Dear GOP blog trolls: Drop Benghazi, Nobody Cares About Manufactuired Old News

What Do You Think About Benghazi?

  • It's important. We need to know every detail.

    Votes: 68 67.3%
  • Ambivalent, don't really care even if it's found dems did something wrong.

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • It has the opposite effect the GOP wants: now I'm suspicious of THEM.

    Votes: 26 25.7%
  • other, see my post

    Votes: 6 5.9%

  • Total voters
Republicans say the movie had nothing to do with it.

Arabs say it was because of the movie. Just the fact that Arabs rioted and more than 50 died all over the Arab world kind of makes me suspect it was because of the movie.

Besides, if it wasn't the movie, what was it? The Iraq fiasco? After what Republicans tricked the country and the rest of the world in to, no wonder Arabs hate us. And we didn't even get the oil. Talk about "fail".

Could have been cartoons. Those crazy Muslims will riot over anything.

But we did get the oil. Well not us citizens, but the oil fields of Iraq were liberated.
Republicans say the movie had nothing to do with it.

Arabs say it was because of the movie. Just the fact that Arabs rioted and more than 50 died all over the Arab world kind of makes me suspect it was because of the movie.

Besides, if it wasn't the movie, what was it? The Iraq fiasco? After what Republicans tricked the country and the rest of the world in to, no wonder Arabs hate us. And we didn't even get the oil. Talk about "fail".

Could have been cartoons. Those crazy Muslims will riot over anything.

But we did get the oil. Well not us citizens, but the oil fields of Iraq were liberated.

good one leftard; but i thought biden said Iraq was a big effin deal?

by the way for the other idiot; how is proving that "Republicans tricked the country......" thingy going?

when does the war crimes trial start?


left-wing losers cried and whined and insisted that they were going to impeach Bush over Iraq "lies" and "war crimes"

that he would be standing in front of The Hague

that never happend but it doesnt stop loony left-wing losers from their urban legends that Bush "lied" to start the Iraq War

relax left-wing losers; we will have the investigation you couldnt manage for bush. this is the kind of thing you belive in right'?

stop[ crying

left-wing losers cried and whined and insisted that they were going to impeach Bush over Iraq "lies" and "war crimes"

that he would be standing in front of The Hague

that never happend but it doesnt stop loony left-wing losers from their urban legends that Bush "lied" to start the Iraq War

relax left-wing losers; we will have the investigation you couldnt manage for bush. this is the kind of thing you belive in right'?

stop[ crying
No one is crying little man, and no one but you little morons care that much. The people who matter have lives to live.
Liberals will reject any proof that is politically adverse; they only care about remaining in power to force their agenda; finish nailing our coffin!

However, they will soon shift from denial to damage control; simpatico - as soon as they see the political expedience in doing so :lol:

It is very exciting to see the preponderance build to their breaking point :badgrin: When they turn on their Benghazi bunch, it will be extacy :badgrin: Then we will have justice! :iagree:

left-wing losers cried and whined and insisted that they were going to impeach Bush over Iraq "lies" and "war crimes"

that he would be standing in front of The Hague

that never happend but it doesnt stop loony left-wing losers from their urban legends that Bush "lied" to start the Iraq War

relax left-wing losers; we will have the investigation you couldnt manage for bush. this is the kind of thing you belive in right'?

stop[ crying

Yeah, maybe the far left or loony left, did call for that over Bushes actions, however it is the now the SOP for the Fox Watching Republicans. They have been calling for Obama's head for his entire presidency. You guys have cried wolfe way, way too many times for any sane person to take your latest hissy fit seriously.

left-wing losers cried and whined and insisted that they were going to impeach Bush over Iraq "lies" and "war crimes"

that he would be standing in front of The Hague

that never happend but it doesnt stop loony left-wing losers from their urban legends that Bush "lied" to start the Iraq War

relax left-wing losers; we will have the investigation you couldnt manage for bush. this is the kind of thing you belive in right'?

stop[ crying

Yeah, maybe the far left or loony left, did call for that over Bushes actions, however it is the now the SOP for the Fox Watching Republicans. They have been calling for Obama's head for his entire presidency. You guys have cried wolfe way, way too many times for any sane person to take your latest hissy fit seriously.
Obama should have been in ten prisons by now, and he was only a week away each time, according to them.
It's only been a year and a half. Give it some time.

It took over two years to get Nixon out of Office and that was with the full power of the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM backing dimocraps.

What you people are too stupid to realize is that the longer this takes, the more we're going to uncover and the worse it's going to be for you.

If we have a "Wave" election in November, and trust me.... We might very well --

WAVE YEAR? Daily Caller Poll Shows Deep-Blue Oregon Flashing Red | The Daily Caller

-- the Lying Cocksucker in Chief could be SERIOUSLY looking at Impeachment in the House and Conviction in the Senate.

More likely, we would just let him sit there with his head on a pike to remind the American People what happens when you elect scum of the earth dimocraps.

You people, your party..... You're fucked. You're done. It's over. You had your chance and you TOTALLY FUCKED IT. Too bad, really. But you just can't resist allowing radicals to take over every thing you do. So you deserve it. And then some.

You've only got yourselves to blame for letting the greedy and exploitative take over the reins of power. Because you're incompetent. And stupid. And can't keep radicals out of your party.

The sooner you come to grips with that, the less the mental anxiety will be when it all comes tumbling down.

The other option is suicide. Macht Nichts to me :dunno:
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left-wing losers cried and whined and insisted that they were going to impeach Bush over Iraq "lies" and "war crimes"

that he would be standing in front of The Hague

that never happend but it doesnt stop loony left-wing losers from their urban legends that Bush "lied" to start the Iraq War

relax left-wing losers; we will have the investigation you couldnt manage for bush. this is the kind of thing you belive in right'?

stop[ crying

Yeah, maybe the far left or loony left, did call for that over Bushes actions, however it is the now the SOP for the Fox Watching Republicans. They have been calling for Obama's head for his entire presidency. You guys have cried wolfe way, way too many times for any sane person to take your latest hissy fit seriously.
Obama should have been in ten prisons by now, and he was only a week away each time, according to them.
So let me get this straight, you don't care that four americans were killed, eh?
I guess the OP of this thread also means that none of us should ever hafta hear about the Watergate scandal that got Nixon to resign again.

Don't want us bringing us stuff from two years ago, goody-goody libs?


Be careful what you wish for, liberals.
I think this issue is important in itself, but the bigger issues it brings up are even more important to be resolved.

The timing of this incident, in the middle of the final election campaigning,
is more disturbing that politics came first, and how the media is used (which is a conflict of interest since the media benefits from both campaign money spent and the controversies).

By the numbers, there were fewer people killed than in the contested military actions and
war during Bush's presidency, also used on both sides of election campaigns as well.

But the distrust and the "discrediting of objections" for politics is the same,
which clouds the real objections that were dismissed as "purely political."

So if you are going to complain about one, complain about the other.
If you are going to tolerate or forgive one, forgive and tolerate the other.

The issue of accountability is ALWAYS important, regardless of the
number of people or which parties are involved, implicated or complaining.

Issues over this and Obama's and Bush's "policies in general" on war,
spying and security/drone issues, executive and constitutional authority, etc.
are equally clouded by politics on both sides.

The political factor should be set aside in order to resolve the objections and grievances.

NOTE: If NEITHER party can set aside its own agenda and election interests to be objective and stick to Constitutional issues, I might support abolishing or policing the party system
if it continues interfering with govt function, accountability, and ability to redress grievances. Maybe we need a Constitutional convention on how to separate party agenda and beliefs from legislative, legal and govt processes, so it does not impose unequal bias and access for only those people or interests that are backed by major party campaigns.

I would like to see what real solutions, corrections and reforms to govt would look like WITHOUT the posturing by parties competing to discredit each other and block objections instead of answering them. Both parties are guilty of doing this, and then blaming the other party when they do the same when it is their turn. Two wrongs are still wrong.
The OP dutiful regurgitates the newest liberal Democrat talking point and holy shit is it a stinker.

LOTS of people do care about the disgraceful malfeasance of Shrillary and Obumbler relative to the Benghazi attack;

and if the Obumbler Administration ever stops its endless effort to cover it up, the answers are clearly something that might outrage all honest people, even other Democrats.
This is what I mean -- using politics as a filter for whether we deem a grievance "valid" to be redressed or ignored.

This is discrimination by creed -- regardless which side does it for which issue.

Any conflict of interest with govt officials or agencies should be policed,
regardless what is our personal belief or partisan side.

If we the people do not seek full accountability, regardless of creed party or "interest",
then how can we EVER hold govt officials accountable when they have biased interests?

People have a right to petition to redress grievances.
If we censor and subvert our own "due process," by cutting each other off this way,
how can we ever hold govt to answer to the people?

Maybe we should start interpreting that to mean Govt has a RESPONSIBILITY to make sure grievances are fully heard and resolved.


left-wing losers cried and whined and insisted that they were going to impeach Bush over Iraq "lies" and "war crimes"

that he would be standing in front of The Hague

that never happend but it doesnt stop loony left-wing losers from their urban legends that Bush "lied" to start the Iraq War

relax left-wing losers; we will have the investigation you couldnt manage for bush. this is the kind of thing you belive in right'?

stop[ crying

Yeah, maybe the far left or loony left, did call for that over Bushes actions, however it is the now the SOP for the Fox Watching Republicans. They have been calling for Obama's head for his entire presidency. You guys have cried wolfe way, way too many times for any sane person to take your latest hissy fit seriously.
Yeah, maybe the far left or loony left, did call for that over Bushes actions, however it is the now the SOP for the Fox Watching Republicans. They have been calling for Obama's head for his entire presidency. You guys have cried wolfe way, way too many times for any sane person to take your latest hissy fit seriously.
Obama should have been in ten prisons by now, and he was only a week away each time, according to them.
So let me get this straight, you don't care that four americans were killed, eh?

Nothing could be further from the truth. IMO.
funny...the left keeps bringing up bush....but whines when people talk about benghazi

and they still bring up Iraq, Reagan, etc
but anything with Obama it's a witch hunt
they frikken LIED to us but to them it's ok
just pathetic

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