“Death Camps For Trump Supporters” Fliers Posted In New York

“Death Camps For Trump Supporters” Fliers Posted In New York

“Death Camps For Trump Supporters” Fliers Posted In New York
Aug 07, 2019 · Numerous fliers that say “death camps for Trump supporters now!!!” have been posted on street posts and parking meters in Patchogue, New York. The fliers feature the threatening text in red and a stylized image of Trump’s face as a skeleton. Suffolk County police said they weren’t alerted to the fliers, which now appear to have been removed.

The viral meme-starved PMS/DSA left messes the bed once again. Is this the best you creative Leftist elites have? As long as the notion of concentration camps is now exposed, who on the Left in control will begin complaining about mass exterminations?
There is a war on free speech. These flyers are so outrageous that even Progressive Marxist Socialist far-left Democrats will denounce them.(sarc). The biased MSM will certainly not report this story. If word does leak out, you will hear nothing but crickets from the PMS/DSA left either. Most leftists claim don’t want death camps for Trump supporters. They’re more into the Chinese style re-education camp model.
At some point there comes a tipping point where words become actions...then what?
Actually, this is nothing new Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground made mention that about 20 to 25 million conservatives would have to be re-educated or eliminated for socialism/communism to take hold in this country.
Hmm..., Will Director Wray order the investigation of these poster people based upon hate crimes and take away their guns? This is exactly how it begins and escalates into a mass shooting at a Trump rally or other such kind of event. The red flag is flying here law enforcement people.

That was not a very nice thing to say
Did it hurt your feelings?

Maybe I can find you a safe space

Naaah, we don't need a safe place. It is nice that you progressive loons can't hold their mud though. Now the independent voters can see the real face of progressivism.

And that is good!:biggrin:

I am That voter and the Leftists have shown me that they are insane.
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Now of course, having some idiot show up at my door, telling me that I have to go to a concentration camp, might get a few idiots at my door shot deader than a door nail. But hey, that is just me. Anyone else feel the same way?
“Death Camps For Trump Supporters” Fliers Posted In New York

“Death Camps For Trump Supporters” Fliers Posted In New York
Aug 07, 2019 · Numerous fliers that say “death camps for Trump supporters now!!!” have been posted on street posts and parking meters in Patchogue, New York. The fliers feature the threatening text in red and a stylized image of Trump’s face as a skeleton. Suffolk County police said they weren’t alerted to the fliers, which now appear to have been removed.

The viral meme-starved PMS/DSA left messes the bed once again. Is this the best you creative Leftist elites have? As long as the notion of concentration camps is now exposed, who on the Left in control will begin complaining about mass exterminations?
There is a war on free speech. These flyers are so outrageous that even Progressive Marxist Socialist far-left Democrats will denounce them.(sarc). The biased MSM will certainly not report this story. If word does leak out, you will hear nothing but crickets from the PMS/DSA left either. Most leftists claim don’t want death camps for Trump supporters. They’re more into the Chinese style re-education camp model.
At some point there comes a tipping point where words become actions...then what?
Actually, this is nothing new Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground made mention that about 20 to 25 million conservatives would have to be re-educated or eliminated for socialism/communism to take hold in this country.
Hmm..., Will Director Wray order the investigation of these poster people based upon hate crimes and take away their guns? This is exactly how it begins and escalates into a mass shooting at a Trump rally or other such kind of event. The red flag is flying here law enforcement people.

That was not a very nice thing to say
Did it hurt your feelings?

Maybe I can find you a safe space

It is that sort of rhetoric that leads to violence. Stupid. How about a return to civility?

Rightwinger is a stalinist. He WANTS revolution. He wants it bloody too. He just doesn't expect it to be his blood that will be spilled. He's wrong.
“Death Camps For Trump Supporters” Fliers Posted In New York

“Death Camps For Trump Supporters” Fliers Posted In New York
Aug 07, 2019 · Numerous fliers that say “death camps for Trump supporters now!!!” have been posted on street posts and parking meters in Patchogue, New York. The fliers feature the threatening text in red and a stylized image of Trump’s face as a skeleton. Suffolk County police said they weren’t alerted to the fliers, which now appear to have been removed.

The viral meme-starved PMS/DSA left messes the bed once again. Is this the best you creative Leftist elites have? As long as the notion of concentration camps is now exposed, who on the Left in control will begin complaining about mass exterminations?
There is a war on free speech. These flyers are so outrageous that even Progressive Marxist Socialist far-left Democrats will denounce them.(sarc). The biased MSM will certainly not report this story. If word does leak out, you will hear nothing but crickets from the PMS/DSA left either. Most leftists claim don’t want death camps for Trump supporters. They’re more into the Chinese style re-education camp model.
At some point there comes a tipping point where words become actions...then what?
Actually, this is nothing new Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground made mention that about 20 to 25 million conservatives would have to be re-educated or eliminated for socialism/communism to take hold in this country.
Hmm..., Will Director Wray order the investigation of these poster people based upon hate crimes and take away their guns? This is exactly how it begins and escalates into a mass shooting at a Trump rally or other such kind of event. The red flag is flying here law enforcement people.

That was not a very nice thing to say
Did it hurt your feelings?

Maybe I can find you a safe space

It is that sort of rhetoric that leads to violence. Stupid. How about a return to civility?

Rightwinger is a stalinist. He WANTS revolution. He wants it bloody too. He just doesn't expect it to be his blood that will be spilled. He's wrong.

He'd die
“Death Camps For Trump Supporters” Fliers Posted In New York

“Death Camps For Trump Supporters” Fliers Posted In New York
Aug 07, 2019 · Numerous fliers that say “death camps for Trump supporters now!!!” have been posted on street posts and parking meters in Patchogue, New York. The fliers feature the threatening text in red and a stylized image of Trump’s face as a skeleton. Suffolk County police said they weren’t alerted to the fliers, which now appear to have been removed.

The viral meme-starved PMS/DSA left messes the bed once again. Is this the best you creative Leftist elites have? As long as the notion of concentration camps is now exposed, who on the Left in control will begin complaining about mass exterminations?
There is a war on free speech. These flyers are so outrageous that even Progressive Marxist Socialist far-left Democrats will denounce them.(sarc). The biased MSM will certainly not report this story. If word does leak out, you will hear nothing but crickets from the PMS/DSA left either. Most leftists claim don’t want death camps for Trump supporters. They’re more into the Chinese style re-education camp model.
At some point there comes a tipping point where words become actions...then what?
Actually, this is nothing new Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground made mention that about 20 to 25 million conservatives would have to be re-educated or eliminated for socialism/communism to take hold in this country.
Hmm..., Will Director Wray order the investigation of these poster people based upon hate crimes and take away their guns? This is exactly how it begins and escalates into a mass shooting at a Trump rally or other such kind of event. The red flag is flying here law enforcement people.

That was not a very nice thing to say
Did it hurt your feelings?

Maybe I can find you a safe space

It is that sort of rhetoric that leads to violence. Stupid. How about a return to civility?

Rightwinger is a stalinist. He WANTS revolution. He wants it bloody too. He just doesn't expect it to be his blood that will be spilled. He's wrong.

He'd die

He is highly illogical
“Death Camps For Trump Supporters” Fliers Posted In New York

“Death Camps For Trump Supporters” Fliers Posted In New York
Aug 07, 2019 · Numerous fliers that say “death camps for Trump supporters now!!!” have been posted on street posts and parking meters in Patchogue, New York. The fliers feature the threatening text in red and a stylized image of Trump’s face as a skeleton. Suffolk County police said they weren’t alerted to the fliers, which now appear to have been removed.

The viral meme-starved PMS/DSA left messes the bed once again. Is this the best you creative Leftist elites have? As long as the notion of concentration camps is now exposed, who on the Left in control will begin complaining about mass exterminations?
There is a war on free speech. These flyers are so outrageous that even Progressive Marxist Socialist far-left Democrats will denounce them.(sarc). The biased MSM will certainly not report this story. If word does leak out, you will hear nothing but crickets from the PMS/DSA left either. Most leftists claim don’t want death camps for Trump supporters. They’re more into the Chinese style re-education camp model.
At some point there comes a tipping point where words become actions...then what?
Actually, this is nothing new Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground made mention that about 20 to 25 million conservatives would have to be re-educated or eliminated for socialism/communism to take hold in this country.
Hmm..., Will Director Wray order the investigation of these poster people based upon hate crimes and take away their guns? This is exactly how it begins and escalates into a mass shooting at a Trump rally or other such kind of event. The red flag is flying here law enforcement people.

That was not a very nice thing to say
Did it hurt your feelings?

Maybe I can find you a safe space

Naaah, we don't need a safe place. It is nice that you progressive loons can't hold their mud though. Now the independent voters can see the real face of progressivism.

And that is good!:biggrin:

I am That voter and the Leftists have show me that they are insane.

Not insane, but absolutely evil. It is nice that rightwinger wasn't able to control himself. Now that his approval for that language is preserved for all to see his efforts to be seen as the reasonable stalinist are laid bare as the fraud that they, and he are.
Glad to see this. Bring the leftist pimple to a head. Then pop it.
That isnt a pimple my dear, it is a boil. It needs to be lanced and antibiotics of war, be brought to clean out that festering pile of shit. Then we can clean our cites and bring normalcy back to civilization. They want it bloody, I am willing to accommodate them.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
The end is what you want, the means is how you get it. Whenever we think about social change, the question of means and ends arises. The man of action views the issue of means and ends in pragmatic and strategic terms. He has no other problem; he thinks only of his actual resources and the possibilities of various choices of action. He asks of ends only whether they are achievable and worth the cost; of means, only whether they will work. ... The real arena is corrupt and bloody." p.24
"The tenth rule... is you do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral garments.... It involves sifting the multiple factors which combine in creating the circumstances at any given time... Who, and how many will support the action?... If weapons are needed, then are appropriate d weapons available? Availability of means determines whether you will be underground or above ground; whether you will move quickly or slowly..." p.36
So who profits from this?

Two guesses.

George Soros (aka Kaiser Soze) no doubt.

Soros has been working to destroy this country for a long time, so yeah, he is an obvious choice.
I got dibs on that mother fucker, who sold his family to the Nazi's

He sold every jew he could find to the nazis, and the progressive left here love him. Shows what despicable scum they are.
So who profits from this?

Two guesses.

George Soros (aka Kaiser Soze) no doubt.

Soros has been working to destroy this country for a long time, so yeah, he is an obvious choice.
I got dibs on that mother fucker, who sold his family to the Nazi's

He sold every jew he could find to the nazis, and the progressive left here love him. Shows what despicable scum they are.
Shows how anti-Semitic the left really is.
“Death Camps For Trump Supporters” Fliers Posted In New York

“Death Camps For Trump Supporters” Fliers Posted In New York
Aug 07, 2019 · Numerous fliers that say “death camps for Trump supporters now!!!” have been posted on street posts and parking meters in Patchogue, New York. The fliers feature the threatening text in red and a stylized image of Trump’s face as a skeleton. Suffolk County police said they weren’t alerted to the fliers, which now appear to have been removed.

The viral meme-starved PMS/DSA left messes the bed once again. Is this the best you creative Leftist elites have? As long as the notion of concentration camps is now exposed, who on the Left in control will begin complaining about mass exterminations?
There is a war on free speech. These flyers are so outrageous that even Progressive Marxist Socialist far-left Democrats will denounce them.(sarc). The biased MSM will certainly not report this story. If word does leak out, you will hear nothing but crickets from the PMS/DSA left either. Most leftists claim don’t want death camps for Trump supporters. They’re more into the Chinese style re-education camp model.
At some point there comes a tipping point where words become actions...then what?
Actually, this is nothing new Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground made mention that about 20 to 25 million conservatives would have to be re-educated or eliminated for socialism/communism to take hold in this country.
Hmm..., Will Director Wray order the investigation of these poster people based upon hate crimes and take away their guns? This is exactly how it begins and escalates into a mass shooting at a Trump rally or other such kind of event. The red flag is flying here law enforcement people.

That was not a very nice thing to say
Did it hurt your feelings?

Maybe I can find you a safe space

Death Camps for Illegals would make you pee your panties

Don't lie now
Poor Snowflake

Does saying bad things about Fat Donnie hurt your feelings?
“Death Camps For Trump Supporters” Fliers Posted In New York

“Death Camps For Trump Supporters” Fliers Posted In New York
Aug 07, 2019 · Numerous fliers that say “death camps for Trump supporters now!!!” have been posted on street posts and parking meters in Patchogue, New York. The fliers feature the threatening text in red and a stylized image of Trump’s face as a skeleton. Suffolk County police said they weren’t alerted to the fliers, which now appear to have been removed.

The viral meme-starved PMS/DSA left messes the bed once again. Is this the best you creative Leftist elites have? As long as the notion of concentration camps is now exposed, who on the Left in control will begin complaining about mass exterminations?
There is a war on free speech. These flyers are so outrageous that even Progressive Marxist Socialist far-left Democrats will denounce them.(sarc). The biased MSM will certainly not report this story. If word does leak out, you will hear nothing but crickets from the PMS/DSA left either. Most leftists claim don’t want death camps for Trump supporters. They’re more into the Chinese style re-education camp model.
At some point there comes a tipping point where words become actions...then what?
Actually, this is nothing new Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground made mention that about 20 to 25 million conservatives would have to be re-educated or eliminated for socialism/communism to take hold in this country.
Hmm..., Will Director Wray order the investigation of these poster people based upon hate crimes and take away their guns? This is exactly how it begins and escalates into a mass shooting at a Trump rally or other such kind of event. The red flag is flying here law enforcement people.
The left is angry. I'll be at the voting booth in November. Can't wait to see the reactuon!

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