Dear Trump supporters: You're better than this, right?

This is a question that must be asked.

Trump supporters, shame on you. ("Biden and Trump move closer to a November rematch after Super Tuesday victories," March 5)

You don't need me to tell you that the former president is a liar, a cheat, a fraud, a bigot, a bully — I could go on. You know this and ignore it.

What I want you to consider is, what does this say about you? Is this the kind of person your parents taught you to be or to support? Are these the values you grew up with? I doubt it, or there would be a lot more evil in the country than there already is.

Yet you succumb to this man's act. You are better than this.

I am writing this not to get out the vote for President Biden, but rather to ask you about your own motives. I may even vote for Republican Nikki Haley if she is nominated — at least she is honest.

For most of us, our family histories didn't begin in America. We are a country of immigrants. To elect a person such as Trump is to spit in the faces of ancestors who struggled to come to this country to escape rulers like him.

This is why never trump. Never again.

The Democrats.
Delldude......your responses are now just silly. Juvenile.
You inserted yourself into the exchange I initiated with some poster who alleged don trump was chosen by prophecies by some god.

I merely inquired as to the nature of the prophecy and by which god.

You now offer just smarmy non responsive posts.

If you can not, or will not, attempt to seriously address my queries, then there is no reason for my avatar and yours to continue.
Say IM2

What do you think of Xiden holding up a button his handlers prepared him for, just in case Laken Riley's name was brought up?

And what do you think of Xiden looking at the button to say her name, only so he could mispronounce it?

That look like class to you, or is it purely artificial, and demonstrate the filth of which your Democracks have become?
"...Xiden holding up a button his handlers prepared him for, just in case Laken Riley's name was brought up?"
Ummm, good poster you ever use google to research anything you post here?

I mean, amigo, you too often come across as one of those notorious 'low-information' Americans that the rest of America is embarrassed by ---when they ain't snickering at 'em.

So, regarding your "button his handlers prepared" ----well, you seem sadly informed. Poorly informed? Uninformed? Or simply don't care to make your word a good word that can be relied upon by adults.
I dunno but you seem careless, at best. IMHO

Time Magazine: "Biden said as he held up the pin Greene had given him earlier, when he entered the chamber before his address. Biden added that his “heart goes out” to Riley’s parents, and that he “understands” having lost children himself.
I merely inquired as to the nature of the prophecy and by which god.
I never mentioned any prophecy. It is you who are playing some off the wall 'which God' game.

Your reference of 'which God' infers you have predetermined choices.

Please be more explicit.
Wrong. And don't start that black on white in Africa ---- either. What whites have done in Africa has earned them what they are getting. It's time those of you who preach about consequences and choices understand the consequences of the choices those in your race have made. America is the place to change and you don't know my agenda. You assume one based upon ignorant racism. Yes, I will report you. We are going to get reparations here.

You see idiot, you just do not know how much information is out there showing just how much the government of this nation has shorted blacks since slavery. That includes the entire 20th century which ended only 24 years ago. If you knew, you would shut your mouth about reparations. That's why I tell you that you have not done the research necessary to run your white mouth to me with your opinion. So move along shorty.

What good would reparations do in America if a vast majority of it would end up back in White people's hands? Most Americans aren't financially literate and that ratio drops even more for black folks. How many black bankers and economists are out there? What little there are, you end up calling them Uncle Toms and etc.

You constantly say black people can do no wrong, so why not have reparations go to a country that's free from the control of Whites?
Amen, and Trump is gong to win. God's prophecy shows it.
I never mentioned any prophecy. It is you who are playing some off the wall 'which God' game.

Which prophecy? Link?
Which God? Link?
My query was to good poster 'crossbody'.
If poster Delldude wishes to assume 'crossbody' responses......go for it.

But do it then. Don' waste time or bandwidth.

  • Which prophecy?
  • Which god made it?
Just like Trump taxes...........NONE of your business. THAT is pathetic! None of my business that the President of the United States has used his office to enrich his family and he's done so with some of the United States biggest competitors?

The TRUTH is that you don't have a valid response to my question because you know as well as I do that the Biden's didn't provide any legitimate good or service in return for the millions that they took in, other than access to a powerful politician!
Ummm, good poster you ever use google to research anything you post here?

I mean, amigo, you too often come across as one of those notorious 'low-information' Americans that the rest of America is embarrassed by ---when they ain't snickering at 'em.

So, regarding your "button his handlers prepared" ----well, you seem sadly informed. Poorly informed? Uninformed? Or simply don't care to make your word a good word that can be relied upon by adults.
I dunno but you seem careless, at best. IMHO

Time Magazine: "Biden said as he held up the pin Greene had given him earlier, when he entered the chamber before his address. Biden added that his “heart goes out” to Riley’s parents, and that he “understands” having lost children himself.
Remind me again? Which one of Joe Biden's children was it that was beaten to death by an illegal alien, Chilly? He "understands"? What a fucking ASSHOLE!
"None of my business that the President of the United States has used his office to enrich his family and he's done so with some of the United States biggest competitors?"

  • Mr & Mrs Kushner..... and Saudi Arabia's $2,000,000,000. (that's with a 'B')

  • And then this:


  • Mr & Mrs Kushner..... and Saudi Arabia's $2,000,000,000. (that's with a 'B')

  • And then this:

View attachment 915355
In the short time we've discussed things...I've already reached the conclusion that you're not the sharpest tool in the shed, Chilly! Do you not grasp the significant difference between people doing ACTUAL business where they provide a service or produce a product and the Biden family that simply extorted money via an influence peddling scheme and then laundered that money through dozens of shell companies before doling it out to the Biden clan?
In the short time we've discussed things...I've already reached the conclusion that you're not the sharpest tool in the shed, Chilly! Do you not grasp the significant difference between people doing ACTUAL business where they provide a service or produce a product and the Biden family that simply extorted money via an influence peddling scheme and then laundered that money through dozens of shell companies before doling it out to the Biden clan?
No, he doesn’t…He’s just here to post in the most annoying manner, talking points given him by the msm…

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