Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
This OP is so stupid,

Yeah, but is it "bobcollum" stupid?

Only idiots think that. :thup:

it's nearly everything I hate about the partisans on the Right-Wing side, all in one convenient easy to skim over package.

Don't you wish you could just round them up into gulags?

Just the stupid ones I suppose.

Makes me wish I had followed my instincts and avoided it entirely.


It's not too late, there's the door...

I'll be done soon I suppose, just fielding some questions.
According to the 19 part deal minus the P.S.'s?

NOT mentioned.

Of course not, it isn't very well thought out.

Well it is from a partisan perspective I guess.

And add one more to the Left's inability to approach any such discussion with a sense of humor or any sense of imagination or creativity. At least you guys are really consistent. I'll give you that.

True...a good portion of the premise presupposes certain tenants of Conservative philosphophy...kinda outs 'Ol Bob from the equation since he had to ASK.
No, you get an inedible GMO, pesticide soaked commodity and your farmers are owned by Monsanto. And when your whole crop growing in dead soil fails, so will your economy. The real farmers would definitely be on the progressive side.

I know that you're just a chattering monkey, but where DO you think the food this nation consumes is grown at? New York City? Seriously?

If you don't allow them to see it as they see it, we're never going to get this settlement finished. I dunno, but I'm pretty sure they think big government can do anything and maybe they're right. I propose that we let them find out with our blessings. But in THEIR country, not ours.
According to the 19 part deal minus the P.S.'s?

NOT mentioned.

Of course not, it isn't very well thought out.

Well it is from a partisan perspective I guess.

And add one more to the Left's inability to approach any such discussion with a sense of humor or any sense of imagination or creativity. At least you guys are really consistent. I'll give you that.

I don't find partisan politics funny.

I'll continue to show disdain for one of the major problems in this country, and you can keep laughing about it, if that's your wish.

This OP is so stupid, it's nearly everything I hate about the partisans on the Right-Wing side, all in one convenient easy to skim over package.

Makes me wish I had followed my instincts and avoided it entirely.


Of course you think it's stupid...... Progressives couldn't survive on their own...

I think it is about time we wean you from the rich mans teat.

You take all these fucking perfectly healthy and young gangbangers and life long welfare recipients and you teach them how to do something productive, instead of fucking, making more lazy kids who will be a burden to society all on the taxpayers coin...

Apparently you've never seen a housing project....
I know that you're just a chattering monkey, but where DO you think the food this nation consumes is grown at? New York City? Seriously?

My food comes from sustainable farms in upstate NY about an hour from here. Do you know where yours comes from? I can go to where my food is grown and see it growing and shake the hand of the man growing it. Can you do that?
Of course not, it isn't very well thought out.

Well it is from a partisan perspective I guess.

And add one more to the Left's inability to approach any such discussion with a sense of humor or any sense of imagination or creativity. At least you guys are really consistent. I'll give you that.

True...a good portion of the premise presupposes certain tenants of Conservative philosphophy...kinda outs 'Ol Bob from the equation since he had to ASK.

If we are going to achieve an amicable divorce in which everybody gets everything important that they want, we have to have a good deal of charity and good will along with a sense of humor, imagination, creativity, and ability to see possibilities. That seems to be beyond the grasp of most of our Liberal friends here but we can help them by setting a good example. :)
I know that you're just a chattering monkey, but where DO you think the food this nation consumes is grown at? New York City? Seriously?

My food comes from sustainable farms in upstate NY about an hour from here. Do you know where yours comes from? I can go to where my food is grown and see it growing and shake the hand of the man growing it. Can you do that?

Great. I'm seeing that many in the conservative family are leaning toward allowing Liberal Land to have New York State. So that will work out great for you. And you won't need to worry your pretty little head about where we in Conservative Land will get our food. It will need not be any concern of yours.
This OP is so stupid, it's nearly everything I hate about the partisans on the Right-Wing side, all in one convenient easy to skim over package.

Makes me wish I had followed my instincts and avoided it entirely.


Of course you think it's stupid...... Progressives couldn't survive on their own...

I think it is about time we wean you from the rich mans teat.

You take all these fucking perfectly healthy and young gangbangers and life long welfare recipients and you teach them how to do something productive, instead of fucking, making more lazy kids who will be a burden to society all on the taxpayers coin...

Apparently you've never seen a housing project....


Self-righteous post is self-righteous.
If you don't allow them to see it as they see it, we're never going to get this settlement finished. I dunno, but I'm pretty sure they think big government can do anything and maybe they're right. I propose that we let them find out with our blessings. But in THEIR country, not ours.

We're talking about sustainable farming? Where do you get "the government" bugaboo out of that? Where does that derangement COME FROM? No one wants the government to run everything. No one.
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To review- Pub dupes/haters believe the dumbest things about Dems, are really quite compromise "un-American" (TIME).... the Tea Party is the most deluded movement of the last 100 years...

To review, someone forgot to flush and their is a franco floating in the bowl.
This OP is so stupid, it's nearly everything I hate about the partisans on the Right-Wing side, all in one convenient easy to skim over package.

Makes me wish I had followed my instincts and avoided it entirely.


Of course you think it's stupid...... Progressives couldn't survive on their own...

I think it is about time we wean you from the rich mans teat.

You take all these fucking perfectly healthy and young gangbangers and life long welfare recipients and you teach them how to do something productive, instead of fucking, making more lazy kids who will be a burden to society all on the taxpayers coin...

Apparently you've never seen a housing project....

Sigh. Could we NOT have these kinds of arguments here? If they want housing projects it is not up to us to tell them they can't have housing projects in Liberal Land. Maybe they can make it work so well we'll have to eat crow. All that is important to understand is that we do not have to have housing projects in Conservative Land. We don't have to fight about it. Lighten up. Find your sense of humor and sense of creativity here. Live and let live.

We'll never get the divorce settlement finished if at least the conservatives can't extend some charitable thoughts here.
Come on Uncensored. BobCollum is a dedicated Leftst and if we are going to have an amicable divorce we must allow him his POV. And look on the bright side. He will be going to Liberal Land. :)

I know you want to keep things light, but the reality is there is a fundamental difference in how the nation is viewed.

You have taken the constitutional view of sovereign states who have formed a cooperative federation. But we haven't been a federal republic since Adolf Lincoln, oops, I mean Abraham. The structure of the nation was altered from a federation to an empire. States are mere vassals of the empire, they have no rights at all and cannot leave the "union." Any attempt would be met with arms by the Imperial forces. If Texas were to invoke the provision to secede from the empire, per their constitution, there would be troops moving on them in a matter of days. We are ruled by Washington, any notion of independent states is a farce.
Come on Uncensored. BobCollum is a dedicated Leftst and if we are going to have an amicable divorce we must allow him his POV. And look on the bright side. He will be going to Liberal Land. :)

I know you want to keep things light, but the reality is there is a fundamental difference in how the nation is viewed.

You have taken the constitutional view of sovereign states who have formed a cooperative federation. But we haven't been a federal republic since Adolf Lincoln, oops, I mean Abraham. The structure of the nation was altered from a federation to an empire. States are mere vassals of the empire, they have no rights at all and cannot leave the "union." Any attempt would be met with arms by the Imperial forces. If Texas were to invoke the provision to secede from the empire, per their constitution, there would be troops moving on them in a matter of days. We are ruled by Washington, any notion of independent states is a farce.

I agree. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
We get all the farmers, so there will be food in ours.

Where will you go to cash your foodstamps?

No, you get an inedible GMO, pesticide-soaked commodity and your farmers are owned by Monsanto. And when your whole crop growing in dead soil fails, so will your economy. The real farmers would definitely be on the progressive side.

Who do you think is growing your food now dummy??? progressives???


I have news for you dumbass - 90% of the rural communities - especially in the midwest vote republican (or non-left)....

The strong majority of progressives live in large cities - the majority of conservatives grow your food....
We don't actually need to split the country. We just need to take away the neocon nutjobs keyboards.

If we took away the libraries, where would the moonbat liberals get internet access?

We are keeping Apple and Microsoft, we will be okay.

You know, Bill and Steve don't give their products away as an entitlement don't you? They're evil 1% capitalists. Oh, they'll let your commune folks build their products, but they'll sell them on the other side who can pay for them.
Only idiots think that. :thup:

You mean idiots who think a question is declarative?

I'll be done soon I suppose, just fielding some questions.

Don't you think your fellow drones have already spewed the talking points?

It's not like any of you have the capacity for thought or rational inquiry.

Or the ability to think against conventional wisdom...and thus the reson why so many are missing the boat in this thread.

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