Dear Trump supporters: You're better than this, right?

Oh OK, now we don't even have the freedom of thought? That sounds pretty authoritarian to me.
And don't try that freedom of thought crap either after you told me I need to move to Africa for using mine.
Don't try that constitution crap here. The consitution is not the bible. Secondly 3 judges on that court should not be there. Merrick Garland should be sitting in Gorsuchs seat, and Kvanaugh and Coney-Barret were rused in during election years which is why Garland never git a chance. So don't te me about constitution when the constitution says the president can appoint judges and that was denied PRESIDENT Obama.

You go move to Liberia boy, I was born in America. The constitution has a first Amendment and nowhere in that Amendment does it say I have to like the supreme court. And don't try that victimhood crap here boy, as much cryinig as white men have been doing about a racism/discrimination they do not face.
Why are you getting so angry? I've read and watched many videos about Liberia and it seems like a great place. A place where black folks such as yourself can make a better future for themselves and not be beholden by the White man's burdens. You can change the laws to better suit your ideas and philosophies.

None of that is true. OK? The main witness has said he made it up. You guys just need to stop believing what you want and start believing what is real.
The Biden family DIDN'T make millions of dollars from influence peddling? Is that what you're claiming?
Don't try that constitution crap here. The consitution is not the bible. Secondly 3 judges on that court should not be there. Merrick Garland should be sitting in Gorsuchs seat, and Kvanaugh and Coney-Barret were rused in during election years which is why Garland never git a chance. So don't te me about constitution when the constitution says the president can appoint judges and that was denied PRESIDENT Obama.

You go move to Liberia boy, I was born in America. The constitution has a first Amendment and nowhere in that Amendment does it say I have to like the supreme court. And don't try that victimhood crap here boy, as much cryinig as white men have been doing about a racism/discrimination they do not face.

Merrick Garland should be sitting in Gorsuchs seat, and Kvanaugh and Coney-Barret were rused in during election years which is why Garland never git a chance.

Keeping Garland out was brilliant!
Now why shouldn't a Senate and President of the same party "rush" through an appointment?
Why are you getting so angry? I've read and watched many videos about Liberia and it seems like a great place. A place where black folks such as yourself can make a better future for themselves and not be beholden by the White man's burdens. You can change the laws to better suit your ideas and philosophies.

Then move there. I was born here and that means I have the first amendment right to oppose the supreme court as it is currently constituted. The white man has been OUR burden, you have got it backwards son. This is America, things can be changed here.
Then move there. I was born here and that means I have the first amendment right to oppose the supreme court as it is currently constituted. The white man has been OUR burden, you have got it backwards son. This is America, things can be changed here.

You want to use the 1st amendment to change things so others can't exercise their 1st amendment rights? This isn't that country, so you're better off trying to change things in another country to suit your agenda. I think Liberia would welcome you with open arms. As for me, I'd love to, but black on white violence is quite high in Africa right now.

Would you report me if I made an 'IM2 for president of Liberia' thread in the race relations section? As president, I think you could finally get your reparations. The USA seems more willing to give money away to non-citizens and foreign countries than its own citizens. So you could just request a foreign aid package and you would be rolling in dough before you know it.
You want to use the 1st amendment to change things so others can't exercise their 1st amendment rights? This isn't that country, so you're better off trying to change things in another country to suit your agenda. I think Liberia would welcome you with open arms. As for me, I'd love to, but black on white violence is quite high in Africa right now.

Would you report me if I made an 'IM2 for president of Liberia' thread in the race relations section? As president, I think you could finally get your reparations. The USA seems more willing to give money away to non-citizens and foreign countries than its own citizens. So you could just request a foreign aid package and you would be rolling in dough before you know it.
Wrong. And don't start that black on white in Africa ---- either. What whites have done in Africa has earned them what they are getting. It's time those of you who preach about consequences and choices understand the consequences of the choices those in your race have made. America is the place to change and you don't know my agenda. You assume one based upon ignorant racism. Yes, I will report you. We are going to get reparations here.

You see idiot, you just do not know how much information is out there showing just how much the government of this nation has shorted blacks since slavery. That includes the entire 20th century which ended only 24 years ago. If you knew, you would shut your mouth about reparations. That's why I tell you that you have not done the research necessary to run your white mouth to me with your opinion. So move along shorty.
Never said who they ante'd up to...........try again.

Ante'd up to the club..................NATO. You do know you have to pay to be a member don't you?
Alliance members also pay money for NATO’s commonly funded budget. That’s a direct cost. The U.S. currently pays about 16.2 percent — the same as Germany — of NATO’s “principal budgets” that are funded by all alliance members based on a cost-sharing formula that factors in the gross national income of each country.

The principal budget categories include the civil budget, the military budget and the NATO Security Investment Programme. But, again, when Trump is referring to NATO spending, he is referring to the indirect costs each country spends on its defense.

In his speech in South Carolina, Trump made several misleading statements.

“NATO was busted until I came along,” Trump said. “I said everybody’s going to pay. They said, ‘Well, if we don’t pay, are you still going to protect us?’ I said, ‘Absolutely not.’ They couldn’t believe the answer. And everybody, you never saw more money pour in.

“One of the presidents of a big country stood up said, ‘Well, sir, if we don’t pay and we’re attacked by Russia will you protect us?’” Trump said. “I said, ‘You didn’t pay, you’re delinquent?’ He said, ‘Yes. Let’s say that happened.’ No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay. You got to pay your bills. And the money came flowing in.

Sure it did Donnie.
So the millions that poured into the bank accounts of Biden family members were the result of "business deals", IM2? What pray tell "business" goods or services were those Biden family members providing?
Just like Trump taxes...........NONE of your business.
Think like safe place for wokies wigged out by the right.
Religion Room is a a "safe place"?
I don't understand.
What are you trying to describe, prolific poster Delldude?
What does Trump being the chosen one in some prophecy by some unnamed "God" hafta do with your 'Safe Place'??
Explain yourself DDude.

"What pray tell "business" goods or services were those Biden family members providing?"

Wrong question.
Rather, can Manw/Plan share with the forum what the remitters got for the alleged remittances?
Specifically. Who got what for what with these alleged 'millions' that these alleged countries paid?

Batter up, mon ami.
Alliance members also pay money for NATO’s commonly funded budget. That’s a direct cost. The U.S. currently pays about 16.2 percent — the same as Germany — of NATO’s “principal budgets” that are funded by all alliance members based on a cost-sharing formula that factors in the gross national income of each country.

The principal budget categories include the civil budget, the military budget and the NATO Security Investment Programme. But, again, when Trump is referring to NATO spending, he is referring to the indirect costs each country spends on its defense.
Thank you so much for proving what I already claimed.

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