Dear God Barry Sotereo ----

Only obama could piss off Africans. Have they invited him to leave yet? Every pissant village wants to take a poke at him. It's almost like barry o is in some kind of political stocks getting pelted with rotten tomatoes.
I would like to suggest that Barry's little African deflection is a part of a greater ploy to conceal his true identity. I don't believe for a moment that Barry was born in Africa. I think it's a ruse to persuade weak minds to go on a fool's errand.

Does Barry even look 1 bit like his supposed father?

Not from where I stand.

We all know he's a fraud but we'll never be able to prove it.
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It will actually be quite interesting to see how barry o will make his getting bitch slapped in Africa and bitch slapped by Ecuador Bush's fault.

Bush is in Africa now. But he's being honored.
All you crazy rw's who are against the Constitutional guarantee of equal rights for all ...

Well, just don't let the screen door hit you on the way out.
No one is denying equal rights. Stop pretending otherwise. It doesnt change the fact that Obama has the diplomacy skills and tact of a nuclear missle.
Actually, our president is an excellent diplomat and he has said nothing wrong.

Wouldn't matter what Obama did or said, you traitorous scum would be against him.
You don't freaking publically insult another country while visiting them. It's bad taste.
Obama wants to change the whole world in tune with his politically correct far left point of view!

Luckily Senegal had the guts to tell him go jump in the lake....the same way as other countries are doing often lately! (have you noticed?;) )

What egotistical,pompous nerve to try to impose his own personal views on the rest of the world!
obama goes to the G8 and Putin humiliates him in public. obama then gets condemned on the floor of the Irish parliament. Germany has to practically drsg 4,500 people to hear him speak. Ecuador tells him to shove it. Putin calls obama a pig (I think he meant sheep but it was badly translated) and now Senegal has to bitch slap him.

Ohhhhh yeaaaaahhhhh excellent diplomat there.

It gets better. After days of domestic propaganda about how dangerous the Snowden issue is, obama decides it's not important enough for him to call Xi or Putin. They should call him! He must not talk to his secretary of state either. John Kerry didn't get the no big deal message. He's on last week's memo that "people could die".

obama is the most incompetent ass to ever be parked in the oval office.
That lady in the Irish Parliament gave the status quo an ass whipping. That was quite literally one of the best speeches I've ever had the pleasure of listening to. Plus, she's kind of hawt. It's a win.
Im all for advocating decriminalizing homosexuality in Senegal. But they need to go through a cultural change first. It's not something that will change overnight. and it's not wise to try to act like we are going to force them to change.
obama goes to the G8 and Putin humiliates him in public. obama then gets condemned on the floor of the Irish parliament. Germany has to practically drsg 4,500 people to hear him speak. Ecuador tells him to shove it. Putin calls obama a pig (I think he meant sheep but it was badly translated) and now Senegal has to bitch slap him.

Ohhhhh yeaaaaahhhhh excellent diplomat there.

It gets better. After days of domestic propaganda about how dangerous the Snowden issue is, obama decides it's not important enough for him to call Xi or Putin. They should call him! He must not talk to his secretary of state either. John Kerry didn't get the no big deal message. He's on last week's memo that "people could die".

obama is the most incompetent ass to ever be parked in the oval office.

Wait. What happened in Irish Parliament? I missed that.
Actually, our president is an excellent diplomat and he has said nothing wrong.

Wouldn't matter what Obama did or said, you traitorous scum would be against him.
Disagreeing with Obama is NOT treason.


In fact, to quote Hillary Clinton:

"I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration that somehow you're not patriotic. And we should stand up and say 'We are Americans and we have a right to disagree with any administration.'"

She's actually right.

However, I think it's actually a step further than what she suggests. We don't just have the right to disagree with any administration. If we believe that the actions of the administration are wrong and harmful to the nation, we have an obligation to speak up and disagree with that administration.
Actually, our president is an excellent diplomat and he has said nothing wrong.

Wouldn't matter what Obama did or said, you traitorous scum would be against him.
Disagreeing with Obama is NOT treason.


In fact, to quote Hillary Clinton:

"I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration that somehow you're not patriotic. And we should stand up and say 'We are Americans and we have a right to disagree with any administration.'"

She's actually right.

However, I think it's actually a step further than what she suggests. We don't just have the right to disagree with any administration. If we believe that the actions of the administration are wrong and harmful to the nation, we have an obligation to speak up and disagree with that administration.
No, no, no -- that all changed in January of 2009. Dissent is no longer patriotic.

Right, USMB lefties?

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