Dear fellow Conservatives....

All over the board. It's good that they are there too. Left wing talking points are how I can find out the other side of the story, that is, when they are coherent.

Why not try having an actual conversation with one of us. You honest one without loaded questions, bullshit claims and dopey psychoanalysis.

You might just get a glimpse of what being a critical thinking liberal is all about.

Been there done that. This isn't my first board. I can recognise left wing bull shit right off the bat these days. From time to time I find myself bored and will engage in conversation with the left but they quickly get irritated because I won't fall in line and it degenerates. But the reason I won't put lefties on ignore is because I want to hear all sides, except in the case of direct questioning like the original attempt of this OP.

I read all if the posts on the topics that interest me, left and right. Then through the use of logic, critical thinking, and further research, I find the answer.

Are you telling me that you have no desire to engage in an honest open conversation with me....because you already know what I am going to say and how I am going to saying?
The point again is that people right now, who haven't even seen the Godzilla movie are swearing off seeing a good movie because some right wing blogger who also has not seen the movie, said to. This goes on on the left all the time. Not about movies because so few movies go against them but restaurants that don't conform, and whole groups of people who are painted with the same brush because on one persons out if context statement. It's ridiculous whether it comes from the right or the left.
My journey to conservatism and the Libertarian Party is a long and complicated one. The only part that matters to this thread is that the hallmark of that journey is learning the importance of thinking for myself.

The Internet, especially Facebook is rife with misinformation, out if context statements, strawman arguments and even outright bull shit. I'm referring to the stuff that is coming FROM THE RIGHT.

Now, just about everything coming from the left is utter bull shit but we expect that. We conservatives don't need to do that. The left does it because they are devoid of facts, logic, and rational thought. We cannot allow ourselves to resort to the same things. The truth will win out, we need to stick to it.

I'm posting this as a result of my complete surprise to see on Facebook, conservative pages complaining if a liberal environmental message in the new Godzilla movie. I had just seen the movie and saw NO Environmental agenda being driven. This message seems to be going viral and it's obvious that whoever started it didn't see the movie.

Does Hollywood push the left wing agenda? Yes we all know that they do but they don't ALWAYS. They did not in this movie.

Be conservative, be skeptical, oppose Obama and the DNC, fight the destructive left wing agenda whenever and wherever it raises its ugly head, but don't abandon that's at important of conservative traits: thinking for yourself.

Actually not.

There is no such thing as ‘the left,’ there are conservatives and those who are not. Indeed, it could be well argued that there is no such thing as ‘conservatives,’ for that matter.

In addition, that the truth and facts conflict with conservative dogma make neither ‘bull.’

And given the nature of rightist dogma, the prospect of conservatives ‘thinking for themselves’ seems unlikely.

Rather than addressing ‘fellow conservatives,’ consider instead explaining conservatism to those who aren’t conservative. And don’t give us that nonsense about ‘fiscal responsibility,’ ‘less government,’ and ‘personal responsibility,’ not after conservatives created a deficit and increased the size of government between 2001 and 2007, as well as conservatives seeking to deny women their right to privacy and gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law.

In fact, when those of us who aren’t conservative look upon the landscape of the partisan right, we see fear and reactionaryism, we see conservatives exhibiting hate and ignorance toward their fellow Americans, and we see rightwing contempt for the Constitution and its case law.

If ‘conservatives’ are going to start ‘thinking for themselves,’ then their first thought should be abandoning the failed dogma of the right.
The point again is that people right now, who haven't even seen the Godzilla movie are swearing off seeing a good movie because some right wing blogger who also has not seen the movie, said to. This goes on on the left all the time. Not about movies because so few movies go against them but restaurants that don't conform, and whole groups of people who are painted with the same brush because on one persons out if context statement. It's ridiculous whether it comes from the right or the left.

Why must you continue to discuss what you imagine liberals to be like as you attempt to chastise conservatives for displaying a poor characteristic?

You have now done that half a dozen times in this thread. You wish to discuss conservative group-think as it relates to the hullabaloo over the Godzilla movie. But you cannot help telling us all about how shitty liberals are.

Why? Is it a defense mechanism? Are you even aware that you are doing it?
Why not try having an actual conversation with one of us. You honest one without loaded questions, bullshit claims and dopey psychoanalysis.

You might just get a glimpse of what being a critical thinking liberal is all about.

Been there done that. This isn't my first board. I can recognise left wing bull shit right off the bat these days. From time to time I find myself bored and will engage in conversation with the left but they quickly get irritated because I won't fall in line and it degenerates. But the reason I won't put lefties on ignore is because I want to hear all sides, except in the case of direct questioning like the original attempt of this OP.

I read all if the posts on the topics that interest me, left and right. Then through the use of logic, critical thinking, and further research, I find the answer.

Are you telling me that you have no desire to engage in an honest open conversation with me....because you already know what I am going to say and how I am going to saying?

I admit that until now I have had no desire to talk with you or in fact any left winger. I do however read your posts. Perhaps after these discussions I would be willing to try it, and yeah, most of the time I can pretty much guess what you are going to say. It's rarely something that dozens of other liberals here haven't already said.
This conversation has morphed into an interesting discussion that is still relevant to the topic IMO. It is also a topic that participation from the left could be informative. We were discussing how you cannot get unbiased info anywhere and that you have to do your research yourself to find the truth. Liberal input us now welcome.

I gave you three radio sources that would be better for your goal than what you are now listening to. Gonna try listening?

And....liberal input was always welcome. You just didn't know it.

I will look into them. No guarantees though. Between reading USA Today, posting here, and listening to conservative talk radio, I got just about everything covered.

Very telling.

You admonish fellow conservatives to ‘think for themselves’ yet you fail to set the example.

What you’ve got ‘covered’ is your head in the rightist echo chamber, not the truth or facts.
You think for yourself and you're a Conservative?

Show us the WMD in Iraq.

If you really want to go there, I will make the effort to list the names of all Democrats in the Senate and the House who voted for war in Iraq, for that very reason.

Never mind that John Kerry, our Secretary of State just testified twice last fall, once to the House, and once to the Senate, that only 2 people in history had ever used Weapons of Mass Destruction on his own people.

Hitler of Germany and Saddam Hussein of Irag.

So, although it is a much beloved Lie of the Left-Wing Loons, possibly their favorite of all, it is none the less a LIE to say that Saddam Hussein did not have Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Ask John Kerry. He will tell you Loons that you look stupid.
The point again is that people right now, who haven't even seen the Godzilla movie are swearing off seeing a good movie because some right wing blogger who also has not seen the movie, said to. This goes on on the left all the time. Not about movies because so few movies go against them but restaurants that don't conform, and whole groups of people who are painted with the same brush because on one persons out if context statement. It's ridiculous whether it comes from the right or the left.

Why must you continue to discuss what you imagine liberals to be like as you attempt to chastise conservatives for displaying a poor characteristic?

You have now done that half a dozen times in this thread. You wish to discuss conservative group-think as it relates to the hullabaloo over the Godzilla movie. But you cannot help telling us all about how shitty liberals are.

Why? Is it a defense mechanism? Are you even aware that you are doing it?

It isn't imagined, it exists on Facebook and right here at USMB.

The reason I chastise liberals us because my point is that it occurs on both sides. Originally, I was asking the right not to act like the left. I can hardly ask the right not to act like the left if I don't tell them what I mean.
The point again is that people right now, who haven't even seen the Godzilla movie are swearing off seeing a good movie because some right wing blogger who also has not seen the movie, said to. This goes on on the left all the time. Not about movies because so few movies go against them but restaurants that don't conform, and whole groups of people who are painted with the same brush because on one persons out if context statement. It's ridiculous whether it comes from the right or the left.

Why must you continue to discuss what you imagine liberals to be like as you attempt to chastise conservatives for displaying a poor characteristic?

You have now done that half a dozen times in this thread. You wish to discuss conservative group-think as it relates to the hullabaloo over the Godzilla movie. But you cannot help telling us all about how shitty liberals are.

Why? Is it a defense mechanism? Are you even aware that you are doing it?

It’s an example of the Orwellian need of most on the right to contrive the myth of an omnipresent enemy to compel conformity among the partisan ranks, in this case the ‘evil liberal.’
I gave you three radio sources that would be better for your goal than what you are now listening to. Gonna try listening?

And....liberal input was always welcome. You just didn't know it.

I will look into them. No guarantees though. Between reading USA Today, posting here, and listening to conservative talk radio, I got just about everything covered.

Very telling.

You admonish fellow conservatives to ‘think for themselves’ yet you fail to set the example.

What you’ve got ‘covered’ is your head in the rightist echo chamber, not the truth or facts.

Before you jump head first in a conversation you should really get caught up. You'll look less like a fool.
If you really want to go there, I will make the effort to list the names of all Democrats in the Senate and the House who voted for war in Iraq, for that very reason.

You're kidding right?

We've done that in here at least 20 times that I'm aware of.

I've even listed the 40 other Countries that Bush fooled into joining us. :dunno:

dimocraps are scum. No point bothering with them. Reach the people that can still be saved and don't waste time on scum of the earth dimocraps.

Just call them waht they are -- scum..... And move along.

Nice that you care, but they're not worth it.
"The people who can be saved" in your opinion are old white dying Republican Teabaggers. You'll all be gone within ten to fifteen years and the world will be a better place.

What a brave little boy you seem to be :)
There are Obama approved talking points? You have seen them?

All over the board. It's good that they are there too. Left wing talking points are how I can find out the other side of the story, that is, when they are coherent.

Why not try having an actual conversation with one of us. You honest one without loaded questions, bullshit claims and dopey psychoanalysis.

You might just get a glimpse of what being a critical thinking liberal is all about.

We can try it. You can start a thread on anything and tag me in it, or simply go along routinely and whenever I see your post on something I'll respond if I have an issue. We'll see how it goes.
Been there done that. This isn't my first board. I can recognise left wing bull shit right off the bat these days. From time to time I find myself bored and will engage in conversation with the left but they quickly get irritated because I won't fall in line and it degenerates. But the reason I won't put lefties on ignore is because I want to hear all sides, except in the case of direct questioning like the original attempt of this OP.

I read all if the posts on the topics that interest me, left and right. Then through the use of logic, critical thinking, and further research, I find the answer.

Are you telling me that you have no desire to engage in an honest open conversation with me....because you already know what I am going to say and how I am going to saying?

I admit that until now I have had no desire to talk with you or in fact any left winger. I do however read your posts. Perhaps after these discussions I would be willing to try it, and yeah, most of the time I can pretty much guess what you are going to say. It's rarely something that dozens of other liberals here haven't already said.

Hmmm. Is that so?
All over the board. It's good that they are there too. Left wing talking points are how I can find out the other side of the story, that is, when they are coherent.

Why not try having an actual conversation with one of us. You honest one without loaded questions, bullshit claims and dopey psychoanalysis.

You might just get a glimpse of what being a critical thinking liberal is all about.

We can try it. You can start a thread on anything and tag me in it, or simply go along routinely and whenever I see your post on something I'll respond if I have an issue. We'll see how it goes.

We could just have an honest discussion this thread. Couldn't we?
Why not try having an actual conversation with one of us. You honest one without loaded questions, bullshit claims and dopey psychoanalysis.

You might just get a glimpse of what being a critical thinking liberal is all about.

We can try it. You can start a thread on anything and tag me in it, or simply go along routinely and whenever I see your post on something I'll respond if I have an issue. We'll see how it goes.

We could just have an honest discussion this thread. Couldn't we?
I dropped one in for you two. Have fun. I'll check back later.
Why not try having an actual conversation with one of us. You honest one without loaded questions, bullshit claims and dopey psychoanalysis.

You might just get a glimpse of what being a critical thinking liberal is all about.

We can try it. You can start a thread on anything and tag me in it, or simply go along routinely and whenever I see your post on something I'll respond if I have an issue. We'll see how it goes.

We could just have an honest discussion this thread. Couldn't we?

You mean besides the one we are already having?
We can try it. You can start a thread on anything and tag me in it, or simply go along routinely and whenever I see your post on something I'll respond if I have an issue. We'll see how it goes.

We could just have an honest discussion this thread. Couldn't we?

You mean besides the one we are already having?

We are being cordial. But we are not diving very deep. I think you will agree.
We could just have an honest discussion this thread. Couldn't we?

You mean besides the one we are already having?

We are being cordial. But we are not diving very deep. I think you will agree.

But it's the subject I think. That is why I suggested something else. Unless you think that we don't need to maintain a skeptical eye, mistrust most of what we hear, and think for ourselves then the subject can't get very deep I'm afraid.

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