Dear Trump supporters: You're better than this, right?

Oh…you support the rapist, murdering and other atrocities committed by hamas and Iran………you are definitely not a serious human being…..
So if you don’t delight in the mass murder of children you are not “serious”?

MORE teabagger projection.

'Maybe we'll give that a shot': Donald Trump praises Xi ...

View attachment 914519
The Guardian › us-news › mar › donald...
Mar 4, 2018 — US president says it is 'great' that the Chinese premier has paved the way to become president for life.

Congratulations to President Xi and the Chinese people on ...

View attachment 914520
X · realDonaldTrump
55.3K+ likes · 4 years ago
Congratulations to President Xi and the Chinese people on the 70th Anniversary of the People's Republic of China!

Trump on China's Xi: 'We love each other' -

View attachment 914521 › article › trump-on-chinas-xi-we...
Jan 21, 2020 — DAVOS, Switzerland — Donald Trump said the relationship between China and the U.S. has "probably" never been better during a speech at the ...

“You get more flies with honey than with vinegar”
This is a question that must be asked.

Trump supporters, shame on you. ("Biden and Trump move closer to a November rematch after Super Tuesday victories," March 5)

You don't need me to tell you that the former president is a liar, a cheat, a fraud, a bigot, a bully — I could go on. You know this and ignore it.

What I want you to consider is, what does this say about you? Is this the kind of person your parents taught you to be or to support? Are these the values you grew up with? I doubt it, or there would be a lot more evil in the country than there already is.

Yet you succumb to this man's act. You are better than this.

I am writing this not to get out the vote for President Biden, but rather to ask you about your own motives. I may even vote for Republican Nikki Haley if she is nominated — at least she is honest.

For most of us, our family histories didn't begin in America. We are a country of immigrants. To elect a person such as Trump is to spit in the faces of ancestors who struggled to come to this country to escape rulers like him.

Potatohead is a piece of shit and deserves to be ridicule just like the idiots that voted for him need to be ridiculed for their stupidity.

America is a nation of immigrants but they were not the filthy ass welfare queens that the despicable Democrats are allowing to flood in just booster their voter base.

If we were "better than this" we would have never opened the border to massive numbers of welfare shitheads. We would protect the sovereignty of the US.
This is a question that must be asked.

Trump supporters, shame on you. ("Biden and Trump move closer to a November rematch after Super Tuesday victories," March 5)

You don't need me to tell you that the former president is a liar, a cheat, a fraud, a bigot, a bully — I could go on. You know this and ignore it.

What I want you to consider is, what does this say about you? Is this the kind of person your parents taught you to be or to support? Are these the values you grew up with? I doubt it, or there would be a lot more evil in the country than there already is.

Yet you succumb to this man's act. You are better than this.

I am writing this not to get out the vote for President Biden, but rather to ask you about your own motives. I may even vote for Republican Nikki Haley if she is nominated — at least she is honest.

For most of us, our family histories didn't begin in America. We are a country of immigrants. To elect a person such as Trump is to spit in the faces of ancestors who struggled to come to this country to escape rulers like him.

Biden is a liar, cheat, fraud, bigot, and bully. Then again, you stood idle while Biden made a fool of Black Democrats demanding of all Blacks like the are the Help to vote for him and threatened to take away them being Black.

The fact that you refuse to see Biden’s repeated bigotry and you have the gall to question Republicans over Trump??
This is a question that must be asked.

Trump supporters, shame on you. ("Biden and Trump move closer to a November rematch after Super Tuesday victories," March 5)

You don't need me to tell you that the former president is a liar, a cheat, a fraud, a bigot, a bully — I could go on. You know this and ignore it.

What I want you to consider is, what does this say about you? Is this the kind of person your parents taught you to be or to support? Are these the values you grew up with? I doubt it, or there would be a lot more evil in the country than there already is.

Yet you succumb to this man's act. You are better than this.

I am writing this not to get out the vote for President Biden, but rather to ask you about your own motives. I may even vote for Republican Nikki Haley if she is nominated — at least she is honest.

For most of us, our family histories didn't begin in America. We are a country of immigrants. To elect a person such as Trump is to spit in the faces of ancestors who struggled to come to this country to escape rulers like him.

If you don't know by now that Nikki Haley has no chance of being nominated then you really shouldn't be posting on a political forum.
Oh goodie a projection thread. The same can be said about xiden voters.

It's true. Ds and Rs are supporting crappy candidates out of fear. Most of them aren't even interested in electing a good leader. They don't want someone who can unify the country behind a shared vision. They're just looking to score points in the "culture war".
Unfortunately, this disaster and impending Consitutional crisis are about far more than just Trump supporters. Most of them are Americans who love their country and want the best for it, but who have been terribly manipulated over the last few decades by voices they have chosen to trust.

To me, the real villains here are those voices in their insulated media, and (perhaps even worse) the elected representatives who are going along with it to satisfy their own craven ambitions. They sold their professional souls to this thing, and they're probably the worst enablers of it.

There's also a pretty wide swath of the country who simply doesn't give a shit, or who will give in to whatever shiny object grabs their attention at the moment. This country's success and wealth and prosperity has made its populace fat and lazy, both physically and mentally.
The real killer is that if willing to look you use to be able to find the Truth,
Now we are allowed to know only what the owned media allows.
They did?

Trump keeping them honest.

We agree to reverse the trend of declining defence budgets, to make the most effective use of our funds and to further a more balanced sharing of costs and responsibilities. Our overall security and defence depend both on how much we spend and how we spend it. Increased investments should be directed towards meeting our capability priorities, and Allies also need to display the political will to provide required capabilities and deploy forces when they are needed.

Trump keeping them honest.

We agree to reverse the trend of declining defence budgets, to make the most effective use of our funds and to further a more balanced sharing of costs and responsibilities. Our overall security and defence depend both on how much we spend and how we spend it. Increased investments should be directed towards meeting our capability priorities, and Allies also need to display the political will to provide required capabilities and deploy forces when they are needed.
Keeping ANYONE "honest"?
NATO doesn't bill anyone.
Keeping ANYONE "honest"?

NATO doesn't bill anyone.
Never said they did...............however Trump was well aware of NATO members slacking off over many administrations who never really broached the subject....He did and they ante'd up rather quickly.
It says that the Biden you have nade up is not the Biden I support. Unfortunately for y0ou, if you went to 100 blacks and asked them about that statement from Biden, 90 will tell you they said the same thing.

I think you like an old white bigot like Biden telling you if you're authentically black or not. Basically, according to Joe, if you decide to leave the plantation "you ain't black."

I have no doubt you have decided to support the potato man and be a field hand forever. Enjoy plantation life. :thup:



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