Dear fellow Conservatives....

Be conservative, be skeptical, oppose Obama and the DNC, fight the destructive left wing agenda whenever and wherever it raises its ugly head, but don't abandon that's at important of conservative traits: thinking for yourself.

Great point.

The biggest problem with adherence to partisan ideology (among many problems) is that it causes people to automatically dumb down any issue to a simplistic, binary, bumper-sticker-like approach. Then both sides are doing it, and the conversation quickly becomes absolutely worthless.

Life is nuance, regardless of what the division pimps on teevee and radio say, and it takes intellectual honesty and a healthy dash of humility to admit to that. Too many people are just tossing out Pavlovian responses every single time to every single stimulus, and cooperation is viewed as capitulation. Such behavior doesn't really lead to progress or problem-solving.


Exactly, and no where is it worse than on Facebook, or so it seems to me. My future brother in law is a progressive and whenever he hits "like" on some nut ball left wing meme or site, it pops up on my feed. It's some of the most insane drivel but when I'm honest with myself, I've seen some equally inane crap done in the name of conservatism.

I'm tempted to excuse it as a justified tit for tat response or worse yet a stolen DNC tactic of the end justifies any means. While I'm being honest I must admit that I've been tolerating this stuff from my conservative friends for a while now, and that the only reason I am complaining now is for my affection for a childhood friend: Godzilla. Better late than never I suppose.

Again...cant bang on your conservative pals without softening the blow by dogging libs. You suck.

And no....not better late than never.
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My journey to conservatism and the Libertarian Party is a long and complicated one. The only part that matters to this thread is that the hallmark of that journey is learning the importance of thinking for myself.


That's a good one.

You're kidding, right?
Be conservative, be skeptical, oppose Obama and the DNC, fight the destructive left wing agenda whenever and wherever it raises its ugly head, but don't abandon that's at important of conservative traits: thinking for yourself.
Thinking for yourself is not conservative, it's Liberal, and the rest of your post shows the same lack of knowledge and understanding.
This fucker doesn't want anyone with opposing POV in the thread, it seems.

Apparently you can't read. If you could, you would know that my post is clearly addressing conservatives. The argument that one side is smarter or more honest has been argued to death in an uncountable number of other threads. You have nothing at all to add to this thread, you are just trolling. Good bye.

You have started a thread discussing how conservatives are not being real......and are not practicing independent thought. HAD to spend much of your time telling us all how liberals are this and that.

Get it, idiot? I am addressing your bullshit.

As I know I've told you more than once, you have serious reading comprehension problems. As plainly evident by what you got out of my OP. Reading words you can do, but understanding what those words, put into a sentence, and those sentences into paragraphs to convey an idea, well that's beyond you evidently.

Lets see if I can dumb it down enough for you:

I'm talking to conservatives only because liberals can't add anything nor receive anything of value from the discussion. The best you can do is make the point I already made. Then there's the fact that I don't care what any of you people think so you are wasting everyone's time.

I don't know how to dumb it down any more than that.

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My journey to conservatism and the Libertarian Party is a long and complicated one. The only part that matters to this thread is that the hallmark of that journey is learning the importance of thinking for myself.

The Internet, especially Facebook is rife with misinformation, out if context statements, strawman arguments and even outright bull shit. I'm referring to the stuff that is coming FROM THE RIGHT.

Now, just about everything coming from the left is utter bull shit but we expect that. We conservatives don't need to do that. The left does it because they are devoid of facts, logic, and rational thought. We cannot allow ourselves to resort to the same things. The truth will win out, we need to stick to it.

I'm posting this as a result of my complete surprise to see on Facebook, conservative pages complaining if a liberal environmental message in the new Godzilla movie. I had just seen the movie and saw NO Environmental agenda being driven. This message seems to be going viral and it's obvious that whoever started it didn't see the movie.

Does Hollywood push the left wing agenda? Yes we all know that they do but they don't ALWAYS. They did not in this movie.

Be conservative, be skeptical, oppose Obama and the DNC, fight the destructive left wing agenda whenever and wherever it raises its ugly head, but don't abandon that's at important of conservative traits: thinking for yourself.

I agree with you big time on this. Uou never see liberals post stuff like this. And this is why this crap really doesnt happen with conservatives, because were not robots and have orginizations tell us what to do. You also see very little protests from the right and if you do, the people arent paid and no why they are protesting

i havent seen it yet, but plan on it if word of mouth is good. I planned on seeing noah but wife got sick and so well catch it on dvd.
My journey to conservatism and the Libertarian Party is a long and complicated one. The only part that matters to this thread is that the hallmark of that journey is learning the importance of thinking for myself.

The Internet, especially Facebook is rife with misinformation, out if context statements, strawman arguments and even outright bull shit. I'm referring to the stuff that is coming FROM THE RIGHT.

Now, just about everything coming from the left is utter bull shit but we expect that. We conservatives don't need to do that. The left does it because they are devoid of facts, logic, and rational thought. We cannot allow ourselves to resort to the same things. The truth will win out, we need to stick to it.

I'm posting this as a result of my complete surprise to see on Facebook, conservative pages complaining if a liberal environmental message in the new Godzilla movie. I had just seen the movie and saw NO Environmental agenda being driven. This message seems to be going viral and it's obvious that whoever started it didn't see the movie.

Does Hollywood push the left wing agenda? Yes we all know that they do but they don't ALWAYS. They did not in this movie.

Be conservative, be skeptical, oppose Obama and the DNC, fight the destructive left wing agenda whenever and wherever it raises its ugly head, but don't abandon that's at important of conservative traits: thinking for yourself.

I agree with you big time on this. Uou never see liberals post stuff like this. And this is why this crap really doesnt happen with conservatives, because were not robots and have orginizations tell us what to do. You also see very little protests from the right and if you do, the people arent paid and no why they are protesting

i havent seen it yet, but plan on it if word of mouth is good. I planned on seeing noah but wife got sick and so well catch it on dvd.

Deep delusion is deep.
Apparently you can't read. If you could, you would know that my post is clearly addressing conservatives. The argument that one side is smarter or more honest has been argued to death in an uncountable number of other threads. You have nothing at all to add to this thread, you are just trolling. Good bye.

You have started a thread discussing how conservatives are not being real......and are not practicing independent thought. HAD to spend much of your time telling us all how liberals are this and that.

Get it, idiot? I am addressing your bullshit.

As I know I've told you more than once, you have serious reading comprehension problems. As plainly evident by what you got out of my OP. Reading words you can do, but understanding what those words, put into a sentence, and those sentences into paragraphs to convey an idea, well that's beyond you evidently.

Lets see if I can dumb it down enough for you:

I'm talking to conservatives only because liberals can't add anything nor receive anything of value from the discussion. The best you can do is make the point I already made. Then there's the fact that I don't care what any of you people think so you are wasting everyone's time.

I don't know how to dumb it down any more than that.

Thinking for yourself means you reject the opinions of those who disagree with you out of hand? Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner.
My journey to conservatism and the Libertarian Party is a long and complicated one. The only part that matters to this thread is that the hallmark of that journey is learning the importance of thinking for myself.

The Internet, especially Facebook is rife with misinformation, out if context statements, strawman arguments and even outright bull shit. I'm referring to the stuff that is coming FROM THE RIGHT.

Now, just about everything coming from the left is utter bull shit but we expect that. We conservatives don't need to do that. The left does it because they are devoid of facts, logic, and rational thought. We cannot allow ourselves to resort to the same things. The truth will win out, we need to stick to it.

I'm posting this as a result of my complete surprise to see on Facebook, conservative pages complaining if a liberal environmental message in the new Godzilla movie. I had just seen the movie and saw NO Environmental agenda being driven. This message seems to be going viral and it's obvious that whoever started it didn't see the movie.

Does Hollywood push the left wing agenda? Yes we all know that they do but they don't ALWAYS. They did not in this movie.

Be conservative, be skeptical, oppose Obama and the DNC, fight the destructive left wing agenda whenever and wherever it raises its ugly head, but don't abandon that's at important of conservative traits: thinking for yourself.
Yup, both sides have their agitators and demonizers. Except the left seems to have cornered that market in recent years.
My journey to conservatism and the Libertarian Party is a long and complicated one. The only part that matters to this thread is that the hallmark of that journey is learning the importance of thinking for myself.

The Internet, especially Facebook is rife with misinformation, out if context statements, strawman arguments and even outright bull shit. I'm referring to the stuff that is coming FROM THE RIGHT.

Now, just about everything coming from the left is utter bull shit but we expect that. We conservatives don't need to do that. The left does it because they are devoid of facts, logic, and rational thought. We cannot allow ourselves to resort to the same things. The truth will win out, we need to stick to it.

I'm posting this as a result of my complete surprise to see on Facebook, conservative pages complaining if a liberal environmental message in the new Godzilla movie. I had just seen the movie and saw NO Environmental agenda being driven. This message seems to be going viral and it's obvious that whoever started it didn't see the movie.

Does Hollywood push the left wing agenda? Yes we all know that they do but they don't ALWAYS. They did not in this movie.

Be conservative, be skeptical, oppose Obama and the DNC, fight the destructive left wing agenda whenever and wherever it raises its ugly head, but don't abandon that's at important of conservative traits: thinking for yourself.

I agree with you big time on this. Uou never see liberals post stuff like this. And this is why this crap really doesnt happen with conservatives, because were not robots and have orginizations tell us what to do. You also see very little protests from the right and if you do, the people arent paid and no why they are protesting

i havent seen it yet, but plan on it if word of mouth is good. I planned on seeing noah but wife got sick and so well catch it on dvd.

I didn't see Noah, I will probably watch it on Netflix later. You know that Glenn Beck said not to see it? I think he was looking for a biblical story. He claims that its an environmental propaganda film but seriously, where were the coal fired power plants and the SUVs? Seriously, let the democrats abandon independantly thought for conformity and group speak. We need to fight that shit tooth and nail.
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You have started a thread discussing how conservatives are not being real......and are not practicing independent thought. HAD to spend much of your time telling us all how liberals are this and that.

Get it, idiot? I am addressing your bullshit.

As I know I've told you more than once, you have serious reading comprehension problems. As plainly evident by what you got out of my OP. Reading words you can do, but understanding what those words, put into a sentence, and those sentences into paragraphs to convey an idea, well that's beyond you evidently.

Lets see if I can dumb it down enough for you:

I'm talking to conservatives only because liberals can't add anything nor receive anything of value from the discussion. The best you can do is make the point I already made. Then there's the fact that I don't care what any of you people think so you are wasting everyone's time.

I don't know how to dumb it down any more than that.

Thinking for yourself means you reject the opinions of those who disagree with you out of hand? Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner.

Apparently I couldn't dumb it down far enough for you.
My journey to conservatism and the Libertarian Party is a long and complicated one. The only part that matters to this thread is that the hallmark of that journey is learning the importance of thinking for myself.

The Internet, especially Facebook is rife with misinformation, out if context statements, strawman arguments and even outright bull shit. I'm referring to the stuff that is coming FROM THE RIGHT.

Now, just about everything coming from the left is utter bull shit but we expect that. We conservatives don't need to do that. The left does it because they are devoid of facts, logic, and rational thought. We cannot allow ourselves to resort to the same things. The truth will win out, we need to stick to it.

I'm posting this as a result of my complete surprise to see on Facebook, conservative pages complaining if a liberal environmental message in the new Godzilla movie. I had just seen the movie and saw NO Environmental agenda being driven. This message seems to be going viral and it's obvious that whoever started it didn't see the movie.

Does Hollywood push the left wing agenda? Yes we all know that they do but they don't ALWAYS. They did not in this movie.

Be conservative, be skeptical, oppose Obama and the DNC, fight the destructive left wing agenda whenever and wherever it raises its ugly head, but don't abandon that's at important of conservative traits: thinking for yourself.
IT gets even worse than that. I often see people who read subject lines (I've been guilty of it a few times) and assume that the posted information relates to that. I have also read what they claim is the subject and found no evidence of the subject at all, or a total misreading of what the news article or other piece of information is stating.

I realize that the left think that conservatives are not fact based, but that is because they have their heads so far up Obama's ass that they refuse to look at anything that does not look like a prostrate as facts.

Me, I could care less. However, I do often find that the alleged conservatives on this forum are too busy worrying about who can ban whom, what gossip is being spoken about others or themselves, and simply want to play at soap opera.

Why not just read the information, think on it a while, and come up with a response based upon reflection rather than current hype?

And for the love of God, stop feeding the trolls (which is about 96% of the left on this forum). Just ignore those who make snide and stupid remarks like where are the WMD's? They lost that debate years ago.

Unless one comes here just to argue for the sake of arguing. If thats true, stop calling yourself conservative and just call yourself juvenile.
My journey to conservatism and the Libertarian Party is a long and complicated one. The only part that matters to this thread is that the hallmark of that journey is learning the importance of thinking for myself.

The Internet, especially Facebook is rife with misinformation, out if context statements, strawman arguments and even outright bull shit. I'm referring to the stuff that is coming FROM THE RIGHT.

Now, just about everything coming from the left is utter bull shit but we expect that. We conservatives don't need to do that. The left does it because they are devoid of facts, logic, and rational thought. We cannot allow ourselves to resort to the same things. The truth will win out, we need to stick to it.

I'm posting this as a result of my complete surprise to see on Facebook, conservative pages complaining if a liberal environmental message in the new Godzilla movie. I had just seen the movie and saw NO Environmental agenda being driven. This message seems to be going viral and it's obvious that whoever started it didn't see the movie.

Does Hollywood push the left wing agenda? Yes we all know that they do but they don't ALWAYS. They did not in this movie.

Be conservative, be skeptical, oppose Obama and the DNC, fight the destructive left wing agenda whenever and wherever it raises its ugly head, but don't abandon that's at important of conservative traits: thinking for yourself.
Yup, both sides have their agitators and demonizers. Except the left seems to have cornered that market in recent years.

Yeah, and I'm probably not going to stop even our side from doing it too. As I speak the number if conservatives adding their comments to the idiotic Facebook rant about the Godzilla movie is growing. Logically I can see how people are so easily tempted to let others think for them, it just makes me sad because we don't have to do that. The libs of course have to have group thought, engaging their brains would cause them to become conservative.
As I know I've told you more than once, you have serious reading comprehension problems. As plainly evident by what you got out of my OP. Reading words you can do, but understanding what those words, put into a sentence, and those sentences into paragraphs to convey an idea, well that's beyond you evidently.

Lets see if I can dumb it down enough for you:

I'm talking to conservatives only because liberals can't add anything nor receive anything of value from the discussion. The best you can do is make the point I already made. Then there's the fact that I don't care what any of you people think so you are wasting everyone's time.

I don't know how to dumb it down any more than that.

Thinking for yourself means you reject the opinions of those who disagree with you out of hand? Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner.

Apparently I couldn't dumb it down far enough for you.

Oh no, if you got any dumber I'd believe I was talking to a dog, who types well.

A Free Thinker is never conservative. They may have Conservative thoughts and opinions on certain things but the very act itself, means you are Liberal. It's the act itself, not what comes of it, what you might then later support, or who you might then vote for. See how that works now?
My journey to conservatism and the Libertarian Party is a long and complicated one. The only part that matters to this thread is that the hallmark of that journey is learning the importance of thinking for myself.

The Internet, especially Facebook is rife with misinformation, out if context statements, strawman arguments and even outright bull shit. I'm referring to the stuff that is coming FROM THE RIGHT.

Now, just about everything coming from the left is utter bull shit but we expect that. We conservatives don't need to do that. The left does it because they are devoid of facts, logic, and rational thought. We cannot allow ourselves to resort to the same things. The truth will win out, we need to stick to it.

I'm posting this as a result of my complete surprise to see on Facebook, conservative pages complaining if a liberal environmental message in the new Godzilla movie. I had just seen the movie and saw NO Environmental agenda being driven. This message seems to be going viral and it's obvious that whoever started it didn't see the movie.

Does Hollywood push the left wing agenda? Yes we all know that they do but they don't ALWAYS. They did not in this movie.

Be conservative, be skeptical, oppose Obama and the DNC, fight the destructive left wing agenda whenever and wherever it raises its ugly head, but don't abandon that's at important of conservative traits: thinking for yourself.
IT gets even worse than that. I often see people who read subject lines (I've been guilty of it a few times) and assume that the posted information relates to that. I have also read what they claim is the subject and found no evidence of the subject at all, or a total misreading of what the news article or other piece of information is stating.

I realize that the left think that conservatives are not fact based, but that is because they have their heads so far up Obama's ass that they refuse to look at anything that does not look like a prostrate as facts.

Me, I could care less. However, I do often find that the alleged conservatives on this forum are too busy worrying about who can ban whom, what gossip is being spoken about others or themselves, and simply want to play at soap opera.

Why not just read the information, think on it a while, and come up with a response based upon reflection rather than current hype?

And for the love of God, stop feeding the trolls (which is about 96% of the left on this forum). Just ignore those who make snide and stupid remarks like where are the WMD's? They lost that debate years ago.

Unless one comes here just to argue for the sake of arguing. If thats true, stop calling yourself conservative and just call yourself juvenile.

You're talking about here on USMB, man, don't even get me started on that!
This may be too much for the liberal minds to grasp but here goes:

Listen up trolls, you can have the discussion of your relative ignorance in just about any thread out there, I'd be glad to expose your stupidity for you. Just not in this thread where I'm trying to make a point TO CONSERVATIVES. As of this post I'll not participate in your polluting of my thread with your inane and ignorant jibberish.

Here is a thread that I created a whole back where I theorize on what makes liberals so ignorant, I'll be glad to argue the level if your ignorance there:
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This may be too much for the liberal minds to grasp but here goes:

Listen up trolls, you can have the discussion of your relative ignorance in just about any thread out there, I'd be glad to expose your stupidity for you. Just not in this thread where I'm trying to make a point TO CONSERVATIVES. As of this post I'll not participate in your polluting of my thread with your inane and ignorant jibberish.

Sweetcheeks, on a unrestricted, non-partisan but generally reactionary public forum, you get what you get, so take your drama queen act and go post it elsewhere.

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