Dear GOP blog trolls: Drop Benghazi, Nobody Cares About Manufactuired Old News

What Do You Think About Benghazi?

  • It's important. We need to know every detail.

    Votes: 68 67.3%
  • Ambivalent, don't really care even if it's found dems did something wrong.

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • It has the opposite effect the GOP wants: now I'm suspicious of THEM.

    Votes: 26 25.7%
  • other, see my post

    Votes: 6 5.9%

  • Total voters
Republicans say the movie had nothing to do with it.

Arabs say it was because of the movie. Just the fact that Arabs rioted and more than 50 died all over the Arab world kind of makes me suspect it was because of the movie.

Besides, if it wasn't the movie, what was it? The Iraq fiasco? After what Republicans tricked the country and the rest of the world in to, no wonder Arabs hate us. And we didn't even get the oil. Talk about "fail".

Here is the controversy fucko. It is well acknowledged that it was a terrorist attack. After the terrorist attack it was REPORTED to Obama and all his minions that it was a terrorist attack, yet he was in an election so he couldn't have an Al Qaeda victory. Therefore his administration lead by the honorless Hilary Clinton total Valarie Jackson to go life on TV and LIE. They all knew that it was a terrorist attack, but they instructed everyone to lie and make up a story about a film that no one (including the Muslims) have ever heard of.

Personally I think the IRS and Fast and Furious Scandals are much much worse, but This shouldn't be ignored because it's an inconvenient truth for one of the most corrupt administrations in US history!
The old guard at the GOP learns slow... Maybe they're senile?

WASHINGTON) -- Republicans are again calling for a joint committee to investigate the Obama administration's handling of the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012 that left four Americans dead, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.

Sens. John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire say that there are still no clear answers as to what happened on the night of the siege that was initially blamed on a mob protesting an anti-Islam film produced in the U.S.

GOP lawmakers have charged the White House with trying to cover up the facts in order to burnish President Obama's foreign policy credentials during a heated reelection bid.

Speaking for his colleagues, McCain told reporters at a press briefing Wednesday, "We will not stop until this issue is completely well known to the American people.

Read On ABC News Radio: GOP Senators Pushing Again for Joint Committee on*Benghazi - Politics News - ABC News Radio
So, yeah. We get it. You want to witch hunt Hillary & the dems over this curiously manufactured crisis that happened, again, on "9-11" just on the eve of a pivotal election year 2012.

We all know about how middle voter people tend to vote when they are afraid of a crisis: republican, obviously...the "father figure" party. So what were terrorists thinking striking so close to a pivotal American election when doing so would surely give the GOP an advantage...when they know the GOP is the party all-about invading their countries, meddling in their affairs and all about oil? Doesn't add up.


Even if it did make sense and the dems were negligent, it's OLD NEWS and the GOP's illegal invasion of Iraq where tens of thousands were killed pales the story of Benghazi, where less than 10 Americans were killed.

Again, doesn't add up.

The more the GOP harps on Benghazi, the more people in the middle will lean left. It has become beyond obvious what is going on. If the GOP wants a chance, they should pay attention to the yawns and the switching of channels when they start up on it again. It's hard to stump to a crowd when they're walking away..

agreed. They're flooding the forum w/ their Drudge/am radio talking points. Anyone remember President Obama saying he wasn't going to investigate the previous Admin for their innumerable fuck-ups? :eusa_whistle: that resulted in 1000's of casualties & TRILLIONS in lost GDP?

definition of "Republican" = "going backwards". Same w/ Benghaaaazi as w/ Obamacare. Tax reform? No, Benghaaaaazi. Immigration reform? No, Obaaaaamacare.

Yet he let Holder conduct two separate investigations into the "fuck ups." The pathetic thing was that they had already been investigated under Bush, and it was found that no laws were broken, yet Holder still had to disrupt their lives, and careers, twice to find out that there were no laws broken. Honest people would call that harassment, what do you call it?
maybe people had lower expectations w/ 43? (I know I did, for the majority of his Admin) That ever occur to you Issa puppets?

Your expectations for Dubya could not possibly have been lower than mine for Obama, yet Obama managed to make me look like an optimist.
You are a liberal. Why else would you be telling us to "drop Benghazi"?

Because watching you tapdance on the graves of our dead for political gain makes any decent person feel like puking.

For god's sake, show some decency.

I haven't seen you complain about all the people tap dancing in the graves of the Iraq veterans to make Bush look bad, maybe you have a different definition of decency than I do.
We also need to know who it was that would not send in the military to help them.
We as a Nation have always had the ideology that we never abandon our people, somebody thought that we should not put others in harms way in order to help them, and that is just so wrong.
We need to find out who that person or persons was and hold them accountable.
You are a liberal. Why else would you be telling us to "drop Benghazi"?

Because watching you tapdance on the graves of our dead for political gain makes any decent person feel like puking.

For god's sake, show some decency.

Gee, I wonder how the parents of those 26 dead kids in Newtown, CT felt when you started tap dancing over their graves en masse. "WE NEED GUN CONTROL!"

For pete's sake, stop being a hypocrite!
Funny how a liberal keeps using those words "witch hunt." And no, Benghazi won't be dropped, people will be prosecuted. End of story.

Whose going to prosecute? Holder? Holder is the most corrupt Attorney General in history of the country and I am not overstating that! He is that bad.

Fast and Furious should have lead to prosecutions. Same with the IRS scandal. Holder has no honor or integrity. He is more concerned with how he can keep the white man down.

That will all change in 2016. Watch.
diff is-

Bu$h II set the building on fire ($3 TRILLION Chinese loan for vietraq put on out grand children's backs) & on top of that- tax-cuts to people who didn't need them.

Obama- Firefighter. Repubs complain that the President isn't putting out their fires fast enough :rolleyes:
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Attacking a Consulate is an ACT OF WAR.

Killing a US Ambassador while in the performance of his duties is an ACT OF WAR.

Are you scumbags following this?

Good, pay attention you stupid fucks.

Two Acts of War were perpetrated on the United States.

ONLY a president, in this case a Lying Cocksucker, can authorize Cross-Border Military Operations.

Not the Sec Def, not the Sec State, not the Agriculture Secretary or the Press Spokesman and not the Telephone Operator at the White House.... With me?

ONLY the President, in this case a Lying Cocksucker, can authorize cross-border Military operations.

Why did the Lying Cocksucker in Chief do NOTHING when TWO ACTS OF WAR were committed against the sovereignty of the United States of America?

Why did the Lying Cocksucker LIE about what the activity was about?

There has been NO evidence, NONE WHATSOEVER, that there was EVER any protest at the Benghazi Compound. None. The lying Cocksucker lied.

There was NO 'escalation' there was nothing of the sort because.... There was never a protest at the Benghazi Consulate.

Which is perfectly understandable because it was JUST a Consulate. Nobody would have even paid any attention to a protest.

It was a PRE-PLANNED attack carried out by orgainzed and trained terrorists.

And who has been punished?

Answer; So far, only the hapless maker of one of the worst short films I've ever seen.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.


ALL of them.
diff is-

Bu$h II set the building on fire ($3 TRILLION Chinese loan for vietraq).

Obama- firefighter. Repubs complain that the President is putting out their fires fast enough :rolleyes:

Obama's a firefighter? Yeah, with a hose hooked up to a gas tanker.
not going to happen leftard. we're getting close; the stench of fear is coming off of your leftardz!

if the whole thing was REALLY nothing and nobody cared you wouldnt be bothering yourself asking the right to drop it now isnt that right you left-wing idiot?
because it wouldnt matter since you say nobody cares.
Republicans say the movie had nothing to do with it.

Arabs say it was because of the movie. Just the fact that Arabs rioted and more than 50 died all over the Arab world kind of makes me suspect it was because of the movie.

Besides, if it wasn't the movie, what was it? The Iraq fiasco? After what Republicans tricked the country and the rest of the world in to, no wonder Arabs hate us. And we didn't even get the oil. Talk about "fail".

Funny, I recall the Muslims saying it was about prisoners, even as everyone over here blamed a video that 50 people had seen before the protest.
The old guard at the GOP learns slow... Maybe they're senile?

WASHINGTON) -- Republicans are again calling for a joint committee to investigate the Obama administration's handling of the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012 that left four Americans dead, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.

Sens. John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire say that there are still no clear answers as to what happened on the night of the siege that was initially blamed on a mob protesting an anti-Islam film produced in the U.S.

GOP lawmakers have charged the White House with trying to cover up the facts in order to burnish President Obama's foreign policy credentials during a heated reelection bid.

Speaking for his colleagues, McCain told reporters at a press briefing Wednesday, "We will not stop until this issue is completely well known to the American people.

Read On ABC News Radio: GOP Senators Pushing Again for Joint Committee on*Benghazi - Politics News - ABC News Radio
So, yeah. We get it. You want to witch hunt Hillary & the dems over this curiously manufactured crisis that happened, again, on "9-11" just on the eve of a pivotal election year 2012.

We all know about how middle voter people tend to vote when they are afraid of a crisis: republican, obviously...the "father figure" party. So what were terrorists thinking striking so close to a pivotal American election when doing so would surely give the GOP an advantage...when they know the GOP is the party all-about invading their countries, meddling in their affairs and all about oil? Doesn't add up.


Even if it did make sense and the dems were negligent, it's OLD NEWS and the GOP's illegal invasion of Iraq where tens of thousands were killed pales the story of Benghazi, where less than 10 Americans were killed.

Again, doesn't add up.

The more the GOP harps on Benghazi, the more people in the middle will lean left. It has become beyond obvious what is going on. If the GOP wants a chance, they should pay attention to the yawns and the switching of channels when they start up on it again. It's hard to stump to a crowd when they're walking away..

So basically you're ok the WH let four americans die? But darn, that guy talking racism right?
Funny how a liberal keeps using those words "witch hunt." And no, Benghazi won't be dropped, people will be prosecuted. End of story.
Check some of my threads bro. Hardly does the word "liberal' apply to me. I was wondering your handlers pay well? Can't be all that hard to spin stuff online.

i cant wait tomsee your balanced posts.....i love it when people say this stuff
Republicans say the movie had nothing to do with it.

Arabs say it was because of the movie. Just the fact that Arabs rioted and more than 50 died all over the Arab world kind of makes me suspect it was because of the movie.

Besides, if it wasn't the movie, what was it? The Iraq fiasco? After what Republicans tricked the country and the rest of the world in to, no wonder Arabs hate us. And we didn't even get the oil. Talk about "fail".

Arabs said it was in celebration of the 11th Anniversary of 9-11
None of them knew about the video till it was brought up.
Once it was known then they started to riot.
Repuiblicans want Kerry to testify under oath

what are libs afraid of if this whole thing is nothing and republicans are just trying to make it something?
Republicans say the movie had nothing to do with it.

Arabs say it was because of the movie. Just the fact that Arabs rioted and more than 50 died all over the Arab world kind of makes me suspect it was because of the movie.

Besides, if it wasn't the movie, what was it? The Iraq fiasco? After what Republicans tricked the country and the rest of the world in to, no wonder Arabs hate us. And we didn't even get the oil. Talk about "fail".

Arabs said it was in celebration of the 11th Anniversary of 9-11
None of them knew about the video till it was brought up.
Once it was known then they started to riot.

There was never a protest in Benghazi.

The only people STUPID enough to believe that are dimocraps. Why would anybody choose to protest a Consulate that is hardly even open for business? Why?

Why would they bother when there wouldn't be any cameras there. The entire City was known to be dangerous, the American Ambassador would have been in Tripoli to their knowledge..... Unless we send terrorists our Ambassadors' itnierary as a matter of course.

There was NEVER a protest at Benghazi. The only people saying there was one are dimocrap scum.

Nobody on the ground, no eyewitnesses, the Libyan government, the libyan militias, the CIA...... Nobody ever said anything about a protest because...

There wasn't one

[ame=]CBS: Witnesses Says There Was Never An Anti-American Protest In Benghazi, Just An Attack - YouTube[/ame]
Just a thought here, on the " Nobody Cares" title in the thread. I would think as a family member and friend of those that lost their lives in any of those Embassies and Consulates over the many years even the one in Benghazi, they might disagree with that title greatly as I do. In fact one might say that if we intend as a nation to send our people into harms way and that includes Embassy staff and US Military personnel then we must as a nation make the choice to support them and protect them and not leave the decision of that protection up for any debate.
That's how the left is. Does that really surprise you? They have little care for life. That's why it is easy for them to see unborn babies killed everyday.
how much borrowed Chinese $$$ (taxdollars) is Boehner/Issa(R) going to spend THIS time? :eusa_doh:


What difference does it make?

It was different then somehow!!! :mad: IT JUST WAS!!! :eusa_snooty:

Why not let us know why the americans were killed under Bush. What was the reason? Did Bush ignore them or their security? Do you have the evidence to support that?

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