we expect that. We conservatives don't need to do that. The left does it because they are devoid of facts, logic, and rational thought. We cannot allow ourselves to resort to the same things. The truth will win out, we need to stick to it.

I'm posting this as a result of my complete surprise to see on Facebook, conservative pages complaining if a liberal environmental message in the new Godzilla movie. I had just seen the movie and saw NO Environmental agenda being driven. This message seems to be going viral and it's obvious that whoever started it didn't see the movie.

Does Hollywood push the left wing agenda? Yes we all know that they do but they don't ALWAYS. They did not in this movie.

Be conservative, be skeptical, oppose Obama and the DNC, fight the destructive left wing agenda whenever and wherever it raises its ugly head, but don't abandon that's at important of conservative traits: thinking for yourself.

I'm skeptical of everything on the web as far as Godzilla as long as he looks like the classic original Godzilla in this movie and not the one from that god awful Matthew Broderick version I'm good.

He does. This movie is more true to the later Japanese iterations than to the original, but it's far from the Broderick film.

More to the point. Not only does the movie not make an environmental point, it also shuns the original's anti atomic bomb message. I won't give it away, in case you see it, which I highly recommend.
Apparently you can't read. If you could, you would know that my post is clearly addressing conservatives. The argument that one side is smarter or more honest has been argued to death in an uncountable number of other threads. You have nothing at all to add to this thread, you are just trolling. Good bye.

The best way to get responses to a worthless thread is to try to limit discussion to a specific segment of posters. Did you really think you could post such thing and not get liberals commenting? If you want less bullshit in your party's running dialog and ideology then simply rejecting things out-of-hand like usual is not the way to do it.

I figured I'd get responses from liberals, reading comprehension isn't their strong suit. I don't care. Other than telling them to go jump in a lake, I won't respond. Even the empty-headed left will soon tire and leave.
I might hang out a while until you all collectively decide that there is nothing at all wrong with the right and all the stupidity is on the left after all.
My journey to conservatism and the Libertarian Party is a long and complicated one. The only part that matters to this thread is that the hallmark of that journey is learning the importance of thinking for myself.

The Internet, especially Facebook is rife with misinformation, out if context statements, strawman arguments and even outright bull shit. I'm referring to the stuff that is coming FROM THE RIGHT.

Now, just about everything coming from the left is utter bull shit but we expect that. We conservatives don't need to do that. The left does it because they are devoid of facts, logic, and rational thought. We cannot allow ourselves to resort to the same things. The truth will win out, we need to stick to it.

I'm posting this as a result of my complete surprise to see on Facebook, conservative pages complaining if a liberal environmental message in the new Godzilla movie. I had just seen the movie and saw NO Environmental agenda being driven. This message seems to be going viral and it's obvious that whoever started it didn't see the movie.

Does Hollywood push the left wing agenda? Yes we all know that they do but they don't ALWAYS. They did not in this movie.

Be conservative, be skeptical, oppose Obama and the DNC, fight the destructive left wing agenda whenever and wherever it raises its ugly head, but don't abandon that's at important of conservative traits: thinking for yourself.

I'm skeptical of everything on the web as far as Godzilla as long as he looks like the classic original Godzilla in this movie and not the one from that god awful Matthew Broderick version I'm good.

He does. This movie is more true to the later Japanese iterations than to the original, but it's far from the Broderick film.

More to the point. Not only does the movie not make an environmental point, it also shuns the original's anti atomic bomb message. I won't give it away, in case you see it, which I highly recommend.

Thanks I might check it out now was leaning to pass before.
Be conservative, be skeptical, oppose Obama and the DNC, fight the destructive left wing agenda whenever and wherever it raises its ugly head, but don't abandon that's at important of conservative traits: thinking for yourself.

Great point.

The biggest problem with adherence to partisan ideology (among many problems) is that it causes people to automatically dumb down any issue to a simplistic, binary, bumper-sticker-like approach. Then both sides are doing it, and the conversation quickly becomes absolutely worthless.

Life is nuance, regardless of what the division pimps on teevee and radio say, and it takes intellectual honesty and a healthy dash of humility to admit to that. Too many people are just tossing out Pavlovian responses every single time to every single stimulus, and cooperation is viewed as capitulation. Such behavior doesn't really lead to progress or problem-solving.


You called a pile of shit a great point. You have basically agreed that thinking for oneself is a conservative trait. Did you realize that?

And.... Powers is FOX Democrat. She says shit like that.
This fucker doesn't want anyone with opposing POV in the thread, it seems.

Apparently you can't read. If you could, you would know that my post is clearly addressing conservatives. The argument that one side is smarter or more honest has been argued to death in an uncountable number of other threads. You have nothing at all to add to this thread, you are just trolling. Good bye.

You have started a thread discussing how conservatives are not being real......and are not practicing independent thought. HAD to spend much of your time telling us all how liberals are this and that.

Get it, idiot? I am addressing your bullshit.

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