Dear fellow Conservatives....

It's one thing to believe that man has not altered the climate through our massive use of fossil fuel, I can see where people who reject science might think it's far-fetched, but that attitude carries all the way into a unreasoning hatred of alternative energy sources. There is no reason to protect the fossil fuel monopoly on energy, none whatsoever, especially since it's a finite energy source.

There is no doubt that Man has altered the climate through Carbon Emissions. None.

What you can't answer is, "How much?"

How much is our fault and how much is natural? 1%? 2%? 80%?

You have no clue and neither do the lying morons who claim to be 'scientists'. They're not. They're useless academics who need to convince the stupid (dimocraps) that the "Sky Is Falling!!" so they can get some Grant Money.

Otherwise, they might have to go teach 8th Grade Physics.

The best 'Alternative Energy' Source is Nuclear Energy but dimocrap scum fight that like it's the Black Death.

We didn't even know how to build A Nuclear Power Plant when George Bush over-road dimocrap scum objections and pushed through the Permitting Process.

Nuclear renaissance began with Bush - Nuclear Energy?s Lobbying Push | Investigative Reporting Workshop

Which the Lying Cocksucker in Chief is honoring -- On the surface.

Behind the scenes, the Lying Cocksucker in Chief shut down the Yucca Mountain waste area and is keeping it shut despite COURT ORDERS to re-open it.

Lawmakers: NRC avoiding Yucca Mountain court order | The Daily Caller

He knows that when we run out waste disposal sites, we'll have to shut down the reactors.

dimocraps are scum.

You vote dimocrap, you are enabling scum. You keep doing it after being advised and you become scum yourself.

Just the way it is. Deal with it

dimocraps are scum

You could have the most valid point imaginable but your attitude sucks. I hardly ever read anything you write and never click any of your links because you are apparently unable to discuss anything without being a colossal foul-mouthed prick. Have your fun, call me names like a spoiled infant, but it is impossible to take you seriously child.

I admit I waste little time on your posts because they are so whiny but I too get turned off by Ed's "dimocrap" bashing. Too many threads with potential are reduced to flaming.
That is your opinion, and I know that people who smoke pot exist in the LP Party but it isn't the whole party by any stretch of the imagination. But this is a discussion for another thread.

Even without the pot argument, doesn't it make more sense to work within the republican party than waste a vote on a forlorn hope that a party that has never garnered a single electoral vote in 150 years can sill somehow elect a president? You can tell by the left wing hysteria that they hate and fear the Tea Party because it is s strong influence in the GOP. My guess is the post is either based on ignorance or it is a part of the left wing dirty tricks plan to suppress voter turnout in the republican party.

Ok, like I said, this is off topic. The relative merits of the LP has been discussed many times before. You had the last word now so I'll go back to the relevant posts.

Dude must have been a hall monitor or a crossing guard. Just let the discussion flow, Joe.
There is no doubt that Man has altered the climate through Carbon Emissions. None.

What you can't answer is, "How much?"

How much is our fault and how much is natural? 1%? 2%? 80%?

You have no clue and neither do the lying morons who claim to be 'scientists'. They're not. They're useless academics who need to convince the stupid (dimocraps) that the "Sky Is Falling!!" so they can get some Grant Money.

Otherwise, they might have to go teach 8th Grade Physics.

The best 'Alternative Energy' Source is Nuclear Energy but dimocrap scum fight that like it's the Black Death.

We didn't even know how to build A Nuclear Power Plant when George Bush over-road dimocrap scum objections and pushed through the Permitting Process.

Nuclear renaissance began with Bush - Nuclear Energy?s Lobbying Push | Investigative Reporting Workshop

Which the Lying Cocksucker in Chief is honoring -- On the surface.

Behind the scenes, the Lying Cocksucker in Chief shut down the Yucca Mountain waste area and is keeping it shut despite COURT ORDERS to re-open it.

Lawmakers: NRC avoiding Yucca Mountain court order | The Daily Caller

He knows that when we run out waste disposal sites, we'll have to shut down the reactors.

dimocraps are scum.

You vote dimocrap, you are enabling scum. You keep doing it after being advised and you become scum yourself.

Just the way it is. Deal with it

dimocraps are scum

You could have the most valid point imaginable but your attitude sucks. I hardly ever read anything you write and never click any of your links because you are apparently unable to discuss anything without being a colossal foul-mouthed prick. Have your fun, call me names like a spoiled infant, but it is impossible to take you seriously child.

I admit I waste little time on your posts because they are so whiny but I too get turned off by Ed's "dimocrap" bashing. Too many threads with potential are reduced to flaming.

How about that.
I saw the Day After Tomorrow once a long time ago and though I have a vague remembrance of an environmental message, I don't remember for sure. Not only was Avatar a stupid movie but it is an almost exact copy of Fern Gully. It was a rip off that I'll never watch again that's for sure.

As far as Glenn Beck and Rush, I love listening to them but I cringe when Rush says "Don't think, let me do it for you."

My favorite radio talkers of all time was Neil Boortz who used to say don't believe anything I tell you unless you do the research yourself. I think I've heard Beck say something like that recently too.

yeah neil boortz was great, i also like laura ingram as well. And they all say that even rusn. Now i think that kind of talk is just to get a rile out of some people. Along with half my brain tied behind my back and talent on loan from god and alot of other stuff, he says to piss off people and it works to a degree in getting attention and pissing off people.

These guys and gals are mostly entertainers, and Boortz was by far the most entertaining, but you HAVE to be skeptical when you listen. The good thing about listening to them is that you hear from opposing voices. If it wasn't for them, all we would hear is the Obama living MSM and that would be dark days.

The good thing about USMB is that I don't have to listen to the MSM ( I already almost never watch FOX), the lefties here are more than willing to give you the official Obama Approved talking points upon request. They are generous like that. ;)

There are Obama approved talking points? You have seen them?
As strange as this sounds, I depend a lot on this message board for my information. If there is a subject that I want to know about I can usually find it already being discussed somewhere here.

On the MSM you can't get an unbiased review of a subject. Same goes with FOX. You could try to listen to one, then the other in order to get both sides, but it's easier to check with USMB where you can get the left and right view, and if you prefer, even the left wing nut view. Likely the truth lies somewhere in the middle of all that.
I tend to use the footnotes on wikipedia as a jumping off point of any research I want to do on a subject. The footnotes often lead to real data and information that can then be used to do further research.

The footnotes are also the reason I don't use wikipedia as a definitive (or even reasonable) information source. Too often, when one researches the footnotes, you'll find that the articles in wikipedia do not match the research.

But hey, to each their own. I don't waste too much time on this forum with the research I do. Mainly because it isn't political research and I don't believe that anyone on the left here would accept anything but their own beliefs. That makes it a waste of My time.

Anyway. Need to run. I have to go accomplish something today. lol
This conversation has morphed into an interesting discussion that is still relevant to the topic IMO. It is also a topic that participation from the left could be informative. We were discussing how you cannot get unbiased info anywhere and that you have to do your research yourself to find the truth. Liberal input us now welcome.

I gave you three radio sources that would be better for your goal than what you are now listening to. Gonna try listening?

And....liberal input was always welcome. You just didn't know it.

I will look into them. No guarantees though. Between reading USA Today, posting here, and listening to conservative talk radio, I got just about everything covered.
Even without the pot argument, doesn't it make more sense to work within the republican party than waste a vote on a forlorn hope that a party that has never garnered a single electoral vote in 150 years can sill somehow elect a president? You can tell by the left wing hysteria that they hate and fear the Tea Party because it is s strong influence in the GOP. My guess is the post is either based on ignorance or it is a part of the left wing dirty tricks plan to suppress voter turnout in the republican party.

Ok, like I said, this is off topic. The relative merits of the LP has been discussed many times before. You had the last word now so I'll go back to the relevant posts.

Dude must have been a hall monitor or a crossing guard. Just let the discussion flow, Joe.

He can talk about it all he wants to, it's irrelevant to the thread so I don't care to participate.
Yeah! Beck fans are well known to be free thinkers. You betcha.

What would you know about 'free thinking?' All's you do is tow the party line.

You have no idea what you are talking about. I've got one of the few quality bullshit filters on display here at the USMB. You could get plenty of examples of my free thought if you could maintain a decent conversation.
yeah neil boortz was great, i also like laura ingram as well. And they all say that even rusn. Now i think that kind of talk is just to get a rile out of some people. Along with half my brain tied behind my back and talent on loan from god and alot of other stuff, he says to piss off people and it works to a degree in getting attention and pissing off people.

These guys and gals are mostly entertainers, and Boortz was by far the most entertaining, but you HAVE to be skeptical when you listen. The good thing about listening to them is that you hear from opposing voices. If it wasn't for them, all we would hear is the Obama living MSM and that would be dark days.

The good thing about USMB is that I don't have to listen to the MSM ( I already almost never watch FOX), the lefties here are more than willing to give you the official Obama Approved talking points upon request. They are generous like that. ;)

There are Obama approved talking points? You have seen them?

All over the board. It's good that they are there too. Left wing talking points are how I can find out the other side of the story, that is, when they are coherent.
Ok, like I said, this is off topic. The relative merits of the LP has been discussed many times before. You had the last word now so I'll go back to the relevant posts.

Dude must have been a hall monitor or a crossing guard. Just let the discussion flow, Joe.

He can talk about it all he wants to, it's irrelevant to the thread so I don't care to participate.

Then don't. Why slap his wrist like some kind of babysitter? You have been parading around the thread telling us who you want to hear from and on what subject. Get a grip.
And it isn't just Facebook. It's on the rest of the Internet, and on conservative radio as well. I listen to Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh and I know without a doubt that some of the things they both say is not quite the whole story. We here in Orlando have a morning conservative guy names Bud Hedinger who is one of the worst as far as giving conservatives a bad name, but he's the only think on at that time of the day. I listen to them because I'll always listen to opposing voices. Mainly for the balance.

The more critically and independantly you think, the more likely you are to find the truth, and the more likely you are to be conservative. Lets let the left wing sheeple spout mindless talking points, and evasive deceptive lies. We don't need to do that. The progressives cannot win in the arena of truth and ideas. Our greatest strength is our intellect, and critical thinking skills. Lets not turn that over to pre made, cut and paste, like and share snippits of popular drivel.

The real prob being peeps vote their wallets and as long as Dems are giving it all away - and they will until there's nothing left to give - those on the receiving end will continue to vote for them.

Urban Dictionary: Ineptocracy

Prove that. Please.
This conversation has morphed into an interesting discussion that is still relevant to the topic IMO. It is also a topic that participation from the left could be informative. We were discussing how you cannot get unbiased info anywhere and that you have to do your research yourself to find the truth. Liberal input us now welcome.

I gave you three radio sources that would be better for your goal than what you are now listening to. Gonna try listening?

And....liberal input was always welcome. You just didn't know it.

I will look into them. No guarantees though. Between reading USA Today, posting here, and listening to conservative talk radio, I got just about everything covered.

No you don't. Trust me.
These guys and gals are mostly entertainers, and Boortz was by far the most entertaining, but you HAVE to be skeptical when you listen. The good thing about listening to them is that you hear from opposing voices. If it wasn't for them, all we would hear is the Obama living MSM and that would be dark days.

The good thing about USMB is that I don't have to listen to the MSM ( I already almost never watch FOX), the lefties here are more than willing to give you the official Obama Approved talking points upon request. They are generous like that. ;)

There are Obama approved talking points? You have seen them?

All over the board. It's good that they are there too. Left wing talking points are how I can find out the other side of the story, that is, when they are coherent.

Why not try having an actual conversation with one of us. You honest one without loaded questions, bullshit claims and dopey psychoanalysis.

You might just get a glimpse of what being a critical thinking liberal is all about.
As strange as this sounds, I depend a lot on this message board for my information. If there is a subject that I want to know about I can usually find it already being discussed somewhere here.

On the MSM you can't get an unbiased review of a subject. Same goes with FOX. You could try to listen to one, then the other in order to get both sides, but it's easier to check with USMB where you can get the left and right view, and if you prefer, even the left wing nut view. Likely the truth lies somewhere in the middle of all that.
I tend to use the footnotes on wikipedia as a jumping off point of any research I want to do on a subject. The footnotes often lead to real data and information that can then be used to do further research.

The footnotes are also the reason I don't use wikipedia as a definitive (or even reasonable) information source. Too often, when one researches the footnotes, you'll find that the articles in wikipedia do not match the research.

But hey, to each their own. I don't waste too much time on this forum with the research I do. Mainly because it isn't political research and I don't believe that anyone on the left here would accept anything but their own beliefs. That makes it a waste of My time.

Anyway. Need to run. I have to go accomplish something today. lol

I don't use Wiki simply because it isn't necessary for me to do so. Between USA Today, the USMB, right wing radio, and my progressive future son in law, I get just about all of the data I need to get to the truth.
The best way to get responses to a worthless thread is to try to limit discussion to a specific segment of posters. Did you really think you could post such thing and not get liberals commenting? If you want less bullshit in your party's running dialog and ideology then simply rejecting things out-of-hand like usual is not the way to do it.

I figured I'd get responses from liberals, reading comprehension isn't their strong suit. I don't care. Other than telling them to go jump in a lake, I won't respond. Even the empty-headed left will soon tire and leave.
I might hang out a while until you all collectively decide that there is nothing at all wrong with the right and all the stupidity is on the left after all.

OK ... you've convinced me. Now you can go. Buh-bye. :D
I gave you three radio sources that would be better for your goal than what you are now listening to. Gonna try listening?

And....liberal input was always welcome. You just didn't know it.

I will look into them. No guarantees though. Between reading USA Today, posting here, and listening to conservative talk radio, I got just about everything covered.

No you don't. Trust me.

Yeah well therein lies the problem. You can't be trusted.
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There are Obama approved talking points? You have seen them?

All over the board. It's good that they are there too. Left wing talking points are how I can find out the other side of the story, that is, when they are coherent.

Why not try having an actual conversation with one of us. You honest one without loaded questions, bullshit claims and dopey psychoanalysis.

You might just get a glimpse of what being a critical thinking liberal is all about.

Been there done that. This isn't my first board. I can recognise left wing bull shit right off the bat these days. From time to time I find myself bored and will engage in conversation with the left but they quickly get irritated because I won't fall in line and it degenerates. But the reason I won't put lefties on ignore is because I want to hear all sides, except in the case of direct questioning like the original attempt of this OP.

I read all if the posts on the topics that interest me, left and right. Then through the use of logic, critical thinking, and further research, I find the answer.

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