Dear Trump supporters: You're better than this, right?

Yes, you did.

Ante up to who?
AND how much?

Never said who they ante'd up to...........try again.

Ante'd up to the club..................NATO. You do know you have to pay to be a member don't you?
It's true. Ds and Rs are supporting crappy candidates out of fear. Most of them aren't even interested in electing a good leader. They don't want someone who can unify the country behind a shared vision. They're just looking to score points in the "culture war".

That's what most folks seem to want, it wouldn't have bothered me a bit if Trump had sat this one out.

Who has come forward to PROVE it?

“Truly stunning”: Republican admits hyped Biden witness “ ...

View attachment 914552 › ... › Igor Derysh's Articles
Aug 1, 2023 — Democrats say former Hunter Biden business partner Devon Archer "unequivocally" debunked key GOP claims.

Everytime the teabagger Congress claims something..........It falls apart.

No, they don't.
The people interpreting them do.
Really? How do you explain those millions of dollars being laundered through dozens of shell companies that had no function other than laundering those money transfers and then being distributed to various members of the Biden family? I'd really love to hear it, Smokin!
I think IM2 might be Mister Ruckus. What have you worked hard for and how has the white man held you down at said work?

IM2 attacking all the Uncle Toms:

It's like sometimes they are living in the 50's instead of the actual ugh...
And stop that one too. It's 2024 and you guys are doing the same ----. You seem to think that you can tell us how because you don't see any no blacks allowed signs that we're living in the past while we watch you go to the supreme court to kill every kind of equal opportunity policy there ever was. Stop lying to yourself, because that's the only person you can try telling that lie to.

Come on, man. The Supreme Court is going by the constitution. Hence why you saw the 9-0 recently.
It's like sometimes they are living in the 50's instead of the actual ugh...

Come on, man. The Supreme Court is going by the constitution. Hence why you saw the 9-0 recently.
No, you've got a right wing activist majority.
This is a question that must be asked.

Trump supporters, shame on you. ("Biden and Trump move closer to a November rematch after Super Tuesday victories," March 5)

You don't need me to tell you that the former president is a liar, a cheat, a fraud, a bigot, a bully — I could go on. You know this and ignore it.

What I want you to consider is, what does this say about you? Is this the kind of person your parents taught you to be or to support? Are these the values you grew up with? I doubt it, or there would be a lot more evil in the country than there already is.

Yet you succumb to this man's act. You are better than this.

I am writing this not to get out the vote for President Biden, but rather to ask you about your own motives. I may even vote for Republican Nikki Haley if she is nominated — at least she is honest.

For most of us, our family histories didn't begin in America. We are a country of immigrants. To elect a person such as Trump is to spit in the faces of ancestors who struggled to come to this country to escape rulers like him.

I would have thought democrats were better than abusing their power for political purposes but I was wrong.
Really? How do you explain those millions of dollars being laundered through dozens of shell companies that had no function other than laundering those money transfers and then being distributed to various members of the Biden family? I'd really love to hear it, Smokin!
What can you prove went to President Biden.

What law can claim Hinterburg James Biden broke?
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What can you prove went to President Biden.

What law can claim Hinterburg James Biden broke?
It doesn't have to go to Joe Biden specifically,'s against the law if it's influence peddling that benefits your family...which it's rather obvious that was the case! The Biden family made millions...and some of that money ended up going to Joe Biden in what they are now claiming was the repayment of a loan. The fact that one of those "loan payments" was the exact amount (10%) that was put aside for "The Big Guy" and they have no paperwork at all on any loan looks ugly but it doesn't have to be proven that ANY money went directly to Joe Biden! He's guilty of influence peddling if it went to any member of his family...let alone a large number of them including children!
It doesn't have to go to Joe Biden specifically,'s against the law if it's influence peddling that benefits your family...which it's rather obvious that was the case! The Biden family made millions...and some of that money ended up going to Joe Biden in what they are now claiming was the repayment of a loan. The fact that one of those "loan payments" was the exact amount (10%) that was put aside for "The Big Guy" and they have no paperwork at all on any loan looks ugly but it doesn't have to be proven that ANY money went directly to Joe Biden! He's guilty of influence peddling if it went to any member of his family...let alone a large number of them including children!
None of that is true. OK? The main witness has said he made it up. You guys just need to stop believing what you want and start believing what is real.
It doesn't have to go to Joe Biden specifically,'s against the law if it's influence peddling that benefits your family...which it's rather obvious that was the case! The Biden family made millions...and some of that money ended up going to Joe Biden in what they are now claiming was the repayment of a loan. The fact that one of those "loan payments" was the exact amount (10%) that was put aside for "The Big Guy" and they have no paperwork at all on any loan looks ugly but it doesn't have to be proven that ANY money went directly to Joe Biden! He's guilty of influence peddling if it went to any member of his family...let alone a large number of them including children!
It’s not only not clear, but no facts have been offered that President Biden was involved in any way.

Unless you can present something nobody else has.
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No. I don't have to accept bs coming from a court that should not be constituted as it is.
The Supreme Court is a rather diverse panel right now and it's not BS, it's the constitution. If you fundamentally disagree with the constitution of the USA, why don't you move to another country? For example, Liberia in Africa might be a good spot to move. It was created by freed slaves and would be a good fit for someone such as yourself that feels victimized. Maybe you could take up a government job there.
None of that is true. OK? The main witness has said he made it up. You guys just need to stop believing what you want and start believing what is real.
Oh OK, now we don't even have the freedom of thought? That sounds pretty authoritarian to me.
The Supreme Court is a rather diverse panel right now and it's not BS, it's the constitution. If you fundamentally disagree with the constitution of the USA, why don't you move to another country? For example, Liberia in Africa might be a good spot to move. It was created by freed slaves and would be a good fit for someone such as yourself that feels victimized. Maybe you could take up a government job there.
Don't try that constitution crap here. The consitution is not the bible. Secondly 3 judges on that court should not be there. Merrick Garland should be sitting in Gorsuchs seat, and Kvanaugh and Coney-Barret were rushed in during election years which is why Garland never got a chance. So don't tell me about constitution when the constitution says the president can appoint judges and that was denied PRESIDENT Obama.

You go move to Liberia boy, I was born in America. The constitution has a first Amendment and nowhere in that Amendment does it say I have to like the supreme court. And don't try that victimhood crap here boy, as much crying as white men have been doing about a racism/discrimination they do not face.
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