Dear Israel, forget about Paris. No more...

The extremist Sunnis are the problem, not Arab and Muslim culture generally. The new generations of Iran will fix that problem there. The ISIS etc are on the run and we will need to be exterminated branch and root.

you don't know a whole lot of muslims, do you? I do------long ago when I first encountered muslims------I kinda thought that the Shiites were the underdog-----so---naturally ----tender hearted thing that I was I became their apologist------for awhile----
until I learned that-------Shiite muslims are just as barbaric as are sunni muslims
Yes, we should be worried about shi'ite extremists too, but right now it is the ISIS crazies that has center stage.

You just have to laugh at these anti-Semites, SassyIsishLass, since they have nothing better to do with their days than to hang out on the USMB. Meanwhile, at one time on a message board there was a retired Naval Officer posting. He stated that if Americans only knew how much Israel helped America, they would give Israel anything that country needed..

Then send that 5 billion back, Israel has done nothing but take take and take. I don't call that a friendship.

Listen, Ms. Skinhead, since you are not employed by any intelligence agency in the U.S., but sit on your backside all day dissing Israel, I don't think you are aware of anything that goes on between the U.S. and Israel. I think I will go with what the Naval Intelligence officer had to say. When you get off your backside and actually pay taxes, I will be glad to reimburse you the tiny amount that would go to Israel -probably worth one Big Mac or less.

You just have to laugh at these anti-Semites, SassyIsishLass, since they have nothing better to do with their days than to hang out on the USMB. Meanwhile, at one time on a message board there was a retired Naval Officer posting. He stated that if Americans only knew how much Israel helped America, they would give Israel anything that country needed..

Then send that 5 billion back, Israel has done nothing but take take and take. I don't call that a friendship.

Listen, Ms. Skinhead, since you are not employed by any intelligence agency in the U.S., but sit on your backside all day dissing Israel, I don't think you are aware of anything that goes on between the U.S. and Israel. I think I will go with what the Naval Intelligence officer had to say. When you get off your backside and actually pay taxes, I will be glad to reimburse you the tiny amount that would go to Israel -probably worth one Big Mac or less.

Were afraid of Israel, we have to be and well they have lots of warheads aimed at everyone, and didn't they say they'd take the world down with them. This France stuff has 911 all over it, and it was not done by Arab religious nuts.

Pollard is an insecure moron whom is only thinking about himself, and how he was the leader of a spy ring.

Pollard believes he was so good at recruiting other family members for espionage. His ego was elevated, and he got caught .

The United States is not going to release Pollard as he would like, to go to Israel. Pollard made his bed betraying his country, and it was not noble.

Pollard should have got out of the Navy and attempted to become an Israeli citizen if he loved Israel so much . No - he wanted money ...... So he spied. He recruited others...... Elevating his ego. He led the others .... Elevating his ego even more. Ego, greed and money put Pollard where he is.

Some people cannot keep a secret. Some people do not know what sensitive , secret , classified or confidential information is...... Or how to handle it. Some people cannot keep information to themselves.

Pollard deserves to stay where he is...... For the rest of his life.

Pollard sacrificed a nation and it's citizens. He put lives in jeopardy. He risked the US Navy .

Incarceration. For all of time.

Shadow 355
Greater Israel and no PLA is the only solution to prevent global warfare because of the Semitic asshats on both sides.
Actually, dismantling Israel is the only solution to prevent global warfare. ...... :cool:

Isreal cannot be dismantled. Isreal has the best intelligence network in the world.

God has promised to take care of the Jewish state.

Study your history.

Shadow 355
My version of Jesus is the Roman Catholic one, the only one.

fine with me-------I grew up in a town with lots of roman catholics----and interacted
closely at work with TWO X-PRIESTS ------they left and decided to go to medical
school We had lots of late nite conversations. Of course I also read the NT
and-----well----attended mid-night mass----many times (Christmas eve) At no point
are there any words in the NT attributed to jesus that could remotely
be interpreted as "I SPIT AND SHIT on the words written in the "old testament"
aka tanach. Obviously you spit and shit on protestantism and eastern orthodoxy
"By calling this covenant "new," he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear."

Hebrews 8:13

Netanyahu and supporters of Israel have pushed me into a camp that refuses to support Israel blindly.

It is time Israel grew up and stood on her own or falls. If that entails a fight with her neighbors then I will support Israel, but from afar. No American blood or money for Israel. No more.

thank you Nettie and rabid Israeli supporters on usmb

One of your stupider thoughts.
quest Ravi

Why do you blindly support Netanyahu or Israel? Or do you?

You just have to laugh at these anti-Semites, SassyIsishLass, since they have nothing better to do with their days than to hang out on the USMB. Meanwhile, at one time on a message board there was a retired Naval Officer posting. He stated that if Americans only knew how much Israel helped America, they would give Israel anything that country needed..

Then send that 5 billion back, Israel has done nothing but take take and take. I don't call that a friendship.

Listen, Ms. Skinhead, since you are not employed by any intelligence agency in the U.S., but sit on your backside all day dissing Israel, I don't think you are aware of anything that goes on between the U.S. and Israel. I think I will go with what the Naval Intelligence officer had to say. When you get off your backside and actually pay taxes, I will be glad to reimburse you the tiny amount that would go to Israel -probably worth one Big Mac or less.

Were afraid of Israel, we have to be and well they have lots of warheads aimed at everyone, and didn't they say they'd take the world down with them. This France stuff has 911 all over it, and it was not done by Arab religious nuts.

I certainly hope the Intelligence Agencies monitoring these message boards are keeping track of Ms. Skinhead. The way she wants to blame Israel for everything might mean that she is actually backing the terrorists with collections from her local Bund. I think the bottom line here is that Ms. Skinhead is one mentally sick woman and should consider going to a geriatric psychiatrist.

From the looks of it, it sure appear that Ms. Skinhead rolls out of bed and runs to her computer first thing in the morning to blame Israel for something or other. Did you even stop to have a cup of coffee before you posted your response, Ms. Skinhead. What a life Ms. Skinhead must lead, or rather it is no life at all.
My version of Jesus is the Roman Catholic one, the only one.

roman catholic Jesus? lol. The one you eat every Sunday then poop out? That Jesus? Or the baby Jesus, all helpless in your idol Mary's arms? That Jesus?

Actually no one should make fun of the benign customs of any religion. However, it is interesting when a Catholic converts to Islam and takes the name of Haniya (A Quranic name for girls) instead of keeping the given name. That appears to be the case of one of the musical chair duo posting under one screen name. I wonder if Haniya (speaking of Jesus now) can tell us about the fake Muslim Gospel of Barnabas in which the bowel movements of Jesus are described. If she is not up on this Gospel, perhaps the other member of the musical chair duo, Mr. Saleem, can tell us. Years ago on a message board a Muslim poster wasn't shy about telling the readers about this Gospel and what it contains, so maybe Mr. Saleem can do the same for the current viewers.

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